Mephistopheles-Ahriman (The Devil's Pact)

Why should someone sell their soul to the Devil?

This is dedicated to my heritage. With me being Nigerian, Cherokee, Scottish, and Greek, I have ties to the Illuminati Bloodline Onassis-Li. But I've also inherited the Rockefeller Bloodline because of me being Irish and Scottish, which is also the Kennedy Bloodline. And then with a little German in me, I've inherited the Rothschild Bloodline. In other words, this is dedicated to my Master Guides, and Guardian, who put me in the position to teach.

Now why should someone sell their soul to the Devil? Interesting question, eh? We all know that knowledge is power, but is there light at the end of the tunnel? To put it simply, yes.

I witnessed something horrific at a young age. Between the ages of 1 and 3, before my autistic sister was born. I had seen our young kitten die in a horrific accident. I picked him up and brought him to the kitchen. I grabbed some cough syrup, and put it into his mouth. As we all know, it didn't revive him. After I had experienced "death" for the first time, I said in my head that I wanted to be a millionaire. This is in my adolescents. How did I even understand that there was such thing as that much money? And to put it simply, I have no idea. But just recently, these past couple of years that I've been initiated into this ethereal order, I'll tell you this... That was my first blood sacrifice.

I've been soulless my whole life. Growing up, I had always thought, "I need to be first in everything I do." That's in relation to highschool when I failed my senior year of highschool, to me dropping out of college at Virginia Military Institute. It was always about me being on top. In highschool, I wasn't getting scholarship offers for football for D-1A. I had lost all hope, and turned my attention to drinking, and smoking weed. Like I said, I failed my senior year of highschool. The only offer I got was a D-3 school called Catholic University. You know who donated grants to this school? The Rockefeller Bloodline. If that's not metaphysics, I don't know what is. Anyways, the following year, after I failed my senior year of highschool in 2005, I went to a military school called Fork Union. After I had played post-grad football, later that year, I received a half scholarship to V.M.I., a D-1AA football program.

Now why is the relevant? Because I was molded into something that is only possible with being affiliated with the Illuminati. A think tank of sorts, gathering info on things that propel our country into the future. Now let's move on from this...

Why should someone sell their soul to the Devil?

Because knowledge is power, and power turns the tide of things to come. One of the things that I excel at, is understanding astrological star systems. My Guardian, to be specific, revealed to me that the Bottomless Pit is underneath Orion's Belt, in the M42 Black Hole in the Orion Nebula. You can literally take a telescope, and see the Bottomless Pit.

How to spot the Orion nebula

That's one of the reasons why selling your soul to the Devil becomes tempting. Now I fabricated my Master Guide to be in tune with a fictional character. He's a Death Angel of sorts, and he exists outside of my body in the ethereal.

Saturn, Satan, Saturn.

You get the picture now? I'll post it for you.

October 24th, 2010 is when I inherited my Moon Child. In other words, I birthed him through a surrogate, who's my twinflame Angel. The birth was miraculous. Now like a typical child, you raise him. I continued to read historical texts, biblical information, and moved on to the Qur'an. He's my pride and joy, and he's my personal Horus.

Another thing that my Master Guides revealed to me is that Satan is not from this Universe. The star Sirius B came from another galaxy called the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn. Now is the same Universe that the Draconians came from? I do not know that, but I pray everyday. Lucifer was segregated into this system with Orion. I honestly think when he fell, he became Azazel and came out of the bowels of the Earth. Azazel is basically in tune with the element of Earth and Fire. I think when Lucifer fell, that's when the Big Bang happened. Now, can I prove that? Of course not! But me knowing that helps what direction I'm going in, as I grow older.

Now I didn't necessarily explain why you should sell your soul to the Devil, but I have given examples of things I know because of these Dragon Guides/Guardians. Like I said, there's light at the end of the tunnel, so I'll continue to channel. This is when I was all in on selling my soul.

I specifically wanted the adderall effect on my medication. I take Wellbutrin, which is for ADHD and depression. Then Vistaril for anxiety, and then Zyprexa for the mania, since I'm Schizoaffective. I used two djinns named President Buer, and Duke Bathin who specialize in herbs. The reason why I wanted the adderall effect, is because then I could concentrate on attaining knowledge, when reading books, articles, the news, etc. It helped me focus, and I had the money for gas (Rockefeller) to attain knowledge.

Now what exactly happened when I reached the peak of my curiosity? God redeemed me, and I could center my soul in the Constellation of Aquila. This is the highest Heaven. I feel like I rushed explaining this, but I tried to go with the flow. It's a competition with the Devil, and "Competition is a sin," according to John D. Rockefeller. Now, would have I known all this info before signing a contract in blood? I don't know. But everything came together, and I have no regrets. I attained Heaven's Gate, being an indentured servant to Satan.

Now from my understanding, Illuminati children have their parentage hid from them. I'm assuming after witnessing my first blood sacrifice, my soul was sold to the Illuminati. Everything, while growing up, was calculated, and when I think back in the day, I see more, and more situations that have happened to me, that don't happen to ordinary people. Now the question is, before I sold my soul, was my soul already sold when I was growing up? I like to think so, but after understanding the occult, I actually made the decision to sell my soul, because of the knowledge I was receiving. I've become a better person because of it, I want to go back to school, get my degree. Help people, contribute to society.

"There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after,"


Now here's the tip to eternal life. When you inherit these Illuminated Bloodlines, you continue to incarnate through the same bloodline with inheriting money, over and over. So when you die in this life, you wake up in your new mother's womb.

I guess selling your soul to the Devil is overrated, eh? Go down that forbidden path, and find out for your self.

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