By Ina Woolcott 

Rumbling like thunder o'er the prairie, 
Great herds of abundance, sharing with man, 
I need your knowledge to meet life's challenges, 
To survive and move on with my plans. 


Buffalo/Bison's medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. 

Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honouring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world. Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace amongst all beings. Ask the universe for help, and be thankful for the gifts brought to you. Don’t be forceful or pushy, follow the easiest path. Buffalo will bestow you with strength of character and an free independent spirit. 

Buffalo teaches us that true prosperity comes when we are grateful for what we have and when we live in harmony and love with every body and being contained within the universe. You will live like buffalo when you know that abundance is present and when ALL relations are honoured and known as sacred, when you express gratitude for all parts, all aspects of creation. 

The story of the White Buffalo Woman originates from the Lakota people, she taught them that all things are inter connected and that it is not necessary to struggle to have abundance. The one thing that is necessary, however, is to be connected with Spirit. Buffalo's relationship to the Native American People of the USA highlights these lessons. Every part of this animal was used, right down to the hooves, which were used to make glue. Buffalo gave others the gift of life by sacrificing its own. Food and hides for clothing and shelter were provided. Prior to a buffalo hunt, prayers of gratitude were offered up to great spirit by the tribes. Post hunt, ceremonies were performed that honoured the buffalo's spirit. Without the buffalo these tribes would not have survived the harsh winters. This is just one lesson of abundance - use whatever resources are available. On a deeper level, one must appreciate what one already has. How often do you focus on what is lacking in your life rather than counting your blessings? How much richer are our lives when we are truly thankful MEANINGFULLY for what we have? This sends out a powerful message to the universe. 

Our beliefs and attitude towards our connectedness to every-thing also sends out powerful messages to the universe. When we realize that we are all part of a One, each individually unique, each absolutely necessary for the whole, but a drop in the ocean, we will realize that abundance - which refers not only to health, happiness, friendships, and much more - does not have to come from our individual striving. Once we are open to receive, miracles can come from the most unexpected sources. Buffalo shows us how to stop focusing on problems and how to instead concentrate on how much we have and on how rich we are in terms of our connectedness to every-thing. 

Buffalos have large heads that symbolize intelligence of a higher order, their strong bodies ground them to the earth. They are the uniting force between things earthly un un-earthly. Both the male and female buffalo possess horns and humped shoulders. In humans, the shoulders store our personal energy which expresses itself through our hands. Anything we physically touch or hold on to is linked to our personal energy. Shoulders bear responsibility as well as positive or negative emotions. Whatever is felt inside is projected to the outside. Im sure you are familiar with the saying, and maybe have even said it yourselves - ‘I feel like im carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.’ There is often truth in old sayings… buffalo will show you how to free yourself from your burdens by focusing your energy in a balanced way. The horns grow toward the sky, hinting at a connection with a higher intelligence. Humps are often symbolic of stored energy kept within the body. 

When protecting themselves against danger, the females will form a defensive circle around the calves, and the males will form a circle around the cows. This symbolizes the buffalo's mutual respect for all, their communal family sense, and their natural instinct to protect, defend and honour life. 

When provoked, the buffalo can be unpredictable and dangerous. Buffalo people need to be reminded to see the good in all things and not to let their frustration store up inside of them. Tai Chi or martial arts would be beneficial on a daily basis to let of steam, de-stress, maintain balance, find focus and peace of mind. I know martial arts used to help me de-stress and find inner peace. After a 4 year break after travelling and my daughter being old enough, I am looking forward to taking up kick boxing again. CANT WAIT :-) I have also done some Tai Chi. Personally I prefer the hands on side of Kick Boxing, although Tai Chi speeded up is great for self defense… 

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