I work in a movie theater that's only been open for ten or eleven years. And yet, it seems to have acquired some kind of spirit energy.


     Often times I'm the first person to enter anyone of our sixteen theaters in the morning to do routine cleaning. And on a number of occasions, out of the corner of my eye, I'll see what I perceive to be someone sitting in a seat just as I come in. And then it's gone when I turn my head to look.

     I've asked others if they also experience this when they work? A few have said yes, and others say that they have heard some very strange noises. And a few of our guests have told me that they have been touched on their shoulder during a film but when they turn no ones there. At first I payed little attention to this until a very recent experience that I just can't argue that there is some spirit energy that resides in our theaters. I was cleaning one of bathrooms when I jokingly mentioned, "OK ghosts, I'm done in here, see you later." And then just as I was leaving four urinals, one right after another, in a row, flushed. All of our toilets and urinals have sensors to flush after you move away from them. But I was no where near any of them. And there is no reason for four to flush in a row.

     I've read many stories about theaters around the world having resident spirits attached to them. My question is: What attracts these spirits to theaters? I have my own thoughts but I'll wait to see if anyone else wants to comment first.

       If anyone cares to comment I would be most interested in your opinion.


Bill Walker

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I'll have to ask my husband...my father-in-law worked in theater, both in acting and designing and building props, but he passed away a couple of weeks ago, and I never thought to ask him about theater spirits. 

Patricia I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'm sure that his spirit has crossed into a more loving realm. I pray that reading this may in some way have brought you happy memories from the time you spent with him. I'm sending love and light!

Thank you!

Although my husband said there were no specific ghost stories that he was aware of in the theaters his dad was associated with, he did say some of them did have particularly "creepy" areas. I can imagine spirits may be drawn to theaters because theaters often take us back in time to a place where these spirits simply feel more at home.

Hey Bill,

Trust you are doing well.  My step gramps was a regional manager for a theater chain in SW MI and would occasionally visit closed theaters to make sure they were safe and secure, inside and out.

One weekend on our way to do something fun we stopped at one of these closed theaters to check on it.  I must have been 10 or 11.  

The spring thaw a year previous had sprung a leak in the roof so the main theater carpet and seating got a good soaking and even with all the clean up, attempts to dry the place out etc it still smelled heavily of mildew. 

My grampa told my cousin and I that this was an old old theater with an actual orchestra pit(to try not to fall into), dressing rooms, trap doors in the stage, all that stuff.  He then handed us flashlights and gave us a tour of the place.

I remember one dressing room in particular that had a big time "Don't come in here!" vibe. 

Haunted?  Who knows...  Creepy?  Hell Yes.....

I can imagine spirits could be just as glued to the screen as the living. 

I know that don't come in here vibe very very well! In one abandoned house that my friends often went into to mess around I absolutely refused to go upstairs. They called me chicken back then but I didn't care. I wasn't goin anywhere near that area of the house. I've felt it in other locations as well but now it doesn't spook me like it did when I was a kid! Have a great Holiday Season!


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