I have been feeling very drained and negative lately, then this came in my email, and it made me think... I live in a major tourist area, and maybe the combination of both tourists and locals is affecting me. So, here is something to think about:

The Energy of Cities


Living in large cities can be draining, but there are steps that can be taken to make it all work in harmony.
The cities we reside in have souls. Our cities consume, create, evolve, and breathe much in the same way Mother Nature does. Each city is unique, defined not only by the individuals who call it home but also by the energy it exudes. Some cities are suffused by an aura of unshakable calm while others seem continually frenetic, even during the early morning hours. Many inspire creativity within us or arouse our curiosity. A city's energy is dependent on many factors, including the geography, the people, the industry, and the culture. Residing in a city full of warehouses and factories feels very different than one living in one populated by artists and museums. Some cities elevate the soul while others seem to squash it, and fate may lead us to either.

If the urban center you presently call home feels oppressive or robs you of your vitality, consider relocating to a locale that is more nurturing. You may find that leaving your city is an impossibility, however, if circumstances in your life compel you to remain or the universe has plans for you that involve your staying put. To cope with the stress of working and playing in an environment you have an aversion to, first ask yourself how the city you live in makes you feel. Then take steps to cleanse your home, your work spaces, and your life of the energy that is dragging you down. Try smudging your personal and professional spaces with sage or sweetgrass to dispel negativity. Keeping a quartz crystal on or near your person can ensure that there is always positive, loving energy nearby that you can draw from when you feel affected by your city. And you can do your part to promote widespread good energy by sending love and white light from your heart out into the city each morning and night.

As you become increasingly aware of the way your city makes you feel, you can refine your cleansing efforts to meet your individual needs. If you seek out others who feel driven to purify your city's energy flow, your combined efforts can become a larger movement that promotes healing and goodwill. You may find that, after a time, you are gradually drawn to those aspects of your locale that energize you, helping you come back into balance.

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You can also move around until you find the perfect place for you.

That is what I did.

If you live in a place that is good for you, life becomes easier, you prosper and feel good and energized and get into the flow of life, that way... 

I feel you, truly <3 It's been a journey lol
I've lived in the city my whole life, near factories... always longing to be away from it all but we learn how to cope with whatever methods we can for sure, Thank you for sharing this!!

Thank you, I like you idea of balance, I need to use that! As for your household, does everyone actually live in the same house? Maybe simple ideas for balancing the energy there, also, like candles, incense, essential oils, or even some of the specialized hoodoo oils? Good luck!

I had that situation, since I was taking care of my ex husband who did not have my beliefs, but I was able to clear my own space, my room, my office and the general areas, however, the cleansing really comes from within, you have to assert yourself and know your true World is within, and no one can touch that one.

In reality, you go within and no one or anything can perturb you.

As for your idea of going to different places, that is the healthier way, because we need to keep a balance of all the available energies!

Besides, even if we live in an ideal place for us, we have to integrate the whole World within us!

I feel your pain.I deal with this constantly.


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