Since the dawn of man, humans have searched for the elusive secrets to life that hover just beyond our understanding or grasp. We yearn to understand the mysteries in the events and experiences of our lives; the ones that tingle the back of our necks and make us wonder about the great meaning of things. What is it that moves within us when we stare at a sunset? What is it that stirs in our hearts and emotions when we feel closest to our own inner sense of God and the mystical world that we are part of? What secret lies hidden from our knowledge and what exactly does this secret keep from us? Is there hidden truth that is kept from us for a reason, or is it kept from us by a conspiracy bent on keeping us enslaved? What happens when man stumbles upon these forbidden truths? What happens when we finally stare across the voids between our conscious and the misty lands of our subconscious and we finally see a tangible and real truth, something that can be felt and understood amidst a world of fog and conjecture? Are we truly meant to have the ability to step outside of our existence and discover things that were once forbidden for us to experience? Or is it that when we do this, we violate the laws of the mystical realm?

The question then becomes whether spirituality is as we are told it is - straight forward and just as it appears - or is there another aspect to spirituality that we are not told of; hidden from our ordinary view of the world. Are there aspects of spirituality that do not fit within our preconceived notions of what spirituality is? Could there be fundamentals to spirituality that we are not aware of and are completely opposite from what we have been taught? What would it mean to us and our own knowledge if this were so and we could see it and grasp it? What would it mean if there were a dark side of spirituality?

It is always easiest to deny that which goes against what we know. It is natural to believe in our own knowledge and discount that which challenges it. But when totally new and unique information is introduced into the equation that is not only contrary to all conventional knowledge, but flies in the face of what we once thought were absolute truths, our reason and understanding cannot easily come to terms with it. In this sense, it is easy to understand how we discount and disbelieve new information or truths that contradict and challenge what we think we know to be true. We tend to quickly label these things as crackpot or dangerous because what is really occurring is that we fear; we fear the unknown and we fear that we must change our knowledge and ourselves to adapt to it - and we don't know if we can. We don’t want to admit that what we once believed in was incorrect.

In this section we will discuss whether there is a dark side of spirituality and if so, what forbidden truths and hidden mysteries await us there. Is darkness something to fear and avoid, or is it just another side to our world and our spiritual essence that can bring new meaning to the things around us. Is it possible that this dark side of spirituality is the next step in our evolution, and if so, where might it lead us and what is it we will learn when we arrive there?


In the history of our experience as human beings, we have come to accept the notion of a struggle between light and darkness. We believe that light is good and darkness is evil because that is the perception we’ve always had and there has never seemed to be a need to challenge it. The simple reason behind this perception is that when the light is on, you can see things and understand what’s going on. Light from sun provides warmth and it is the giver of life. Darkness, on the other hand, makes us afraid as we stand in it because we can’t see and we don’t know what’s coming at us. At a primitive level, it is obvious that the light is considered good and the darkness is considered evil. On a deeper level, the lack of understanding between the spiritual nature of light and darkness has created an energy and behavioral pattern of mankind’s sexuality which is not the way it was designed to flow. The human race is caught up in a bottled up state wherein the consciousness of our sexuality is caught in a sinister psychological booby trap. When the subconscious identity inside of us understands the true meaning behind the mystery of spiritual light and spiritual darkness and what the myth about that relationship has done to us, there is a relaxation that occurs deep within the subconscious and the true spiritual energy of that human being starts to come into the body and mind in such a manner as to create a transformation. In order to accomplish this, we must first understand what light and darkness truly are and what the relationship between them is.

The reason behind our perception of the light being good and the darkness being evil is physical, and the philosophers and early theologians based their philosophy and religion on the ideas of the physics around them that they were able to observe. Physics is the study of natural philosophy, and the study of physical phenomenon is the study of the spirit, and this is a belief founded in Western Philosophy. Emmanuel Kant first spoke of the concept when he talked about the idea that the spirit world and the physical world are related and that they are mirrors of one another. What is true physically is true spiritually. It was always a belief and an obsession of Albert Einstein to understand the physics with such a great level of detail that he would find higher meaning and therefore understand the psycho physics of the spirit world, or the spirit physics. It was an obsession of his to understand how the spirit plugged into the physical. Modern physics and the advent of quantum mechanics has led to a whole new group of theories – grand unified theories, string theories, meta brain theory, and many others as well as new ones yet to come, but the idea remains and always will remain that physical light can achieve a dense state of existence. For instance, in a black hole, much of the light is trapped inside of the actual black hole, so there is a massive amount of light inside of it. The perception of a black hole is that it would be a physical manifestation of darkness, and yet, the black hole itself is filled with dense light. The vacuum of space, which we perceive as darkness, is filled with matter and anti-matter which is a form of storing light. In this sense, the darkness of the vacuum is just a state of light that is standing still. So it turns out that all of the physical perceptions of darkness around us are just another form of light. This brings us to the fact that the physics, if it is mirroring the spiritual, is telling us that the darkness itself is another form of the light and that darkness is dense light. Darkness is light that is standing still and is stored in a state of readiness to become light. Darkness is potential light and therefore, darkness is the source of light.

Physics dictates the idea that darkness is not evil, but another form of light. This single idea dismantles the duality of good and evil and the accompanying labyrinth that surrounds and traps the human mind within it. We also find this idea of light and darkness supported in scripture. Isaiah 45-7; “God forms light and creates darkness.” The first book of John 1-5 states, “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.” Let us examine this last passage. If God is everywhere, then most certainly God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all, because even when it’s perceived as darkness, for instance, a black hole, there is still light inside of these things in a different state. If the universe is the body of Source, and we believe this to be so, then most certainly wherever there is perceived darkness in the universe, there is God, and where ever there is God, there is light. If there is darkness, there is light. In Matthew 6-23, we find, “In reality, the light that is in you is darkness, and how great that darkness is.” None of these ideas are in conflict and they support the physical fact that even in places in the universe where there is perceived darkness, such as black holes and the vacuums, there physically is light. Physical darkness is another form of light, sometimes existing in a dense form of light, and at other times, it’s a stored form of light or just light that is standing still.

If we apply this new knowledge of light and darkness toward the question of evil, we must ask, where is there a place for evil to exist? There is no physical allegory of evil and there is no physical symbol of it anywhere in the universe. So where does evil exist except in the belief of man? The truth is this is the only place that it does exist because it cannot exist in the physics; it cannot because there is no place for it in the body of God. Evil only exists in the imagination of man, but this fact does not make it any less real to those who believe that it exists. Going a bit further, the idea that spiritual darkness, which is a dense form of light and is a gift to every human being from God, is evil is a trick and a sinister way of getting a human being to give up the very power he needs to manifest his own spirit. Once a human being believes the lie of spiritual darkness being evil, he becomes spiritually castrated, and this dense form of Divine Light, which is dense Divine Darkness, is given up to the idea of evil and the human being is left to search for it, and he only gets a chance to touch it now and again when the force of procreation drives that energy temporarily into his body. It is and was always meant to be a gift from God, this dense light which is Divine Darkness, and the validation of this idea can be found in Isaiah 45-3, “And God will give you treasures in the darkness, and hidden treasures in the concealment places in order that you may know that He is the Once calling you by your name.” Treasures in the darkness – light that is so powerful and so densely packed that it is in the darkness and you can’t perceive it, you can only completely know it through faith.

These ideas of light and darkness form the foundation of a grand knowledge designed specifically to teach us a way to unleash the unlimited potential of the human spirit and mind, and plug that potential into the physical personality systems here in time and space of the human body. And this is where it really all begins. There are, for instance, many meditation techniques which utilize visualizing light, and these have their roots in Hindu technique. Many of the Christian Science techniques derived out of the Bible and used the idea of visualization of the Great Light. There are other meditation techniques that use the ideas of darkness and evil, and these techniques have their roots coming out of the Renaissance in the different forms of witchcraft and black magic. With this new wisdom of the relationship of light and darkness, we’re led to a new method which incorporates the idea that the darkness itself is dense light, and the light is light, and the interplay between these two bring about the greater good. It is critical that every time we say, ‘Spiritual Darkness’, we categorize it as Divine Darkness. The dense darkness, the dense light of Source, is the gift from Source – the hidden treasure in the darkness and concealment places. It is equally important that when we think of the word, ‘light’, we don’t have a picture in our mind of some glamorous light that is going to take care of all our problems, but rather we incorporate the idea of the Divine Light, and we personalize these two ideas into getting in touch with our spirit, and thus, the Almighty. When we say the word, ‘God’, if you have any specific religion, incorporate in your thoughts and feelings that you are getting in touch with Source in the context of what is comfortable to you. This is not specific to any religion and there is nothing to prevent any human from accessing their spirit and the experience of their spirit and the Almighty through this knowledge. As we do this, we dismantle the lies propagated by the falsehood that light and darkness are separate from each other and good and evil are at constant odds with each other.


It has long been thought that the descendants of darkness were creatures of evil - demons to be feared as if they were the primordial spawn of the darkest corners of our nightmares. Humans have always associated the darkness with evil, perhaps for the simple reason that we cannot see in it and the things that we are afraid of can hide in it, waiting to strike at us from close by. The same things that await us in the darkness were there when it was light, yet somehow, they now become more ominous or more likely to do us harm. We learned this fear as children and that same rationale has carried over into adulthood and has remained in our psyche ever since.

We have learned to be afraid of the descendants of darkness for various reasons, but fear of darkness is the most notable, and therefore, anything produced from the darkness is something that we are naturally fearful of. These notions find their beginning with primitive man and later, with the early teachings of religion. Darkness was always thought to be the opposite of the light, and religion taught us that if the light was representative of God and was good, then darkness was to be identified with the opposite of God, which was bad. This notion is still perceived as fact by most religious thought even today, and it is not seriously challenged. A great majority of people accept that darkness is the absence of light and therefore the absence of God, which means that it must be evil. When we really explore why and how this notion came to be so prevalent in our psyche, there really is no evidence to reach the conclusion that darkness is evil, and to the contrary, there are several passages in the Bible that point to the fact that God is as much darkness as He is light. Of course, this flies in the face of the notion that the descendants of darkness are evil. It does, if fact, suggest the very opposite.

There are theories that state that light and darkness are not separate entities at odds with one another, but are two distinct yet connected aspects of the light spectrum. If we think about the light as a line, light is one end of the line and darkness is the other, and where they meet in the center is a blending of both; a twilight. In this sense, light and darkness are interconnected elements of a whole, and both elements are necessary for both the whole and each other to exist. This theory can be substantiated with biblical passages and it can be proven out through scientific method. This theory and the details of these proofs are laid out most notably in a novel called The Dark Prophet, which presents evidence of the concept that there is a divine nature to darkness and that God is in fact of the darkness just as He is of the light. If we take this theory that darkness is light and it is divine, and we apply it to our beliefs of what God is, it then must be true that if God is light, then He also must be darkness, and if this true, then it stands to reason that we, as children of Source, are the true descendants of darkness.

This, of course, contradicts centuries of conventional thought and directly opposes the idea that the descendants of darkness are an evil creation of the devil. Understanding the relationship between darkness and light and knowing that darkness cannot be separate from Source, it is far easier for us to believe that we are the descendants of darkness rather than the imaginary monsters we conjure in our subconscious. When we allow ourselves to understand that darkness is a form of dense light that is neither separate from Source nor evil, we are free to experience the true creative nature of darkness.

Realizing that darkness is dense light and not a separate entity from light is the first step in understanding how darkness holds the key to the creation of humanity. Source is both darkness and light and the creative nature of Source is associated with darkness, much in the same way that our ability to create life is held within our sexual nature, which is often associated with our dark side. The problems really arose when we began to perceive darkness as evil which led us to associate the creative aspects of our own nature as evil. Our own sexuality has long been labeled as a seedy and ugly part of our nature that must be suppressed and kept hidden. The truth is the exact opposite in that our sexuality is the very element of our existence that makes us God-like, because it is the process that allows humans to create life. The irony is that the very aspect of our nature that elevates us to a position closer to Source is labeled as the darkest and most fearful part of our nature by those most afraid of that power.

It is only when we accept the truth of what we are that we can truly be free, and by accepting this, we can understand that we are the true descendants of darkness and we must believe that this is a positive thing and what this God intended us to be. It becomes easier to believe when we realize that the darkness has been hi-jacked by a conventional wisdom that seeks to relegate it to the shadows where we see it as something to fear. When we lock away the darkness in this way, we begin to slowly destroy ourselves by denying access to a vital aspect of our nature. In order for humanity to continue to exist and advance itself, we must embrace the fact that we are descendants of darkness and we must accept that this darkness is an aspect our creation and is in no way evil or menacing.

My note:

Furthermore, he talks about God and the Bible, as if we were all religious people.

In the same Bible that he mentions it is stated that God created the Light and saw that it was Good.

Well, when we perceive a Creator of anything, that created it all, then, who created the darkness?

Obviously it is a fallacy to say that God  created only goodness and his creation was good, and to eliminate part of his creation as no good!

This physical World is a world of duality and there are two sides to every thing, and to every coin, how can we have half a coin?

Do we slice it in two? if we do, now we have two slices with two sides each...

You see what I mean?

Kabbalists explain this in a much different way, duality was created for a purpose, nor was it considered evil, either. It was a necessity.

However, they do not assume any Gods creating anything, everything stems from within the darkness, before it manifests, but in the darkness it exists as a potential, thus Black Holes, may be the very essence of Creation, and as for the seeds, they grow and manifest in the darkness, and when the plants are ready they come into light. The same is true for humans and animals, who begin their formation in the dark womb of the mother, and only when the product is finished it is revealed in the light.

All of this was known by the Pagans, which recognized and gave as much value to the Moon and the night, as they did to the Sun and the day.

It was much easier for them to understand that one does not exist without the other, and that they do not contradict each other, but complement each other.

Just the same, we encourage certain attributes and despise others, and that is why we can not accept ourselves in our full totality and we live maimed lives!

Yes, obviously it was out of darkness that the Light manifested, once manifested, though, it overcomes the darkness. Yes, turn a light switch and darkness disappears into nothingness, but it is always there in a potential state, as is the light.

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Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on May 18, 2015 at 4:02pm

What a beautiful picture, Fuzzy Nails!

Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on May 15, 2015 at 1:35pm

Well, I read it, it is very good, but it would appear to be just the opposite of what it is said here.

However, this one is talking about the Real World, not the computerized reality in which we live, and yes, the third dimension, where duality dwells, is also the one that has been manipulated by  the "Evil"(?) programmers, however, they created a World in which many Souls have been trapped and yet, they live their dreams believing it is real.

Greek Mythology claimed that Saturn, or Cronus (time), one of the Gods of the Pantheon, and son of Chaos, or Uranus, created this World to rule over it, and he lived in it, thus he was affected by the passing of time and became very old looking, however, since he had his roots in immortality, he never died.

He had many children in the third dimension and they aged and died, but he remained.

But then, one of his son Zeus or Jupiter, when he achieved manhood, wishing immortality, tied his father to the bed, while he was asleep and told him he will not untie him, until he told him the secret of Immortality, then, Saturn complied and took him to the realm of Chaos, his father, and grandson and grand father loved each other so much, that the grand father requested his grandson to remain with him, he accepted the offer on the condition that he could bring his brothers and sisters, and thus, the created the Pantheon of the Gods, and all of them became immortal, or regained their immortality, while they also visited the third dimension and affected it at their wills.

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