Live Now!!!!! Reno Nevada. Happy Eclipse Day!!! Blessings for a fabulous New Beginning! ~♥~ Miss you all! xoxo

Live Now!!!!! Reno Nevada
Happy Eclipse Day!!! Blessings for a fabulous New Beginning! ~♥~ Next one here in usa will be 2017. South Pacific will be in Nov. Lets go!
Sun enters Gemini at 8:16 am PDT. Solar Eclipse is at 4:23 pm PDT. New Moon is at 4:47 PDT, all on 5/20. ~> Gemini rules our mind, mental body, how we think,what we think about. Because the Sun and the Moon are both in Gemini, along with this Solar Eclipse, we have a powerful opportunity to link our lower mind with our higher mind. We will be more open to receive new insights and creative ideas. It will be easier to see the connections between people, events and things. The opportunity will be great to gain clarity and a better understanding of what is going on in our personal lives and what we are being guided toward. All in all, it's a great time to connect with likeminded people to recharge our brains and gather new information. ~
By: Sun Gazing

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

Ahhhh the beauty of our New Moon
Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

Via Kevin Nadjiwon
NZ 11.47am 21st AUST EST 9.47am 21st GMT 11.47pm MAY 20th
ECLIPSE TIME NZ 11.53am 21st AUST EST 9.53am 21st GMT/UTC 11.53pm MAY 20th
Eclipses are deeply connected to the evolution of consciousness. As astronomical events their appearance has always been an essential time for initiates and for awakened humanities work with the Councils of Light, Celestial Beings and Prime Creator. Eclipses herald and initiate transformation into the Higher Light Octaves and reunite light and dark, while creating a shadow - a cone of power- that can heal as well as destroy.
A Solar Eclipse of the Sun only occurs when the Moon is new, and when it is between the Earth and the Moon. This occurs because of the variations in the Moons orbit and its shadow is sometimes longer and its distance from the Earth shorter, this is when we have an eclipse. These are important openings or doorways as the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. The Golden Solar Beings use these times to infuse heightened Solar vibrations to the Earth.
A Solar Eclipse affects the inner transformation as well as the outer manifestation, channelled either for destruction or creation, the choice is ours.
An Annular Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is at its furthest position to the Earth, because of its distance it is not large enough to cover the Sun and so there is a ring of light still visible around its edges.
The path of annularity will begin in southern China and move east through Japan, the northern Pacific Ocean, and into the western United States.
A partial eclipse will be visible throughout parts of eastern Asia and most of North America.
The New Moon is always the time to go within; to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden. It is also the seed of the new beginning and when the Sun and the Moon are One. In Gemini we are also unifying the twins within us, the polarities are given a chance to really merge as the Sun and Moon are One through the higher aspects of Gemini. A time when you are able to connect more deeply to the inner communication with your true essence, divine self and also yourself as a being in the Councils of Light.
This New Moon is an opportunity to transform the old beliefs still holding you back as well as clearing the collective unconscious of beliefs that have come from our origins in human bodies as we know them in this cycle with 2 strand slave mentality. There may be only the most subtle of old paradigm thinking and programs left, or still a few more thought patterns to be loved and accepted. The energies totally support you being able to embrace and accept as much as you choose.
Ask for the awareness to know what still keeps you hooked into the illusion, as now the clarity and divine light born out of the darkness of the moon and the stillness of the twins, as one allows for major transformation.
A Solar Eclipse was when the Councils of Light and Golden Solar Beings through the Sun, Central Sun
and Greater Central Sun activated the Golden Solar Discs more fully,
which has now been completed as of the 11;11;2011.
The Golden Solar Discs were last active in the last Golden Cycle and kept the alignment with the Core of the Earth, with the Sun and Central Sun and harmony was experienced by all. At that time all beings not only knew but acted from their divine aspect within and inter-dimensional travel was the norm, the Earth was in balance with the Solar System and we were more etheric, and operated in our Light Bodies more fully.
In this cycle as we descended into matter we had to learn to experience being in density fully in a body, and to love the whole experience and fully accept it and surrender into divine will. This cycle being in a body as our body becomes Light. This is now happening to us from within out, as the Golden Solar Discs have activated and linked to the Solar Grid that was re-activated in 1997. The Solar Grid links all the Golden Solar Discs and could not be activated until enough of humanity could hold the higher light of their solar selves. In 2007 November 24th Gemini Full Moon the Golden Solar Discs unified and linked in a complete energy field around Earth.
So with this Eclipse be open to your work with the Councils of Light from the Golden Solar Disc within you as Rays of higher frequency divine essence is anchored through the Solar Grid and Golden Solar Discs, through the Earth and collective unconscious. With the Golden Solar Grids united, the Light coming in through the Eclipses now is so radiant that it assists us to illuminate all the darkness in the cells and activate the DNA higher light octaves of divine existence and grace within the physical world of our bodies and the third dimension. Marrying Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter through your vehicle, the reason you have chosen to experience a body.
Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

Align through the Suns and Source, your Heart and Sun within the core of the Earth and back through your Heart and the Sun that you are to the Source of all through the Suns.
Taking your awareness into your heart centre, with each breathe in, going deeper and deeper into yourself, aware of the stillness and absolute peace….As well as the love and warmth of the light from within shinning bright, the Sun/Star that you are…….Aware of the golden glow of the Golden Solar Disc within you, holder of the Living Library of Light. As now with this Solar Eclipse the Councils of Light and higher aspects of yourself and all other selves in unity consciousness has anchored more fully than ever before in this dimensional plane of existence. Being anchored even more strongly into the denser realms we remember who we are and shine brightly.
We have become more present and connected; enough to create an even bigger shift and expansion of consciousness. Astrologically we have crossed the threshold and made a move into the Age of Aquarius and will be there much more fully on the December Solstice enabling a big shift to take place. This eclipse is triggering the June Solstice to come; with sacred light codes that are awakened within us, but also in the plants, creatures and all life.
Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

The RA Light of the SECOND SUNwill be strongly beaming through our heart, chakras, central channel, energy bodies as well as the RNA, the DNA, cells, all of us.
Many of you will physically be able to see this eclipse, but it has the same affect wether seen or not. If possible go to a place that calls you in nature, at a vortex, or this can be your lounge room or back yard as all Earth is scared and now the Golden Solar Discs are everywhere on the inner planes.
As we become the Golden Solar Disc we are, this means we hold the Living Library of Light within us. We have always held the light codes as they are not selective, but for all beings, as the Source is within each of us, regardless of how asleep or negative we maybe. This Solar Eclipse is allowing the Light to shine on the light shield that we on Earth are cocooned in since the Great Central Golden Solar Disc was unified into the Inner Earth Sun in 2008. The Earth’s axis is shifting and we as humans can adjust easier than other creatures, just like the 2 degrees raise in temperature is fine for us but not for a lot of life on Earth. Many life forms are and will no longer be able to stay here as this shift continues, this is not sad they are simply changing form and moving on in their journey also. But now that the Inner Earth Sun has shifted frequency since the Ninth Wave 8th/9th March 2011 it means that the cocoon around the Earth can become stronger and that new life forms that will be able to live in harmony with the changes taking place on Earth will be coming in.
You might want to meditate through the Solar Disc in your heart and in oneness with all the Suns to strengthen your own energy field and take advantage of the Light that is coming through in this Solar Eclipse. It is awakening more fully the Light Codes within you as you not only remember who you are but strengthen your energy field and physical body from the light codes within your RNA, DNA and cellular and divine blueprint.
see also
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 20th; 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) SERPENT- CHICCHAN (life force, serpent power, intimacy, instinct)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 21st; 11 (change, letting go, freedom) WHITE (North - refines, detached) DEATH- CIMI (transmutation, surrender, humility, revelation)
Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

For anyone looking for meditation ideas during this Pleiadian eclipse event coming shortly, you may find this meaningful:

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