Thank you also for my B'day wishes, missed you guys. ;) Been a ruff several months....;)
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Chicchan 2 You are a Living Library
Greetings, I am Chicchan 2 and we welcome you to this time of sharing.
We are most grateful to be a part of your life, with the ability to
share our knowledge with you. As you aspire to reach higher goals for
yourself, know that we are always available to assist you in whatever
manner you choose.
This day we would like to share some of our wisdom regarding the
evolution of your soul. The word evolution in its most basic sense
means, “to change.” Each of you in every moment of your existence is
in flux; there is no-thing in all of creation that remains static for
any length of time.
In your special condition as a human on Earth, the rules are different
than those in other places of physicality. You have the ability in
this Realm to know you are the boatman controlling the rudder, yet
many in your Dimension do not adhere to this belief code. They let
others run their lives, telling them what to believe, how to think,
what to wear, what to eat and keep themselves in the realm of
There is nothing wrong with these things, although it severely limits
your thinking and forces you to relinquish much of your free will.
This is a sad state of affairs indeed. Know that you came into this
world accepting the separation from the knowledge of your Spirit Self.
It was the adventure of this experience that drew you here. Each of
you has seeded within you the desire to know more, to experience
something grander.
As this desire nags at you, it creates the impulse to seek something
better. Most of you feel that riches or grandeur is the answer.
However, when you master these things, you still find within you a
great emptiness. Often, this emptiness leads you back home to reunite
closer with family and friends, yet there is still an unfilled niche
inside your soul. As you attempt various adventures and follow many
paths, there is always something that is lacking.
This feeling of lack is the communion you had with Spirit. Many find
solace in their religions, yet still do not connect with their
Creator. This often happens as a result of what is preached in the
pulpit. When faced weekly with sermons of hell and damnation, there is
a feeling of imbalance created within those who are seeking Truth.
When the pulpits are expounding on a Creator who is filled with love
and mercy, there is hope that one can move forward in anticipation of
creating direct communion with this Source.
It is up to you individually to choose how much time and effort you
are willing to put forth in order to create a relationship with the
Creator. This is where your salvation lies; we are not speaking of
heaven or hell. Your salvation lies in the fact that you will release
the nagging feeling of emptiness and commune consciously with the
Source that fills your Being with love and compassion.
No longer will you need to seek solace outside yourself. When you tap
into Source and know you are loved beyond measure, your time and
energy are freed to begin life anew. You will find joy in all things
you do, even those that previously were mundane. You will accept the
riches and possessions you have with gratitude and create a desire to
share your wealth with others. Those whose time is filled with love
and gratitude will find great joy in simple experiences, such as
watching the sun rise and set.
Your dreams will unfold as you learn to use this new found time and
energy to manifest your desires. When you come from a heart of pure
love, we are eager to assist you in reaching these goals. You have the
power within you, this moment, to ignite this passion. Your connection
to Source comes from within, a knowingness that all is well and
thatyou are pure Spirit.
Unlock the belief codes that keep you entrenched in feelings of “less
than” and servitude. Release the fears and pain that have caused you
to restrict your energy flow. Allow your energy to flow, affecting all
around you as you radiate love toward all; this is your birthright.
This is the reason you came to Earth at this time. You are here for
one final run at moving the Earth toward a new vibration. You are a
part of the soul-ution, with unique gifts to share.
No longer are you burdened with concerns of being burned at the stake
or fed to lions. There are too many of you to allow these things to
occur. No longer will you risk losing your family or job because of
your spiritual beliefs, the laws have been set up to protect you. No
longer do you need to be burdened with where your next meal will come
from if you take the time to grow your own food. At this time in
history, there is a resurgence in the return to Nature. By going back
to your roots, you as a people have the ability to restore the Earth
to her natural pristine state and once again live in the Garden of
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It will take effort, but there are many who have set the foundation;
perhaps you are one of them. Now is the time to build upon that
foundation and create a world where love, peace and respect are
dominant. Many refer to this as a return of the feminine. What we
propose is to look at this time as a blending of both masculine and
feminine energy. Both have their place and together they create
We ask you to ponder these words and to see yourself anew. Take time
to gaze into your eyes in a mirror and remind yourself that you are a
child of God, of pure Essence. We also suggest that you do the
following exercise with others, in which two of you gazes into each
other’s eyes while pouring unconditional love into each other. Remind
the other person, either verbally or through your mind, that they are
loved beyond measure.
Know that not only are you a child of God, but that you are a part of
the wholeness of Source. Picture yourself as a hologram of original
Source, completely whole. Know that you are not separated from Source,
that you are temporarily playing a part in a role you have chosen.
Your role on Earth is important for all of creation, for it allows all
to experience everything through you.
Not all of you wish to be a truck driver or a preacher. Not all of you
desire to experience poverty or success. Even those who never
incarnate on this Earth have the ability to tap into the emotions and
situations that you experience through the Akashic Records. Each of
you has the ability to experience anything through another without
having to go through an entire lifetime on a specific planet.
Can you imagine having a desire to witness what it would be like to be
on the battlefield at Gettysburg and have the ability to do so without
actually going through the torment and triumph of those who were a
part of the event? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to
attend a concert with the most Angelic music on Earth? Wouldn’t it be
wonderful to view Mt. Everest from the summit without climbing the
Anything that has occurred can be accessed through the Akashic
Records. Each of you is a living library. As your body logs
information during your daily walk, it is downloaded into the Records
as you sleep, where it can be accessed by anyone. Most humans access
these records during their sleep because they are not familiar with
the process on a conscious level. There are many on Earth consciously
tapping into this resource to find answers and to have experiences
that you have had. We will speak more on this topic at a later time.
Know that you are a living library. Every action you take, every
emotion you feel is logged. It is important. You are unique. Only you
can experience things in the way that you do. These records are stored
for eternity. There are many who live on faraway planets, yet are able
to access these records for their personal enjoyment and to receive
keys to create their world. There is much value in everything you do.
Have you ever learned not to do something by watching the pain another
went through when they experienced a particular event? This is one
reason why someone would search the Records, to avoid unpleasant
experiences. Have you ever had tremendous insight or unexplainably
received an answer to a problem you were grappling with? It is
possible you entered the Records while sleeping and found what you
were seeking there.
These Records are open to you at anytime. You are adding to these
Records every moment. They are rich with information and resources.
What makes them of highest value is that others can experience the
emotions of others, as well. Unlike dictionaries that only show data
and photographs, you can actually tap into how an antelope feels when
chased by a lion. You can actually feel what a mother bird experiences
when her eggs begin to hatch. You will be able to feel what a seed
experiences as it sprouts and reaches toward the sun.
All things have a consciousness, yet on a diverse level. There will
come a time when those of you on Earth will remember and experience
these things once again. This is the true nature of the Garden of
Eden. All things were once in communion. There was no need for
anything, for all was freely provided. Humans and animals lived in
harmony. Plants and animals gave of themselves freely knowing all was
perfect and in balance. The fields were lush, providing nourishment
for all. The water was pure with no need for filtration. Housing was
simple, there was no need for walls or roofs, for the environment was
not harsh.
You are moving back towards this level of harmony. The quickest route
is for each of you to go within and to learn to love and respect
yourself. Once you regain the ability to manage yourself, then you
will spread this love and respect to others. It is your gift to
humanity. Begin today; do not delay. Ah, another mantra for your
Selamet! Chicchan 2
~ Day Keepers via Theresa Crabtree
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