We have expanded on this to extrapolate the core principle at work in each modality. WE ARE ALL Magicians of consciousness, and what that means is, we create at ALL moments of NOW using either form of manifestation. In addition, the universe we are a part of is predicated or based on FREE WILL, which means there are no victims, only Contracts of varying degree's of honor-ability. While your awareness of how this perfect harmony unfolds maybe limited, it operates fully and completely with or without your conscious awareness. It is when we begin to acknowledge Natural Law, Universal Law, and the Contractual Nature of our reality that we see the 2 forms of manifestation swing into focus.

Manifestation of our Desires using our WILL, is how ALL things come into BEing within our reality. How we choose to make our desires a reality is where we begin to see the differentiation between Wizardry and Sorcery.

Wizards, use co-creation to achieve their goals and ends. Co-creation, just like with Contracts, requires full transparency, responsibility and liability in order to be honorable. Which means, if you have a desire, then you work with others transparently to co-create your desire. Consent of ALL beings who are impacted is the key. For example, if you want to create a Permaculture farm, in order to gain consent, you would need to reveal your intentions and ideas to ALL who would be affected by your actions, and if even one person does not fully understand, you take the time to expand their awareness so that they can understand; even at the cost of your desires. Do no HARM is another guiding principle of Wizardry.

Sorcerers, use manipulation and deception to achieve their goals and ends. Taking the example from above, if you desire to create a Permaculture farm, instead of gaining consent of all who would be affected, you just begin your project regardless of who is impacted. Sorcerers generally are only focused on the ends being achieved, regardless of the effects they may have on others; a Service to Self Modality. Manipulation involves only revealing what you need in order to get your way; non-transparent dealings with others. For example, if you want to live in a clean house with your room mate, instead of making this intention known and working to co-create with your roommate, you instead resort to outbursts of anger and insults to compel this person to adhere to your will.
The KEY Concept: is Wizards offer expanded consciousness, awareness and empowerment to those that come into co-creation with them. This means one's truth is offered and ALLOWANCE of that individual to freely integrate this truth is maintained. A Wizard Allows, but does not Force. Which means some desires will not be manifested until ALL whom are affected consent. Sometimes this means changing yourself to suite the greater whole, instead of only thinking of yourself and what you want. A Sorcerer will justify the means to gain the ends, and as a result will create more chaos and obstacles which will need to be addressed after the fact. Forcing and Manipulation always come with a price.
The Sorcerer uses a "dark spirit" whom they have willing entered into a contract with, to manifest their desires into the world. This form of Dark Magic, or Sorcery comes with a price.
"True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave." – Manly P. Hall
Ask yourself, when the movement starts, and we must stand together, for our Progression,.... or, our Demise, it doesn't matter what Art you are a practioner of, will you join in and fight, or turn and run, and watch your brothers and sisters fall ?

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Comment by TALISIN MARTIN on December 11, 2017 at 12:34am

Humans live within the causal realm, which obeys the laws of cause and effect. However, they also believe in an acausal realm, in which the laws of physics do not apply, further promoting the idea that numinous energies from the acausal realm can be drawn into the causal, allowing for the performance of magic. Distinguish between External, Internal, and Aeonic magick. (External magic) itself is divided into two categories: {Ceremonial magick}, which is performed by one, two, or more than two people to achieve, a specific goal;and {Hermetic magick}, which is performed either solitarily, or in a pair. {Internal magick} is designed to produce an altered state of consciousness in the participant, in order to result in a process of "Individuation" which bestows adepthood.

- {Aeonic magick}. Should not be performed until Internal and External magick is mastered and preperations are made. The purpose of {Aeonic magick} is to influence large numbers of people over a lengthy period of time, thus affecting the development of future aeons.
"...the very purpose and meaning of our individual, causal - mortal lives is to progress, to evolve, toward the acausal, and that this, by virtue of the reality of the acausal itself, means and implies a new type of sinister existence, a new type of being, with this acausal existence being far removed from - and totally different to - any and every Old Aeon representation, both Occult, non-Occult and "religious". Thus it is that we view our long-term human social and personal evolution as a bringing-into-being of a new type of sinister living, in the causal - on this planet, and elsewhere - and also as a means for us, as individuals of a new sinister causal species, to dwell in both the causal and acausal Universes, while we live, as mortals, and to transcend, after our mortal, causal "death", to live as an acausal being. "
                                                             Comments welcome......... -TALISIN

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