We all admire Mother Teresa and the sisters of charity for their lifelong and dedicated commitment to helping and uplifting the very poor.
Yet, is this charity actually misguided in the extreme?
With no offense meant to anybody, I would like to broach this controversial topic and put it to the members in an open and transparent fashion. How else do we learn, other than comparing views and listening to the opinions of others?
I was watching a video on Mother Teresa's mission in Calcutta, India the other day, as I wished to gain more of an insight into the rationale and reasoning behind such an endeavour. To give up one's whole life to serve the needs of the poorest of the poor can be called the epitomy of charitable works indeed. All truly spiritual people have respect for all life and the sacredness thereof.
Then I watched another video which revolved around a debate between anti-and pro-Mother Teresa factions, where the mission was accused of using the same needles over and over again, and confining patients to enforced bed rest in unsanitary conditions.There seems to be an underlying resentment against the missions in the so-called 'Third World/Underdeveloped nations' from some quarters. Some even refer to Mother Teresa as a devil, not a saint.
In my humble opinion, the missions and charity, though commendable in the sense that people do it from the heart and out of love and from the soul give to the needy, are missing the point completely and thus actually contribute to the problem of overpopulation and subsequent poverty and crime instead of healing it.at the root.
Neither is Mother Teresa 'evil' , or any Catholic person for that matter. Yet because of teachings ultimately designed to subject the vast majority of the human race to suffering, poverty and inequalities, it can be said that many then unwittingly contribute to the problem rather than doing anything to solve it.
Charity? It is essentially time, effort, tears and wasted time for nothing - a superficial plaster for a deep wound, as the problem of poverty is growing rather than decreasing worldwide despite all the efforts of all of the Religious charity organizations and some of the churches who do take in the cold and starving street children over the harshest of winters in some places..
Just as Western medicine treats mainly the outer symptoms of a medical problem and does not always find and heal the root cause of the symptoms of a dis-ease, it seems to be that Charity has the same relationship with poverty as useless medicines have with treating chronic dis-eases.
They both treat the symptoms, and ignore the root of the problem. Is this not extending and exacerbating this problem in the long run?
Mother Teresa goes on to mention that she had found or seen Jesus in poverty.
To her this is a virtue - poverty, and to be dirt poor with nothing to eat and no-where to stay, is a virtue? With every and all due respect for a person many call a living saint, I disagree. To live your life in suffering, is a virtue though and is what God wants for everyone according to the Church.
When the overpopulation of the world is such that there are no resources left to feed anyone, then there will also be no charity left to go around, and no space in the shelters for the billions of poor people around the world.
When the Catholic Church made the pact or concordat with the Nazis just before the second world war, the agreement guaranteed a birth-control free production line of combat-ready soldiers, and everyone was happy.
But times have changed since then, and right now for any family to have more than one or two children is utter insanity considering the realities of an overpopulated world with not enough food and water and living space to go round.
Abortion is against God, it is said. It is good, or so the poor are led to believe, to procreate and have as many children as possible.No matter if a family has twenty or more children and the parents must suffer to care and feed and clothe them all their while lives through, thus feeding and maintaining only the cycle of poverty, no contraception must be allowed. If 90% of the violent crime in a country is caused by poverty, then crime is a pure symptom of poverty. Is this what the Divine wishes on us, do you think?
Most incarcerated criminals come from poor backgrounds. Its easy for the well-off to moan and complain about crime, or starving masses in the world, yet their very own religion has caused most of it through misguided teachings.
When the Cosmic Christ said that we should not ever harm the poor or suffer the little children, that is the same teaching of Goddess Diana, with regards to never harming the poor and honoring the sacredness of all life.
Yet even if rape is rampant in India and African countries, and there are so many millions of 'unwanted' abandoned children around - birth control is 'against the word of God'.
Thus, it can be argued that all of the assorted evils of a poverty-stricken life are according to the word of the Church which purports to represent God. Does the Divine really want a world so full of people that everything is consumed and we all start eating each other?
Having known poverty for a large part of my lifetime, I can feel free to discuss it, if those who have never been needy insist that being poor is such a big virtue and the way to go is for some of the rich to give when they feel like it to the poor and thus maintain the unequal status quo in the world..
Again in my opinion, a person should be paid or renumerated according to their skills and talents and hard work. One should be able to advance through ones own abilities. Having said that, it would be nice if everyone had an equal playing -field to start off with.
Say, all the nations stopped weapons production with immediate effect and instead gave every single person their fair share? Everyone would start off a millionaire. Then the need for patronizing and ultimately controlling charity would be gone altogether and there would be no hunger, poverty and subsequent crime; only education and productivity.
Communism is a failed experimental alternative to Religion, where the state simply replaces God. The sad history of failed socialist-marxist-communist introductions is proof thereof. Neither seems to work and make the people happy. In fact there are similarities between Religion and Politics, more than perhaps even considered before.
Both have the tendency to deliberately blinker off people from any alternative way of believing or thinking other than to follow their own ideology rigidly. There are set rewards and punishments for those who obey meekly and those who resist respectively. There is indoctrination and set ideology/theology to follow. Any perceived 'difference' is taboo. Force is the final solution. This is slavery on all levels, no mistake about it.
In my view it is by both applying common sense and logically realizing the necessity to limit the number of children born into the world from now on and more importantly, to bring back the sanity and wholesomeness of Nature in the way of true spirituality and thereby the Truth, which is more enduring than any Religion /Political ideology can ever be.
(To the sleeping)Then again, it's just the devil witch- woman talking about Religions again so why bother to listen? Carry on ignoring every sign of the times, play good cop-evil cop and war-war games to your hearts content and enjoy the barren fruits of the tree when there is nix left but other people to eat and their blood to drink, then.
Not only are the creatures becoming extinct as the human population soars out of control, but the growing need for food production is severely affecting the global eco-system.
Poverty is a virtue?
A study of the current plight of domestic pets proves that the only way to limit the total overpopulation of feral cats is to sterilize them. Cats can't put on condoms. There is no regulation on the backyard breeding of dogs, and so we have overpopulation and therefore animal welfare organizations and other caring people who assist with rescue and rehabilitation. This costs billions of dollars in time and effort and the whole issue could be so easily avoided to the benefit of dogs and people by taking decisive action. So what makes the human race any different? We need to all pull together, be responsible and stop this insanity.
Whatever the case, for the sake of the planet, the "Be fruitful, and multiply" times are over.
Sharing what we can out of genuine compassion is very different from charity.
Naturally in the event of an emergency situation, to give to help the desperate is commendable, and no-one can argue the need for such interventions. Bless the works done by those who care for the welfare of others.
However to teach someone how to fish, is far better in the long run than making that person eternally dependent on aid. This becomes a crutch, and a huge burden on others.
My feeling is that the root cause of a problem should be identified and acted upon rather than merely treating the symptoms. Likewise, to only treat poverty with charity is ultimately self-defeating as it creates a vicious cycle of dependence. People must learn to do it by themselves somehow instead of being beggars and doing nothing to help themselves. .
Poverty leads to crime - and of that there can be no doubt. Poverty is not cured by charitable works but by creating a stable environment and providing real facilities and opportunities for self-improvement. No-one wants to be a beggar, or poor out of choice.
Teach to fish, rather than give fish.
Jeff ~ thank you for your response. In turn, you have made some points which ring true.
The new pope , a jesuit if that means anything, is saying that he wants to 'have a poor church, and poor people' or something to that effect. He WANTS us to be poor!!!
This is a rhetorical question : Be truthful and honest with yourself, and ask whether you actually believe this? Will you really choose to live in poverty? Does God want us to be poor?
Following from this, in this world, money is a form of energy, or power. Sorry but that is reality. Yes we are living in a matrix, where we create the life we love, if we know how and have willpower. In this matrix, one cannot survive without money.
The richest state in the world is the Vatican city.
So my challenge to the Pope, if he says he wants a poor church and poor people, is prove to the world through an international audit of the wealth of the Catholic Church how wealthy the Church actually is, and once this enormous sum has been calculated, then get rid of the fancy robes which somehow make him 'above' everyone else, and become poor, as poor as you want everyone else to be.
If we had to divide the money equally among the poor people of the world, everyone would be wealthy.
The fact is that I bear no personal grudge against any Catholic person. People are people and as far as I am concerned, we are all One.
Yet the Institution called the Catholic Church will not see that uncontrolled birthing of children is going to cause a severe imbalance in the ecology of the planet. Already it is at a critical stage.
The Goddess is still denied equal billing in the spiritual community, and patriarchy seems to be what the majority want to cling onto, even as the ship begins to list badly.
My feeling is that poverty - and I have actually been poor for quite a while in my life until I picked myself up, stopped feeling 'guilty' about making some money to improve my way of living and started to work hard, which hasn't stopped since. I didnt start with an inheritance, or any sponsor at all, but just made the most of what I had and worked my way up over years and then in turn create/d many work opportunities and starts for others. I know what its like to be hungry all the time, and have only maize meal to eat. To sleep in a shack through the cold winter, and to have only one set of clothes to wear. No electricity, no nothing, baby. Do i want this for my children?
Here is the second part of my rhetorical challenge to the Pope.
All the Priests and everyone in fact, who takes the vow of poverty in the Church-go and live in Somalia or elsewhere in the world where there is abject and horrific poverty, for one year. Then come and tell me how much you love it.
I do not believe in a God who wants us to suffer like that. Its easy to sit and evangelize or preach about how we must all suffer and be dirt poor, so that we can all fly away and end up in heaven, after duly 'suffering', yet truly how many of those who criticize, have really lived the life they say they all want so badly? It is so easy to preach and then not walk the talk.
The thing is,in countries where there is relative freedom and many opportunities to better ones lifestyle, so many people are just too bone lazy to actually get some backbone and get to work, and make something of themselves. Work is a blessing, and a gift through which we can truly improve our circumstances and thus of those around us. If there were no rich people, where would the secondary industries such as the service industry end up? Too often, its laziness and a reliance on charity from others which makes people just go round and round in a never ending cycle of poverty and suffering. People need jobs, not sweet talk which never really amounts to much.
And yes indeed, Jeff, Mother Nature always corrects an imbalance, though its the inner goodness and truth in human beings (as well as the application of common sense and reasoning) that is waited upon.
So many people don't know whether to blame their God, their Devil or other people Goddess for the bad weather that's coming our way soon..
Well here's Truth for free
Its only you and you alone to blame, people, as every pain and every pleasure you experience in a lifetime is of your own making, and not that of the Divine.
Nature is becoming critically pressured due to polluting industries and war, the incorrect use of energy and the harm done to the lungs of the Earth, the rain forests and the trees. One doesn't have to have a crystal ball to know cause and effect, and well, if we cannot make the necessary adjustments to again live in harmony with Nature and with the currents of the Divine, the living environment will make the necessary adjustments for us..
There is no evil in it, it is just the way it is. We must all take full responsibility for our actions, and choose what kind of life we really and truly want for ourselves and the children. I am certainly not doing harm to any children, in fact I try to help as much as possible to make a better life for others in a real, proactive manner. Harming the little children, is making them and their primary caregivers all dirt poor, and continuing the cycle of inequality, imbalance and suffering in my humble opinion.
Nothing and nobody can tame the Great Goddess, and a pendulum always returns to a state of perfect equilibrium in the end, no matter what happens in-between. Well in meantime, speaking for myself - i'm just living the life I love, working hard, sharing what I can and helping others to also make a living. Poverty sucks
Blessed Be, Jeff.
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