Astral travel – the traveling of the soul without the body.  This is something that we are all capable of doing and something you might not know, is that you do it almost every night already.

When we go to sleep, our soul gets to work.  Very often does it leave the body, traveling through the universe to other planets, other dimensions or sometimes stays on Earth but goes to key locations. This can either be for healing, upgrading of your energy body or for your higher self to attend certain gathering on a Galactic level.


What you must understand is that there is an entire other reality running concurrent to the one you are in now.  We are not bound by this Earth experience.  For many of us, we have large Galactic roles which does not stop when we incarnate.  Instead those extensions of our soul are busy with their given task.  At times however, the energy needs to be raised and we must connect with these aspects of ourselves.  Generally at night or at times, you will find that you just need to take a nap.

Waking up, you can feel that it was an incredibly deep and intense sleep even though it was only for a short period of time.  Those especially are times when you traveled out.

The feeling that you sometimes have, just upon falling asleep and then suddenly waking up – generally with a falling sensation.  That was your soul staring to leave your body but your body, realizing something was not right – started to wake up, jerking your soul back into it. For me personally, the bed shakes when that happens and I am left with the dream fragment of generally walking somewhere, slipping and falling down.

There is nothing wrong about this experience, just that our bodies are not used to it.  Even myself, travelling out about every single night I still have that jerking experience from time.

Now this is where the fun part comes in – you can start instructing your body and your soul as to where you would like to travel.
Now this is where the fun part comes in – you can start instructing your body and your soul as to where you would like to travel.

Feel intuitively – do you want to connect with your home planet, do you wish to travel to the Central Sun to reconnect with the central spark of Source?  Do you wish to travel to sacred sights, light cities or energy centers scattered around planet Earth?

The possibilities are endless.

Just be sure to state that you would like to remember something from that journey.  Be it a feeling, actual imagines or the whole journey. Sometimes I remember the entire journey, from start to finish.  Other times I only wake with a strong feeling – be it dragons, galactic or even just a feeling of ease and love.

Once I was told to go to sleep, it was 10h00 in the morning but the instruction was very strong and clear.  I obeyed and fell asleep rather quickly.  Upon waking, I knew that I was in front of my higher council of light.  I had no actual memories but I had the incredibly strong feeling of standing in front of them, discussing an aspect of my life.

The most important thing is for you to have fun with it.

Learn that you can control some aspects of your higher self rather easily without much effort.  Explore the endless infinity – do not feel constrained and bound to the simple body we are in now.  Once you start having these experiences on a more regular basis, you will find that new experiences will be drawn to you – you are more open and thus you can start to feel and see more.

See you all on the astral realm soon!


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When I began Astral Traveling,  and truly leaving the body, not only through my sleep, but quite awake, I had a sound on my ears, a noise, that indicated that I was vibrating at a much higher level, and then I would depart the body, but once, I turned back and saw my laying down body and it looked like it was dead, I got so scared, that I came back into it!

But I did not only travel on other dimensions, but could also go to places within this one, however, no one could see me, when I did that, but I could see them and their surroundings, so I surprised people by telling them where they had been and what they were doing at any point in time and space!

I could also hear people talking, without being anywhere near them!

It was fun, all right, but I like it even better when I go to unknown places, where I see so much I had not seen before!

The sound you describe is handy when navigating as different sounds can "suck you up" and take you with it to it´s own level perceptionwise.. Mind you, some of them will take you to the border between the unknown and the unknowable and in such cases few can reconstruct what they have experienced as memories.

Where the light and darkness have lost their meaning the sound still goes on and on if you follow my drift.

Take a sound, a bell, you might hear it in your ears or perhaps as from your neck area, as it tolls you can go almost anywhere.. but not as far as the sound of a flute can take you.

I hear that "sound" too, but it usually comes right before the astral experience, and my chest will feel really hot then it'll feel like a breeze going over the top of my body.  It's amazing that you can remember everything you do.  Did this happen right away?  I have not been able to completely remember everything.  It's odd, I do know that when I am outside my body, I have an understanding of everything.  I can even communicate.  But as soon as I awaken again in my body, I cannot remember what it was that I understood.  I believe it is stuff that our human minds cannot comprehend.  I have not been able to travel to random places.  Once, I did see random symbols in the air.  I posted a blog about it called "symbols during astral projection".  Do you ever experience this?  Sorry I have a lot of questions, I'm just really interested. 

This is all extremely interesting and I am grateful for your posts Carmen my friend. There seems to be a lot of ethical dilemmas raised by the idea of conscious astral travel however, for instance, if one has the ability to observe one without knowledge isn't that equivalent to surveilance? Lol reminds of when children ask if Santa Claus can see them when they are going to the bathroom 

Ethical dilemmas is a thing of our ordinary everyday persona.. In that out of body state it´s more like compulsions that drives you, which is why ghosts are really just addlebrained one way or another..

so in the out of body state it is purely "instinctual"? Or would that be the wrong term to use ? lol

Well, dear Joseph, there is no dilemma, the people  that the Governement of the USA hire to do long term  viewing are not ethical, but when we go on those dimensions, and know what is going on, there is no judgement, therefore, who cares?

If Santa saw children in their bathroom, he will not think anything  of it, and there would be no judgement, because it is a natural func tion of the human being. Whe we visit those other dimensions, the4re is no distinction between us and others, it is all the way things are!

There are no rules of conduct there, and therefore is beyond good and evil, all is what it is!

Well, I understand what you mean by beyond  good and evil, but somwhow this is very unsettling to me. Perhaps this is something I will have to meditate and work with. It is just that I dont think everyone who attains the ability to do this astral traveling will have a moral code that they follow....wouldn't that be naive to think that? 

I mean what is to stop someone who has this ability from "peeping" a unrequited love intrest in various intimate moments? I guess my question would be is there "astral stalking"? Perhaps as you said "who cares" but I would like to think that the person could do "intimate" things without wondering if someone is watching them on the astral. 

Lol perhaps I am crazy paranoid, but this convo is stimulating a lot of questions in my mind. 

Joseph, I do not think you are crazy and furthermore, I think you are right about some of it.

That is why we have made a distinction between the Higher and the Lower Astral.

The so called "abductions" of ETs, I believe they are of  people that dwell in the Lower Astral.

I have read books of those who claim that they have been in contact with ETs, that claim they are  either the Archangel Michael, like the Ashtar Command, etc., and Jesus of Nazareth, and I do believe these people are Lower Astral entities that are playing pranks on the abductees!

However, these are permanent dwellers of those regions.

A casual visitor to these planes, or an Astral Traveler, would not be thinking about spying on anyone, since they just would be investigating the place, but as I mentioned before, the viewers that the government hire, they are nothing but spies, however, I think they are more interested in power plays, than in spying on private citizen's love affairs!

On the other hand, even on the inner planes, and there, more than anywhere else, people gravitate to those with whom they have more affinity with, in other words, likes attract likes, and people who have no harming intention to anyone else, would be forbbiden to be harmed by anyone.

Do you understand what I am saying?

I live without agenda and have no intention of harming anyone, and I have never encountered anyone that could harm me at all, neither would I go into another plane to harm anyone, therefore, no one approaches me with such intentions, either!

Here more than anywhere else the law of "do unto others", very much applies!

Hey Carmen! Thanks for the message. I have no doubt that you have pure intentions :) and yes your explanations make much sense...thanks so much friend. Gives me a lot to think about! The journey of discovery is just amazing. 

It's pretty neat that you mentioned the bed shaking thing, I've experienced this before but usually when I'm in a really deep sleep.  The first time it happened, it scared me.  It was very subtle but still noticeable. 


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