Jewels of Truth Statement: "There Is Only Heaven, There Is No Right or Wrong, There Is Only Paradise"

Hello All,

Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. My family experienced a passing of a very dear relative which I also was one of two health care surrogates. So loads of responsibilities in dealing with all the loose ends.

While I have been reflective during this transition for my aunt moving onto her rebirth into immaculate divinity. I reached out to my dad to talk a bit about what I do. To my surprise he was very understanding and cool about it. He stated my writings or my psychic gifts reminds him of the author "Neale Donald Walsh" of "Conversations with God" fame. Mr. Walsh also utilized automatic writing to pen his first 3 channeled books. I'm guilty to say I haven't read any of his material until yesterday I read a sneak peak via Amazon's free preview of the 3 books compilation.

What I came across in reading Mr. Walsh's channeled material disturbed me that all there exists is Heaven without wrong or right. That the earthly monster of Hitler went to Heaven or Paradise as well. When that hit my comprehension I reeled, so I solicited my Angels to confirm if this is true or not. As I channeled as a medium they state "Neale Donald Walsh" wasn't mistaken or naively incorrect. So I began to assemble the pieces of this meta-physical puzzle to make sense of this conundrum. My Angels have always told me not to ever condemn anyone, not even evil people. So one puzzle piece there. Than I stated the phrase of "The Kybalion" I picked up from "Doreen Virtues" book called "Divine Magic". It states:

"As above, so below, as below, so above. ---The Kybalion."

I've always instinctively knew this, but I never had articulated it until I read that above phrase as an esoteric comprehension. So consider this 2nd piece of the puzzle. The third piece of the puzzle is that all entities as souls are evolving even the evil ones. As the Holy Light came born out of darkness as in Oblivion so do all souls in eternity eventually grow into the Divine Light. Using simple deductive statements my Angels as my teachers unraveled this enigma with me compassionately so.

Previously when I heard statements from "New Agers" that all souls go to heaven even evil people on Earth. Frankly I thought they were polly anna wishy washy hippy new agers without a clue as to evil's presence. Naive at best, disillusioned at worst. Noting I was raised in a "Roman Catholic" household as a child by my mother.

Well I was Wrong. The "New Agers" be they hippies or not were absolutely right, but not in the manner they would expect to be in truth.

Below is a freshly penned "Jewels of Truth" statement #1687 of which I'm still Stunned and Dazed for having channeled. It's not for the faint of heart and in many ways is mystical esoteric knowledge which I'm still digesting myself. So even if you disagree with the premise, which I wouldn't blame you. I guess like they say "Ignorance is Bliss".


1687) There is only Heaven, for hell is another name of paradise for the wicked. For God to Will to be No Right or Wrong in the Spiritual Realms. Leaves only joy for paradise to be complete for the merciful and the accursed. Hell does exist, but not in the manner it is considered. For hell becomes a heaven for all manner of vile entity. A spiteful place that torment brings delight to all the wicked ones. Only in the physical universe does it appear that Hell is Punishment for the evil doers. This is merely the illusion of conflict that holds no weight in the spiritual realms of being. All in Spirit is an Inclusive Singularity known as God(dess) there is never any dichotomy unlike in the physical Creation(s). Yet still it is only the naive or immature constantly evolving that such fallacies are bonafide as Divine Law.

God(dess), is infallible for all to be heaven or paradise for all souls. Is to decree that even the hellish realms to be a place of delight to the "Children of Oblivion". So no right or wrong is there just a relative truth in being a soul in our holy Creation. No one entity is cast out all have free will to choose their flavor of paradise or existence in Spirit. Only in a mode of evolutionary thought do souls awaken to this nature of God's ultimate being when they are ready to move onward triumphantly so. Humanity wasn't entirely mistaken about hell. Just that such realms of torment in a masochistic sadist expression brings pleasure to the dark ones. That is there nature as an instrument of growing as an eternal soul. From the perpetual darkness into an eventual perpetual Light in all forms of inclusive realities.

This truth is only for the souls ready to awaken. The rest will decry our statement out of fear and complacency. For all souls to go to heaven means even the devils have a paradise known as hell. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

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Comment by Atrayo on March 21, 2014 at 4:34pm

Your welcome Aeciri.

Thank you for taking the time to read the statement.

Good Journey.

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