By 'God' I don't necessarily mean 'creator' i only mean an omnipotent and omnibenevolent being.

The being God; the one who is eternaly omnipotent and omnibenevolent

The becoming God; the one who tends to be omnipotent and omnibenevolent as time tends to positive infinity.

For me, it doesn't matter which of the two.

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I've always felt.. in the beginning there was everything and nothing.. and then it spoke..


So if I take this to what you are speaking of.. yes it can be. 


I have no clue if I made any sense? LOL

Sure.. I think it is all perception.  If in the beginning there was everything and nothing then it spoke.. it is another way of calling it infinity.. no beginning no end.. no separation just is.


There will be no dualistic thought pattern.  It is perception.  If you think of things as dark/light, benevolent/malicious then it is a separating (dualistic) thought.  When you see it as all is one.. duality is actually one in the same it just is at a different frequency.  Hence the 'it spoke' part.  It is the same thing just vibrating on at a different level.  So if everything is.. it is how you look upon it to determine how you feel about duality or not.  You are looking at the same thing but perception determines how you view it.


So, God would be the embodiment of all.. light/dark.  infinity.  But so are we.. we have the ability to make decisions good/bad.  it doesn't make us opposites or separate or dualistic.  we are the same person just making decisions that determines our frequency rate.  Low vibrations (associated with fear/harming others/ect) or higher frequencies (associated with love/tolerance/ect).  we are the embodiment of all of it.  So would God.  However.. God's wisdom and understanding on how all things are and is has the knowledge and wisdom which probably keeps god choosing to make decisions that are more high frequency based hence the belief.. of god being all knowing and loving.  Where we as souls strive to gain that understanding as we journey to join back up with creator.


So is god omnipotent and omnibenevolent?  To me.. god is both.. but chooses how to act..because of the wisdom and knowledge god already has.


Hope that makes better sense.

I have the personal belief that there is Prime Creator/Source/etc. who created more creators, and the Omnipotent GOD that we attribute to being everywhere at once is in fact the God Consciousness that connects us all as one.  So in fact we as a WHOLE consciousness (all beings everywhere) is far greater than any single part of it, including the Prime Creator. (please dont stone me!!)


Again this is just how I see it and am in no way saying this is fact or Truth.


I know its a little long but I love the way Bramley's logical mind works, so I am gonna share it anyhow!  - David




"While researching this book, I encountered many ideas of what a Supreme Being might be. Perhaps the best way to tackle the issue is to first try to determine what an individual spiritual being is .


A spiritual being appears to be something that is not a part of the physical universe, and yet it possesses both external awareness and self-awareness. The Samkhya definitions on pages 103 and 104 of this book appear to be fairly accurate, and I refer the reader to those pages. The mounting scientific evidence of spiritual immortality in near-death episodes and in documented past-life memories indicates that spiritual beings are best defined as timeless and indestructible units of awareness.

Every spiritual being, or unit of awareness, seems to be completely unique and independent. Each appears to possess its own distinct viewpoint which cannot be entirely duplicated by any other unit of awareness. This uniqueness and individuality of viewpoint appear to be the very essence and purpose of spiritual existence. We may see some evidence of this in the fact that when individuals are crushed into a sameness, they become unhappier and worse off; their perceptions deteriorate and they are less creative.


When true uniqueness and individuality are restored to people, they regain their vitality and creativity.

It appears that every unit of awareness is capable of infinite creation because creation by a spiritual being is accomplished by the act of thought or imagination.*


* The words “thought” and “imagination” are probably not the best to describe the actual process, but they are adequate for our purposes. 

If you imagine that there is a white cat on top of this book, you have created a white cat, even if it only exists for you. Such creations, when shared and agreed to by others, eventually give rise to universes that can be shared and experienced by all others. This seems to be how spiritual beings create universes of their own and in cooperation with others, and why there exists evidence in modern physics that our universe appears to be ultimately based on thought .

For any universe or reality to exist, an infinity must first exist in which a universe or reality may be placed. All reality, including this material universe, arise out of infinity and not vice versa; this has been demonstrated by some remarkable mathematics being done at various universities. Every unit of awareness is the source of its own infinity because thought and imagination have no bounds; any amount of space, time or matter may be imagined by any spiritual being and ultimately agreed to and shared by other spiritual beings.

Where did all of these countless units of awareness come from? Did there exist at one time only a single unit of awareness from which all others originated? The many similarities between all spiritual beings make it appear so. That original unit of awareness would be what is normally called a Supreme Being , which we might also call the Primary Being. 

It appears that individual spiritual beings are actually the units of awareness of a Primary, or Supreme, Being, yet each unit is possessed of its own self-awareness, personality, freewill, independent thought, and infinite creativity.

This would mean that a Supreme Being had created, or had given “birth” to, an uncountable number of unique and individual units of awareness through which that Supreme Being could experience the uncountable infinities, universes, and realities which all of those spiritual beings could freely and independently create. Supreme Being might therefore be very crudely likened to a person sitting in a television control booth who puts out trillions of video cameras. Each camera (spiritual being) feeds a picture into its own individual monitor screen in the control booth to be viewed by the operator (Supreme Being). Each camera is situated a little differently and so each has a different viewpoint and perspective. Each camera is also capable of creating its own ”special effects” (universes).

If the above theory is accurate, we might ask: how could a Supreme Being have been so foolish? Why would it create awareness units that were self-aware? After all, it is the quality of self-awareness, or the awareness of being aware, that allows spiritual beings to be completely independent and to engage in the silliness which has caused them to suffer the sorry plight that they now appear to be enduring on Earth and probably elsewhere. Why did a Supreme Being not simply throw out an enormous number of awareness units that were only externally aware and had no consciousness of their own existences? Better yet, why did a Supreme Being not do the sensible thing and simply retain its own single undivided viewpoint?

Self-awareness is apparently the quality which gives spiritual beings the capacity for thought and imagination, and hence to be a source of infinity and creation .

Without self-awareness, a spiritual being could not create on its own. Self-awareness appears to act as the “mirror” against which a spiritual being can be the source of an infinity, and within that infinity can create realities and universes.

Theoretically, of course, a Supreme Being was already capable of creating an infinity and of creating anything within it, hut only from its own single viewpoint. A Supreme Being could only be the source of one infinity: its own. If a Supreme Being wanted to experience another infinity, it had to first create another unique self-aware unit of awareness like itself. So it apparently did just that. But it did not satisfy itself with just one more unit of awareness: it appears to have put out an uncountable number of them so that it could enjoy an almost infinite number of infinities and realities. This suggests that the potential scope of a Supreme Being extends far beyond the boundaries of this one small universe—it encompasses trillions of potential infinities and universes.

“Aha!” you might interject. “By definition, only one infinity can exist. It is redundant for something already capable of infinite creation to expand itself. Infinity multiplied by uncountable trillions is still infinity.”

As noted, infinity appears to be solely the product of viewpoint. Only units of awareness are capable of viewpoint. There therefore would exist as many infinities as there are units of awareness (spiritual beings). Infinity does not arise out of the mechanical universe or from any of its laws; rather, the mechanical universe and its laws all appear to arise out of infinity. 
What went wrong? How did so many spiritual beings, each capable of infinite creation, wind up with a dull thud on Earth thinking that they are nothing more than meat and electricity?

There are apparently many factors that caused this, including those discussed in this book. I will leave it to someone else to describe other, perhaps even more significant long-range, causes. I will only add that spiritual entities can become hopelessly caught up in the labyrinths of their own intricate creations. Although the universe appears to operate on very simple building blocks (please refer to the discussion on pages 104 and 105 of this book ), once those blocks are put into place and other arbitraries are introduced, a universe can become extremely complex and solid-looking, like the universe we share now.


When that happens, spiritual beings may become fixated in those universes like cameras anchored in a dense rain forest; the cameras are unable to perceive beyond the foliage immediately in front of them. After staring at the foliage for a long enough time, the cameras may begin to believe that they, too, are nothing but foliage and they forget that they are cameras . Salvation would come by restoring to those cameras their true self-identities and by giving them the ability to come and go from the rain forest at will.

If we look at individual spiritual beings on Earth, we see that they are very small in relation to the universe. This is the situation that apparently occurs when spiritual beings become enmeshed in bodies or other physical objects. In that state, spiritual beings have lost their power to change perspective in relation to the physical universe. Perspective is apparently what determines the “size” of a spiritual being. Have you ever stood on top of a skyscraper and looked down? Your first reaction might be to think, “Gee, those people sure are small. They're the size of ants!” Those people look so small, and really are so small, because of your change in perspective.


A spiritual being in an entrapped state can apparently change perspective in the same way in relation to the entire physical universe. The universe can appear no larger than a coffee cup, or an atom the size of a mountain. This is apparently how a spiritual being becomes “bigger” or “smaller.” Changing perspective in this fashion is not an act of mere thinking, however. It is a matter of actually shifting direct spiritual perception in as real and tangible a fashion as the person who hops an elevator to the top of a skyscraper. Spiritual beings on Earth are largely confined to the single perspective dictated by the physical bodies they animate. Mental perspectives can still change, but not the direct perspective of the spiritual entity in relation to the universe itself.

The foregoing discussion has some rather clear implications in regard to the rest of this book. The act of repressing a spiritual being, entrapping it in matter, or otherwise seeking to reduce its vision, creativity, or self-awareness as a spiritual being is the act of trying to reduce a Supreme Being . If one reduces a Supreme Being's unit of awareness (ie, a spiritual being)—even just one unit out of many trillions—one has still reduced a Supreme Being by that much. Since only other units of awareness can engage in such repression, it follows that a bizarre psychosis has arisen. It is as though extensions of the same ultimate body are trying to repress other extensions, eg, the left hand is trying to reduce and trap the right hand. That appears to be one type of psychosis that can arise when beings possessed of free will become entrapped .

Some mystical religions teach that one's ultimate spiritual aim should be to permanently “merge with” or “rejoin” a Supreme Being. This appears to be a false goal. If spiritual beings were created to act as unique and independent viewpoints, it would be contrary to the purpose of creation to permanently “merge” with other awareness units or with a Supreme Being. It may not even be possible to do so. The true goal of any salvation program should be to fully recover one's unique spiritual self-awareness and perspective.

The above discussion suggests that many popular ideas about “God” may be inaccurate. For example, some people with “near-death” experiences report going through a tunnel and meeting a “being of light” which instills in the near-death victim feelings of love and “all-knowing.” I met a man who belonged to a Hindu sect which attempts to contact and merge with this “being of light” in its meditations. The man wrote a paper describing his personal experiences. His descriptions of spiritually traveling down a “tunnel” and meeting a “being of light” are very similar to the statements of near-death victims. While I acknowledge the importance and probable reality of many such experiences, I question some of the beliefs which have arisen from them.


The feelings of “love” and “all-knowing” conveyed by that “being” can be instilled by drugs, electronic emanations, and by other artificial means. Interestingly, some UFO abductees have reported such emotions during their alleged examinations aboard UFOs. In some of those UFO cases, the surrounding evidence strongly suggests that the feelings were caused by an electronic device used as a sedative. Whatever the near-death “being of light” might be (and I will not even try to guess), it is most assuredly not a Supreme Being . It may even be an object that contributes to post-death spiritual amnesia.


People should not be counseled to “merge with” or “go to” the “being of light” during meditation or at death. They should stay away from it if they can. In saying this, I do not mean to deny the otherwise positive and profound feelings experienced by some Hindus and near-death victims as a result of temporarily re-experiencing their spiritual immortality. What are we then to think of the idea of a Supreme Being sitting in “judgment” on the beings of Earth?

It is hard to imagine that a Supreme Being would condemn its own units of awareness, no matter how small and entrapped they have become, and no matter how insanely and destructively some of them behave as a result.

Would a Supreme Being , seeing how bad everything has gotten, perhaps end its experiment and vanish all other awareness units except itself? If such a thing were possible, I dare say it would not be done. Creating an almost infinite number of spiritual beings would actually have been a brilliant move on the part of a Supreme Being to expand itself immeasurably. The solution to what went wrong would be to preserve the awareness units and encourage them to achieve their salvation.

Spiritual salvation would probably not happen through the waving of a magical Godly wand , however.


Because spiritual beings possess free and independent will, salvation appears to be something that spiritual beings must take responsibility for themselves. It is up to every individual to seek out his or her salvation in an intelligent fashion. Salvation appears to be something that can be achieved as pragmatically as any other goal in life, provided that a rational understanding of how to attain it is developed.

Many theologies teach that a Supreme Being is opposed by an enemy. Perhaps there is an element of truth to this, even if the truth has been distorted. We do observe that at every level of existence there exists a condition or “game” in which survival is challenged. At the personal level, an individual's survival is constantly opposed by aging, disease, and other factors. The survival of a family unit is often tested by financial problems, hostile relatives and outside sexual temptations. Organizations and nations usually have competitors and enemies. In the animal kingdom, the survival drama is most vividly played out in hunter-prey relationships. All physical objects face inevitable deterioration. Spiritual beings themselves appear to face survival challenges by being trapped in matter. 

Since this survival game seems to exist at every level of existence, it is possible that it also exists in regard to a Supreme Being—a game in which a Supreme Being's own survival is tested by the diminishment of its awareness units and perhaps by the ultimate diminishment of the Supreme Being itself. For such a game to exist, a Supreme Being would have had to either negotiate with one or more of its own awareness units to be the Supreme Being's opponent(s), or a Supreme Being would have had to create in one or more of its awareness units an apprehension that a Supreme Being posed a threat to the continued existence of all other spiritual beings.


Supreme Being's opponent would not be any different or inherently more evil than any other spiritual being, any more than one neighbor who sits down opposite another to play a game of Monopoly is innately more evil just because he or she plays a different side.


An opponent would simply be one who became a different marker on a game board and played as well as possible. If such a game has indeed existed, then we can certainly hope that it may end soon by a Supreme Being conveying thanks to the opponent(s) for a game well-played, promising the indefinite survival of its awareness units, and asking that the game be stopped.


It seems time to put many old games to rest so that everyone may start moving into a new phase of fundamentally-improved existence. "  

                                  - William Bramley "The Gods of Eden"   Ch. 40 The Nature of a Supreme Being

 I guess, and I say this advisadly as I do not claim to "Know" ,That it is God becomeing. If we are beings of free will, which is what our minds and hearts tell us, then we must all be making it up as we go along. "God" included.

God to me is the sum total of all things. Somewhat meaningless as a definition I know, but how can I, a speck of dust on a grain of sand in a seemingly infinite universe, hope to truly know the scope of "God"?

Haveing said that, I see as a distinct possibilty the idea that we humans, as self concious and abstract thinkers, are the awakening mind of the planet. Just as our brain cells are modelled on single cell organisms, and cooperate to create US, so I think we are coming togrther to do similar on a planetary scale. As to an immortal soul, I am uncertain.

Of course, whether it is or isn't, we still have to live this life here now.
















I've been thinking some more about this, and I see that as we are subsets of the whole then if we are becomeing (learning , growing etc) then must not the whole also be becoming?

Hi All,

We are supposed to be as to to the God as we desire for our life, as we can be.... We all want free will and do not like to be ordered to do things that make us feel uncomfortable.... But so often as humans we want our God to allow our free will and to be able tell others what to do....

So the trick here is to realize we are some portion of god, and Gos is in everything..... If we had instant manifesting skills like the concept of God most have then when we get pissed off, our energy would hurt others or it would need to be shut off before we harm something we love..... So were we created in God's image, yes!   But what does this imply, IT seems that we are here to integrate emotions into our awareness and to learn to feel things

Read every genie story where wishes are granted, and the root issue is what we ask for, that is personal, seems to greed based and there is no perfect personal wish to make that can not be made to come back and bite us in the ass.... 

We all get angry and if we had or emotions instantaneously manifest what we are feeling, we would sooner or later loose everything we love.... Because we have emotional lack of control as humans.... Look at the 10 commandments from a non personal and factual view..... They are as simple as control your strong emotions and get them under check.....

I sort of feel that religion was supposed to teach us to blindly learn to be happy and to hold strong emotions to a minimum, not just negative emotions.... Because sooner or later we would get the pieces of the missing puzzle and start to be able to connect to other things through the invisible veil of interconnectedness

We all know that we can heal others or make people aware of our energy through focused intention.... All of us can send healing energy to people who are upset and calm them down.... We can all affect the reality that surrounds us by meditation / prayer / focused intent....

So this is a training ground for us to learn to become god like, and step one seems to getting our emotions under control so we are not clouded with various worries, upsets and fears....Every Sage and Guru has manifested the qualities of emotional control, and Ghandi once thanked a man for spitting on him..... I am not saying to throw down and become a door mat, but we are far way away from being door mats,

It is said that the pain levels we feel are connected to the amount of fear that we hold

The dark night of the soul or Nirvana could also be described as hell,,,, So yeah sooner or later we all have to face our fears, and some of us might take what seems like an eternity to face our strong emotions of fear and hate and self worth

Loosing of the kundalini energy, which some people call the serpent in the Garden of Eden.... Is by some defined as controlled or controlling insanity, as we have to a wee bit crazy to face our fears as humans, but they say many will not be able to do this as a human, and will need to do this when they are out of body

The Astral plane is said to not have any negative energy present except what each individual brings there.... When we die, this is where we go along the way and do not leave the Astral plane until we balance some of our issues or reincarnate and make the same mistakes over again

People who take PCP sometimes never come back down and the kundalini energy if loosed in them and they have to spend the rest of their life taking serious anti-psychotic meds, so it seems there is some design to the process of the unfolding of this energy inside of us,,,, As we need some serious spiritual guidance and preparation time and commitment before we are supposed to have some of this energy turned on in us..... Read the stories where a person lifts something way past their capabilities to save someone they care for.   This is the energy in us being turned back on....  But in fact animals pound for pound have 10 times more strength in their muscles than we have, as their kundalini energy has not been capped off

Thats Life LOL


I think max planck said it nicely"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force...We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind..This Mind is the matrix of all matter."

as far as a "god" is concerned, i'd subscribe to the formless and infinite aspect of consciousness and/or self-awareness that permeates everything and forms the backbone of matter and energy, An informational field, that is self-aware.. always changing, yet always the same. superceding magnetism and managing the duality of compression and expansion that holds the unvierse together.. to me, that is god.  




Well Put!

Love and Light

Both =)


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