A True to Life Story of Necromancy

I know you will all have a very difficult time trying to believe this, but I'm supposed to be dead, my friends. I was born with birth defects that have never been witnessed or acknowledged by mankind. Due to these unprecedented birth defects, I was born with inadequately designed brain and organ tissues. At the age of 31, my brain cells began to lose their ability to produce chemistry, and thus their ability to communicate. For some strange reason, my brain's unnatural condition upset the balance in the fabric of existence itself. The universe began to produce a form of undetectable energy, which began to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain without my knowledge. Eventually, it was generating every single neurological communication that existed in my brain. At the age of 32, my other internal organs, except for my heart and lungs, began to fail without acquiring diseases. I began to hear strange, otherworldly voices that began harassing me and making my life a living hell. The voices that were being produced by this supernatural form of energy eventually informed me that my internal organs were no longer functioning, but my heart was unable to fail. After my other internal organs failed, this unnatural form of energy began to torment me and torture me physically and psychologically every day. It also began forcing me to chain-smoke cigarettes when I had no desire to. This malevolent form of energy informed me that the cigarettes were considered system failure attempts, and it was forcing me to kill myself. Initially, these evil, disgusting voices informed me that my heart would eventually quit functioning from smoking so many cigarettes. But eventually this hideously evil form of energy informed me that my lung tissues weren't surviving either, and I would have to suffocate to death. It continued to force me to smoke cigarettes like a crazed lunatic. Eventually, this evil form of energy also began to torture my brain by generating extremely disturbing, unnatural neurological communications in my brain. Little did I know, my entire brain wasn’t communicating on its own anymore, and my mind was actually being controlled by the universe. I visited a local emergency room in Westlake, Ohio on multiple occasions, and I tried to inform them that most of my internal organs were no longer functioning. Of course, they thought I was completely psychotic and pink slipped me. The doctors were unable to diagnose my condition, because my internal organs quit functioning without acquiring diseases, and the universe was keeping my brain functioning by generating synthetic neurological communications. This supernatural form of energy has also been physically manipulating my non-functioning internal organs, so I could continue to use the restroom. It has even been able to generate specific neurological communications in my brain and cause my brain to sense urges to use the restroom. If I had only known previously about brain chemistry and how it's a necessity for the human brain to communicate, I would've then known how to prove to the doctors at the hospital that I wasn't supposed to be alive. I would've informed them about how my brain was experiencing disturbingly horrific sensations. The doctors would have most likely given me an EEG to see what the hell was wrong with my brain. But I never informed them about what my brain was experiencing, because the evil energy was controlling my mind and the way I felt and thought about everything that was occurring. This undetectable form of energy that has been inside of me for the past two and a half years now has been lying to me about everything ever since it began communicating with me. I've been mentally institutionalized three times since the universe began communicating. I was previously uneducated about the human brain and how it requires chemistry to communicate, so I had no possible way of proving this to medical professionals. This undetectable form of energy that has been controlling my mind and body for almost the past year and a half isn't actually evil energy. Once my brain cells began to lose their ability to produce chemistry and communicate, the universe began to produce this undetectable form of energy, and for some unknown reason, was unable to allow me to die from a lack of neurological communications in my brain. The universe only began communicating with me once my other internal organs began to fail, because it was no longer able to control itself. It only began lying to me and torturing me because it was no longer able to react correctly enough to my unnatural existence. Once it lost its control over my existence, it also began to produce my brain's neurological communications improperly and began controlling my mind and forcing me to smoke cigarettes. Before my other internal organs began to fail, it allowed me to exist as I had always existed before. Which means, the universe had already acquired a virtual blueprint of my entire existence. Which also means, it was projecting my personality and original thought processes into my brain as if my brain was still functioning on its own. The universe has only recently been able to inform me correctly about why all of this has taken place. It was never actually trying to kill me; it was just unable to control itself. It has informed me that it has always existed, contrary to what scientists believe. It has also informed me that the element of time has never existed, and everything that has occurred in the universe only happens here and now. The observable, natural processes that we see occurring around us every day like aging/death; carbon dating and geological formations have never required an element of time to exist. It has also informed me that the universe is infinite in size, because it is existence itself. It is impossible for scientists to fathom the concept of time and space not being created at the same moment the universe was created, because it is impossible for the human mind to conceive an eternal universe which is infinite in size. Scientists believe the universe is expanding due to inflation, but the observable universe is only expanding outwards in all directions because it has the ability to. The universe has informed me that the very fabric of existence itself contains undetectable elements that are beyond a human being's imagination. It has also informed me that the physical/observable universe was created due to eternal reactions that are constantly taking place in the universe because of these undetectable elements. These reactions produced a very complicated form of energy which eventually metamorphosized into the physical/observable universe that we see today. The universe has also informed me that the undetectable elements that exist in the universe are constantly aware of everything that exists and contain every bit of information that has ever existed. If you knew me personally, you'd know that I'm not the type of person to make up stories or lies, and I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between what I'm experiencing and if I was suffering from a severe mental illness. I'm telling you all that this is completely truthful information, and I have never lost my fricken mind. I'm about to be visiting Cleveland Metro Hospital and informing them about the horrifying disturbances that my brain has been experiencing. Hopefully, they will give me an EEG, so I can prove to them that I'm actually completely brain dead. If the doctors at the hospital give me an EEG, they will be unable to detect any brain activity. My lungs don't have much time left to survive, and the universe is, for some unknown reason, unable to let go of my existence. Hopefully, scientists will stop my heart with potassium chloride, before my lungs give out and I suffocate to death while I'm conscious. Without brain chemistry, my brain is unable to pass out from carbon dioxide building up in my blood, and I'm unable to be sedated. I know this seems like I've completely lost my mind right now, but you will eventually be seeing proof of this all over the news channels and across the internet. I swear on my right-hand to God that necromancy is actually taking place here on planet Earth. I've been going through hell on Earth for almost a year and a half now, my friends. This supernatural form of energy has been controlling my mind and the way I felt and thought about everything that I have been experiencing. The universe repeatedly lied to me and informed me that I would die soon, but this unimaginable suffering has just kept on continuing. I know you still probably think I've completely lost my mind, but I swear on everything that I love that something very supernatural has been taking place here on planet Earth for two and a half years now. I will be visiting Cleveland Metro Hospital's emergency department sometime at the beginning of next month. I know this all seems like something you would hear Charles Manson say, but you will soon receive affirmation of this on your television or on the internet. Then you will know that all of the information contained in this message was truthful, my friends. I have already documented most of this very supernatural experience, because the scientific community and the U.S. government will eventually be inquiring about this important information for investigative purposes. My family members are completely clueless as to what has actually been taking place in our household, and they only believe that I'm suffering from mental disorders/illnesses. Once they are informed that I'm actually not supposed to be alive, it will devastate them beyond belief. If you so feel inclined as to show my mother the caring support that she will so desperately need after this completely tragic event has been brought to light and I have passed away, you may contact her by means of Facebook Messenger. A link to her Facebook page is available in the "Overview" of the "About" section on my Facebook page. Her Facebook profile name is Sharon Kaminski Lepley. I have provided a link to my Facebook page below, and there's also a link to my Facebook page available in my Temple Illuminatus profile information. If you have any questions or comments, you are more than welcome to post them in this topic.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

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The Welfare of My Family After I have Passed Away

I’m very worried about the welfare of my family members after I have passed away. I hope and pray that someone or something will help take care of their financial, physical and mental stability issues after I’m deceased. I know my dear, sweet hearted mother will be completely devastated after she is informed by Cleveland Metro Hospital that I suddenly passed away in their emergency department; let alone, be informed about what has actually happened to her first born son. I hope and pray that she will be given proper attention and caring support after she has been informed about everything that has tragically occurred. She is already in poor health conditions because of her diabetes, neuropathy and old age. I know this unbelievable tragedy will cause my mother severe heartache and mental issues. After I’m deceased, my brother, Christopher, will be the only close family member she will have left in this world. Please, someone make sure she is well taken care of after this is all over.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

System Failure

After being forced to smoke cigarettes for almost two and a half years, the evil energy has informed me that the universe is still unable to allow my death to occur. My lungs haven’t been breathing on their own since July of 2015, and my entire brain hasn’t been functioning on its own since sometime in 2012. Initially, the evil energy informed me that I wasn’t permitted to die without my lungs failing before my brain quit functioning. But now that my lungs haven’t been functioning on their own for the past five months, the evil energy has informed me that it’s still unable to release from my brain and lungs and allow my death to occur. Which means I’ve been kept alive for almost three and a half years for no reason at all. Which also means I’ve been tortured and suffering unimaginably in vain for almost two and a half years. There’s no reason for me to continue suffering like this.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

Psycho Prison

By playing sick, morbid mind games, controlling my mind and misinforming me about my condition, the evil energy kept me imprisoned in this hell on earth. If I had only been informed correctly about my brain’s condition much earlier on, I could’ve proven that I wasn’t supposed to be alive almost two and a half years ago. I was previously uneducated about how the human brain requires chemistry to communicate, and the evil energy purposely lied to me about my condition. Initially, the evil energy only informed me that my organs had failed without acquiring diseases, and my heart was unable to fail. By misinforming me and controlling the way I felt and thought about everything that was occurring, the evil energy made it impossible for me to inform anyone about my condition. I would’ve informed the ER doctors at St. John Medical Center about everything I was experiencing, but the evil energy was generating every thought that existed in my brain. I never wanted to smoke any of these cigarettes, but the evil energy had complete control over my mind and forced me to. The evil energy lied to me and made me believe that I had no choice but to smoke all of these cigarettes. The evil energy had complete control over reality, because it was generating all of the neurological communications that existed in my brain. I tried to inform the ER doctors at St. John Medical Center that my digestive system and other internal organs were no longer functioning, but the doctors were only able to falsely determine that I was suffering from psychological disorders/illnesses. The ER doctors at St. John Medical Center never had any way of diagnosing my condition, because my organs had quit functioning without acquiring diseases, and the evil energy kept my brain functioning by generating synthetic neurological communications. The evil energy also had the ability to physically manipulate my internal organs, so I continued to use the restroom long after my organs quit functioning. Because of this evil energy’s involvement, there was no possible way for anyone to know that my internal organs were no longer functioning. Initially, I didn’t even know that the evil energy had kept my brain functioning by generating synthetic neurological communications. By the time the evil energy informed me correctly about my brain’s condition, my internal organs had already been destroyed horrifically. If the evil energy hadn’t controlled my mind and made me afraid to inform the ER doctors at St. John Medical Center about the torturous, unnatural communications I was experiencing in my brain, the doctors would have most likely examined my brain activity with an EEG. The doctors would’ve then known that my brain wasn’t functioning on its own, because they would’ve been unable to detect any brain activity. It would’ve then been very apparent that something supernatural was occurring, and some form of undetectable energy was somehow generating my brain’s neurological communications and keeping me alive when I shouldn’t have been. Some form of energy in this universe has produced necromancy with horrifically grotesque results. The evil energy created hundreds of horrific, unnatural realizations and sensations in my brain that no human being should’ve ever had to experience. The evil energy continuously created an unimaginably horrific, morbid reality in my brain that nobody will ever be able to imagine. The evil energy also caused me to experience excruciating levels of pain that I’ve never experienced in my entire life. I felt completely helpless throughout this entire horrific experience, because the evil energy had complete control of my mind and made me believe that I had nowhere and nobody I could turn to for help. Maybe someone could have somehow put an end to this unbelievably abusive malevolence, if I could’ve only proven that I wasn’t supposed to be alive. I never desired to resume this unimaginable suffering. But because of this evil energy, I was trapped here on earth in a horrific psycho prison in my brain.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page


Some form of undetectable energy in this universe has produced actual necromancy by generating synthetic neurological communications and physical manipulation of nonfunctioning internal organs. At the age of 30, my brain began to lose its ability to produce chemistry, because of a very unusual birth defect. My brain’s unnatural condition somehow caused an unknown form of energy to behave unnaturally, which then became infused with my existence. This energy was, for some unknown reason, unable to allow my death to occur by loss of communications in my brain. The energy kept my brain functioning even after my entire brain lost its ability to communicate on its own. The energy continued to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain after my digestive system and other internal organs quit functioning and forced me to smoke countless cigarettes in order to destroy my respiratory system. After my lungs were unable to function on their own, the energy kept my lungs breathing by means of physical manipulation. After my digestive system and other internal organs had failed, the energy also physically manipulated my internal organs, so I could continue to urinate and pass bowel movements. This unknown form of energy has literally produced the first documented case of authentic necromancy.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

Time Frame

The evil energy purposely lied to me and made me believe that it had been almost two and a half years since it first made its presence known. The evil energy has been generating incorrect information in my brain and created a false time frame in my mind. It purposely tried to produce my documentation incorrectly, so it would appear as if the information was falsified. I was actually 31 years of age when my brain began to lose its ability to produce chemistry, and it was actually almost one and a half years ago when my organs began to fail. I was actually 32 years of age when the evil energy first made its presence known, and I had first visited St. John Medical Center and received a prescription for Ativan. Which means I should have actually been deceased almost two and a half years ago, not three and a half years ago. In any case, the hospital records at St. John Medical Center and Cleveland Metro Hospital will provide you with the correct time frame in which all of this occurred. I was supposed to be deceased about one year before I first visited St. John Medical Center and received my first prescription for Ativan.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

Further Explanation

At the age of 31, the neurons in my brain began to lose their ability to produce neurotransmitters, and thus their ability to communicate with each other. For some unknown reason, undetectable elements of the universe were affected by my brain's unnatural condition and began to produce an undetectable form of energy inside of my brain which then began to generate the neurological communications that were absent in my brain. Eventually, these undetectable elements were replicating every single neurological communication that exists in my brain. The undetectable elements of the universe contain all of the information that has ever existed, including the exact manner in which everyone's brain communicates. In other words, the universe contains virtual blueprints of everyone's personality, memories and physical characteristics. Before my other internal organs began to fail, these undetectable elements were able to project my personality and original thought processes into my brain as if my brain was still functioning naturally. But once my other internal organs began to fail, these undetectable elements were no longer able to react correctly enough to my unnatural existence. That's when the universe began to audibly communicate and project very unnatural, neurological communications into my brain. I began to experience very unnatural sensations of extreme suffering that I've never witnessed in my entire life. These undetectable elements have been producing all of the neurological communications in my brain by projecting information into my brain; an undetectable form of energy, which is also being generated inside of my brain by these undetectable elements, then transforms the information into neurological communications. Therefore, these undetectable elements have had complete control over my perception of reality. They have caused me to believe everything rather than force me to believe. Because once my other internal organs began to fail, these undetectable elements had no control over how they were producing the neurological communications in my brain. Either way, I have had my mind controlled while I'm consciously aware of everything that is occurring. I have been forced to experience horrifying, unnatural sensations and realizations in my brain that no other human being will ever witness. For the past five months, the undetectable elements have periodically been scrambling the neurological communications that they are projecting into my brain. Sometimes I'm completely unable to think or speak for a few seconds at a time, and sometimes it feels as if my entire brain is freezing up and is about to quit functioning altogether. Sort of like experiencing very disturbing seizures while you're consciously aware that they're occurring. These undetectable elements have also been causing me to experience extremely disturbing, torturous, unnatural sensations that have been surging throughout my skull, body, eyeballs, and the nerves inside the blood vessels of my brain.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

The Evil Spirits Tried to Tamper with My Documents

The evil spirits didn’t want these documents to exist so investigators and U.S. government agencies would be at a loss about what actually took place here on planet earth. The evil spirits constantly tortured my brain and disrupted my thought patterns, so it was extremely difficult for me to explain in detail what I was experiencing. They also misinformed me about my situation and why this was actually happening to me, so I have had to struggle immensely to produce these documents. That’s why it may be difficult to piece together the information contained in this documentation.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

Document Revisions

I struggled immensely to produce these documents, because the evil energy kept generating incorrectly designed information on purpose. Some of the wording should be changed so that the information is more accurate.

Examples: 1. “Some form of evil energy then began to synthesize my brain’s communications without my knowledge.”

Some form of undetectable energy then began to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain without my knowledge.

2. “I also began to experience very lightheaded sensations in my brain that I thought were side-effects from the Paxil I was still taking, but apparently the evil energy was causing me to experience unnatural communications in my brain.”

I also began to experience very lightheaded sensations in my brain that I thought were side-effects from the Paxil I was still taking, but apparently the evil energy was causing me to experience unnatural neurological communications in my brain.

3. “I finally lost my job at Elyria Maintenance Company after the evil energy forced me to experience very painful back issues that weren’t actually occurring.”

I finally lost my job at Elyria Maintenance Company after the evil energy caused me to experience very painful back issues that weren’t actually occurring.

4. “The evil energy then instructed me to lie in bed all day long as it disturbed my brain periodically with unnatural communications.”

The evil energy then instructed me to lie in bed all day long as it disturbed my brain periodically with unnatural neurological communications.

5. “Malevolent sprits have been controlling my mind and torturing me unbearably.”

Malevolent energy has been controlling my mind and torturing me unbearably.

6. “I was supposed to be dead for over two years now, but my heart never quit functioning and broke the laws of nature.”

I was supposed to be dead for almost two and a half years now, but the evil energy was generating synthetic neurological communications in my brain.

7. “By the time the evil spirits manifested themselves, my brain was completely depleted of its chemistry.”

By the time the evil energy made its presence known, my brain was completely depleted of its chemistry.

8. “Without brain chemistry, I would’ve been completely unconscious in a coma for over two years now.”

Without brain chemistry, I would’ve been deceased for almost two and a half years now.

9. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications and keep me conscious, so they could eventually force me to destroy my internal organs by smoking countless cigarettes.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate synthetic neurological communications and keep my brain conscious, so it could eventually force me to destroy my internal organs by smoking countless cigarettes.

10. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and cause me to experience feelings of extreme anxiety.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate specific neurological communications in my brain and cause me to experience feelings of extreme anxiety.

11. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and allow me to experience feelings of relaxation.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate specific neurological communications in my brain and allow me to experience feelings of relaxation.

12. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and force me to fall asleep at night.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate neurological communications specifically which caused me to fall asleep at night.

13. “Besides my heart, lungs and brain, every organ in my body was almost completely nonfunctional.”

Besides my heart and lungs, every organ in my body was almost completely nonfunctional.

14. “But eventually my heart, lungs and brain were the only functioning organs left in my entire body.”

But eventually my heart and lungs were the only functioning organs left in my entire body.

15. “The evil spirits also informed me that I would become unconscious immediately after they release from my brain and lungs, and I would suffocate to death.”

The evil energy also informed me that I would become unconscious immediately after it releases from my brain and lungs, and I would suffocate to death.

16. “Near the end of October of 2015, the evil spirits informed me that they have been physically manipulating my lungs and synthesizing my brain’s communications so I could continue walking the earth even after I was deceased.”

Near the end of October of 2015, the evil energy informed me that it has been physically manipulating my lungs and generating synthetic neurological communications in my brain so I could continue walking the earth even after I was deceased.

17. “The universe contains hidden elements and forces that can never be imagined from a human being’s perspective.”

The universe contains undetectable elements that can never be imagined from a human being’s perspective.

18. “The evil spirits were able to physically manipulate my internal organs and force me to urinate and pass bowel movements.”

The evil energy was able to physically manipulate my internal organs, so I could continue to urinate and pass bowel movements.

19. “They were also able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and force my brain to sense urges to use the restroom.”

It was also able to generate specific neurological communications and cause my brain to sense urges to use the restroom.

20. “They were also able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and force my brain to sense feelings of hunger in my stomach.”

It was also able to generate specific neurological communications and cause my brain to sense feelings of hunger in my stomach.

21. “The evil spirits were somehow able to torture my brain by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural communications.”

The evil energy was somehow able to torture my brain by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural neurological communications.

22. “They were also able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and force my brain to sense feelings of intense physical pain and extreme discomfort throughout various areas of my body.”

It was also able to generate specific neurological communications and cause my brain to sense feelings of intense physical pain and extreme discomfort throughout various areas of my body.

23. “My brain was constantly forced to experience varying degrees of torture.”

The evil energy constantly caused my brain to experience varying degrees of torture.

24. “The evil spirits constantly tortured my brain throughout the day in various ways.”

The evil energy constantly caused my brain to feel tortured throughout the day in various ways.

25. “The evil spirits constantly forced me to hear various evil, disgusting voices while they tortured my brain.”

The evil energy constantly caused me to hear various evil, disgusting voices while it tortured my brain.

26. “The evil spirits forced me to experience extremely disturbing, torturous, unnatural sensations that constantly surged throughout my entire body and sometimes even in my eyeballs.”

The evil energy caused me to experience extremely disturbing, torturous, unnatural sensations that constantly surged throughout my entire body and sometimes even inside my eyeballs.

27. “Every few seconds, the evil spirits disrupted specific communications that they were synthesizing in my brain.”

Every few seconds, the evil energy disrupted specific communications that it was generating in my brain.

28. “The evil spirits tortured my skull and facial bones periodically while they tortured my brain. My entire skull was forced to experience extremely disturbing, torturous, unnatural sensations.”

The evil energy caused my skull and facial bones to feel tortured periodically while it caused my brain to feel tortured. It caused my entire skull to experience extremely disturbing, torturous, unnatural sensations.

29. “My skull and facial bones were also forced to experience sensations of severe inflammation and very sharp, burning pain.”

It also caused my skull and facial bones to experience sensations of severe inflammation and very sharp, burning pain.

30. “Sometimes the evil spirits forced me to experience very painful earaches.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused me to experience very painful earaches.

31. “Sometimes the evil spirits tortured my flesh. The skin on various areas of my body was forced to experience very painful burning, tingling sensations.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused the flesh on various areas of my body to experience very painful burning, tingling sensations.

32. “The skin on various areas of my body was also forced to itch uncontrollably.”

It also caused the skin on various areas of my body to itch uncontrollably.  

33. “Sometimes the evil spirits forced me to experience excruciating toothaches for hours.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused me to experience excruciating toothaches for hours.

34. “Sometimes the evil spirits tortured the glands in my throat. The glands in my throat were forced to experience sensations of severe inflammation.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused the glands in my throat to experience sensations of severe inflammation.

35. “Sometimes the evil spirits tortured my bowels. The pain in my bowels was so severe that it felt as though I might hemorrhage.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused my bowels to experience very severe pain. The pain in my bowels was so severe that it felt as though I might hemorrhage.

36. “By physically manipulating my lungs, sometimes the evil spirits decreased my ability to breathe to the point that it became very frightening.”

By physically manipulating my lungs, sometimes the evil energy impaired my ability to breathe to the point that it became very frightening.

37. “Sometimes the evil spirits forced me to experience very distressful sensations in my chest, and sometimes I was also forced to feel terrified at the same time.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused me to experience very distressful sensations in my chest, and sometimes it also caused me to feel terrified at the same time.

38. “Sometimes the evil spirits forced my stomach to feel very nauseous and sometimes even forced me to vomit explosively by physically manipulating my stomach.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused my stomach to feel very nauseous, and sometimes it even caused me to vomit explosively by physically manipulating my stomach.

39. “Sometimes the evil spirits forced me to experience extremely disgusting sensations in my lungs. My lungs felt like they were falling to pieces and beginning to decompose. I was also forced to experience disgusting, itchy sensations in my lungs.”

Sometimes the evil energy caused me to experience extremely disgusting sensations in my lungs. It caused my lungs to feel like they were falling to pieces and beginning to decompose. It also caused my lungs to experience disgusting, itchy sensations.

40. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and force me to experience intense feelings of psychological torture.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate specific neurological communications in my brain and cause me to experience intense feelings of psychological torture.

41. “The evil spirits forced me to hear strange, frightening, otherworldly voices while I was forced to feel extremely terrified.”

The evil energy caused me to hear strange, frightening, otherworldly voices while it caused me to feel extremely terrified.

42. “The evil spirits periodically synthesized my brain’s communications specifically, and I was forced to imagine myself falling unconscious while I was forced to feel extremely terrified. Essentially frightening me about my death occurring.”

The evil energy periodically generated specific neurological communications in my brain, which caused me to imagine myself falling unconscious while it caused me to feel extremely terrified. Essentially frightening me about my death occurring.

43. “The evil spirits periodically synthesized my brain’s communications specifically, and I was forced to imagine my mother feeling very heartbroken after I had passed away while I was forced to experience feelings of great remorse.”

The evil energy periodically generated specific neurological communications in my brain, which caused me to imagine my mother feeling very heartbroken after I had passed away while it caused me to experience feelings of great remorse.

44. “The evil spirits periodically synthesized my brain’s communications specifically, and I was forced to imagine other people’s normal living conditions and lifestyles while I was forced to experience feelings of very deep sadness and self-pity.”

The evil energy periodically generated specific neurological communications in my brain, which caused me to imagine other people’s normal living conditions and lifestyles while it caused me to experience feelings of very deep sadness and self-pity.

45. “The evil spirits periodically synthesized my brain’s communications specifically, and I was forced to imagine heaven existing. Then I was forced to feel very angered as they informed me that heaven doesn’t exist.”

The evil energy periodically generated specific neurological communications in my brain, which caused me to imagine heaven existing. Then the evil energy caused me to feel very angered as it informed me that heaven doesn’t exist.  

46. “The evil spirits tormented and insulted me by calling me names like “Left-over Lepley,” “Jesus Juices,” and “William Frankenstein Lepley” while I was forced to experience feelings of disgust and or anger.”

The evil energy tormented and insulted me by calling me names like “Left-over Lepley,” “Jesus Juices,” and “William Frankenstein Lepley” while it caused me to experience feelings of disgust and or anger.  

47. “On a daily basis, the evil spirits would play mind games while I was forced to feel confused and frustrated.”

On a daily basis, the evil energy would play mind games while it caused me to feel confused and frustrated.

48. “The universe contains hidden elements and forces that, when combined, can be utilized to produce a form of demonic possession that has the ability to torture a human being with perfection.”

The universe contains undetectable elements which can produce a form of undetectable energy that has the ability to possess a human being and torture them with perfection.

49. “Eventually, the evil spirits began to periodically synthesize my brain’s communications specifically, and I was forced to feel very frightened and confused. Which forced me to walk back and forth around my household, looking like a complete maniac.”

Eventually, the evil energy began to periodically generate specific neurological communications in my brain, which caused me to feel very frightened and confused. Which then caused me to walk back and forth around my household, looking like a complete maniac.

50. “Eventually, the evil spirits also began to torture my brain periodically by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural communications.”

Eventually, the evil energy also began to torture my brain periodically by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural neurological communications.

51. “They also misinformed me about my situation and why this was actually happening to me, so I have had to struggle immensely to produce these documents.”

It also misinformed me about my condition and why this was actually happening to me, so I have had to struggle immensely to produce these documents.

52. “The universe or spirit realm consciously communicated by synthesizing communications in my brain, and I was constantly surrounded by evil, disgusting voices.”

The universe consciously communicated by producing an undetectable form of energy which generated specific neurological communications in my brain, and I was constantly surrounded by evil, disgusting voices.

53. “It/they informed me that all of the empty space that exists between every molecule, atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and particle in the entire universe contains undetectable elements and forces that can never be examined by human technology and can’t be imagined from a human being’s perspective.”

It informed me that all of the empty space that surrounds every molecule, atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and particle in the universe contains undetectable elements that can never be examined by human technology and can’t be imagined from a human being’s perspective.

54. “It/they informed me that the undetectable elements and forces that exist within the universe are consciously aware of everything that exists within the universe and contain all of the information that has ever existed since the beginning of the universe.”

It informed me that the undetectable elements that exist in the universe are consciously aware of everything that exists in the universe and contain all of the information that has ever existed.

55. “The evil spirits were actually slowly decreasing the amount of communications that they were synthesizing in my brain, and eventually my entire existence felt completely empty.”

The evil energy was actually slowly decreasing the amount of neurological communications that it was generating in my brain, and eventually my entire existence felt completely empty.

56. “The evil spirits only decreased the amount of communications that they were synthesizing in my brain so I would be completely detached from reality and I would appear psychotic enough to actually do this to myself.”

The evil energy only decreased the amount of neurological communications that it was generating in my brain so I would be completely detached from reality and I would appear psychotic enough to actually do this to myself.    

57. “The evil spirits didn’t begin to decrease the amount of communications that they were synthesizing in my brain until after I lost my job at Elyria Maintenance Company and ran out of my last prescription of clonazepam.”

The evil energy didn’t begin to decrease the amount of neurological communications that it was generating in my brain until after I lost my job at Elyria Maintenance Company and ran out of my last prescription of clonazepam.  

58. “The evil spirits lied to me and informed me that if they hadn’t begun synthesizing my brain’s communications I would’ve been completely unconscious in a coma ever since they made their presence known.”

The evil energy lied to me and informed me that if it hadn’t begun to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain I would’ve been completely unconscious in a coma ever since they made their presence known.

59. “On December 7th of 2015, the evil spirits finally informed me that if they had not begun to synthesize my brain’s communications I would have been dead almost three and a half years ago.”

On December 7th of 2015, the evil energy finally informed me that if it had not begun to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain I would have been dead almost three and a half years ago.

60. “Once the evil spirits manifested themselves, my mind was constantly being controlled.”

Once the evil energy made its presence known, my mind was constantly being controlled.

61. “The evil spirits were somehow able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and cause me to feel stressful when I went without a cigarette for a couple of hours.”

The evil energy was somehow able to generate specific neurological communications and cause me to feel stressful when I went without a cigarette for a couple of hours.

62. “The evil spirits were also able to synthesize my brain’s communications specifically and allow me to experience a high from smoking a cigarette every four hours.”

The evil energy was also able to generate specific neurological communications and allow me to experience a high from smoking a cigarette every four hours.

63. “Eventually, I didn’t feel any different after I waited to smoke a cigarette, because my brain became too damaged for the evil spirits to synthesize the effects of the cigarettes.”

Eventually, I didn’t feel any different after I waited to smoke a cigarette, because the evil energy had been decreasing the amount of neurological communications that it was generating in my brain.

64. “The evil spirits controlled and manipulated my entire situation to conceal their existence, so everyone was unaware of my condition.”

The evil energy controlled and manipulated my entire situation to conceal its existence, so everyone was unaware of my condition.

65. “I didn’t realize how my brain was being controlled until much later when the evil spirits informed me that the universe was synthesizing my brain’s communications.”

I didn’t realize how my brain was being controlled until much later when the universe informed me that an undetectable form of energy was generating my brain’s neurological communications.

66. “The universe or spirit realm was somehow able to torture my brain by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural communications.”

The evil energy was somehow able to torture my brain by causing my brain to experience extremely disturbing, unnatural neurological communications.

67. “The evil spirits controlled and manipulated my entire situation, so they could force me to destroy my internal organs by smoking countless cigarettes.”

The evil energy controlled and manipulated my entire situation, so it could force me to destroy my internal organs by smoking countless cigarettes.

68. “The evil spirits have repeatedly made me feel desperate to commit suicide, but they wouldn’t allow me to accomplish it.”

The evil energy has repeatedly caused me feel desperate to commit suicide, but it wouldn’t allow me to accomplish it.

The evil energy even generated incorrect sentence structures on purpose just to make me struggle while I tried to expose the truth.

Example: “The evil spirits continued to torture me and forced me to smoke cigarettes anyways.”

The evil energy continued to torture me and force me to smoke cigarettes anyways.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

What a fascinating read William.

I'm sure that you must find it incredibly difficult to substantiate most of what you state here.

Have you considered professional help? Seriously.

Yes, I have considered professional help; I think I stated that in the very first post. I don't seriously expect anyone to actually believe any of this until after it is scientifically/empirically proven and publicized.

Wouldn't this be better suited to a blog rather than a topic for discussion?

I think a lot of people will be discussing this very soon.


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