Are Ouija Boards Legitimate or Just Games?

Let’s be real here. Ouija boards are nothing more than wood with a plastic planchette that slides across the board. In and of itself it is not evil. However it is a tool that helps you open your consciousness to a different frequency that may not have your best interests at heart. Which also makes it not a toy either because it can become a portal that remains open if used improperly. But it is the person that opens that portal, not the Ouija board. With that in mind, remember that opening your spiritual aura to interact with any spirit board, you need to take great care about what your intentions are and protect yourself with a prayer surrounding yourself with the light of God first. And when you’ve gotten the answers you want close the session with a prayer of thanks which closes the portal.

What is a portal? A portal is anything that can connect the physical realm to the spiritual realm. And I believe that it is even possible to have portals inside of portals connecting different levels of spirit to the physical. I also believe that any woman who becomes pregnant is opening a portal with in herself to allow the soul of the unborn child to enter through her consciousness. Any human can open a portal with or without an Ouija board.

I want everyone to just think for a second how much power and responsibility lies in the knowledge that you can create and open portals using your own thoughts. This is why you also have spirit guides and Guardian Angels always around you helping you to make wise choices on your spiritual journey. And if you choose to disregard their help than you kind of get what you asked for if a dark entity attaches to you. You always have freedom of choice even to do unwise things.

In closing, if you choose to use any spirit board or any tool to open yourself to the spirit realm put your spirit safety belt on first knowing exactly who and what your trying to get information from. And one last thought here, if your channeling this information then you are the portal which spirit is speaking through, be careful! Becoming fully awakened does have some pitfalls. Learn them and earn them before you use them. Knowledge is the ultimate safety belt!


Bill Walker

Views: 164


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Comment by Linda M. on February 2, 2024 at 6:52pm

Basically, I've learned that a Ouija board is a divining tool.  As with a spell, you take precautions for safety.  If you are trying to summon deamons because it sounds cool, I suggest you do some research first.  It isn't 'just like tv'  you have to know what you're doing.

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