One night, several years ago, I was sleeping when I suddenly became consciously aware, although my body, was still very much asleep. This was a very strange experience and still very hard to explain fully. It was almost like being two separate thought patterns happening at the same time. One part of me was listening as the other was talking. It was much different than a dream as I was consciously aware of both awareness' simultaneously.
As the part of me that was listening, I found the other part of me trying to understand this very strange language, that I was speaking. It was nothing like anything I had ever heard before. I can only describe it like if you were to start clicking your tongue on the bottom of your mouth kind of like Morse code with dots and dashes. But that still isn't really that close to what I was hearing but I have no other words that even come close to describing it. However, somehow I understood that I was speaking to God. And after listening for a while I fell back into a deeper sleep.
The next morning I had a vivid memory of the experience and wondered just what it was that I was saying to God? If I had to guess, I was probably downloading my life's experiences straight into the source, perhaps straight into the Akashic Records themselves. I feel as if on this one occasion God allowed me to listen into this transfer of information as I've never had this experience again. Although, I assume that this happens on a regular basis. I would love to have this experience again as I felt at total peace. And still do whenever I recall this memory!
Thank you!! I have been so busy that hard to get online but things slowing down!! I will send a proper reply or letter! You are doing a great job!!
ty <3
I have had a lot of these experiences, thus I can relate, of course, I do not know what anyone is talkinhg about when they talk about God, but yes, we live in more than one dimension and we can communicate within ourselves within many of them .
Yet, the messages that I get are never in any language, they are in a knowing part within myself that knows how to translate everything into sort of an experience!
That is quite unique. I have my own theory on what you may have been experiencing. A past life connection to somewhere else you have incarnated into coming in to greet you in this life perhaps. Though your soul would have been familiar with the process for you to feel such peace and warmth from the experience. So definitely I agree with you that you were communicating with someone who knew you well enough to formulate their feelings of trust and endearment across to you. And to have such vivid memory of the event while you were asleep, is a blessing for sure.
Well, I believe that we all are One, and we communicate with that Eternal Source from whom we all stemmed, thus we see the World as a diversity of beings,and yet when we go to our true Roots, we know that we are all but One!
We can feel One another and know exactly what is happening to others and have the necessary Compassion to Understand that we are all but the Same in every single and yet different manifetation.
Animals do not question that,and they can become the best of friends with their worse enemies, since we are all imbued with the same Spirit of Life!
We all stem from the same Source, the One and only Spirit of Life!
Thank you for the kind comments to this post. And yes Carmen, I'm sure that there is only one source which make us all one when it comes right down to it. God gave us Ego to make it seem as if we were separate but It's just an illusion.
However, something I have questioned from time to time. If you renounce God and wish to walk away from the source would God permit it on a permanent basis as the Bible states about the fallen Angels into a place of no creativity and thus just a void of bitter darkness?
A thought/question to ponder if any feels like it?
I do not believe that even that would be permanent and yes, you can fall into one of those pits, but if we are All but part of the Source, even them can find redemption if and when their realize their error!
At least, I hope so.
However the World has been created in such a manner that there is a counterpart for everything, and Good and Evil, although just concepts in our mind, exist as counterpart of one another, but what is good and what is evil is not always the same for everyone!
And they both co-exist in this Universe, and thus they both belong to the same source!
At 13 I had no friends, had trouble making friends, and all those other stranger in a strange land type issues that being the new kid in town bring on. Both my parents worked and being an only child I spent vast amounts of time by myself. My pops is a decorated combat vet and career soldier. I'm sure you know how that tends to go..emotions, emotional outbursts are frowned upon so as I struggled to adjust, I had no one to help me learn how to cope with hard emotions and support me in taking the risks involved in trying to wiggle your way into established cliques.
Eventually, things got to the point that I became very isolated, bitter and alienated myself even more from the herd with random acts of violence. Something had to change and it did. 3 beings, imaginary friends, parts of myself, ancestors that continue to live in my familial DNA, whatever...appeared one day while I was sitting in my room thinking ugly thoughts about myself and the world. They spoke to me in a strange language that I can't say I understood but instead knew and felt. They became my support, my outlet, my teachers and I mellowed, my sharp edge had been sheathed, and I started to make friends, my attitude towards people improved and I even had a high school sweetheart.
Whenever my emotional health started to run amok one of these characters would appear, sometimes as the goddess to comfort me, sometimes as the burgundian berserker who taught me to tap the rage for constructive actions instead of destructive and to pick my battles carefully, other times the wise old hermit with a walking staff that taught me to heal, to connect, to not be so narrowed minded, and taught me no one is better than anyone else here.
When my parents divorced a year later I lived with my Mom and one day I told her about these experiences and the strange language. At the time she was exploring her own spirituality and had become part of a circle of like minded folks. After telling them of my experience one said "It's enochian" another "It's Sumerian" another "It's the angelic language" and finally "it's the universal language."
One day at 17 years of age I was sitting with a mentor who was an ex navy seal and needless to say a pretty serious and well grounded individual. We were talking about glossolalia(speaking in tongues). He said "say something to me in this language." I blurbed out a few words, sounds, syllables and much to my surprise he looked me right in the eye and answered me back in what sounded like the same language. We both got the chills and our arm hair stood on end. Some part of us knew what had been said but there are no words, no translation, just energy.
Later in my 20s when I got hardcore into Yoga, the cast of characters grew. Now there was Kayna the coyote woman, another being that could shapeshift and sometimes remote view, and a plain old shadow person. Only two of these beings ever told me their names. Eventually after much research and soul searching I realized these beings are not imaginary while also not real, but just me. Even 40 years later those beings are with me and pop up when needed and they all speak in this sensing, knowing, and empowering language.
When Crowley speaks of "Learning to converse with your Holy Guardian Angel(s)" I believe this is what he meant.
What the language is exactly doesn't matter to me. They are just tools in my inner toolbox.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I've enjoyed reading the comments.
What's interesting is that I grew up in a similar fashion but it wasn't from moving around I was just incredibly shy. And if I didn't have anyone else to talk to I would wait until it got dark and go out and speak to the sky. Throughout my childhood I always felt like I was being watched from above and knew that when I talked to the stars that I was being listened too.
I've wondered from time to time if at some point I was abducted by star people as I feel that I am a starseed sent here to wake up humanity on it's journey to eternity?
My guides and Guardians have never manifested in entities that I could see but I sure do feel them when they want me too.
You had a really tough beginning on your journey. I hope that now that you are older your life has mellowed out. I find it interesting how peoples paths form into thier present now. And I even wonder how that now will transcend into the future?
Thanks Bill, it's definitely been a roller coaster. All is well now. Coasting down easy street.
It's wonderful that you have such a strong connection to the stars. I'm glad that connection has led to you being a kind, compassionate, and open person despite all the growing pains. That alone is enough to inspire people, even if it's just one person or even yourself you are changing the world for the better.
As for seeing beings, guides, angels etc... I believe it's just my highly creative self. I spent a lot of time with adults as my mom would drag me wherever and to whatever boring adult function and then all the road trips back and forth across the country. If I complained of boredom she would either give me work to do or say "Only boring people get bored." I was very determined to not be a boring person lol. So I would create my own worlds, my own stories, adventures, places to visit, friends, on road trips I'd try to envision what our new quarters would look like, what color the carpet would be, etc....I guess some would say day dreaming, pretending or chalk it up to an over active imagination..but it was more than was a way to keep myself occupied and entertained. Once I started Yoga and the Thelemic path I found I had a good head start when it came to visions, focus, stillness, and concentration.
Israel Regardie recommended to his students that they go see a shrink every couple years to make sure they aren't deluding themselves while practicing their craft. I followed that advice and though I've been diagnosed with PTSD the Doc(s) reassured me that I wasn't suffering from some form of schizophrenia. They all gently reminded me that I'm a highly creative individual and that sometimes the cost of that creative ability is being overly sensitive and subject to high levels of emotional pain. The gave me more tools for the inner tool box and that pain is well under my control now.
Thanks for the response. It's much appreciated.
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