I was so pissed when I went to bed. All of this political stuff has me so upset. I started chanting the meditation to the Goddess “Quan Yin
to help me to calm down and get a bit more sleep. Oh, she heard me I know she did for this is what I remember happening...

I am in the country side and it is a beautiful sunny day. I see 3 golden peacocks on the hillside looking in my direction and dancing. The next think I know is that I was there with them watching their dance. They end their display by snapping closed their fans (their tails) then I begin to do a similar dance and finish by snapping closed my fan.(I am dressed in traditional Chinese cloths which are gold/white and sliver and my hair is done up in a traditional style.) Then a large, square, golden blanket comes over me and turns into a sort of tent. Inside I see a ruby red heart surrounded with this golden light.

So what could it all mean????

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That is certainly an amazing dream you have had filled with some very deep symbols. It is very interesting that the dance of the peacock and their tails seamlessly synchronized with the fans of a traditional chinese dance. What a wonderful way for describing  "dancing" in  harmony with the natural world that results in illumination. As without, So Within. 

I would suggest we first breakdown the different symbols so we can determine what to search for: 




Ruby Red




Well, 3 is the trinity or Maiden, Mother and Crone so perhaps it represents deity?

Peacocks in the Chinese tradition: while Chinese mythos says that the blending of the five colors of its feathers is the sweet harmony of sound. The Peacock is also associated with the Phoenix. Those who have a Peacock as a totem can receive insight into their past lives and their karmic connection to their current life. The study and use of foot reflexology would also be beneficial as the feet are very pronounced in the Peacock. The Peacock's loud and raucous call, almost like laughter, reminds us to laugh at life. http://www.linsdomain.com/totems-o-p.htm

That's about all I could find for now but it does help some. Thanks Samael~I~am!

To see a peacock in your dream represents spring, birth, new growth, longevity, and love. It is a good omen, signaling prestige, success and contentment in your relationship or career. Alternatively, the peacock signifies pride, confidence and vanity. You may be showing off too much or are overly arrogant with your success and achievements. A peacock may also suggest that many eyes are watching you


The golden color reflects a spiritual reward, richness, refinement and enhancement of your surroundings. It also signifies your determination and unyielding nature. 


Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your dream indicates a lack of energy. You are feeling tired or lethargic.

Red is also the color of danger, violence, blood, shame, rejection, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions. 

3 - Three

Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self-exploration and experience. Three stands for a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc.  Dream of the number three may be telling you that the third time is the charm.

To see a blanket in your dream symbolizes warmth, love, security and protection. You may be seeking for some form of shelter from the outside world. Consider also how your dream may be calling attention to a "cover-up" in some situation or circumstance in your waking life.

To dream that you are wrapped in a blanket indicates your fear of the unknown. You may feel some sort of threat/chaos or sense some coldness from those around you.
To dream that you are covering or wrapping someone in a blanket indicates your desire to care for that person.

To dream that you are in a tent indicates that you need a temporary change to your daily routine. You need to take time off and get away from the daily grind. Alternatively, the dream may mean instability and insecurity in your current situation. You do not want to settle down. Dreaming that you are in a tent, may be a pun on your "in-tent" or intentions.

To dream that you are dancing signifies freedom from any constraints and restrictions. Your life is in balance and in harmony. Dancing also represents frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and sexual desires. You need to incorporate these qualities in your waking life. If you are dancing with a partner, then it signifies intimacy and a union of the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. If you are leading, then it indicates that you are in control of your personal life. It could also mean that you are being overly aggressive and assertive. If you dream that someone asks you to dance, then it highlights the notion that you are a follower. You feel that you need someone in order to be complete and in harmony. In particular, to dream that you are dancing with your ex represents your full acceptance of her or him for the person he or she was. The break-up was a positive decision.
To dream that you are attending or going to a dance indicates a celebration and your attempts to achieve happiness. Consider the phrase the "dance of life" which suggests creation, ecstasy, and going with what life has to offer you.
To see children dancing in your dream indicates a happy home life.
To see ritualistic dancing in your dream denotes your need to get in touch with the spirit within.

To see your heart in your dream signifies truth, courage, love, and romance. It is representative of how you are currently dealing with your feelings and expressing your emotions. Also consider the saying "the heart of the matter" which implies that you may need to get down to the core of a situation before proceeding.
To see a winged heart in your dream represents the power of love and its ability to penetrate through to anyone. To see or hold a red paper heart in your dream represents your vulnerabilities. You are exposing your emotions. Alternatively, the red paper heart is symbolic of an innocent heart.
To dream that your heart is bleeding or aching represents desperation, despair, extreme sadness and sympathy. You are lacking support or love in some a situation in your life.
To dream that you have a heart transplant or heart surgery indicates a huge change in your personal relationship. Perhaps you are involved in a rebound relationship.

To see a fan in your dream refers to the changes in your life. It may also signifies your need to calm down after a highly charged emotional situation or state.
To dream that you are fanning yourself or that someone is fanning you represents your lack of self-confidence. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes secret desires.

To see light in your dream represents illumination, clarity, guidance, plain understanding,�and insight. Light is being shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem. Also consider the color of the light for additional significance.
If the light is particularly bright, then it indicates that you need to move toward a higher level of awareness and feeling. Bright light dreams are sometimes common for those who are near death.
To see soft or shadowy lighting in your dreams indicates feelings and thoughts from the primal aspects and less developed parts of your subconscious.
To dream that you cannot turn on the light indicates a lack of insight and perspective on a situation.


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