CONTENTS –Object 1Contents Grimm collected a number of stories about elves while compiling his book Teutonic Mythology, and says that elves appear in the Eddas as supernatural, magic-using beings. They appear in a number of old English and Norse legends. The Magic of the Land: üÿ Ley lines were first suggested to the general public by an amateur archaeologist named Alfred Watkins in the early 1920s. Ley lines are believed to be magical, mystical alignments in the earth.
One school of thought believes that these lines carry positive or negative energy. It is also believed that where two or more lines converge, you have a place of great power and energy. It is believed that many well-known sacred sites, such as Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, Sedona and Machu Picchu sit at the convergence of several lines. In some countries, spirits associated with various landmarks became minor, localized deities. How to perform an earth meditation Try this simple meditation to help you attune to the element of Earth.
To do this meditation, find a place where you can sit quietly, undisturbed, on a day when the sun is shining. Ideally, it should be in a place where you can really connect with everything that Earth represents. Perhaps it's a hillside outside of town, or a shady grove in your local park. Maybe it's somewhere deep in the woods, under a tree, or even your own back yard. Find your spot, and make yourself comfortable. If you haven't read Meditation 101 yet, go ahead and do so before you begin. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: About an hour Here's How: Sit or lie on the ground, so that as much of your body as possible is in direct contact with the ground. Use all of your senses to attune to Earth. Relax your body and breathe slowly, through your nose, and taking in the scents around you
Celtic Knotwork of the L Earth - Gaia Earth Folklore and Legends D Each of the four cardinal elements - earth, air, fire and water - can be incorporated into magical practice and ritual. Depending on your needs and intent, you may find yourself drawn to one of these elements more so that the others. Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. J The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In colour correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons! In Tarot readings, the Earth is related to the suit of Pentacles or Coins.
Let s look at some of the many magical myths and legends surrounding earth: Earth Spirits: In many cultures, earth spirits are beings that are tied to the land and plant kingdom. Typically, these beings are associated with another realm, the forces of nature that inhabit a particular physical space, and landmarks like rocks and tees. In Celtic mythology, the realm of the Fae is known to exist in a parallel space with the land of man. The Fae are part of the Tuatha de Danaan, and live underground. It s important to watch out for them, because they re known for their ability to trick mortals into joining them. Gnomes feature prominently in European legend and lore.
Although it s believed that their name was coined by a Swiss alchemist named Paracelsus, these elemental beings have long been associated in one form or another with the ability to move underground. Likewise, elves often appear in stories about the land. Jaco. You may smell freshly cut grass, or damp earth, or flowers and leaves. Close your eyes, and become aware of the earth beneath your body. Feel the cool breeze blowing by, and allow yourself to become in tune to the rhythms of nature. Once you are completely relaxed, focus on the warmth of the sun on your face. Imagine that warm golden light being absorbed into your body, through your third eye. Feel the light of the sun warming your head and face, a little at a time, just as the earth is being warmed back up. Imagine this light working its way along your body, travelling through your neck, down into your chest, where your heart chakra is located. Allow it to warm your heart, then travelling slowly down through your abdomen and down to your root chakra. As this light warms your body, feel it connecting you to the ground beneath your body as well. Imagine this warmth spreading, a golden glow journeying along your legs, your knees, and finally to your feet. By the time the sensation reaches your feet, you should feel as though your entire body has been infused with the warmth and light of the returning sun. Feel your connection to the earth. Imagine that warmth growing and spreading from your body into the ground. Visualize the awakening roots, seeds, and other life that is just below the surface. Share your warmth and light with them, and feel your own roots growing into the soil. Feel the stability and security of the earth beneath you. Keep your breathing even and regular, and enjoy the sensation of being one with the soil, the grass, and even the rocks below. What You Need A quiet place A sunny day An hour of uninterrupted time -eggggggggghj
Meditation 101 :- What is meditation? For some folks in the Western hemisphere, meditation is often seen as some sort of new-age hippie fad, something that you do right before you eat granola and hug a spotted owl. However, Eastern civilizations have known about the power of meditation and used it to control the mind and expand the consciousness. Today, Western thinking is finally catching up, and there is an increasing awareness of what meditation is and what it can be used for. The benefits of meditation are mentioned not only by Wiccans and Pagans but by health practitioners and other everyday people.
How does meditation work?: The mind is made up of many facets, many of which we have not even begun to tap into. The conscious mind consists of all the things you re aware of on a daily basis: can I pay my bills? Does my lover still love me? Will my parents get sick? Did I forget to clean the cat box? There is also the subconscious mind all the things you know, but don t know that you know. This is where things like memory and involuntary body functions come from. Finally, there is the part called the super consciousness, which is the higher self, the centre of spiritual growth and well-being. What happens in a meditation session?: Meditation allows you to focus on the subconscious and the super conscious minds. During a meditative session, you may find yourself meeting various archetypes, or encountering things that seem symbolic. This is your mind s way of telling you what s going on, and all you have to do is figure out how to interpret the message. Guided meditations: There are different meditation techniques, one of which is called guided meditation. In this technique, a guide either in person or via a recording leads the meditation, telling you where to go and what you see. They may include things such as, You are walking down a path in the woods, or There is a person coming towards you who holds something in her hand. For beginners, a guided meditation is excellent, because it provides a good idea of what meditation actually is, and allows you to center your focus.
You can buy commercially produced guided meditation CDs, or you can create your own with a tape recorder. Freeform meditation: Freeform meditation is one where there is no guide, and you simply let your mind wander. To do this, sit comfortably and allow yourself to relax as much as possible. Some people like to lie down when meditating, but others find that they fall asleep when they do so. Choose whichever method is best for you. Where should I meditate?: Find a place where you can be relatively undisturbed. Turn off the phone and the television, put the kids to bed, and close the windows if there s traffic outside. In some traditions, meditation is only performed inside a sacred space, so feel free to cleanse and consecrate the area as you see fit. Remove any possible distractions, and wear clothing that s comfortable. In fact, you can meditate skyclad (nude) if you choose. When is a good time to meditate?: As to when you meditate, the best time is whenever you can get some quiet time. If that s in the morning before everyone else gets up, great. If it s at night when your family has gone to bed, that s fine too. Many people like to meditate at night so they can go outside and meditate under the moon and stars. Whatever time you decide to practice, try to do it at the same time every day. This will allow you for more consistency, and get you into good meditation habits. Earth:- D In the four classical elements, earth is considered the ultimate symbol of the divine feminine. In the spring, at the time of new growth and life, the earth quickens and grows full with the beginnings of each year's crop. The image of Earth as Mother is no coincidence -- for millennia, people have seen the earth as a source of life, a giant womb. The Hopi peoples of the American Southwest indicated Earth not as a triangle, but as a labyrinth with one opening; this opening was the womb from which all life sprang. In alchemy, the element of earth is represented by the triangle with a crossbar. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons. Learn more about the folklore and legends surrounding the element of Earth: Earth Magic and Folklore. Try this simple meditation to help you attune to the element of Earth. To do this meditation, find a place where you can sit quietly, undisturbed, on a day when the sun is shining. Ideally, it should be in a place where you can really connect with everything that Earth represents. Perhaps it's a hillside outside of town, or a shady grove in your local park. Maybe it's somewhere deep in the woods, under a tree, or even your own back yard. Find your spot, and make yourself comfortable while you perform an Earth Meditation.
Some people believe that lines of energy, called ley lines, run through the earth. The idea of ley lines as magical, mystical alignments is a fairly modern one. One school of thought believes that these lines carry positive or negative energy. It is also believed that where two or more lines converge, you have a place of great power and energy. It is believed that many well-known sacred sites, such as Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, Sedona and Machu Picchu sit at the convergence of several lines. There are a number of deities associated with the element of Earth as well, including Gaia, who often embodies the planet itself, and Geb, the Egyptian god of land.
In the Tarot, Earth is associated with the suit of Pentacles. It is connected with abundance and fertility, with green forests and rolling fields. Invoke Earth for workings related to material wealth, prosperity, and fertility. This is a symbol to use when connecting with the comforts of home, the blessings of the hearth, and the stability of family life. y the triangle with a crossbar. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the year.
This was on my files for years, I resurrected it but the name was long gone.
Hi Calista
This was written a very long time ago as an Introduction into druidism when those things like meditation were only new'ish to the Western societies,
There are still people today that do not accept meditation or realize the benefits it has on being able to de-stress.
I would love to stop a busy street and tell them to take five! and breath, for the worker to leave the work at work and go home and relax, the day is done, time out for some quiet music and drift away without thought. I do think how happier this world would be if we alleviate that stress and worry, just slow down and relax Blessings
I live right on one!
Seriously. All of the stone circles, pyramids and pyramidions are connected with Dragon's Breath or Earth energy-telluric energy, whatever we call it. I like Dragon's breath myself. My video, The Holy Grail, demonstrates how the Life Force can be utilized by us when in the right place at the right time...and for all the right reasons.
Nice article, many tahnks.
Thank you Zep
Love the Word Dragons Breath
The Dragon is our own Sun. it releases magnetic energy across earth's grid system. The magnets have a way of helping with healing and Meditation.
Electromagnetism would probably be a good way to describe it, Poppy. After all, every planet and star affects every other in our vast ever-expanding and contracting universe. Why should we be any different? To me it is just a matter of attuning oneself to the heartbeat of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Stars.
The unlimited energies of the Earth were harnessed and directed by our ancestors. I know I repeat myself at times yet I can't see the reason why these energies can't be employed instead of relying on dangerous/polluting and expensive fossil fuel and nuclear energy sources.
It is plain to see that the Great Pyramid at Giza is a conduit for earth energies, and is modeled on the Chakras in the brain and the pathway that Kundalini takes therein. On the same basis, every pyramidion serves the same purpose, except that the pyramidion takes the form of the entire human energy system and not just the brain.
Then again, it's all just faery stories, and feeling is believing...right?
Anpu directing and channeling the Cosmic forces of Nature as represented by Apophis
The Symbol of death and resurrection or the after life is mother nature. The serpent is recognised as this because it sheds it's skin in the way of renewal." cht n ankh" in The Tree of Life
Very interesting image. where did you find this Zep?
This is a very old symbol of the Ophites, Joseph. Whenever one finds two pillars or pyramidions , or two trees(in a way the same thing); one can be sure that this formed the entrance-way to a Dracontium or Temple of the Dragon.
If we look at the image more closely we can identify the Tree of Life symbolism which is central to ancestral Pagan spiritual traditions as we all know. The Caduceus is in the center and is linked to both pillars, the Yin and Yang, or as some may say, Boaz and Jakin. The Caduceus of the initiate reflects the central pillar of Tao and is symbolic of the human energy system which in my terminology would be powered by Kundalini Shasti, the power of Mother Nature as we have been discussing, in the form of a Serpent.
There's plenty of examples of this Portal or Gateway symbolism all over the world, not just in Egypt.
Here are some that have survived centuries of ISIL-type retards' attentions.
I was thinking of where I found that image, and it slips my memory! It's very ancient symbolism.
The test of one's journey through the underworld comes to mind, As thoth the weighing of the heart ( right) the three weights of the first test of the Pharaoh seated in the second square , the soul journey the third till met with Anubis in the after life .on the left.
Very well explained Zep! I am aware of most this symbology, but I was taken abck by this version using the two trees and the rope across. In any case I love that image!!
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