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At 3:58pm on October 27, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

I wish that your country had the resources which ours does to solve problems. Maybe it's the upside of being a younger country. Please don't ever think that I would be insensitive to anyone who cannot find the resources to get more done in a better way, because I am not insensitive. Lots of hugs back, and ciao for now.

Bill C.

At 4:03pm on October 25, 2022, Karen Black said…

Hi  Margarida. Thank you for your comment. Yes, I am getting ready for Halloween. I am working on my decorations. I hope you are keeping well.

Love from Karen.

At 1:38pm on October 25, 2022, Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland said…

Hi, Maegarida, Halloween is not one of my favorite times, but I always love to share thus, here we go!

See the source image

At 12:58pm on October 25, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

Actually, the exams aren't going at all. During the time since we'd last written, I have changed my work search focus back to CDL driving, as I was getting NO responses from employers. I recently found out why. It seems that there is a charge on my criminal record, a petty offense of "public consumption" (alcohol), from January of 2017 of which I have no memory. I'm doing all I can to discover as much information as I can about it, but after my bank account was afflicted with a fraudulent check, the bank has closed my account and won't let me check bank statements from that time period, so I can't confirm or deny it that way. A church brother said he's going to loan me the money to pay off the bank, then I'll pay him back after I get paid when I'm working again.

Now that I got into a fist-fight/wrestling match with one of my problem neighbors, then called the police and reported him to the Property Manager, with supporting audio recordings and the security camera coverage confirming my description of what happened, NOW they're going to take action on the on-site nonsense. Actually, I don't feel repressed at all anymore, either, thank God.

It's been quite the "long haul", but I've finally broken the "victim syndrome" with which I had been afflicted since late 1970, after almost smothering a neighbor kid when he acted as if he was his cousin's parent and went too far with it. The horror reaction afterward was too much for me, and I experienced a trauma-induced emotional blunting. I didn't start to break that cycle until 1988, when a nightmare ex-girlfriend was smothering her own 45-day old infant son when she was mad at ME. It was still quite a long time until I could once and for all completely extricate myself from all that mess, though.

I well understand about years of suffering with no end in sight, though, believe me. I hope it will get better for you soon, Margarida. Good to hear from you, too. Have a good one.


At 12:59pm on October 24, 2022, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

Hi dear friend,
Are you getting ready for Halloween?
Have a good week!

At 12:07pm on September 10, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

Well, I'm glad that you're over that flu and hope you can get some resolution concerning those greedy realtors with whom you have to interact. I think that your husband would agree that, about computers, there's always so much to review, both on and about the computers.

Since it's been a while, I think I said something about the CT scan on my lungs. I have another one scheduled for Monday, since the doctor wanted to give it time to see if the "masses" the first scan showed were simply excess left over from the pneumonia. Also, since I'd been infected with Hepatitis C 29 years ago, now the doctor says it's gone active, so I have a liver ultrasound scheduled for Thursday. It seems that whether it's caused any psorrhosis is a factor in determining the best medication for treating/curing the infection. Whichever medication it turns out to be, it'll probably be for an eight-week regimen.

Now I've got more ongoing problems with neighbors who are also addicts of one substance or another, but these two are getting really ridiculous about it, having no regard for the lease on the "quiet time" clause and not disturbing neighbors in the middle of the night. I've been trying to get it resolved with the onsite support staff, but the "new" property manager seems reluctant to talk to problem tenants, which is what's supposed to be the first step before the three written notices start. Since she's not doing anything, it gives the perpetrators "free rein" to continue. I recently had to go over the on-site manager's head to the corporate office, and have yet to see if they're any better.

All this after recently winning free of a 52-year emotional traumatization (from when I was 7 3/4 years of age). It's not been boring, but I don't think all this is such a good remedy for boredom, even if I have made positive progress. Well, that's the recap, mostly on my health. Have a good weekend.


At 11:53am on September 10, 2022, Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland said…

Have a magical weekend!

See the source image

At 3:29pm on September 9, 2022, Karen Black said…

Hi Margarida. I am glad that you have fully recovered and are feeling better. May your Saturday night be a good one for you and your loved-ones.

At 3:07pm on September 8, 2022, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

A very bad flu and after work accumulated, I'm fine now.
I wish you a great night!

At 5:02am on August 21, 2022, Isabel Almeida said…

Fotomontagem have a nice day - Pixiz

At 12:22pm on August 7, 2022, Ernie Hopkins said…

Thanks!!!! It was wonderful!

At 1:09pm on August 1, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

       I didn't include the prior messages, since I stay in the habit of not letting messages pile up so I then have to use Dropbox just to send emails (when I'm just on the email server, that is). Glad I could help. You might also take the time to wipe your browsing history (unless you've got that set automatically) and run Disk Cleanup and Defrag (or "optimize drives" if you've got Windows 10). If you're on Linux, you might have to get a third-party app for that, from what I've noticed, depending on the Linux flavor you use. Just some thoughts.

        Still haven't gotten around to those laptops yet, as the "neighbors" have me feeling worn-out, and I was already feeling somewhat worn out by dealing with computers a bit, anyway. I hope to get to at least one of them today.

        I am uncertain what you mean by a "broker", as you didn't clarify it for me. Not meaning to pry, just curious. Well, I need to get going, as I've got other tasks to do yet today. Have a good week, and God bless.



At 12:32pm on July 30, 2022, Brenda Keitt said…

Why, thank you! So sweet of you!

At 11:17am on July 18, 2022, Swami. Cindy Ravenmoon PhD. said…


At 9:34am on June 24, 2022, Isabel Almeida said…

OI,   bjs

At 11:58am on June 22, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

That picture of the chimpanzee with the Albino Bengal tiger cub is cute, but it so happens that I once had my picture taken with a six-month-old Albino Bengal Tiger cub at American Furniture Warehouse in Thornton, CO in 1997. Unfortunately, I do not have the picture anymore - I simply mention it for the synchronicity at work. Have a good day.


At 10:20am on June 22, 2022, 06iiris said…

At 10:38am on June 15, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

Actually, I'm in the United States, but there are a lot of cultural similarities on some points. For all that many claim that humans are "civilized", a great many do even worse than animals. In humans, the fear of the "different" is a lot more marked. Also, if they are so civilized, then why are they so threatened by simpler societies which appear more primitive? Because they're happier? Hmm, now what's wrong with THAT picture, eh?

Just some observations I've had over the decades. Hugs to you, also, Margarida, and I hope you also find your dream home. Bill

At 2:49pm on June 14, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

Hi, Margarida,

Actually, in response to that, in this country, most people DO wear their costumes (at least their "masks") year-round. It seems to be a survival requirement in this depraved society. Be grateful for the simple life - I live in a big city (again) and STILL yearn for a quiet country residence, even a farm.

At 2:46pm on June 14, 2022, William J. Coblentz said…

True enough, Margarida - I presume from Portugal's location that it was subjected to more influence from the influx of the Islamic Moors during the 1100's than Espana was? That would probably be why it's a bit rougher than Espanol Castiliano, yes?

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