This Food Improves Digestion and Protects from Cancer, Stroke and Heart Attack! Very Important

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Sour cabbage, or sauerkraut, is a remarkable vegetable, as it has numerous positive properties and offers amazing benefits for your health. Therefore, you should regularly incorporate it into your diet.

These are some of its critical health benefits:

Natural Probiotic
Sauerkraut has strong probiotic properties, due to the souring process. The process of fermenting involves a great number of bacteria, which are incredibly beneficial for the digestive system. Hence, in order to restore your intestinal flora, you should consume it after therapies which include antibiotics.

It is extremely high in vitamin C. Consequently, it has been used by sailors in order to prevent scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency of this vitamin. They carry sauerkraut with them on their cruises and thus protected their health.

Strengthens the Bones
Sour cabbage effectively strengthens the bones and prevents osteoporosis, as it is a rich source of minerals. Moreover, it also includes vitamin K which is crucial for the health of your bones, as it is in charge of the production of proteins that balance the bones’ mineralization.

Promotes Heart Health
Sauerkraut is also rich in fiber which contributes to healthy digestion and promotes heart and brain health. Furthermore, fiber is also useful in the regulation of bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis and heart attack.

Prevents Cancer
Sour cabbage has isothiocyanate that is powerful in the fight against cancer. Moreover, it also includes glucosinolate which activates the human’s natural antioxidant enzymes, and flavonoids prevent the damage and narrowing of arteries.

And here is a little winter salad recipe for you:
Sauerkraut + boiled potatoes + onions (any kind, I prefer red ones, cut in half-rings) + sunflower oil (any will do, but this tastes better, unprocessed, of course). Proportion - strictly by eye, whatever you like more, you add more, or equal amounts...and I love a good amount of oil there. You may add salt in it, but it depends on how pickled the cabbage is, by taste.


The mint family Lamiaceae. It’s true that it’s not a citrus plant. Don’t let the word lemon cause confusion. It’s definitely a mint.

The mint family of herbs includes spearmint, peppermint, lemon balm, basil and rosemary among others. Mints are all known for aiding in numerous stomach ailments, such as acid reflux and heartburn, difficulty digesting proteins and fats, colic, flatulence, cramping, bloating, gastritis and irritable bowel disease. Lemon balm is no exception.

A spoonful of baking soda
A spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be exact, can help put an end to the gnawing, burning, the sensation of heartburn caused by acid reflux. Baking soda, as sodium bicarbonate is more commonly known, can help your reflux and in turn help your heartburn because it is a base substance. It has a pH higher than 7.0, and therefore neutralizes stomach acid. Neutralizing the stomach acid means that if/when your LES decides to be lazy and acid come up your throat, you don’t get “burned.”

You will need…
-1/2 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon of baking soda
-a glass of freshwater

Mix either a ½ teaspoon or 1 single teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water that is no more than 8 ounces. Give it a good stir and drink all of the mixtures. You can repeat this as needed but should not exceed seven ½ teaspoon doses in a 24-hour period. Also, avoid using this as a remedy for more than a week straight, as it is high in salt and can have side effects such as swelling or nausea.

Chamomile Tincture Recipe

Making tinctures also helps preserve herbs, which is especially important for Chamomile, since its positive benefits are in its volatile oils which decrease over time unless preserved.

Chamomile Tincture Ingredients

  • 1/2 to 1 cup of dried Chamomile flowers
  • approximately 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups boiling water
  • approximately 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups vodka or rum
  • Quart size glass jar with an airtight lid

Ginger helps you treat acid reflux as well as its symptoms. Here are detailed guides on how to use ginger for acid reflux:

Ginger – one-inch piece
Lemon juice


  1. Take a ginger piece and next crush it in order to extract its juice.
  2. Then, pour the ginger juice in one small bowl.
  3. After that, add lemon juice (few drops) in it.
  4. Stir it well until both of the juices are combined well.
  5. Consume this mixture to get complete relief from acid reflux.
  6. You should continue the consumption of this ginger – lemon juice every day until you get complete relief from acid reflux.

Lemon balm contains active herbal ingredients that act as an antispasmodic. Antispasmodics are used to relax smooth muscle tissues in the body. Our stomach is made up of smooth muscles, and by drinking lemon balm tea it relaxes the spasms caused by gas or another stomach upset.

Lemon Balm makes a wonderful lemony tasting tea. If you drink it at the first sign of tummy upset, the tea will help relax your belly in about an hour. Use lemon balm for colic, flatulence, irritable bowel disease and gastritis. You can mix it with other herbs such as fennel, calendula, or marshmallow root.


Best Way to Make a Tea

  • Heat enough water to make one cup (coffee cup size).
  • Place lemon balm herb into a tea strainer.
  • Pour hot water over the herb.
  • Place a small saucer plate over the cup to retain essential oils of the herb in the cup.
  • Let steep 10-15 minutes.
  • Add honey and stir.
  • Sit back, relax and enjoy your delicious lemon balm tea.

It is best to take 3-4 cups per day for 2 weeks to allow the lemon balm to take effect.

Lemon Balm Tincture
Now might be just the time to make that fresh herb tincture, before the frost. Earlier in the summer would be better, though. If your lemon balm has gone to flower the most potent remedy cannot be made, though I'd make it anyway if you want some for this year. Include the flowers if they're there. In my somewhat shady/part sunspot, my lemon balm has not flowered so I can make a tincture of just the leaves and a bit of stem.
  The dosage can be as small as 1-3 drops or 10-15 drops. I generally recommend 5-10 drops twice a day, morning and evening for a chronic condition.

Lemongrass is a mild sedative. Try it for your insomnia, or when you are under stress, or even if you need help to calm a nervous or upset stomach. It is good for the digestive system and contains the active ingredient named citral, which helps greatly in the digestion of food.
  Thus, it is useful in treating other gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, nausea, cramps and bloating. The herb is also said to relieve headaches, lower intermittent fevers and rid the lungs of mucus.

Lemongrass also acts as an effective antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial. It supports the immune system, reduces uric acid, cholesterol and excess fats in the body. Recent studies show that Lemongrass extracts may have cancer-fighting properties.

Licorice root tea

This tea is made from a special kind of licorice called DGL or deglycyrrhizinated licorice. It is extremely prevalent in South Asia and you won’t find a home without one (okay this claim might be a little exaggerated!). It does not have the side effects associated with other kinds of licorice and has a soothing effect on the stomach and esophageal lining. That is why it is often used to treat peptic ulcers, reflux (GERD) and hyperacidity.

Get more acid

When you have acid burning your esophagus, it seems quite counterintuitive to ingest even more acid. In many cases though, acid reflux is caused by having not enough acid in your stomach, rather than having too much, as over-the-counter or prescription “acid blockers” imply (although that can also be the case, among other factors.) It is the acid itself that tells the lower esophageal sphincter to tighten and close off. If you don’t produce enough acid, your LES is going to think it’s no big deal to loosen up for a little bit. Then of course, you get a reflux of acid into your esophagus. If you think this may be your case, try drinking some pure, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to see if this prevents your reflux, or cuts it off.

You will need…
-3 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
-6 to 8 ounces of freshwater

Mix 3 teaspoons, or up to 1 tablespoon, of apple cider vinegar into 6-8 ounces of freshwater, and drink. You can do this before each meal (probably the most effective,) before bedtime, or 2-3 times during the day. If you feel is worsens your reflux, do not continue to ingest it. Too much may also contribute to the problem.

Eat a banana or an apple

Bananas contain natural antacids that can act as a buffer against acid reflux. If you want to try out the simplest home remedies for heartburn first, try letting a few bananas ripen up nicely and eating one every day. Another option is to try an apple a day. Slice one up and eat it a couple of hours before bedtime to relieve or prevent discomfort.

Make gingerroot tea

Gingerroot can help ease up a number of stomach woes, from nausea to acid reflux. Sipping a cup of fresh tea about 20 minutes before a meal can help calm down your tummy and act as an acid buffer.

You will need…
-3 quarter-sized slices of gingerroot
-2 cups of water

Slice up 3 quarter sized pieces of gingerroot and simmer gently in 2 cups of water, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove the ginger pieces, or leave them in, pour into a glass, and drink all of it about 20 minutes before a meal.

A cup of chamomile

Having a spot of chamomile tea about ½ – 1 hour before you plan on going to sleep can help reduce inflammation in your stomach, and possibly balance out the acidity levels as well. It also does wonders for relieving stress, which can trigger acid reflux, and will help you sleep through the night as well. You can use instant chamomile tea, or you can easily make your own fresh.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon dried chamomile flower petals
-1 cup of boiling water
-Honey or lemon (optional)

Boil one cup of water in a cooking pot, and then reduce the heat. Stir in 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile petals, and let them simmer for 45 seconds. Remove from heat and let the petals soak for another minute or two before straining them. Pour the tea into a mug, and add a bit of honey or lemon if you wish.

Views: 130

Replies to This Discussion

Now you're talking my kraut on anything 

Good and tasty.

I enjoy the kraut too but I have to water it down some. Otherwise, it makes me run to the bathroom. It gets too strong for my stomach.


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