Crystal and Gemstone Healing Wands

Since ancient times, crystal wands have been used for healing by healers all over the world. Some believe that they were even used by crystal healers in Atlantis. Today, crystal wands are still a common tool used by healers around the world.

Wands come in many different shapes and sizes, and also in many varieties of stone as well. Wands may be long or short, and the cylinder can be smooth or faceted. They can be pointed at one end and rounded at the other, or they can be rounded on both ends, or pointed at both ends. Some wands are wider at one end and tapered at the other, while others are not. Most wands are shaped and polished, but rough natural pointed crystals, such as quartz, can also be used as a healing wand.

Healing wands gather and direct energy. The elongated, cylindrical shape of a wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy in a straight line, and the wand's point focuses the crystal's energy so that it can be used on specific areas of the body.

Methods of Healing with a Crystal Wand:
Crystal wands can be used in many different methods of healing. They can be used to heal the entire body or aura, or they can be used on a specific area of the body, or on a particular chakra. They can be used to scan the aura and the chakras to locate blockages, and then cleanse and heal them.

Wands can also be used in massage healing. Massaging the body with a stone wand helps to release tension from the body, while at the same time the stone's healing energy is transferred to the body. Smooth, round wands that are rounded on at least one end are the best to use in massage healing as they will not scratch or cause another discomfort to the body.

Pointed wands are good to use in reflexology, a healing method in which the stone's point is held at certain pressure points, mostly on the hands and feet, to heal ailments in particular areas of the body.

Choosing a Wand:
Wands come in a wide variety of stones and crystals, so there are many different wands to choose from. Different stones have different healing energies and, therefore, have different effects on the body, aura, and chakras. As each gemstone has different healing properties, it is nice to have a variety of wands to use for a variety of different purposes. You might, therefore, wish to build a collection of wands made from a variety of gemstones.

A clear quartz crystal wand is a very good stone for beginners to work with as it is an all-purpose healing stone, having the ability to heal any ailment on any area of the body or aura. This makes it a good stone to have for your first wand.

Clear quartz is an excellent stone for gathering, storing, directing, and transmitting energy, but it can also transmute negative energy into positive healing energy. Its versatility and multiplicity of uses make it an essential wand for anyone to have. Clear quartz is also an amplifier of energy, and so it is a good stone to attach a crystal stone to any stone wand to enhance and augment its healing energies.

When selecting a wand to use for a specific purpose, you should choose one made from a stone that is suitable for your intention. Therefore, it is good to know a little about the healing properties of different gemstones so that you are able to select a stone that harmonizes with the purpose for which you wish to use it. For example, to heal a broken heart, the best and strongest stone to use when dealing with love and emotions is rose quartz. But if you tried to use sodalite, for instance, it wouldn't do much, if anything, in helping to mend your broken heart, as its primary properties are centered around communication and thought. If, however, you are lost as to which stone to choose, clear quartz is always a good choice.

Getting to Know Your Wand:
Before using your wand, you may wish to spend some time with it to become familiar with its energy and to harmonize with it. The better you know your wand, the more effectively it will work for you. You can hold it while you meditate, or just sit holding it and feeling its shape, texture, and weight, and visually examining it to familiarize yourself with any patterns or changes in color it may have. You can also sleep with your wand, or even take a bath with it. Spending time with your wand will not only help to you become attuned to it, but you will also be receiving its healing energies at the same time.

Programming a Wand:
It is the power of one's intention that drives the energy of a wand, so it is a good idea to program your wand for its intended purpose, especially if it is specific. For example, if you want some crystal help with lowering your high blood pressure, you might choose a stone such as a tourmaline, as it helps with many types of blood conditions. But tourmaline is also beneficial for many other areas of the body (the lymph nodes, spine, and endocrine system, for example), as well as for many other types of ailments (earache, insomnia, laryngitis, and epilepsy to name a few). And so you may wish to give your tourmaline specific programming so that its energy is focused on lowering your blood pressure. If you have chosen a stone whose healing properties fit well to your intention, the wand should readily and easily accept programming. (Read more about how to program a gemstone or crystal).

Cleansing and Recharging a Wand:
Crystal and gemstone wands should always be cleansed and recharged after usage, especially when it is being used on multiple people or for multiple purposes. Otherwise, any harmful or negative energies the stone has removed from one person may be transferred to another. The easiest and most efficient way to cleanse a wand is to soak it in water for 12 to 24 hours. (Make sure first that your stone is not one that can be damaged by water.)

And the best way to recharge your wand is to leave it out in the sun for an hour or so, or leave it out under moonlight for an entire night, which works best when the moon is full.

Healing with a Wand:
There is no right or wrong way to work with a wand. There are, however, a few common basic methods. These methods are not set in stone (ha, ha), but are merely a rough guideline to help you to get started. A big part of working with stones, whether or not you are using them for healing, is listening to your intuition. The energy vibrations of a stone will speak to you if you listen. As you work with your wand and gain experience using it, you will eventually come up with a method that works best for you and your wand(s).

To heal a specific condition (on yourself or someone else):

  1. Begin by drawing the "bad" energy out of the affected area. Do this by holding the wand over the wound (it is not necessary to touch the body with the wand) with the point pointing away from the area being healed. While doing this, picture in your mind the crystal drawing the negative energy out of the body, through the crystal, and then out the pointed tip. Some people also draw a circle or spiral in the air above the wound by waving the wand in a counter-clockwise direction as they move it over the afflicted area. Some people speak out loud in prayer, or repeat the intention, or speak other words of healing. Again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Use your intuition and go with what you feel is best.
  2. To replace the negative energy with positive energy, and thereby heal the problem area, do the opposite. Hold the wand point down over the afflicted area as you visualize healing energy coming down into the crystal, through it, and then into the patient's the body in a focused beam of energy. If you waved the wand counter-clockwise when drawing out the negative energy, then wave the wand over the area in a clockwise motion. If you spoke words during the removal of the bad energy, you may wish to also speak words while the problem area is infused with healing energy. Use your intuition to determine when the healing is complete. It could take anywhere from one minute to 15 minutes or even longer. After completion, some people say a prayer of thanks.

To scan the aura and chakras to locate and heal blockages:

  • It is easiest to have the patient in a laying down position. Begin wherever on the body you wish and hold the wand horizontally over the patient, but not touching the patient. Slowly move the wand over the entire body. As you do this, take note of any areas in which the wand feels different. It may vibrate, or become warm, or feel harder to move, or feel heavier. These are the areas where there are blockages in the aura or chakras.
  • Once you have finished scanning the aura, go back to the blocked areas and use the wand in the same way as above, first removing the negative energy, and then replacing it with positive energy.

An alternate way to scan the aura:

  1. With the patient lying down, hold the wand point up and move it over the body slowly in small counter-clockwise circles beginning at the feet. Whenever you feel that there is a blockage, pause at the area and remove the negative energy as before. If you feel the need to change the wand's movement, then do so. Once the area feels clear, return back to the counter-clockwise movement and continue scanning the body up towards the head, stopping again whenever you sense there is a blockage.
  2. When you reach the crown of the head, reverse the wand so it is pointing downward, and swing the wand over the patient's body in small clockwise circles, working your way back down to the feet. This will recharge the energy fields in the aura and chakras. If you once again feel an area of blockage, turn the point back upwards and remove the bad energy until it feels clear. Then turn the point back downwards and return to waving the wand in small clockwise circles over the body, beginning with the area that was just unblocked.


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ya know i actually made myself a got broke though..and i haven't made another hubby won one at a wands class...I do own 2 stone wands though for massaging..unakite and larimar...and a selenite wand i only use for special occasions

Bright greetings Arachnifauna, you put more of your magick and intent when you make your own but at times the ones you see are just as magickal. I made this wand. The stone is Atackamite and the wood is Willow.

Atacamite is well known as a strong stone for the higher chakras and in many people, it is known to dynamically act to aid them to open their third eye.

You may find that even holding it in your hand you may make contact with the spiritual realm and its action is well known to aid you to develop psychic abilities.

What is known is that it has an excellent healing action within the throat chakra and is also a strong heart-based stone, assisting you to attract love into your life.

It is said to be related to quite a few stones, and like Azurite, Chrysocolla, Malachite mixtures, and like many copper-based stones it may have different minerals entwined within the stone.

This is a stone that may come combined with various other natural crystals that may affect its overall vibration, and be of benefit.

It's lovely...I believe I may have one of those stones but it's not called that here.


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