The Chaldeans, whom Cicero counts as the oldest magicians, placed the basis of all magic in the inner powers of a person's soul,and by the discernment of the magic properties of plants, minerals and animals.

By the aid of these they performed the most wonderful 'miracles'.

Magic, with them, was synonymous with religion and science.

It is but later that the religious myth of the Magdean dualism, disfigured by Christian theology and euhemerised by certain fathers of the Church assumed the disgusting shape in which we find them expounded by such Catholic writers as des Mosseaux.

The objective reality of the medieval incubus and succubus, that abominable superstition of the Middle Ages which cost so many human lives,

is the monstrous production of religious fanaticism and epilepsy.

It can have no objective form, and to attribute it's effects to the Devil is blasphemy, implying that God, after creating Satan, would allow him to adopt such a course.

If we are forced to believe in vampirism, it is on the strength of two irrefragible propositions of occult psychological science: 

1) The astral soul is a separable distinct entity of our Ego, and can roam far away from our body without breaking the thread of life.

2)The corpse is not utterly dead, and while it can be re-entered by it's tenant, the latter can gather sufficient material emanations from it to enable itself to appear in a quasi-terrestrial shape.

But to uphold, that the Devil , whom the Catholics endow with a power which, in antagonism, equals that of the Supreme Deity, transforms himself into wolves, snakes and dogs to satisfy his lust and procreate monsters, is an idea within which lie the germs of devil-worship, lunacy, and sacrilege.

The Catholic Church, which not only teaches us to believe in such a monstrous fallacy, but forces her missionaries to preach such a dogma, need not revolt against the devil-worship of some Parsee sects. Quite the reverse, for when we hear the well-known Yezidi  proverb, "Keep friends with the demons, give them your property, your blood, your service and you will need not care about God - He will not harm you,"

we find him but consistent with his belief and reverential to the Supreme; his logic is sound and rational,he reveres God too deeply to imagine that he who created the universe and it's laws is able to hurt him, poor atom; but the demons are there; they are imperfect; and therefore he has good reason to dread them.

Therefore, the Devil, in his various transformations, can be but a fallacy.

When one imagines that he sees, hears and feels him, it is too often the reflection of his own wicked, depraved and polluted soul that he hears, sees and feels.

Like attracts like, they say; thus, according to the thus, according to the mood in which our astral form oozes out during the hours of sleep, according to our thoughts, pursuits and daily occupations,all of which are fairly impressed upon the plastic capsule called the human soul,

the latter attracts around itself spiritual beings congenial to itself.

Hence some dreams and visions that are pure and beautiful,others fiendish and beastly.

The person awakes, and either hastens to the confessional, or laughs in callous indifference at the thought. In the first case, he is promised final salvation, at the cost of some indulgences,(which he has to purchase from the Church), and perhaps a little taste of purgatory, or even hell. What matter?

Is he not safe, to be eternal and immortal, do what he may?

It is the Devil. Away with him, with bells, books and holy sprinkler!

But "the Devil" comes back, and the true believer is forced to disbelieve in God, when he clearly perceives that the Devil has the best of his Creator and Master.

He dies, and the reader has learnt the sequel in the preceding chapters."

~Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, "Isis Unveiled ~ A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology" pp459-460 Vol.1 Science. ISBN 0-911500-03-0

Take care how you water your dreaming, then?

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Thank you

A pleasure, Kervin.

Reading through what I have written a while back leads me to add that personally, I don't care whether someone is a Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, a Vampyre or WHATEVER, as long as they love Nature and the animals and harm none. We all have the same Mother.. What happened in the past no longer exists, and the future we create is in the now. 

I am good friends with members of all paths and accept the sacredness of all life and respect all altars.

Naturally a Michelle Belanger, whom I have great respect for, or Wiccan Vampyre is worlds apart from the medieval Vampire archetype as described - however there are still some who perhaps unwittingly, actually encourage the existence of these false and outdated stereotypes.

There are real vampires, or rather spirits among the races in the endless and infinite void which do subsist on the life force of others by consuming their vital energies, and many folk legends and experiences attest to this fact. These Vampires you will not find on the internet though...ever

Anyhow, what I object to is that within certain sections of the Bible, in Kabbalistic literature and in the Koran, there are writings which clearly show discrimination against Pagans and Witches; and that this discrimination which stems from these writings still applies to modern day Women, Witches and Pagans - and the environment..

I object to the use of Religion as a tool to gain financially from the process; I object to institutionalized religious discrimination and I object to the fact that the Great Goddess is still not granted equal billing in the spiritual community.

These texts and passages from within the Holy Books which I refer to, were written a long time ago and it is also clear that many people regardless of spiritual inclinations are realizing that these specific teachings are outdated and no longer apply to our current reality.

Our reality is as follows

There is a lot of evidence to prove that the climate is changing due to global heating caused by human beings as the thick blanket of carbon monoxide and other gases released by polluting industries encircles the upper  atmosphere and traps the heat within, causing all sorts of ecological problems. 

Spiritual people must accept that there were mistakes made in the past, and learn from them. Let the passages be subtly re-written to exclude the words, 'Pagan/s', 'Witch/es', to exclude those enforcing inequality between the sexes and those encouraging warfare, cursing, homophobia, destruction and violence be revised to suit the changing times, when nowadays Pagans and Christians and Muslims and Jews and Taoists can and do mix freely without restrictions. Let the one Law of the Goddess, to love all beings, again apply.

We as the ones who love and who care on the planet have the ultimate battle to fight.

If some believe in an Armageddon, then the battle to save Mother Nature and ourselves from imminent destruction is it, and it's happening right now. Personally and with due respect for others my beliefs do not include the Armageddon scenario as the Goddess lives on forever; however what I do believe is that due to the acts of those who pollute and destroy the environment for their own gain, the natural cycles of change are being artificially speeded up, potentially shortening the lifespan of this current civilization by many thousands of years.

Facts are facts, and whereas a few decades ago, the Hippies were ridiculed for raising concerns about the deliberate destruction of our environment, nowadays most if not all scientists are extremely concerned about both the long and short term effects of global warming on the Earth.

It is the world leaders and those who possess the power and influence to render effective change who must now step up to the plate, and we have the duty to inform and if necessary place the right pressure on those concerned to make the changes which will see our future generations well - and harm none..

Sometimes I fantasize about what I would do if by some chance, I were to make the decisions ~

Wow....well firstly, no more guns, ammunition, bombs, or any other weapon/poison of war. period. Remove them all, and the solution is halfway remedied. Secondly, equality for all, gender, color and sex. Third, the Earth 's remaining bio-diverse natural areas protected and set aside - to become the property of the citizens of the Earth, to conserve and protect. Fourthly, all industry to be converted to Green industries and to be powered by natural, renewable and non-polluting energies such as wind, solar, water and telluric. Controversial but vitally necessary at this stage - birth control. Education for all, equal opportunities and equal rights. All people to be brought up to the same level, not down, and recompensed according to a fair scale of work and skills gained across the board. There will be no hunger or poverty, as all will be very wealthy without the expenditures on weapons and the usage of non-renewable resources to generate expensive power any more. There will be no more cruelty to any other animal, and animals will no longer be exploited or abused in any manner shape or form..

True, primal democracy with equal representation will replace corrupt, inefficient and divisive nation-states and governments which don't care for anything or anyone else except their own back pockets. We will all be citizens of the Earth. Games and sporting events will replace wars and bloodshed, as disputes will be settled in a civilized manner through mediation and negotiation.

All people will live in the light of love and reason, and people shall be happy and contented with who they are and with what they have. Love will be the Law, Love unto all beings. That's what I would do! 

Dream a happy dream

Blessed Be

My all-time favorite tune!


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