Once upon a time there were AMAZONS!

His-Story tells us they were myth but their
statues, records,graves, Goddesses and ruins
are abundant with proofs of her existence
and silent testimony on war of genders.
 What we see are fractured pieces of the truth that need to be set back where they belong. There was no books on it, it was presented as a myth, as a fable, in one single sentence, white truth is that war lasted for millennia and it's nor over yet.
 Today, with internet, avoiding selected pictures in history books you can see them. 
All female is broader portion of the past both mute and recorded.
A lot is still omitted, hidden, or left in drawers and boxes, broken, non excavated, guarded by armies, forbidden for visit, faces destroyed or covered with beards 
or re carved or simply mutilated.


Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni and Amazons
The Hypogeum of Paola, Malta, is a subterranean structure dating to the Saflieni phase (3000-2500 BC)
It was discovered by accident in 1902 when workers cutting cisterns for a new housing development broke through its roof. The workers tried to hide the temple at first, but eventually it was found. The study of the structure was first entrusted to Father Manuel Magri of the Society of Jesus, who directed the excavations on behalf of the Museums Committee. Magri died in 1907, before the publication of the report. He was a Jesuit.
The Oracle Room
The Oracle Room is roughly rectangular and one of the smallest side chambers. It has the peculiarity of producing a powerful acoustic resonance from any vocalization made inside it. This room has an elaborately painted ceiling, consisting of spirals in red ochre with circular blobs.

and here it comes, a part that was censored;
This complex uncovered over 7000 bodies and that wasn't terrible enough so they went further with research, complex had 3 levels and if you stood at one certain place your voice will be heard perfectly clear in entire complex BUT only if you are male because this system works between 95 to 120 Hz.
So if men speaks in his own voice of 110 Hz entire complex becomes resonant box that will influence your brain and you will fall in trans very quickly.
Just to mention, modern scientists are not able to built something like this today.

Date of construction is between 3000 and 2500 BC making it around the same age as Stonehenge. This underground world was carved out of solid rock.

rest of the very bizarre intro on Hypogeum 
(hypo is a horse, a HUR, remember where 
horse or whores comes from)

Bottom pictures are from Greece, first is collection of Minoan Labrys where just one cave uncovered over 300 enormous labrys in gold, silver and bronze, also longest sword in the world, it is over 1,20 m long. I am not sure is that sword at display in museum or it disapeared with articles on it. This finds are not just about one cave, there have been many of them, easy to find it online. It is well known that Labrys is Amazon weapon, it is also known that people were taller before but when one goes searching one by one article that "people" will regularly be girls in arms.

Amazon from the Favum region of Egypt, circa 2nd century CE. The shield picks up somewhat, on a theme of crescent-shaped shields carried by Amazons. Brown terracotta.

Breastplate of the Hindu Goddess Varahi 18th or 19th century Kerala, India

Woman on horse, CRE V.V. at=horse
ancient amazon coin of Hor-w-at-ian 
CRE is HOR=fem W is with or on, Horse is AT
This coin is original but not listed in His-Story 
because it doesn't match the His-story story.
Major problem with dating is that it is impossible to prove it by no means. 
So this fact works vice versa on books and in fact ALL we call artifacts. Dating of prehistoric is based on levels depth in earth but that is about it.
Dalmatian Hora or Cre lost war somewhere in third century AD, last to fall were Liburnian Amazons. People remember to this day that women ruled there and men have no access to this areas. They were amazing boat builders and pirates. Legends carved their names in the names of the winds under Dinara mountains.
Hang man tie origins from a knot Croatian fem used to tie....and keep on the leash...the tie will suffocate you if you resist or struggle.
Hang man tie or Crawat is a major arcane Tarot card, it is a symbol of law bureaucracy that is pushing this insane systemic construct we live in...and girl invented it...
word CREVV coincide with KRAVA meaning a cow.
but eye see CROW in KRAVA too
CRVena - RED
which may then devolve to KURVA 
problem with every bloody language and latest confirmed from Hungarian as well is that by any of COR-HOR-KOR combo one gets most horrifying words ever...and coincide with ALL but all major Goddesses and fem civilizations.
devaluation of HOR/KOR/CRE-------source=Rho=()=vesica piscis
All these words have fem-woman as root meaning and therefore meanings are mean.
Meanings are not lost, they are infested with evil but word evil is live in reverse so you see now what am I talking about?
The HOURI were Persian-Arabian heavenly nymphs, sexual angels, or temple prostitutes. Houri is cognate with Greek HORA, Babylonian HARINE, Semitic HARLOT, or WHORE. Houris were dancing "Ladies of the HOUR" who KEPT TIME in heaven and tended the star-souls. ((The Moon counts the 'HOURS' with its motion - a lunar hour is 55 minutes, I have read)).
The earliest "angels" were heavenly nymphs, like HINDU APSARAS, (created primarily for lovemaking) who dispensed sensual bliss to the blessed ones.
The Devadasis of Hindu temples were prostitute-priestesses who dispensed the grace of the Goddess in ancient Middle-Eastern temples. (KARUNA, mother-love, tenderness, comfort, mystical enlightenment, and sex. -- which became CHARIS (Latin caritas - care, charity).
A priestess of Egyptian Bubastis claimed all of a man's worldly goods for one night of her love -- "I am a hierodule; I am no mean person". 
Egyptian GHAZYE were "sacred whores" (Mamelukes).
"There is healing in a woman's vagina" - even their spittle could perform cures.
Ancient Harlots often commanded high social status and were REVERED FOR THEIR LEARNING !
Viking Valkyries. Greek Horae. Persian Houris or PERIS (fairies).
Dispenser of Joy - Holy Grail.
Confused with SERAPHS ( 6-winged, fiery flying serpents, lightning spirits of CHALDEAN myth) and CHERUBS (Semitic KERUBH, from Sheban MU-Karrib, "Priests of the Moon".
The Book of Enoch blamed women for the Fallen Angels or "sons of God' who came to earth to beget children.
In the Magic Papyri, the words - angel, spirit, dog and demon were interchangeable.
Daemons were attracted to women's Hair.
Simple way to extract MEANings of one root word is to take some vocabulary, doesn't matter which one and page over words that are formed around desired root word, these meanings will influent your subconscience and make you act accordingly.
For example, root word HOR-COR in latin (vowels do not matter)
Curvo to bend, arch, curve / influence
Curvus arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crooked)
karula: a carrel, a small square chamber or cell, sometimes found in cloisters.
hara: a stye.
haracium: a stud of horses.
harare: to plough.
haratium: a stud of horses.
harciare: to harrow.
harela: a conspiracy; a society; a riot.
harenga: a harangue; a herring.
harreum: a herd, troop, esp. of horses.
heraldus: a herald.
herbagium: herbage; right of pasturing cattle; payment therefore.
hercea: a hearse.
hercia: a harrow; a frame to hold candles.
herciare: to harrow.
herciatura: harrowing; service by harrowing.
herebannum: a fine for refusing to perform military service.
herellus: a kind of small fish.
heremina: ermine.
heremita: a hermit.
heura: a hure. See hura.
hiremannus: a servant.
hordicium: a hurdle.
horisonium: a clock.
hornagium, hornegeldum: a tax on cattle.
hurtardus, hurtus: a ram.
Greek Name Transliteration Latin Spelling Translation
Οτρηρα Οτρηρη Otrêra, Otrêrê Otrera --
OTRERA was a bride of Ares and the first of the Amazon queens. She founded the celebrated shrine of Artemis at Ephesos.
She may have been the Amazon Queen which Bellerophontes fought in Lykia, and Priamos of Troy in Phrygia.
[1.1] Unknown
[2.1] ARES (Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius 1.1022)
[N.B. Otrera was either the wife or daughter of Ares, not both.]
[1.1] PENTHESILEIA (by Ares) (Apollodorus E.5.1, Hyginus Fabulae 112, Tzetzes on Lycophron 997)
[2.1] HIPPOLYTE (by Ares) (Hyginus Fabulae 30)
OTRERA (Otrêra), a daughter or wife of Ares who is said to have built the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. (Hygin. Fab. 225; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 1033.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2. 370 ff (trans. Seaton) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) :
"[On the Black Sea coast of Anatolia :] Onward from thence the bend of a huge and towering cape reaches out from the land, next Thermodon at its mouth flows into a quiet bay at the Themiskyreian headland, after wandering through a broad continent. And here is the plain of Doias, and near are the three cities of the Amazones, and after them the Khalybes . . . After passing them [i.e. the Amazones] ye must beach your ship upon a smooth island, when ye have driven away with all manner of skill the ravening birds, which in countless numbers haunt the desert island. In it the Queens of the Amazones, Otrere and Antiope, built a stone temple of Ares what time they went forth to war."
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca E. 5. 1 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"Penthesileia, daughter of Otrere and Ares, accidentally killed Hippolyte and was purified by Priamos."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 163 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"Amazones. Ocyale, Dioxippe, Iphinome, Xanthe, Hippothoe, Otrere, Antioche, Laomache, Glauce, Agave, Theseis, Hippolyte, Clymene, Polydora, Penthesilea."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 30 :
"[Herakles slew] Hippolyte, daughter of Mars [Ares] and Queen Otrera, and took from her the belt of the Amazon Queen; then he presented Antiopa as captive to Theseus."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 112 :
"Penthesilea, daughter of Mars [Ares] and Otrera."
Homer, Iliad 3. 185 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :
"[King Priamos of Troy speaks of a battle with the Amazones in his youth :] `I looked on the Phrygian men with their swarming horses, so many of them, the people of Otreus and godlike Mygdon, whose camp was spread at that time along the banks of the Sangarios : and I myself, a helper in war, was marshalled among them on that day when the Amazon women came, men's equals.'"
[N.B. Penthesileia's mother Otrera was obviously regarded as the leader of this Amazon campaign. Whether the name was actually known to Homer or simply derived by later authors from Homer's Otreus is debatable. Perhaps the pair were represented as warring brother and sister.]
Homer, Iliad 6. 171 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :
"Bellerophontes went to Lykia . . . [and, in the service of the king of Lykia,] he killed the Khimaira, obeying the portents of the immortals. Next after this he fought against the glorious Solymoi, and this he thought was the strongest battle with men that he entered; but third he slaughtered the Amazons, who fight men in battle."
[N.B. The leader of these Amazons was presumably regarded--at least by later writers --as Otrera, the founder of the temple of Artemis in nearby Ephesos.]
Pindar, Olympian Ode 13. 85 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) :
"With all zeal mighty Bellerophontes seized the winged steed [Pegasus], setting between his jaws the soothing charm, and mounting him, in his bronze panoply played him in sport, to try his pace. And once [in Lykia], with him, he smote the Amazons, from the chill bosom of the lonely air, that archered host of women-kind."
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 2. 33 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"Bellerophontes [in the service of King Iobates of Lykia] mounted Pegasus, his winged horse born of Medusa and Poseidon, and flying high into the air brought down the Khimaira with his bow and arrows. After this challenge, Iobates ordered him to battle the Solymoi, and when that was done, to take on the Amazons."
Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 240 ff (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) :
"For thee [Artemis], too, the Amazones, whose mind is set on war, in Ephesos beside the sea established an image beneath an oak trunk, and Hippo performed a holy rite for thee, and they themselves, O Oupis Queen, around the image danced a war-dance--first in shields and armour, and again in a circle arraying a spacious choir. And the loud pipes thereto piped shrill accompaniment, that they might foot the dance together--for not yet did they pierce the bones of the fawn [i.e. to make flutes] . . . And the echo reached unto Sardis and to the Berekynthian range. And they with their feet beat loudly and therewith their quivers rattled. And afterwards around that image was raised a shrine of broad foundations [i.e. of the Ephesian shrine]. That it shall dawn behold nothing more divine, naught richer. Easily would it outdo Pytho [Delphoi]."
[N.B. The Amazon Queen Hippo was identified with Otrera.]
Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 270 ff :
"Nor let any shun the yearly dance [of Artemis]; for not tearless to Hippo was her refusal to dance around the altar."
[N.B. Hippo was punished by Artemis in some fashion for refusing to join the dance at Ephesos.]
Pausanias, Description of Greece 7. 2. 6 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :
"The cult of Artemis Ephesia (of Ephesos) is far more ancient still than their coming [i.e. the settlement of Greek Ionians in Ephesos]. Pindaros, however, it seems to me, did not learn everything about the goddess, for he says that this sanctuary was founded by the Amazones during their campaign against Athens and Theseus. It is a fact that the women from the Thermodon, as they knew the sanctuary from of old, sacrificed to the Ephesian goddess both on this occasion and when they had fled from Herakles; some of them earlier still, when they had fled from Dionysos, having come to the sanctuary as suppliants. However, it was not by the Amazones that the sanctuary was founded, but by Koresos, an aboriginal, and Ephesos."
Aelian, On Animals 12. 9 (trans. Scholfield) (Greek natural history C2nd to 3rd A.D.) :
"[The dance of Artemis at Ephesos :] Autokrates in his Tympanistai : `As sweet maidens, daughters of Lydia, sport and lightly leap and clap their hands in the temple of Artemis the Fair at Ephesos, now sinking down upon their haunches and again springing up, like the hopping wagtail.'"
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 223 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"Seven Wonders of the World . . . The temple of Diana [Artemis] at Ephesus which the Amazon Otrera, wife of Mars [Ares], made."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 225 :
"Those who first built temples to the gods . . . Otrera, an Amazon, wife of Mars [Ares], first founded the temple of Diana [Artemis] at Ephesus."
Homer, The Iliad - Greek Epic C8th B.C.
Apollodorus, The Library - Greek Mythography C2nd A.D.
Apollonius Rhodius, The Argonautica - Greek Epic C3rd B.C.
Callimachus, Hymns - Greek Poetry C3rd B.C.
Pausanias, Description of Greece - Greek Travelogue C2nd A.D.
Aelian, On Animals - Greek Natural History C2nd-3rd A.D.
Hyginus, Fabulae - Latin Mythography C2nd A.D.
and origins of Maltese Cross
On Greek vase paintings, a labrys sometimes appears in scenes of animal sacrifice, particularly as a weapon for the slaying of bulls.
Bulls blood was used to impregnate girls as alkaline solution inprocess of so called parthogenesis or simple cloning herself. Girls produced sperm, we still do, it is in our "Skene" glands. (Skene is some scientist that stiched his name on it)
from Julianna Hinckley;

About the Daughter of the Steppes series


The idea for this series came about in one of the many ways such odd ideas strike. My brother insisted I watch a 2004 movie entitled, "King Arthur," which was based on the "Sarmatian hypothesis" - that is, that a lot of the Arthurian legends came out of the first horse cavalry sent to the British Isles by Rome - Sarmatian Iazyges. I'd never even heard of the Sarmatians, but have always found steppe cultures fascinating, so I began researching them.
I became more and more intrigued, as these Iranian peoples were tall, light-skinned, fair-eyed and haired, yet lived a lifestyle very similar to that of most other steppe peoples - Huns, Mongols, and Turks, as well as the modern Kyrgyz, Kazahk, etc. They, along with the Scythians, are also the source of most of the Amazon warrior women legends. Numerous gravesites of women buried with armor and weapons have been found in their old Pontic Steppe hunting grounds, which are the geographical locus of the series.

The Sarmatians

The Sarmatians were a conferation of tribes who controlled much of the Pontic Steppe from roughly the 7th century BC to 3rd century AD. The last wave, the Alans, were broken by the Huns. Some retreated into the Caucasus mountains (where the land of Alania once was, and where North and South Ossetia are now located). Others went west - joining with the Gothic tribes to raid the Roman Empire, and eventually reaching as far as the English Channel in France, and eastern Spain (the state of Catalunya was originally "Goth-Alania"). They even joined the Goths on an ill-fated attempt to conquer North Africa.
They were, as all steppe nomads, superb horsemen and masters of the bow. They also used the rope (lasso/lariat) as a weapon, and made an art of the cavalry charge with heavy spear (which eventually developed into the great heavy cavalry charges of the knights in armor and heavy lance of the Middle Ages). Their influence on European war techniques (and the romance of the mounted knight) is enormous, yet who in North America, at least, has ever heard about these fascinating people?

In which I discover historical Amazons and the lack of research available in English

I set out to write an historical novel about the Alans, but quickly ran up against a dearth of detailed information available in English - most research to date has been performed by Soviet, now Russian and Ukrainian scientists, and hence written largely in Russian. As I researched what I could find in English, I ran across a wonderful book by anthropologist Jeannine Davis-Kimball, with Mona Behan - Warrior Women. This also wound up influencing me, as it details much of her research into the graves and remains of the female warriors of the steppes. I wanted a strong female lead and several strong female secondary characters in my book, and found her "real life" evidence of Amazons irresistible. Soon I wound up inventing anything that hadn't already been deduced or guessed about these Amazon warriors in order to bring them into the master arch of my no-longer-historically-accurate work of fiction.

her book available here;



A rare Achaemenid relief showing women riders, Iran circa 500 bce. The goddess Anahita is about the only female shown in this period, although references to women warriors exist.
Amazon helmet - Phrygia, Anatolia
Amazons and H'aryan connection
Aryan seem to be the name WE call that old race, on all ancient places were women dominated and named towns and places and themselves they use to have prevalent use of Ur as prefix and in slavonic Veda's they call Aryans = H'Arian. Almost all ancient female cultures called themselves Harriti, Hurrians, Hat-Hor, Harahwati etc. It seems to be ancient word for women.
In todays modern english Har or Hur is hidden in words like wHoRe or HouR, in dutch huur means rent.
My point is that everything female is being degraded as worthless cause men calls himself god, in all religions that is while she is satanised in every possible way.All around the world there is evidence of women being first being on Urth.

A dykely Amazon from Roman Museum.

Data Binauthor:
Amazons and Horses

Amazons are the first to mount horses.
(Lysias, Funeral Oration 4)
Naturally the horse is the totem animal of the Amazons.
Athenian comedy, true to its mental level, always adopted a snickering attitude when there was talk of Amazons and their horses, suggesting that stallions replaced the men in Amazons tribes.  Once a year, the Amazons had an orgiastic feast of dedication.  At first, it used to take place on a granite rock in the Caucasus; later, on the reedy Ares Isle in the Black Sea.  In highly secret rites, a milky white stallion was sacrificed.
Amazon babies never drank out of their mother's breasts but suckled on the breasts of their totem mothers, the mares.
The Amazons felt a profound magic connection for the horse.  The transliteration of many of their Scythian names often contains the word hippos, which is Greek for horse. H.Diner
The Amazons were so skilled with a bow that they could hit an enemy at full gallop.
They rode horses or drove them hitched to swift chariots.  Their prowess as excellent horsewomen was known throughout the region; performing equestrian feats was a everyday thing to them.  They would dance on horseback, stand up at a full gallop, jump from one horse to another, and leap bareback across a roaring fire. D.J.Conway

February 25, 1997
          Ancient Graves of Warrior Women Offer
          Hints of Amazons
 And certain women, perhaps the elite of the tribe, appeared to be trained from an early age to be warriors on horseback.

As history usually links Amazons with steeds and horses, more work might be necessary to uncover the relation to myths of the all-powerful horse Goddesses who can beget children without men.
B. Weinbaun 
Their command of horse was superb; they rode bareback, usually with no other trapping tha a simple bridle.  Some say they introduced cavalry into Asia Minor.  Certainly they rode as no other army ever rode till Genghis Khan and hi Mongol hordes swept from the bleak steppes and trampled Europe in the Middle Ages.
Their equestrianship, implementing their strength and instincts, made them well-nigh invincible.  In an emergency, they used their spears as poles to vault upon horseback, and at full gallop they could arm their bows ans shoot as steadily and accurately as on foot.
Sometimes, while ensnaring an enemy by feigning retreat, they spun around so that they sat facing their mount's tail.  From this remarkable position they continued to let fly unremitting arrows.
Amazons from childhood have enjoyed ruthless fight on charging steeds, and all the hardships of men they endure, and the spirit of the war-god thrills through them.  They do not fall short of men in anything.  their bodies are hardened for all achievement, and their knees never tremble nor faint. D. Sobol            
Some Amazon graves show that Amazons were sometimes buried with their horses.
         Horses were sacred to the moon, because their hooves make a moon-shaped mark.            L.W.Wilde


In Amazonian myths, the Goddess was often worshipped as a mare.  The only deity shown in Scythian art was the Great Goddess whom the Greeks called Artemis, or Hestia, or Gaea (the Earth).

author: Lizzy Bluebell

Kappa Alpha Lambda Lambda Iota Alpha Sigma


Kappa Upsilon Mu Alpha Iota Omega Nu


= Kallias Kumaion

There was a horse-cult goddess - EPONA was a Celtic-Saxon Horse-godess of Iron Age Britain, probably modeled on Cretan LEUKIPPE , (White Mare), Mare-headed Demeter and the equine deities of central Asia - The cult of EPONA stretched from Spain to Eastern Europe and Northern Italy to Britain. Irish kings were were still symbolically united with a white mare in the 11th century A.D.

HORSE: In the 15th century A.D., Pope Calixtus 11 decreed that no more religious ceremonies shoild be held in "the cave with the horse-pictures". Ancient pagan horse worship coexisted wit Christianity only three centuries earlier when kings of Ireland underwent SYMBOLIC REBIRTH FROM THE WHITE MARE. She was Epona, the Celtic version of Cretan Leukippe "White Mare". The Divine Horse still stands on a hillside at Uffington in Berkshire England. 370 feet long carved into the chalk by pre-Christian votaries of Epona". (B. Walker)

I've written this up long time ago too. Also:

Hengist (stallion) and Horsa (jutes)

Horse-headed stick, Hobby Horse.

Cock-horse ridden to Banbury Cross. - Lady Godiva/Goddess' ritual ride.

Asian Shamans rode horses to heaven.

horse is mythical image of death and ecstacy.

Great Warrior's Funerary Horse Sacrifices in Norther Europe.

ODINS's 8-leggged GREY HORSE SLEIPNIR - symbol of the gallows tree/ human sacrifice. Heljuar. Elder 
Edda.Norns.Drasil. Yggdrasil Yggr Axis Mundi. OGRE. AESIR Vedic India dying gods.


HINDU QUEENS impersonated the goddess as MARE-mother, SARANYO by inserting dead horses penis 

between their legs at the end of the sacrificial ceremony calling upon the 'vigorous male' to 'lay seed' for the 

benefit of the land and the people.

Odin/Volsi means 'son of god' and Horse's Penis" . 

The penis was the 'SON' worshiped by Iron Age equestrian tribes calling themselves Volsungs.

ROMAN October Horse -- curtus eqqus ("cut horse"). Walker has a long elaborate description of the blood 

sacrificial rites and cutting the horse's penis off - done by sacred women called Three Queens.TAIL OR PENIS 

on alter Vesta - the Earth's Yoni to let blood drip on the altar.

There's way too much for me to type in here now, but this is definitely worth an article to tie it to-gather.

HORSEL is a MOON godess (Teutonic) Venus of the Horselberg also called URSEL/ ERSEL.

URSULA --  Great Bear is UR-SUS !!!! ur Zeuss?



LEU-KIPPE = name is obviously derived from greek hippo as LEU-HIPPO
and G=H
Many Amazon colonies were founded by Myrina's generals in the eastern lands, including the heavily fortified 

colony of Themiskyra by General Lysippe in 1440BCE.

Kyme, Aeolis, 165 - 140 B.C.

 In Greek mythology, the Amazons were a nation of all-female warriors Herodotus placed them in a region 

bordering Scythia in Sarmatia (modern territory of Ukraine). Other historiographers place them in Asia Minor 

or Libya.

SH35587. Silver tetradrachm, SNGvA 1636, SNG Cop 103, EF, weight 16.392 g, maximum diameter 33.1 mm, die 

axis 0o, Kyme mint, obverse head of Amazon Kyme right, wearing taenia; reverse horse walking right, oinochoe 

below, ΚΥΜΑΙΟΝ left, ΚΑΛΛΙΑΣ (magistrate) in ex, all in wreath; ex Pegasi;

skyphos (one handled cup) below,,,

ΤΙΣ/ΝΑΙΟΝ either side of one-handled cup; (seen by itself on another coin).

Kyme was destroyed in an earthquake in 17 A.D.

Alkippe/Alcippe -- Amazon Queen
Alcippe or Alkippê (Ἀλκίππη) was a name attributed to a number of figures in Greek mythology. Alcippe, the daughter of Ares and Aglaulus. When Halirrhotius, son of Poseidon, raped her (or merely attempted to), Ares killed him, a crime for which he was tried in a court, the first trial in history, which took place on the hill near the Acropolis of Athens named Areopagus, named, according to this etiological myth, after Ares. He was acquitted in court by all of the other Olympian gods. Alcippe, an Amazon who vowed to remain a virgin. She was killed by Heracles during his ninth labor. Alcippe, the mother of Daedalus by Eupalamus, son of Metion. Alcippe, one of the Alcyonides, daughters of Alcyoneus. Along with her sisters she threw herself into the sea and was turned into a kingfisher.
Alcippe, one of the attendants of Helen. Alcippe, daughter of Oenomaus. She married Evenus, son of Ares and Sterope and bore a daughter Marpessa.


GENDER: Masculine

USAGE: Slavic Mythology

OTHER SCRIPTS: Волосъ (Church Slavic)

Meaning & History

Derived from Slavic volu meaning "ox". Volos was the Slavic god of cattle, also associated with wealth, fertility, 

the underworld, and poetry.


Volos, they say it is OX or VOL or VO (govedo fem. krava) BUT I see Волосъ = VoLoSLJ which could be VLaSi 

as hair or Kelts.

"Volsi (with umlaut) was a title of Odin's - 

meaning both "Son of God" and "Horse's Penis"." (Walker) 

It seems to me, Odin must have adopted these names as a response to the pre-existing Horse Cult of Epona and 

the Amazon women, who apparently did use the sacrificed blood or penis of the horse to "lay 

seed" for the 

benefit of the land and the people. (Produce children). 

Up till 18th Century - The penis was the "son"worshiped by iron Age equestrian tribes calling 


Volsungs (umlaut), descendants of Volsi. The Welsh had the same god -- Waelsi or Waels !! 

Slavs worshiped him 

as Volos. Russian Volos. Slavonic Veles.

Christians converted Volos to VLAS, who had no existence except as a pagan horse-god.

under spoil alerts are quite some interresting articles

Peruvian queen. Old engraving
In the sixteenth century conquistadors encountered in the region of Mato Grosso in Brazil tribe or tribes of Amazon warriors women they will eventually kill them.

Orellana and the Amazons

In 1540 Francisco de Orellana (originally from Trujillo, Spain) became governor of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The following year he joined the expedition of Gonzalo Pizarro to explore the area east of Quito, thought to be rich in cinnamon and precious metals. The expedition soon ran out of food, and Orellana volunteered to lead a search party downstream for food. Swept along by the strong river current, however, they never returned. On this journey of 1541-1542, Orellana and his followers became the first to travel the entire length of the Amazon River, named for women warriors they encountered after months of sailing downriver.

Sources: The primary account of the expedition was written by Friar Gaspar de Carvajal, the chaplain who accompanied Orellana down the Amazon. Parts of Carvajal's Relación had appeared in Oviedo's Historia general de las Indias, written in 1542 at the conclusion of Orellana's journey, but not published until 1855. Oviedo's account is especially valuable because he combined Carvajal's narrative with interviews of Orellana and some of his men. The full Relación, however, was not published until 1895 when edited by the Chilean scholar José Toribio Medina. Later, in 1934 it was extensively revised by H.C. Heaton.

Learning of the Amazons: On June 5, 1542, after months of sailing downriver through the territory of the Omaguas and neighboring tribes, Orellana's boats came to a sizable village which paid homage to the Amazons. A public square in the village contained a large wooden relief carving of a "walled city" with enclosure, gates, and towers with windows, resting on the paws of two "fierce lions "(possibly jaguars). Between the lion figures was a hole for libations of chicha to be poured to the Sun-god. A native reported that such carvings symbolized their mistress, the ruler of the Amazons, who required tribute from these villagers in the form of colored macaw and parrot feathers used to line the roofs of their temples. Nearby in the public square was a ceremonial house with feather garments used in dances and sacrifices. A similarly carved tree trunk was encountered at the next village.
Map of Orellana's route down the Amazon (after Medina 1934; Athena  Review 1,3)

Increased gatherings of natives seemed ominous for the Spaniards, who had obviously outstayed their welcome. Orellana's party, therefore, continued downriver under constant threat of attack until June 7, when they captured a small village for supplies. Departing to avoid a skirmish with the natives, Orellana came upon the río Madeira, which he called "río Grande" because of its size. Here the north bank of the Amazon was lined with "very large settlements standing on a slope." Along the river banks, human heads were displayed like trophies on picotas (gibbets or racks). The Spaniards accordingly called this stretch of the Amazon "the Province of the Gibbets."

Orellana landed several times over the following two weeks to raid villages for supplies. In one case, after the inhabitants retreated to their houses, Orellana burned them. Oviedo thus calls this settlement Pueblo de los Quemados ("Town of the Burned"). Then, forced on June 22 by strong currents and high winds to bypass a town on the north shore whose "houses were glimmering white," they instead landed the following day at a large village they named Pueblo de la Calle ("Town of the Street"), because it contained a central street with dwellings on either side.

The Amazons attack: The next day, June 24, 1542, the Spanish boats were attacked by Indians led by ten or twelve Amazons who shot so many arrows that the brigantines "looked like porcupines." One of these arrows struck Carvajal in the eye, causing its loss. He reports that during the battle the Amazons showed themselves as courageous and capable fighters and leaders of the other Indians. Eventually "...our companions killed seven or eight... of the Amazons, whereupon the Indians lost heart, and they were defeated and routed..." This situation could only be temporary, and the vastly outnumbered Spaniards fled down the middle of the river with Indians chasing them out of their territory.

From then on, with many of his men wounded and supplies (including armaments) running low, Orellana whenever possible avoided land, as he was now typically met by warriors assembled to defend their villages against intrusion. In late June and early July Orellana skirted large islands of the lower Amazon which appeared unihabited, but whose adjacent banks "bristled" with warlike natives.
Queen of the Amazons (two breasts here) and Adonis Alexander the Great
on parthogenesis

 Virginal reproduction

In cases of parthenogenesis (virgin birth), an ovum starts to divide by itself without fertilization, producing an embryo in which the paternal chromosomes may be replaced by a duplication of maternal ones. This asexual reproductive method is rare among warm-blooded vertebrates but more common among invertebrates. Pathological parthenogenesis has been observed in higher animals, such as the frog, fowl, and certain mammals. Parthenogenesis usually gives rise to female offspring or sometimes an abnormal male.
    In 1900 Jacques Loeb accomplished the first clear case of artificial parthenogenesis when he pricked unfertilized frog eggs with a needle and found that in some cases normal embryonic development ensued. In 1936 Gregory Pincus induced parthenogenesis in mammalian (rabbit) eggs by temperature change and chemical agents. Artificial parthenogenesis has since been achieved in almost all major groups of animals, by mechanical, chemical, and electrical means, though it usually results in incomplete and abnormal development.
    Attempts at artificial parthenogenesis in humans have not yet been successful. The first cloned human embryo was produced in October 2001. Eggs had their own genetic material removed and were injected with the nucleus of a donor cell. They were then incubated under special conditions to prompt them to divide and grow. One embryo grew to six cells before it stopped dividing. The same experimenters also tried to induce human eggs to divide into early embryos parthenogenetically -- without being fertilized by a sperm or enucleated and injected with a donor cell -- but their efforts met with only limited success [1].
    There is some evidence, however, that natural parthenogenesis does occasionally occur in humans. There are many instances in which impregnation has allegedly taken place in women without there being any possibility of the semen entering the female genital passage [2]. In some cases it was found either in the course of pregnancy or at the time of childbirth that the female passages were obstructed. In 1956 the medical journal Lancet published a report concerning 19 alleged cases of virgin birth among women in England, who were studied by members of the British Medical Association. The six-month study convinced the investigators that human parthenogenesis was physiologically possible and had actually occurred in some of the women studied [3].
 Many primitive peoples believe that there are two methods of human reproduction: the ordinary animal one and a higher one rarely employed -- virgin birth [4]. One belief is that the rays of the sun can fertilize women. In this regard, it is interesting that ultraviolet rays can cause parthenogenesis in unfertilized eggs of sea-urchins. It is also believed that moon rays, wind, rain, and certain types of food can cause impregnation. In the 19th century the Trobriand Islanders of the western Pacific insisted that cases of virgin birth still occurred among them.
    Further evidence for the possibility of human parthenogenesis comes from the mysterious phenomenon of dermoid cysts [5]. These are malformed embryonic growths or tumour-like formations occasionally found in various parts of the body, including womb, ovaries, and scrotum. They often contain bones, hair, teeth, flesh, tissue, glands, portions of the scalp, face, eyes, ribs, vertebral column, and umbilical cord. They are found in males as well as females, both young and old, including virgins. They appear to be undeveloped embryos and fetuses in various stages of growth. Loeb and several other researchers argued that dermoid cysts may be related to the parthenogenetic tendency of the mammalian egg, catalyzed perhaps by an increase in blood alkalinity. However, the body's parthenogenetic capacity is now very feeble and the generative centres lack the power to carry the reproduction process through to its proper conclusion.
    It is possible that some cases of human parthenogenesis involve self-fertilization rather than true virgin birth, as there are cases of sperm being produced in women by vestigial, usually nonfunctional, male reproductive glands known as the epoöphoron (parovarium) and paroöphoron, which correspond to the seminiferous tubules of the testicles in males. In some instances, the magnetic influence and nervous excitement occasioned by attempted sexual intercourse may rouse into activity the latent, rudimentary male sex glands so that they secrete semen, resulting in impregnation [6].
    Prior to the acceptance by the medical profession of the present theory of conception (epigenesis) in the middle of the 19th century, the ovist and aura seminalis theories prevailed, which can be traced back to Pythagoras. According to the ovist theory, the new organism is a product of the egg alone, and the spermatozoon and male progenitor are not essential to the reproductive process. According to the aura seminalis theory, the male supplies only a vital stimulus (an aura or emanation) which initiates the development of the ovum. The aura seminalis theory was rejected after it was established in 1854 that ova were fertilized by the actual entrance of the nucleus or head of the spermatozoa.
    However, Loeb's experiments showed that for fertilization to occur, neither the sperm nucleus nor the spermatozoon itself need enter the egg, or even be in proximity to the egg. He replaced the sperm by alkaline solutions, ultraviolet rays, and other stimuli. Alexander Gurwitsch discovered in the 1920s that cells emit weak ultraviolet ('mitogenetic') radiation that can cause cell division in other cells at a distance -- a finding still resisted by mainstream scientists [7].
    The power of sperm to cause fertilization is distinct from their capacity of hereditary transmission. In one experiment, a fertilizing enzyme (occytase) was isolated from spermatozoa and, when added to unfertilized sea-urchin eggs, caused them to develop. This substance is present in mammalian blood, since the addition of ox's blood to unfertilized eggs produced the same effects. Sperm therefore exercise two independent functions: they can trigger the segmentation of the ovum, and they may convey paternal genetic qualities. The former function can be replaced by chemical substances, while the latter can be dispensed with, in which case the offspring have purely maternal characteristics [8].
Eggs show at least a beginning of segmentation under normal conditions. But sperm, which are highly alkaline, appear to accelerate the process by compensating for the excessive acidity of the medium surrounding the egg rather than a chemical deficiency in the egg itself. An acid condition of the blood prevents the parthenogenetic development of ova in the ovaries, while increased alkalinity appears to favour parthenogenetic development [9].
    Commenting on Pincus's experiments on artificial parthenogenesis in rabbits, G. de Purucker stated that the means employed had probably thrown the ova back to a condition identical with the hermaphroditism of the early third root-race. Since there is always a double sex in every human or animal of our day, the ova would develop from the double current innate in the mother rabbit and produce offspring much as the hermaphrodites did towards the middle of the third race .

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