Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

I've been truant from posting here at "Atrayo's Oracle" between taking classes at Spirit University for developing my spiritual psychic-mediumship and energetic healing gifts. Besides being a caregiver to my mother and having inspired moments have been harder to reach in a distilled focus. Otherwise, my Facebook page and my Instagram page still receive a weekly update with newly channeled angelic wisdom.

Taking a literal foray into what the clairvoyant author of "Neale Donald Walsch" has accomplished with his "Conversations with God" book series. I've also via psychic automatic writing have channeled three spiritual wisdom statements from God him/herself. The tone at least personally is far more intense for me in relation to channeling the angels and ascended masters in comparison. In my opinion, the wording is also similar but also different in particular presence. I'll let you my readers be the judge.

These 3 "Jewels of Truth" statements channeled from God as the Source of Inspiration is on Heaven on Earth, Fairness, and on Hope. They are statements 2,604-2,606 in the longhand series to date written at the beginning of this month of February. May you find them uplifting as I have found them healing to my psyche and spirit as One to our united Soul with God. Amen.

Heaven on Earth: "The Paradox of Heaven on Earth"

2604) All of us are beloved extensions of the pure Essence of God in Totality of personified expressions. However, we do not encompass the Totality of the Substance of God in his Meta Pristine Supreme godhood. This may seem true metaphysically however, there is more to this truth that can be fully comprehended in earnest.

Many claim to have spoken to God the Father in beseeching to his Glory upon the masses. There is truth to this only when no one is harmed in compassionate resonance by means of tenderness. For I God do not seek to stain my children with my own blood of the Saints. Only can I convince many that my Will exists upon the Earth for all Souls. By gently waiting bidding my eternity for my closest divinity to circle around as the reborn of the Holy Spirit.

Countless have stated that this physical Universe is temporal in scope as an illusion of my Highest Self. There is much truth to this, however, my Omni-Presence is Absolutely Real. Nonetheless, because my truth, beauty, and karma as the balanced scales of meta-being reside for all paradises. Each flowing constantly through a manifold of dimensional lattice constructs you call as realities. What is illusion only exists because what is real sustains it forever. Otherwise, if an illusion had no foundational metaphysical structural supports as underpinnings. Then all would seem more like an untethered fantasy much like the afterlife is an ethereal daydream. It is then a constructive afterthought of my creative impulses as the Creator of Allness.

To this end, all three dominions of my Meta Godly Being before all other deities as my entity creations (ie souls) of my meta-emanations have their spiritual basis beautifully as the Angels. As the endless Heavens, Limbos, and Hells as my Singular Totality flowing throughout all combined Creation(s) on purpose and by design. As Constant realms passing through temporal realities such as your worldly physical universe. What is a mirage to I God is paradoxically real to all of my Creations as spiritual metaphysical babies. Where change through desires overlap with the maturity of self and then no more but a distant to the forgotten memory of myself as God(dess) of All Supremely.

Here we rest in knowing I delight Being the spiritual entirety of all my Infinite renditions as offspring. United each in a harmonic and discordant convergence circling around as my purified Enlightenment. As the Supreme Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer (recycler) of all realities combined as "One" distilled knowing through my Highest Self "I Am To Be". Amen. (Channeled Source as God(dess) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


As "I Am To Be" again and again forever and ever many have exclaimed truthfully that this reality isn't fair to them. I sigh in sympathy with the totality of my children truly I do through the Holy Spirit. However, when I feel this through their throbbing hearts and teary eyes. The world is part of a greater cosmic family as a living makeshift tapestry being woven continuously. The fabric consists of your souls imprinted in elaborate beautiful designs and patterns of delightful expressions.

I Am as God the thread that binds all things together in a United Weave of Truth with Beauty for every Totality. Besides in masterful function and lasting glory for its earnest recipients. To this end do I interpret that reality is relative in degrees of the fulness of Spiritually Being Alive and dead simultaneously. I see totality in an instant in a nonlinear kaleidoscope of endless geometric expressions. Thus a finite human lifespan is witnessed in totality as all at once like a flying spark from an ember in my meta-perspective. As being alive for a split nanosecond to me and gone into the ethers of my Great Spirit forever. However, to the human mortal being that spark is lived in a temporal manner experienced as decades of a hopeful lifetime. To a conclusion of a mortal finite death of the flesh of the body but never of my Great Spirit in them.

In this, I say that all unfairness is to coexist with fairness as my divinity in the world. As fairness is a living bonafide grace otherwise known to you as good luck and blessed divinity itself. A lack of fairness can be seen as a denial of your living grace and subsequently as bad luck altogether. Since you each have my power to bear witness to Heaven, Limbo, or Hell on this Earth and throughout the cosmos itself by extension. So by claiming your divinity and good luck, you each are declaring Heaven on Earth. The opposite is also true as well if you deny your solemn beautiful sacred divinity. Thus you have claimed by default either Limbo as purgatory or Hell on Earth as truly unfair in your personified reality.

You are the baby angels reincarnated endlessly in astounding configurations of my Holiest Spirit as mortal creatures of the flesh. To claim your heavenly good as your divine inheritance in spite of worldly hardships with grateful hearts. You are revealing to yourself and the larger world your godly angelic nature upon all to recall in faith the Glory of God in the "I Am To Be" again. Amen. (Channeled Source as God) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


All Hope is my truth expected before its appointed hour I who speaks for the Lord God of All Hosts. I Am again bearing witness to such earnest faith with the living convictions of my precious children of my Great Holiest Spirit everywhere. Not as a silent bystander but as the Mover of the great events and circumstances for all that claim their beautiful divinity upon the world.

I Am One as I Am All simultaneously a Meta-Expression with a manifold visage. I do interact with you all in this place that is everywhere and nowhere paradoxically. Here I am placed to regard the Allness of the Infinity of Here and the Eternity of Now as the living and dying illusions as to my direct offspring spiritually. For I Am Constant as a living Enlightened Loop without a Beginning or an End. So I Am Beyond the Greek comprehension of the Alpha and the Omega.

When the faithful Hope they are calling upon the living fibers of the Eternity of Now each time. A declaration of a solemn Divinity that can not ever be denied by My Celestial Perfect Will as Creator God. However, the faithful must take certain steps into account of the many things as metaphysical constants when they Hope dearly through Grace itself.

What is sought for earnestly appears mysteriously as it is magical in sublime holy nature. For your brethren and sisterly Angels freely have adopted your causes as their own with the glorious truth. To this end, you must share all that troubles and delights you in life with the Angels of Paradise as your holy siblings. Never to worship them just to venerate my Perfect Glory through them with ineffable adoration as your first heavenly family upon Creation.

In Faith through Hope and dear Trust, you shall invite my Holy Perfected Pure Will into your lives here on Earth. In so doing you cascade into blessed motion to reveal my Astounding Glory each time. Fear Not, for I God as the Lord of Host's delight in your loves and joys through you as a united beloved Omni-Presence each and every time. Do not give up Hope even in spite of dreadful appearances for in stillness I Am found each time forever. This is your reality in a temporal meaning as it changes constantly and it doesn't as a united front. So expect your moment of Hope to reappear several times in a lifetime here on Earth and Beyond in Blessed Truth. Amen. (Channeled Source as God) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Do your best and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them. ---Parmahansa Yogananda.

To set the mind on Spirit is life and peace. ---Romans 8:6

Gratitude doesn't send you out shopping to find satisfaction, it comes as a gift rather than a commodity. ---Robin Wall Kimmerer.

The soul often speaks through longing. ---Sue Monk Kidd.

All the way to heaven is heaven. ---Catherine of Siena.

Continue to be who and how you are to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. ---Maya Angelou.

Light is in both the broken bottle and the diamond. ---Mark Nepo.

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day saying "I'll try again tomorrow". ---Mary Anne Radmacher.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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Comment by Atrayo on March 31, 2018 at 5:53pm

Thank you Helela for stopping by and reflecting awhile on such channeled angelic wisdom. Namaste.

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