19 Reasons Why The Crow Should Be Your New Favorite Animal

1. I know what you’re thinking. You think that crows aren’t that cool, and you know what? That’s okay. There’s time for you to change. Let’s start with the basics! First, they start out pretty cute. Check out this baby! Very fluffy, very cute.

source of article-and all credits too~http://www.buzzfeed.com/meganm15/reasons-why-the-crow-will-be-your-...

I know what you're thinking. You think that crows aren't that cool, and you know what? That's okay. There's time for you to change. Let's start with the basics! First, they start out pretty cute. Check out this baby! Very fluffy, very cute.

2. Next crow fact? They mate for life. And though they meet sexual maturity by age two, a lot of them don’t reproduce until later than that. They’re just waiting to meet that special someone, y’know?

Next crow fact? They mate for life. And though they meet sexual maturity by age two, a lot of them don't reproduce until later than that. They're just waiting to meet that special someone, y'know?

3. They also exhibit “cooperative breeding behavior” which means that they watch out for the mom while she’s incubating, and they all help feed the babies until they’re self-sufficient. Some offspring even stay to help out with the next batch of babes.

They also exhibit "cooperative breeding behavior" which means that they watch out for the mom while she's incubating, and they all help feed the babies until they're self-sufficient. Some offspring even stay to help out with the next batch of babes.

4. Also pretty cool? A group of crows is called a murder. That’s right. A MURDER. That right there? That’s a MURDER ON A HIGH WIRE.

Also pretty cool? A group of crows is called a murder. That's right. A MURDER. That right there? That's a MURDER ON A HIGH WIRE.

5. If that isn’t enough for you, maybe you’ll appreciate that crows are considered by researchers to be amazingly (disconcertingly?) smart and social. Groups of crows (aka MURDERS) develop their own dialects, differentiating them from crows in other areas.

If that isn't enough for you, maybe you'll appreciate that crows are considered by researchers to be amazingly (disconcertingly?) smart and social. Groups of crows (aka MURDERS) develop their own dialects, differentiating them from crows in other areas.

6. Oh, also? They can recognize different human faces. Recognize and react to them. Researchers in Seattle captured seven crows while wearing masks. After they released them, the crows remembered the masks and attacked them whenever they saw them.

Oh, also? They can recognize different human faces. Recognize and react to them. Researchers in Seattle captured seven crows while wearing masks. After they released them, the crows remembered the masks and attacked them whenever they saw them.

7. If the researchers wore different masks, the crows didn’t pay attention to them. As soon as they put the offending masks on though, the crows started cawing and swooping at them.

If the researchers wore different masks, the crows didn't pay attention to them. As soon as they put the offending masks on though, the crows started cawing and swooping at them.

8. Not only will they recognize you, but they’ll tell their friends about you. And they’ll know how to treat you too. The Seattle researchers soon realized that all of the crows in the area acted aggressive toward them when they were wearing the masks.

Not only will they recognize you, but they'll tell their friends about you. And they'll know how to treat you too. The Seattle researchers soon realized that all of the crows in the area acted aggressive toward them when they were wearing the masks.

9. And after they have their minds made up about you, they won’t forget you. That’s right, they have great memories, too. Two years after the experiment began, the Seattle crows were still knew to attack the same masks when they saw them.

And after they have their minds made up about you, they won't forget you. That's right, they have great memories, too. Two years after the experiment began, the Seattle crows were still knew to attack the same masks when they saw them.

10. And then? Then they’ll tell future generations. And those generations will tell THEIR future generations. So you’ll go down in crow history. See, the researchers realized that not all the crows had seen them firsthand.

And then? Then they'll tell future generations. And those generations will tell THEIR future generations. So you'll go down in crow history. See, the researchers realized that not all the crows had seen them firsthand.

11. Instead, they had been told about the masks by other crows, described in detail so that all were aware of what they looked like. Even the youngsters were informed. They became crow legend, passed down from generations. #NEVER4GET

Instead, they had been told about the masks by other crows, described in detail so that all were aware of what they looked like. Even the youngsters were informed. They became crow legend, passed down from generations. #NEVER4GET

12. Oh, and just in case you’re not completely convinced that crows are the best, you should know that they learn from their mistakes. Every year thousands of crows migrated through Chatham, Ontario. Until one farmer got fed up and shot one of the crows…

Oh, and just in case you're not completely convinced that crows are the best, you should know that they learn from their mistakes. Every year thousands of crows migrated through Chatham, Ontario. Until one farmer got fed up and shot one of the crows...

13. After the shooting, all of the crows flew away. The crows then knew not to fly too low near settled areas. Guess how many more crows got killed that year. Just guess. ZERO. Don’t mess with crows.

After the shooting, all of the crows flew away. The crows then knew not to fly too low near settled areas. Guess how many more crows got killed that year. Just guess. ZERO. Don't mess with crows.

14. Oh, and you should also know that not only do crows use tools, they are able to MAKE THEIR OWN TOOLS. The crow pictured below, Betty, is seen having fashioned a hook out of wire so that she could pull a basket out of the tube.

Oh, and you should also know that not only do crows use tools, they are able to MAKE THEIR OWN TOOLS. The crow pictured below, Betty, is seen having fashioned a hook out of wire so that she could pull a basket out of the tube.

15. And just when you think this is merely a cool trick she learned… get this: SHE HAD NEVER SEEN THE TUBE OR THE WIRE BEFORE. If that doesn’t indicate genius, I don’t know what would.

And just when you think this is merely a cool trick she learned... get this: SHE HAD NEVER SEEN THE TUBE OR THE WIRE BEFORE. If that doesn't indicate genius, I don't know what would.

16. Crows are also really good at learning adaptive behavior. They’re known to memorize routes of garbagemen to know when to get some tasty snacks. AND they memorize which of the truck drivers are nice enough to open cans for them! Talk about savvy.

Crows are also really good at learning adaptive behavior. They're known to memorize routes of garbagemen to know when to get some tasty snacks. AND they memorize which of the truck drivers are nice enough to open cans for them! Talk about savvy.

17. So maybe you’re not convinced. Maybe the crow still isn’t your favorite animal. That’s all right! But just remember one thing…

So maybe you're not convinced. Maybe the crow still isn't your favorite animal. That's all right! But just remember one thing...

18. The crows will find out about this. And when they do they will find you, remember you, teach their friends about you, teach their children about you, and FASHION TOOLS TO TAKE YOU DOWN.

The crows will find out about this. And when they do they will find you, remember you, teach their friends about you, teach their children about you, and FASHION TOOLS TO TAKE YOU DOWN.

19. So, uh, maybe you should reconsider. No pressure, though!

So, uh, maybe you should reconsider. No pressure, though!

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I have always loved and felt an affinity for Crows (and Ravens). They are certainly one of the coolest birds.

Great post Sister......


Crows have been a favorite since I was a kid, love 'em. I have crows all over my house, LoL. I mean, not real crows, stuff like this lamp which was gifted to me ...

and this little fella that likes to chill on our table

and this little dude who hangs out on our speaker...

I'm not going to take pics of them all, LoL but in honor of this post and in honor of crows and maybe because I've missed it a litte, I'm going to switch back to one of my old avatars too...woo hoo


Thanks Kyst. It's funny, people know I like crows so they just come to me all the time. Folks get me crow themed things for birthdays, x-mas, etc. LoL

The same thing happened when I picked up a mushroom themed set of cookie jars for my kitchen. That plus my autumn bouts of mushroom hunting and now, pretty much all the 'decor" in my little apartment is crows and mushrooms......and owls, LoL

hehehe   cute loving the  mushrooms! 

i uber love the lamp!!  i have quite a collection myself -but they're actually of a different sort. starting back about 4 yrs ago i was going through a really really awful time of it.  i'd be out walking where i used to work on my breaks and worrying about everything and when i'd cross where i'd just walked there would be a gift for me-a perfect crow's feather... i felt the message 'i'm watching over you. i'm guiding you.  things are going exactly as they are supposed to'... it happened more n more often until i had probably a whole crow's worth of 'gifts' lol... i no longer work there so i don't get to see my beautiful flock of friends anymore- but the crows around my house now visit with me so i don't feel alone or scared as much as i used to... 

btw, only 2 other ppl  in the world [my daughter and my bf] know about this thing w/the crows... i don't tell ppl or talk about it -ppl think ur crazy right? lol.. but i feel ok talking about it here.  thanks for the sanctuary guys... it's most appreciated /hugs

I don't think it sounds strange at all, in fact, I think it sounds awesome!

i agree  Santosha....  def  sounds  awesome!  and  im sure  you would be surprised by the number of  people  who are out there that feel the same as well......

THANK YOU!!! i was very excited to see this thread!!  i've always loved crows but over the last few years they seem to be not only watching over me but also bring me  messages from the Divine.  i've even 'converted' a couple of ppl to seeing the beauty and wisdom in these beautiful birds ;)  

so much love :)

Teresa!  ( :  im soo happy you enjoyed this post !these birds are amazing,,and so smart too,,,and wow like i told rob above... that's what i always called them the watchers....they have something to tell...something to teach us for sure....  i had this one kewl article about them also i have to  research tp find it again ill add it  here as well have  agreat weekend all and thank you!

The Cherokees believe that crows represent intuition and that they are messengers of the Great Spirit. I love crows. We have a lot them around here.

The Cherokees believe that crows represent intuition and that they are messengers of the Great Spirit. I love crows. We have a lot them around here.


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