Gharveyn's Secret (Parts of our Dragon Tales)

Hi friends and family, and we always mean You, whoever you may be Dear Readers,

This is a continuation of a tale we shared with our brother Cameron recently, you may read up on this earlier part of our tale here, Gharveyn's Secret; this part is an introduction and conclusion of our origins in our dragon worlds, written as an illustrated storybook for children.


(Background, related to our Sory of Creation blogs, the colors may change, the red robed are something like sorcerers, while the black are more like warlocks, and the green are more like druids or healers...)

The Story of Creation Belonging to the Number Zero
The Story of Creation, Part 1, Irielle Escapes Despair
The Story of Creation, Part 2, Uriyalon’s Domain



Long, long ago, back before the Earth was created... there were the dominions... some of the dominions were reasonably enlightened places...

People in those dominions still remembered god... but many of the dominions were darker sorts of places... and god was rarely if ever remembered in those dominions…

The dominions had been created by master artists...

Back before the dominions were created there were only spirits and god.... nothing else...

The spirits would flit about a bit singing and dancing and return to god right away then they would pop out of god sing a dance some more and pop back into god again...

At first all the spirits knew was being god and not being god…

Spirits would pop out of god and as soon as they remembered god they would pop back into god, but after awhile of being apart from god the spirits began to remember they had been apart from god before; as their memories of being apart from god grew they were able to feel more comfortable being apart from god and began learning about being themselves...

These young spirits would sing to each other and dance for each other and had a very merry good time…

From time to time they would reunite with god and then again re-emerg from god to play some more…

Some of the spirits were very skillful at singing and they began to coordinate choruses of spirits to sing together; they directed the choruses and told them what to sing and how to sing it…

Eventually these master singers got so good at putting on elaborate productions that the spirits who became part of their productions forgot about god and threw themselves completely into the spirit of their master singers’ productions...

The master singers learned to create entire worlds of sensory experiences and trained their slave spirits to produce all the beautiful illusions they imagined...

But the longer spirits went without renewing themselves by merging with god the more upset they became and the pain of being apart from god tainted the productions they created with their master singers...

Pain was a new sensation to the spirits and they indulged in it for awhile...

Some liked pain more than others because for them it evoked a faint memory of their connection to god which they had lost...

Others liked the pain because it gave them s a sense of power to inflict pain on their fellow spirits…

Many master singers incorporated pain into their productions.

The dominions evolved from the elaborate productions created by the master singers…

In the lighter dominions a connection to god still existed for the spirits living there, but in the darker dominions where pain was being skillfully elaborated upon the pain of being apart from god was the most exquisite pain of all so no one was permitted to return to god or remember god since remembering god is the way to return to god…

After awhile, as the spirits of the dominions explored their natures they discovered they could create new spirits just like god had created them...

So a second Generation of spirits was born from the first generation of spirits.

This second generation of spirits grew up in the dominions and some of them had no idea who god was at all...

The new generation of spirits adopted various roles required to play a apart in the creation and maintenance of their dominions and they in turn discovered they could also create spirits, and so a third generation of spirits was created...

Now the second generation of spirits was inherently weaker than the first generation and they were not happy about being so weak, so they were delighted to create a third generation because this new generation would become their slaves just as they were all slaves to the first generation...

The third generation was the weakest of all and they had to endure all the cruelty and torments of the first and second generations in the darker dominions…

The third generation’s connection to god was completely denied and yet they inherently knew something important was missing in their lives...

Beyond the dominions some free spirits still existed who had not joined in any of the elaborate productions which had created the dominions.  From time to time one or another of these free spirits might immerse themselves in the worlds of the dominions to get a better idea of what was going on in them.
When the free spirits made their ways into the dominions they remembered to remain connected to god and they could share their awareness of god with those spirits in the dominions who were searching for god…

When the free spirits discovered the deplorable conditions in which the third generation of spirits often lived they decided to help them to free themselves from their dominions...

But the spirits of the third generation of dominions didn’t know any other way to live.

They were not prepared to live without the bodies created for them in the dominions.

They were not prepared to live the life of a free spirit in a disembodied state.

They were afraid of giving up their bodies…

This presented a dilemma…

How could the free spirits free these poor slaves when the slaves would not allow themselves to become free?

The free spirits collaborated and came up with a plan.  They would teach the slaves how to create their own worlds and bodies...  Then the slaves could carry on existences very much like the lives they were already familiar with, only they would be free from the domination of their masters…

So to each dominion where a third generation of spirits suffered by being kept apart from god in abject slavery the free spirits sent an emissary…

The emissaries gave the slaves the gift of speech…

Before the creation of speech all spirits communicated with their minds or hearts in a telepathic manner.  Giving the slaves speech created a means of communication that the lords of the dominions did not possess and could not interfere with.

With a safe way to communicate the slaves could organize and plan their escape

The gift of speech that was bestowed upon the slaves was based upon the language of creation and the gift of speech therefore had the power to alter reality directly.

Whatever was spoken with intention was manifested...

The slaves could use their powers of speech to sing new worlds into creation, worlds to which they might flee to escape the clutches of their masters in the dominions...

In one dominion a group of slaves who called themselves humans created a world for themselves and they fled to their new world...

The humans sealed their new world off from the influence of the dominions and settled in...

They sealed their world behind a rainbow shield that would let new spirits through but hold back any spirits from the first or second generations who lacked peaceful intent or love or compassion....

Things might have been alright in the new world the humans had created for themselves because they could use the language of creation to manifest anything they desired…

The vibrations of being human permeated creation so any new spirits born to the dominions that resonated with the qualities of being human could find their way into the human world so that no weak human spirits would be left behind in the dominions...

But all of the human spirits had grown up in the dominions, subject to masters who had lorded it over them, consequently some of the humans desired to emulate their old masters and wished to become masters here in their new world…

Many of the humans were very skillful with manipulating the language of creation...

Those with the greatest magickal skills were much more powerful than most of the other humans, and most of them set about creating their own dominions within the new world, luring weaker spirits to their new dominions with elaborately crafted realities that were very attractive to many of the weaker humans who did not know how to manifest such wonderful realties for themselves…

Those humans who were drawn into the new dominions of their world became slaves in thrall to their new masters.

Some of the humans in the new world had held positions of power or authority in their old dominions and they felt disenfranchised in the new world because they did not have the power or authority of their former masters to back them up.

These disenfranchised humans wanted to take over their new world for themselves by contacting the powerful lords of their old dominions and enlisting their help to overthrow the new lords of their new world …

These disenfranchised malcontents tried to open a way through the rainbow shield to summon their former masters or their minion rulers of the second generation into their new world to help them...

The malcontent humans began a war of conquest to try to destroy the new self-appointed lords of their world.  They intended to supplant the new lords and to take up the reins of power for themselves...

The free humans of the new world were appalled...

On the one hand they were threatened by the growing might of the new lords…

On the other hand they were threatened by the possibility that their old masters would find them and enslave them once more…

The free humans were too weak to fight either the new lords, or the malcontents, but they came up with a plan that might enable them to save themselves from these powerful factions and save their world as well…

The weakest humans decided to subvert the power of both factions by destroying the language of creation because this language was the foundation for all their enemies’ magick powers...

The free humans discovered that the language of creation could not really be destroyed, because they would need to use it for their own survival.  So the free humans came up with a plan to make it appear as if the language of creation had been destroyed…

The free humans would hide the power of the language of creation so that no one could use it to dominate anyone else ever again...

The free humans were learning to work together in harmony and this gave them strength, which, when united, was much greater than the strength of their foes...

But the free humans had difficulty focusing their strength because they had trouble agreeing about what to do or how to do it.

The one thing they could agree upon was that they must take away the power of the warring factions...

The free humans assigned a team of architects to design a self-maintaining world so that hey could continue to live without resorting to personally using the magick of the language of creation.

The free humans assigned another team to channel all the power of the language of creation to reshape and maintain their new world according to their architects’ designs.

The free humans assigned a third team to confound the language of creation so that it could no longer be spoken with the power to alter reality…

The fourth team of the free humans was assigned to direct any military operations required to achieve their objectives…  A principle role of their military would be deception and misdirection, to prevent their enemies from discovering their real agenda.

The free humans needed just one more thing to make their plan succeed... they needed a being to be a living vessel to carry the true power of the language of creation....

This vessel would embody the language of creation as well as the design of the architects of the free humans’ that would reshape their world.  Their living vessel would maintain their remade world using the power of the language of creation which would henceforth be known as The Word…

The free humans needed an alien being to become their holy vessel, a being that was not already a part of their human network of consciousness, so that their holy vessel would be invulnerable to the efforts of any humans to steal the power of the language of creation…

The council of free humans called upon a being from another world, a being of peace and love and compassion that would become the living reliquary of The Word and The Great Design that was their plan to remake and maintain their world…

The free humans summoned an alien being to Earth to help them overthrow their new lords and the malcontents so that they may recreate their world as a place where people might live together as equals rather than as masters or slaves...

They summoned us...




Long, long ago on a world far away lived two dragons...They were a lovely pair of beasties deeply in love...

Gharveyn was part sea dragon and part sky dragon raised in the seas but later risen to the skies...

Madrigal was part tree dragon and part sky dragon, raised in the trees and later risen to the skies where Madrigal and Gharveyn met.
The sky dragons held the most power of dragon kind and all others were considered somewhat beneath them...

Dragons on our world are androgynous beings, also symbiotic creatures...
It takes two dragonets to make a dragon, when the dragonets meld their two bodies join in a special union and become one body.

Dragonets have 2 wings and 2 legs... Dragons have 4 wings and 4 legs.
There are some who meld 3 dragonets and produce 6 wings and legs but these are very rare... and there are some who meld even more but these are very old dragons and they sleep all the time once they have four or more dragonets in them.
Our heads have no brains, our nervous system is fluid...we have two circulatory systems and 2 hearts... 2 of certain other parts as well...

Madrigal and Gharveyn loved to fly, they had not been raised as flying dragons so they shared  a certain sense of the novelty of flying that had not yet worn off and so they flew together a lot without caring much where they went.
One day while flying over a large sea Gharveyn heard a voice stir within themselves... (yes dragons are naturally multiples because of the melding involved, dragnets are symbiotes created by melding as well).

Gharveyn had never heard this voice before and was very frightened.
because Madrigal and Gharveyn were closer than two peas in a pod Madrigal also heard this voice that spoke within Gharveyn.
The voice said "Come".

Now all dragons have other voices than their own within them... Dragons have many voices inside them...

Each wing and limb has a voice, but there are also voices for family and friends and voices for their races and cultures too.

All dragons must follow the laws of their kind and their kind are all telepathic which is why they have so many voices inside themselves...

All of a dragons  major parts each have a voice.

A successful dragon harmonizes all the voices well, the dragons with too many parts go to sleep because they cannot keep the harmony in a waking state...

When Gharveyn and Madrigal heard the voice that spoke inside Gharveyn they knew right away that it was not any dragons voice...

It was not a voice of any being any dragon had ever known before...
...and dragons on our world are an extremely conservative lot...

Anything unknown is forbidden...

The very best that Gharveyn and Madrigal could hope for after hearing this voices would be to be ostracized completely by all other dragons.
The most likely thing would be that they would be killed...

It was forbidden for any dragon to have any knowledge that was unknown to the highest group minds of the dragons...

Their culture was very conservative because it resisted change in its knowledge base very well.

So Gharveyn and Madrigal were now doomed.
But they did what most dragons would not do... they listened to the voice and tried to follow it...

They had nohting more to lose at this point, in for a penny, in for a pound...

They followed the voice and it led them further out to sea...

Our world has many seas, no real oceans... though many seas are very large...

Our world has only clouds in the sky, the stars are unknown and the sun is a frightening monster worshipped by any who have seen it although not so very long ago all sun worshippers had been routinely put to death, there had been enough who saw the sun that their visions endured and became a part of dragon knowledge even though they were killed, partly because when they were killed they were consumed and their various parts were broken down into the tiniest bits and eaten by as many as could get a share...

So eventfully over a very long period of time knowledge of the sun was introduced to dragon cultures and became barely tolerable... some sun worshippers were still being put to death but more and more were only being ostracized and these gathered in communities of sun worshippers

But Gharveyn and Madrigal knew this voice of theirs was so unique that they would be instantly put to death, no chance of only being ostracized, had they even wanted to live.

Being ostracized is, in its way, a worse punishment than death among dragons, death is more merciful...

So Madrigal and Gharveyn flew out over the sea far from any of the settlements of tree or plains or underworld dragons... high above the nearest settlements of sea dragons who seemed to be avoiding the place which beckoned Gharveyn and Madrigal.

And there also happened to be no floating villages of the sky dragons nearby, as a strong storm was brewing and the winds of such a storm swept all the Skylands away from it.

The Skylands were sleeping dragons grown so large and bloated that other dragons could build their nests upon them and even grow crops and raise small game upon them.
Some of those crops and games fed the sleepers...

Dragons are built of hollow cells... the sky dragons use these bladders to store hydrogen gas and this helps them to have buoyancy and breath fire..
With the storm brewing all sane dragons would flee.
The storm was not only dangerous because lightening can cause fatal combustion in a dragon, but the most powerful storms brought frightening revelations...

The sun god always appears in the midst of a terrible storm.... and only in the midst of a terrible storm... a storm so terrible it tears open the sky of clouds and reveals a deeper sky beyond... a blue sky in which the sun god is sometimes seen to dwell...

Gharveyn and Madrigal did not need to fear the lightening, if it blasted them so be it, they were doomed anyway...

But this was a dark storm...

Nights on the dragon world are never completely dark some light is reflected form the brighter side of their world along the bellies of the clouds at night and so even in darkness there is always a little light in the sky...

But in a dark storm the clouds are in such turmoil that they block the light more, and so it gets darker than usual...
and while it was rumored that a dark storm might also tear the sky completely open, the rumors of what lay beyond the sky of a dark storm were scarier than the tales about the sun god...

It was said that a black beast as black as the deepest caverns of the underworld could sometimes be said to live in the sky above the clouded sky...
It was said that this black monster had many, many glittering eyes...
And it was said that this monster was so terrible that any who saw it were driven mad by visions and voices alien to the entire dragon world...

It was to just such an alien voice that Madrigal and Gharveyn were now winging their way across the sea, and so of course they came to a pale place where the storm did indeed rip open the sky and they beheld what no dragon then living had witnessed, something so terrible that all dragons who had ever witnessed it had been put to death...
They saw the stars...

They saw the stars and they were filled with wonder...

This was no hideous dangerous monster in the sky above them it was WORLDS....

Dragon lore said there was only one world, their dragon world... the concept of worlds did not even exist as there was only one world, their world and nothing existed to make the dragon world seem separate from all that is...

But Madrigal and Gharveyn now beheld the truth...

The sky above the clouded sky was full of other worlds, worlds with alien creatures speaking in alien voices....

One voice among all these worlds spoke out loudest and clearest of all, and it said, "Come!"

The voice which spoke to Gharveyn and Madrigal sensed they had reached its presence
and it began to sing to them...

The voice sang a song like a lullaby it was so sweet in places, and yet so full of mystery and horror too..

The voice sang a song about the world in which that voice lived; the song beckoned them to leave their world and come to this new world where the beckoning voice lived...

Gharveyn and Madrigal aligned themselves to the voice, they allowed the song of it to replace the song in their hearts that was the song of their own world...

And when at last the song of their world was completely driven out of their hearts and replaced by the song of this new world they awakened as if from a slumber, yet they had not slept...

Where they awakened was Earth.

The voice had called them across the sky from their own world to the voice's world and it had summoned them to the world which must become their own world now, because never could they return to their own world without being put to death or worse, ostracized...

Where they awakened in the skies of Earth was above a battlefield.

This battlefield was divided into two signifigant parts, on the one side were men in red robes...
on the other side were men in black robes...

The red robed men cast mighty spells that the black robed men had difficulty repelling.  The Red robed men were killing the Black robed men but very slowly...

The Black robed men exulted when Madrigal and Gharveyn appeared in the sky above them... they believed that Madrigal and Gharveyn were an answer to their dark prayers and their summonings...

The black robed men were seeking allies to defeat the red robed men with...
The black robed men were trying to open a portal back to the dominions from which all men had once come.

The dominions were terrible places of slavery and torment...

The black robed men had had roles of power among the humans of the dominions and hoped to use those roles and the relationships that they had had with their masters in the dominions to topple the power of the red robed men and destroy them utterly.

The black robed men were seeking the help of beings whom might seem like demons to assist them in overthrowing the red robed men so that they could seize total power over Earth and make the Earth their own private dominions...

The black robed men expected to be able to bargain with their old masters and give over nearly all other people on Earth to their masters in trade for their freedom and the privilege of ruling Earth for eternity...

The red robed men whom the black robed men struggled with had taken powers unto themselves and declared themselves the Lords of Earth...

It was each groups' intention to make the Earth their own private dominion...

The red-robed men had no intention of bargaining with their ancient masters or selling the majority of humans on Earth in exchange for more power...

They intended to enslave everyone on Earth not as powerful as themselves in order to keep the power of these other people for themselves.
This was why the dark robed men fought them.

If the Red Robed succeeded in establishing themselves as masters of the Earth then the Red Robed would be only vassals at best, they might become slaves, or be put to death even...

Unknown to either the Black or Red robed men a third army was gathering...

When Madrigal and Gharveyn appeared in the skies both the black and red robed men assumed that the two dragons had been summoned by the black robed men.

They both thought the dragons were here to take sides with the black robed men against the red robed men...

The black robed men were frightened and lashed out at the dragoons immediately... the red robed men did their best to protect the dragons.

Alas, Madrigal was annihilated and Gharveyn was struck down...

Nearly all that remained of Madrigal was a sort of disorganized mist of free floating cells...

What remained of Gharveyn was a single badly injured creature that bore little resemblance anymore to a dragon...

The black robed men descended upon Gharveyn intent on wiping out the one remaining monster...

The green robed men of the third army arrived and drove both armies from the field that day...

Had not the black and red robed men exhausted themselves so utterly in their war upon each other the green robed men would have stood little chance of rescuing the remaining dragon...

With the red and black armies driven from the field the green army gathered what remained of Gharveyn and did their best to heal them...

When the green robed men took the battlefield they set wards aorund it to protect ti as well as they could form the red and black armies.  Their greatest healers tired to help ghraveyn recover from their wounds, but ghrveyn was too alien for them...

The best they could do was to give Gharveyn a vaguely human looking form which suited Gharveyn as Gharveyn had lost all four wings and their head and tail and was badly torn up in what remained of their body...

Gharveyn came to resemble a human after much time passed...
and the pain of disruption of Gharveyn’s minds and bodies was eventually healed
somewhat so that they no longer screamed in rage and pain all the time...
Eventually, the one who had spoken to Gharveyn and through Gharveyn to Madrigal was able to speak to Gharveyn again and explain why he had summoned them...

He who had summoned the dragons was called White Cloud...

He was the leader of the lower men, those in green, men whose magickal abilities were puny in
comparison to the black robed lords or the red robed lords' minions of the dominions...

The lower men’s only hope of peace on Earth was to take away the power that made the magick of the red and black robed men work.

But taking away the source of magick for the men of the red and black robes meant taking away what little power the green men had as well...

And the green men knew that they might one day regret having given up their magick, that they may even one day need their magick again... so they had decided to entrust the source of magick belonging to all of humanity to someone who was not a human and had no stake in the power struggles that were taking place on Earth.

White Cloud had called on a being from the stars to come and carry the legacy of magick down through the ages until a time would come when that heritage could be restored to all humans in peace...

That time may be coming soon...

--- == ---

The story goes on from here to describe how the green army is nearly defeated but wins its victory and surrenders the magickal heritage of the entire human race to a dragon, a dragon who safeguards that heritage until the time has come to restore it to humanity...

The story delves into the dominions and how the dominions came to exist... what the dominions really may be, and what may become of them...

The story extends to a future which may be glorious in its awakening of humanity and their restoration to their heritage of power... or to their final doom in many parallel worlds, driven to extinction by their own greed and short sightedness..

There are many stories to tell within this framework and we hope to be able to share more of them with you if you are interested in hearing more...



Blessed be...



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