The magical awakening of the chakra in the etheric body People from Gregor A.Gregorius

The doctrine of the chakra

The chakra doctrine is ancient Indian wisdom.It is closely related to the doctrine of the sevenfold body of man.
These bodies are mutually interpenetrating because of their differentiated, subtle, etheric and atomic structure.
They are classified as follows:the organic body; the nerve body; the etheric body; the astral body; the mental body; the causal body; the buddhi body.

The various centers in the etheric body are called chakras, which in a healthy person are more or less functioning or rotating. Their location is usually above the nerve plexuses in the human nerve body.

They resemble ethereal vortices with an absorbing effect, through which subtle, cosmic radiation forces are supplied to the human body. Thus, they directly affect the human organs, and therefore a chakra in normal function is the root cause of a corresponding healthy organ.

This is why this reflective connection is so incredibly important for the overall structure and recovery of the human body. The incoming fluidic forces are the primary cause of life support.

Not only astro medicine is based on this, but also all magnetic and magical healing methods in their therapy. Unfortunately, not all of the chakras in most people are in normal function, but are mostly throttled, inhibited or have no function, so that they have to be strengthened or first awakened. The normal rotation of the chakra is left to right. However, diametral polarizations also occur as disruptive factors.

First of all, there are seven main chakras: Muladhara - the root - or sexual chakra; Mayavipa the spleen chakra; Manipuraka - the stomach chakra; Anahata - the heart chakra; Vishudha - the throat chakra; Adjna - the brow chakra; Sahasrara - the crown chakra.

All chakras are in fluid communication with the dorsal fluid in the spinal cord and are often represented symbolically as lotus flowers, the stalks of which are rooted in the spine, while the flowers rest on the surface of the etheric body spread.

Also according to Indian teachings, humans have 12 senses, the harmonious development of which depends on the activation of the corresponding chakra, because in addition to the seven main chakras there are eight other secondary chakras. (See illustration.)

The often desired development of supernatural and magical abilities is only possible through the functioning of the chakra in the etheric body.

Pic. text - (The chakras
1st intuition chakra
2. Crown Chakra 
3rd brow chakra 
4.Throat Chakra 
5.Neck Chakra 
6th heart chakra 

7.Navel Chakra
8. Liver Chakra 
9th Spleen Chakra 
10.Root Chakra 
(upper pelvic plait)
11.Coccyx Chakra 3 (Lower Pelvic Braid)
12.Hand Chakras
13.Knee chakras 
14.Foot Chakras 
Ida is the left border line of the sympathetic nervous system, the so-called female moon channel.
Pin gala is the right border line of the sympathetic nervous system, the so-called male sun channel.)

Pingala is the right sympathetic trunk, the so-called. male sun channel.

The magical awakening of the chakra in the etheric body of man For the full development of an energetic personality and for mastering the powers inherent in man, knowledge of the doctrine of the chakra in the etheric or pranic body of man is essential. This teaching and knowledge are ancient. They are probably of ancient Indian origin and a rudiment of Lemurian magical wisdom.

This knowledge was deliberately veiled or hidden by the initiates. In the course of thousands of years it was even forgotten in some cases. Today, the laws on which it is based are no longer fully known to us, they have to be re-established.

Perhaps there is a doctor, chemist, physicist or other interested scientist in the present time who traces these esoteric traditions. Perhaps one of them is tempted to explore this old - yet unknown - area anew and thus give him back the necessary exact scientific basis. He would be given a tremendous task in the service of mankind, its well-being and health.

Certainly there are already doctors who know about these occult healing methods.

Unfortunately, only a few have dared to publish their research results in this regard.

The opposition is still too great.

In Indian teaching one speaks of the wheels in the etheric body. The so-called lotus blossom symbols are used in the explanations. Their respective leaves - or number of spokes has a certain meaning in the secret symbolism. The number of petals of a chakra symbol corresponds to the base number of the sign of the zodiac ascribed to the organ in question according to astrological determination or of the planet that rules this sign. The knowledge of this is the actual key to the entire practical evaluation of the teaching for all areas.

The general astrological correspondences now indicate further possible applications.

The Rosicrucians in the Middle Ages knew about the chakra law, but they revealed it only veiled in their symbolism of the seven roses on the cross. The lotus flower common in the East was understandably foreign to the West. So they used the blossom of the rose. The entire Rosicrucian symbolism is always subject to two interpretations: 1. a religious - mystical for the faithful and profane; 2. a magical - alchemical encryption for those who know.

This also applies to the chakra teaching. Theosophy, for example, has only imperfectly and totally one-sidedly passed on the chakra teachings up to the present day. It is not clear whether the concealment was intentional or not. Given their hostile attitude towards any magical activity, a lack of knowledge can probably be assumed.

Some Gnostic sects openly professed this teaching in the past. Despite its length, the book by the theosophist Leadbeater contains only a partial teaching. The more recent publications do not give more. The same applies, of course, to all earlier Rosicrucian publications. They deliberately kept silent, as Gichtel's book proves, for example. Much more important is the work The Secret of the Golden Power, as well as the book by Avalun, which was also published in German in an abridged version: The Holy Snake Power.

The literature on the chakra - teaching is small and only of little use.

Nothing has ever been published about their use in practical magic.

The actual knowledge about it is carefully guarded.

There are 15 main chakras, and not just seven, as has been wrongly said.

These lie in the etheric or pranic body of man. According to the doctrine of the

sevenfold human body, only this can be considered as the seat of the chakra. But it goes without saying that the chakra radiations also have an effect on the other superimposed bodies; e.g. B. in the astral body, which is very important for practical - magical activity.

In addition to this main chakra there is an indefinite number of secondary chakras.

Nerve plexus, organ and chakra are closely related to each other. They correspond in their basic properties and their meaning for humans.

It is no coincidence that the chakras are located either above a nerve plexus or above an important endocrine gland. This already gives rise to causal connections. A treatment or awakening of the chakra affects the nervous body and the functioning of the human glandular system. Often the primary cause of nervous or even organic diseases is a disorder of the chakra concerned. Your direct influence through light therapy (colored light treatment) is possible. You can also use therapeutic magnetic radiation or a new type of sound - resp. Apply sonic vibration treatment. Control options for this are given either by pendulum diagnostics or by clairvoyant media. For trance mediums, the etheric emanations of the human ego, which include the chakras, are visible. Their hues coincide with the astrological-planetary correspondences.

Through the Magus or through the experimenter, an Od transmission from person to person, from chakra to chakra, can also take place. One then speaks of a conscious magical charging of the person in question Chakra.

With that, the field of work of an occult doctor is outlined in a few words. Some related magical disciplines have already been pointed out.

The individual chakras will now be discussed and their functions given:

The Sole Chakra is located under the soles of the feet, one under each sole. They have an absorbing function and effect, ie the etheric forces of the earth flow into people through them.

The ancient custom of washing feet among the oriental peoples has a cultic significance. The same applies to the oil anointings. They are magical customs for the functional maintenance of the individual chakras. The essential substances in the oils and ointments are far more than just a stimulant for the skin and glands.

In naturopathy, walking barefoot in the dewy grass just after sunrise is recommended. This foot care influences the function of the sole chakra very favorably, since the strongest earth radiation takes place in the first hour after sunrise. It's not just about the ground radiation, what is meant is the etheric radiation of the earth spirit. The human being is constantly in a more or less strong etheric repercussion through the soles - chakra with the earth forces, which through

be forwarded to the knees - chakra. Like a transformer, these have the task of partially throttling and metering the incoming earth forces. For most people, the knee chakra is not functioning. As a result, they can

also not fulfill the task. These individuals are then unable to maintain an etheric connection with the ground. On the other hand, people with a strong connection to nature and downto-earthness have well-functioning knee chakras. The sex - or root - chakra is a dual chakra and is over-functioning in most people. It consists of two centers: 1. the actual anterior center over the sexual organ; 2. from the so-called rump - chakra. The latter lies over the prostate gland and in the area of the base of the spine.

In the case of incorrect sexual polarity, or in the case of homosexual and lesbian tendencies, its function is overstretched. It vibrates more strongly in the lower races of man because of their usual position in the sexual act. Congenitally aligned sexuality can be cured by special treatment of the coccyx chakra.

(Reversal by Od - withdrawal.)

The coccyx and neck chakra are so-called death chakras. The root chakra is of eminent importance for magic, its incantations and sexual magic practices.

The function of these three lower chakras can be consciously switched off through the Buddha position. When done correctly, the heels of the feet close off the front and back root chakras. The function of the sole and knee chakra is also prevented. Consequently, the reception of etheric influxes through the three lower chakras has become willfully impossible. - This is done for the purpose of sinking. - The normal electrical circuit in the etheric body of man is now interrupted. All focus is now consciously or intentionally on the upper chakra in its enhanced function. This is the secret of the Buddha position. In addition, there are the specific hand positions and finger positions. They belong to the ritual handling of the palms - chakra.

It is not only in the Buddha position that we find the deep magical tradition, in all - mostly strange - ritual postures of the old knowing peoples we encounter it. It is based on the practice of chakra teachings.

The hand chakra mostly have a radiating function. Hand position and finger positions are tremendously important and functional. The hand salute, the laying on of hands, the hand blessing and many other hand gestures are of magical importance. But there is a big difference between right and left hand. The healing magnetizer quite consciously radiates his own od into the patient's etheric body with the power of his hands. Unfortunately, most magnetizers - no matter how good they may be in their practice - have hardly any idea about the magical chakra teachings.

The spleen chakra is another very important chakra. It's actually a whole group of minor chakras. They are all closely related to the spleen chakra. But most of the time they are hardly mentioned. They are crucial for the secretions of the glands and the healthy functioning of their associated organs.

Important endocrine gland functions can also be strengthened by chakra treatment. This can increase hormone and vitamin production. the

If necessary, the activity of the adrenal glands and the pancreas is stimulated again.

Gall and liver disorders can be avoided.

This opens up a wide field of testing for the doctor. True, he already knows about the secret and the importance of the glands. But he still has no idea that, apart from chemical therapy, there is also an occult healing practice!

According to the magical secret teachings, the spleen chakra is the seat of the repercussion band. In the case of splits, this connects the astral body with the organic body after it has left. For example, it is possible and experimentally proven to form thought phantoms in magical practice by removing Od from the spleen chakra. People who practice strong black magic suffer from diseases of the spleen, liver and gallbladder. This condition is the result of overvoltages in the chakra in question. You suffer the greatest loss of Od during magical practices.

The Stomach Chakra is located above the solar plexus. In sensitive people, the sympathetic nervous system is usually oversensitive due to overvoltage. Nervous stomach diseases (nervous disorders) are usually caused by a disharmonious solar plexus and the corresponding chakra. Here, too, treatments through OD withdrawal or OD throttling are usually successful.

The heart chakra is superimposed on the organic heart. It is of equal vital importance as the heart itself. Nervous heart ailments are almost always a result of over-functioning of the heart chakra.

The Throat and Neck Chakra Above the thymus and thyroid glands lies - in the etheric body - the throat chakra. This is a double chakra again. The neck chakra also belongs to it. There are secret connections between the root and neck chakra (cerebellum). For the rest, the same applies to the throat chakra as has been said about the dysfunctions of the other chakras and their associated glands and organs. Singers and speakers should not only pay attention to their larynx, but also pay attention to the throat chakra.

The throat chakra form the lower base for the three upper chakras (Kabbalistic Tree of Life).

The brow - or will - chakra is between the eyes. It is the etheric centralization of the will impulses. This knowledge is of crucial importance for hypnotic practices!

The intuition chakra also belongs to the upper chakras and is the most important of them. It is located around the pineal gland.

The side - chakra of the palate that comes along - is very important for the vowel breathing exercises.

Will - intuition - and palate - chakra are in the outer symbolism usually summarized in a large chakra and not classified separately.

The head chakra group includes several influential chakras not specifically mentioned, eg the chakra of the three ventricles. They are connected to the auditory nerves and the language center in the brain together.

However, this chakra group has not yet been fully explored. All that is known is that it has a certain connection with clairvoyance, clairvoyance and clairvoyance. It causes the awakening of the higher senses of man. According to the Secret Doctrine, man has twelve senses, not just five.

In occult symbolism, this group is referred to as a large lotus flower consisting of 72 petals;

sometimes, however, she is given 360 or 960 leaves.

The number 72 is a secret number for humans (number magic). The following list is a secret key of chakra teaching. His knowledge opens up previously hidden knowledge to a large extent.

Uranus has an influence on the intuition chakra, Neptune affects the palate chakra, PIuto is subordinate to the neck chakra (death chakra).

All three are able to contribute to the awakening of higher perceptions from the mental sphere.

In this way, a special lesson could be given about each individual chakra. Only then could one completely exhaust possible applications as well as the secret interpretations.

This is part of the text. The rest is in the PDF below.
Translation from German. I added two files: original and translation.

Gregorius, Gregor A. - Die magische Erweckung der Chakra im Atherko...
Gregorius, Gregor A. - Die magische Erweckung der Chakra im Atherko...

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