I'm the creator of Temple Illuminatus, and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage our new incoming members to reach out and introduce themselves.

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Hi I just joined not too long ago and so far I like it here. 

Hello, my name is Julian and yes I am finding it difficult to jump right in and start throwing my universe around. I am busy at the moment working with an aquaintance who is a British film director who is encouraging me to write my first screenplay so over the next two weeks  this will be consuming me.When the deadline is up I plan on spending a lot more time getting to know everyone, most of all me! 

I am here because I strongly believe that there is an element of nature that had been lost but a few of us have partially retained- magicians, mediums, spiritualists, call them what you like but I believe we all have the ability to extend ourselfs within the light that surounds us. It is a hidden nature that has been burried by the ignorant and the church and I would like to help to excavate it and allow others to see it for what it really is- kon om pax :

Greetings in Love and Light, I'm so Glad to be Here and excited to get started meeting new Family. I'm a 3D graphics artist and a Seeker of the Truth. I also Channel and do Oracle card Readings with the fey Realms. 

Hello soul dwellers,

Someone messaged me on witter to come check out this site... I'm a soul on the search for truth, non stop thinking.... There's no going back to sleep now! I believe that my soul has lead me here for a purpose

Hi, I'm new here...joined a few days ago and just now able to start poking round to get familiar with the site. so please bare with me!!! lol



I'd like to commend you on this site. Its wonderful and such a great place to come to. Reconnecting with parts of myself that I've felt have been lost is such a blessing as are the wonderful people that come here. I've never found a place that I feel that I can be myself and talk about all the things that are in my heart and in my mind. thank you for the privilege of being a part of this wonderful place.

I'm known as a healer, empathy, and believe in both traditional native healing as well as wiccan beliefs, they compliment each other so well. I've been blessed with teachers along my life, three Medicine Men/Healers and numerous Healers. I was young and foolish, controlled by abuse and walked away from what I believe my true path should have been. Each of the Medicine Men said they knew I was coming, referred to me as "the one" though wouldn't tell me one what, for all I knew could have been one green eyed Indian. One in particular invited me to a Sweat Ceremony and seemed shocked when I told him after all that I saw during the ceremony and invited me back the next night and brought many elders mostly women. I, the Shaman and the FireKeeper all became physically ill during the second ceremony. I was told in all the years he had done this that he had never had to "take a break" because of the "power and energy" within. I told him of a recurring dream that I'd had since being a child and before I could finish the second sentence he told me the dream word for word and told me he built the lodge where my spirit stood three years before. He offered to teach me but because of my fear of my abusive partner I walked away from my path and have regretted it ever since. 

I'm 45 year old mother of three adult kids, grandmother to two grandsons, two step-granddaughters. My children were abducted and taken to England in 1988, my youngest then was only 6 months old, my oldest son is autistic and only 3 1/2 and oldest daughter was two. I went through a grieving process like they had died and basically lost my mind for about 10 years.

I'm a survivor of severe abuse since the age of four that I remember to the age of 30 because what I learned as a child carried on to adulthood and believed that the relationships I was in were "normal".

Through all of this I was guided, had an unusual relationship with wild animals that presented themselves to me without fear, even as a child.

Eight years ago my spine was injured causing permanent disability from the waist down called cauda equine syndrome, this caused severe depressive disorder which I continue to battle, chronic fatigue and a loss of the dreams, visions, and ability to make use of the gift of healing touch, though I'm still in touch with some of the empathic abilities. The gifts I had and seem to have lost have left a huge hole in my life and I'm looking to reconnect with that gifted side of myself. I worked for some time as an in-home palliative care giver and had such a passion for it as well as going to college after upgrading from a grade 8 education to work on a career that integrated psychology and palliative care giving. I don't understand why my ability to carry on this work has been taken from me the same as the gifts given from the Mother.

I've learned that I can't do this alone so asking for help is the only way I know to find the person I was and to carry on without giving into the sometimes overwhelming desire to just "stop" and let my soul start again, hopefully without the mistakes of the past. So, if there is anyone out there that can relate in any way that has advice, I'm open and willing to listen.

 Blessings, love, light and peace to all.

Thank you for listening.(reading)

Crystal Healer, Do you mind elaborating on the two paragraphs below;

"I'm a survivor of severe abuse since the age of four that I remember to the age of 30 because what I learned as a child carried on to adulthood and believed that the relationships I was in were "normal".

Through all of this I was guided, had an unusual relationship with wild animals that presented themselves to me without fear, even as a child".

How were you abused? By who? Was your relationship with wild animals on the physical or the mental plane? What type of wild or domesticated animals? Was your relationship with wild animals also guided? If so by who? If truely you are a healer, why have you not been able to heal yourself? Don't you think that the accident you had was as a result of your own self-inflicted erroneous living style. What form of assistance are you asking for?


Philuz, and ANY others out there willing to read this and my previous request/comment.

The abuse and relationship with animals were two completely different things. The ABUSE was perpetrated starting with my birth mother selling me as a child to pedophiles to pay for her heroin addiction, the physical, sexual, and mental abuse continued throughout my childhood and into relationships because my mother taught me at such a young age that "my body, and even my mind were not my own". I've had three prior relationships in my life. First 51/2 years, second 21/2 years, and third for 5 1/2 years. There are far more people out there who have been with far more partners than I ever have and those three relationships were the ones who were abusive and controlling, the "same" as what I grew up with knowing as "normal".

If you know anything about healing, then you would know that Most healers do not or are not able to heal themselves.

My relationship with animals was that of a little girl running to hide in the forest behind the house and where I could remain until I had no choice but to go back. In the time I spent there, animals such as birds, raccoons, deer, possums, would approach me and let me touch them, birds would land on me without fear.

How you combined these two separate things in my life and turned the blessing of some type of consolation found in nature into something ugly is beyond my comprehension..

The "accident" was of a physiotherapist only out of school for four months and not paying attention and then not "hearing" me when in tears I continued to tell him that he had injured a completely different part of my back and for two and half hours continued to tell me that the pain was normal that it was because I was using muscles my body was not accustomed to using. For 47 days I was told I was fine, go back to work. By the time doctors actually investigated and found that three vertebrae had actually shattered and that the fragments had done such damage to the nerves that I remain crippled without proper use of my legs, incontinence, inability to conceive or care for children or even to have a physical relationship with my husband of over 15 years..

So if you choose to see this as MY erroneous lifestyle you are sadly mistaken and need to give your head and heart a shake, that is presuming you have one, I'll pray that the Light may touch you in some way to expand your understanding.

The help I am looking for is to reconnect with the parts of myself that I feel were stripped from me by the "evil" that was in my life for so many years. If that's wrong then I would like to hear from more people than just you to tell me that this request is wrong and if it is, in what way.

I am a healer, I have tried very hard to continue to develop my path and want no more than to continue to develop the gifts I was given

Please Crystal Healer, Sorry for not being here on time to respond. I had no intention of being offensive. Certain words you used looked strange and these prompted the questions and which you properly answered. Wishing you Peace Profound. Philuz

Hi, joined today, been following on twitter for ages. I've been involved in Esoterics most of my life. Been through ritual magick in various forms, lab alchemy etc really and just keep learning.
Hello, my name is Jenn. I am new here, as well as on my path.

Hi I am not sure if I have the right place, I am interested in the shamanic path and most importantly the study of psychadelic/teaching plants. I was given a message and a goal and must see it fulfilled. I am a recovering addict and was recently introduced to meditation and psychoactive plants to help cope with my addictions. It has worked and I intend to help others like me.


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