
Pretty much exactly what you’d expect.

Few studies have delved into the dark details and emotions associated with nightmares, and even fewer have used dream logs as a basis for analysis.

As researchers at the University of Montreal note in a new study forthcoming in Sleep, daily logs are the so-called “gold standard” for this type of research because other evaluations, like interviews and questionnaires, can “yield inaccurate dream reports due to the fragile nature of dreams’ long-term recall as well as memory and saliency biases.”

When scientists ask a subject to recount the details of a nightmare, they’re more inclined to draw from the extreme fringes than the standard fare. “This may explain why themes of falling and of being chased are among the most frequently reported themes in studies based on questionnaire or interview data while appearing much less frequently in prospective logs,” the researchers write.

In this particular study, the psychologists asked 572 participants to record their dreams for two to five weeks. They were also asked to reflect on their emotions at the time of recording. After an analysis of “9,796 dream reports,” they whittled down the results to “253 nightmares and 431 bad dreams reported by 331 participants.” The researchers defined nightmares as dreams unpleasant enough to pull the participants out of sleep. Bad dreams were terrible, but did not cause the subjects to stir.

The main findings:

  • For nightmares, the vast majority of subjects reported experiencing some kind of “physical aggression.” The scientists defined this as: “Threat or direct attack to one’s physical integrity by another character, including sexual aggression, murder, being kidnapped or sequestered.”
  • The top-ranked theme for bad dreams (and second-ranked for nightmares) was “interpersonal conflicts,” or “conflict-based interaction between two characters involving hostility, opposition, insults, humiliation, rejection, infidelity, lying, etc.”
  • The third most popular narrative thread for both nightmares and bad dreams was “failure or helplessness.” This was defined as: “Difficulty or incapacity of the dreamer to attain a goal, including being late, lost, unable to talk, losing or forgetting something, and making mistakes.”
  • Unsurprisingly, the emotion of fear (as in being “terrified, horrified, frightened, scared, panicky”) was the most commonly cited for both bad dreams and nightmares. But nightmares were more emotionally intense.
  • Nightmares and bad dreams were much “more bizarre,” or “less rational and more unlike everyday life,” than your standard-issue prancing-through-fields brand of dreams. Nightmares also beat out bad dreams on this variable. One cited in the press release seems to elucidate this finding: “I’m in a closet. A strip of white cloth is forcing me to crouch. Instead of clothes hanging, there are large and grotesquely shaped stuffed animals like cats and dogs with grimacing teeth and bulging eyes. They’re hanging and wiggling towards me. I feel trapped and frightened.”
  • There were a few notable differences between sexes. Men had nightmares more often about disasters, calamities, and insects than did women. Women were twice as likely to have nightmares featuring “interpersonal conflicts.”


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They ought to make a study of the roles of the characters in bad dreams/nightmares.. To identify the catalyst persona in the dream even if it might just be yourself.
They might discover the usual patterns there so they can differentiate between a "guiding" dream and your run of the mill worries taking emotional/physical shape.

A detached and exact person will see that his dreams and ordinary awake reality tend to merge into a multiple reality state sort of making the dreamer "The one eyed king" in everyday life

I've always, until about 4 years ago, had terrible nightmares.  I had night terrors as a kid but not until some strong negativity took over my family.  I often wonder if it has to do with our 6th and 7th sense abilities awakening.  Back in 2005 or 6 my abilities were waking up after a long slumber and my nightmares became MUCH more intense and stayed that way (sometimes 2 or 3 times a week) until about 4 yrs ago or so.  Now they seem to have dissipated quite a bit.

Last week I had an encounter with that monkey like thing in that painting I think, lol.

I was falling asleep and I suddenly noticed I was kinda floating in the air, which made me realise I was about to step into a dream, and at the same time I realised that...suddenly, out of nowhere...that thing (or at the very least something similar) just dropped down from the air with a loud shriek and landed on the pillow next to me.

It scared the shit out of me ofcourse, but only in a similar way of when somebody suddenly jumps from behind a wall and says "boo!", I wasn't afraid of it though, I was actually very calm.

It even growled at me, but I just kept saying "f*** you" and stuff to it (I do was annoyed by it's presence ofcourse) and even growled back at it just for fun, then I suddenly woke up and thought "what the hell was that?"... :D

Went back to sleep again and had an awesome dream (big part lucid) not much later which took place in a happy place called Tiki-tiki (it had an awesome indoor swimming pool with rollercoasters) in an alternative future...since it was an alternative timeline AND 700 years in the least according to some characters in my :D

Now if I only could remember the "date" they gave me (which was more like a calculation or something?) at which they said WW3 would take place...I tried so hard to remember it but I failed... :(

Tyharo.. I guess it was your dreambody really ;-)

If you start taking up lucid dreaming you tend to have at least one encounter with it, in bad cases you get sleep paralysis while a dark figure (also the dreambody) hoovers nearby, you on the other hand just had an annoying visit so no wonder that your dreaming got boosted.
I bet you just had an encounter like this once and now are in "sync" with it more or less meaning that you can move smoothly from ordinary awareness to lucid dreaming if you intend to.

I was personally thinking about just a very vivid hypnogogic image...I was in the phase between awake and sleep after all... :)

I've been in that state quite often...and always (try to) use it to step into my dream conciously too...

But previously...if something happened while in that state...I only had bodily sensations like something was holding me down and stuff without actually seeing anything (the sleep paralysis stuff)...

This was the first time I actually saw something too...

I always heard seeing "it" was supposed to be really scary...and I certainly can understand it might scare the shit out of other people...but I'm not afraid of demonic monkeyboy... :p

What did made me wonder though was the moment it dropped was at the exact moment I realised I was about to enter the actual dreamstate...

Which made me think it might be just a manifestated gatekeeper kind of thing...which just tries to stop you from entering the actual dream... Maybe it is just one of those many mechanisms your mind (I use mind in general here because I am not sure which "part of my mind" is responsible for it) employs to try to stop you from proceeding further?

I noticed in my lucid dreams my mind is working actively against me on quite some occassions too anyway...

As in: puts down all kinds of distractions to try to lure you back into a normal dream...or obstructions f.e. in the form of characters which try to stop you in all kind of ways from proceeding further/entering stuff...

Which I just look at as challenges...but it certainly doesn't seem to make things easy for you anyway...

But if you succeed then the bigger/better the reward feels too ofcourse... :)

F.e. In a recent lucid dream I needed/wanted to use an elevator to get somewhere...but I was stopped by a character at the elevator which informed me I wasn't allowed to use the elevator without a proper ID-card...

Instead of going out to search for a proper ID-card (which puts you at the risk of losing lucidity in the proces) I just showed the palm of my hand (I mean...that's an unique personal identification method right?) which was accepted and I was allowed to use the elevator... I remember I felt so smart...I outsmarted quite a brilliant/creative way too I must say...ghehe...

I did however got distracted by some food not much

Ah's a game...sometimes you win...sometimes you lose... :p

But anyway...maybe that stuff is just part of that same game too?

That it is just a manifestion of the barrier/threshold you have to cross before you can "get in" so to speak? :)

Oh yes..your mind is the worst of enemies, never confuse yourself with the mind that just is an annoying machine constantly creating and destroying. Power.. inner power, makes itself available when the constant chattering of the mind stops:

Elevators, tunnels, subways, cave systems etc features heavily at what some call the 2nd gate of dreaming, is that something you recognise?

Can't say I ever heard of something called the second gate? What does it mean? :)

When I got out of the elevator I was at the platform of a trainstation by the way...

When you are in a state where you are shifting almost constantly between ordinary dreams and lucid dreams my order call it the 2nd gate, it´s also known as "the trappers trail" as you explore the tunnel like habitats where they seem to reside.
Quite often you´ll encounter one or more of them in this state, they make themselves known in your dreams by sort of being out of character.. someone on this forum once described how s/he was guided by someone balancing his shoes on his head, that sort of thing helps you identify them in your dream.


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