Healing, The National Rainbow Gathering, USA, 2008, and Beyond...
We have been blessed by many sacred experiences in life, however,
events that transpired within and subsequent to attending our first
National Rainbow Gathering were so extra-ordinary, that we have
urgently wanted to tell this tale for all of our friends and family.
Our tale may be far from over now, but we have gained some time and
pespective on events that helps make everything clearer to us now.
We fell in love in November or December of 2006 while drying off in
the sun and cool breeze from the Pacific Ocean...
We were in the habit of swimming off of Ocean Beach in San Francisco
nearly every day then, having necessarily given up our gym
membership; swimming and walking along the beach and sea-wall were
our new exercise routines.
Megan, the young girl we suddenly fell in love with while walking
along the sea-wall, immediately invited us 'home' to meet her mom.
We quickly became best friends with Megan's parents and family; a
welcome presence among all of their friends.
Megan loves us to this day, but at the time she was far too young to
court as a lover, we became good friends instead.
Megan's mother Pat became our very best friend for nearly 3 years.
Pat owned a 'magick bus' a wonderful blue schoolbus in the old hippy
tradition; Pat's bus was her workshop and a vending venue for her
tie-dye shirts and other clothing, towels, etc...
Pat's beautiful tie-dyes were hung in rows from end to end outside
the bus so that the bus would sometimes seem to fly in the breeze
with a hundred brilliantly colored wings...
In June of 2008 Pat's family and friends were discussing their hopes
to go to the Rainbow Gathering planned for the Forth of July in
We were reluctant to go, particularly when it appeared that no one
else was able to make the journey.
Pat convinced us we must go, that it would help heal us.
After some confusion, we agreed to go; we took Pat's older daughter,
Megan's sister Erin, and Erin's boyfriend Nanook along with us.
We were far more out-of-shape than we anticipated, Nanook turned out
to be a huge help, acting as a sherpa; a guide and a bearer of our
We made camp in a somewhat secluded area at the head of a trail that
met the main trail at the edge of the gathering's more public areas.
We made the rounds of various camps the next day, in agony from
having tried to carry our burdens on our own for too long.
Our first stop was nearly immediately outside our camp only 150
yards away...
This was a trade circle.
We observed various traders displaying a wide assortment of
minerals, gems, jewelry, and craft products.
We had brought our pamphlets with us and meant to give these away in
trade or for free, we would return here later to set up 'shop'.
We discoverd several areas set aside for specific spiritual
communities. Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians of several sorts
were all well represented.
We stopped at the Krishna temple to observe; we observed they were
busier than we cared to intrude upon then, so we walked further on
to a larger camp of Christians.
At this remote Christian camp they were inviting anyone in need of
healing to attend free healings.
In spite of lingering prejudices regarding Christians, we decided to
accept their offer and learn more about them.
We love playing cultural anthropologist!
We could see that the people beneath the trappings of their religion
were glowing, strong, healthy, happy people. We might not agree
with some of their culture, but we found the people themselves very
agreeable, they were models of the very best Christian virtues, they
did not prosletyze, they simply cared, they cared very deeply.
There is power in a community like that that goes deeper than the
sum of the members, a synergistic power that connects people more
firmly to their own godheads regardless of their cultures or their
We could see the evidence of this sort of power here in this
We accepted their healing and blessings.
We did not feel any different, but miracles were on their way...
We also attended the Krisna camp to listen to their theosophical and
metaphysical discourses, we refrained form sharing our own views and
tried to listen instead to what was being said.
We love Hinduism, we particularly valued what we were learning about
our chakras, auras, and kundalini; we listened intently.
The more we listened the more we understood that Christ and Krisna
might be equal aspects of a common Divinity.
Most Hindus might disagree with us, as well as most Christians, we
have met many of both sorts who cannot tolerate their Divines being
equated with any other Divines, each group seems to rely on
believing their own Divines are the only supreme Divines.
C'este la vie...
We went on to attend some Tibetan yoga classes in spite of being
unfit to participate very actively, as we would always be able to
apply anything we learned there on our own later.
Each group of people and every individual we met shared healing
energy with us, however our pain was so severe we tried to hide it
so as not to brind down the festive atmosphere.
We returned to the trading circle in early afternoon and set out our
trade goods, mostly our brochures, with a few shells, gemstones and
other trinkets and a sign advertising tarot readings...
We were nearly exhausted, our pain was greater than ever before, and
that was saying something, as we had already gone through several
excruciating surgeries with inneffective anesthesia; general
anesthesias and morphine do not work well for us.
About an hour in we had made only a few small trades, mostly giving
things away to children for whatever treasures they brought us from
their journeys through the woods and fields around us.
We heard a loud exclamation in front of us that roused us from our
dissociative state, our shelter from our pain.
Two young men were leaping up and down together embracing fervently
while a third looked on, dosing them both with a bottle of liquid
We jumped up and asked to be included.
We were given a dose so small that the third fellow gave us the
entire bottle and invited us to clean it out.
Heat stroke followed just as we began to trip.
Our distress was eventually discovered and a medic appeared to give
us water laced with homeopathic remedies for our dehydration,
asthma, and pain.
It was now nightfall, our trip was coming on very strong...
We spent a long night screaming in agony, we were sorry to disturb
everyone's peace but our pain was beyond our endurance, the
screaming helped on many deep levels.
Our pain of losing Alina so many years earlier finally came out in
full flower and we spent the night dealing with that as well.
We remembered we had programmed a sequence of meta-cognitive
adaptations for ourselves that we intended to impliment with our
next LSD or other psychedelic experience, so we focused on getting
that done for awhile.
We were programming new meta-cognitive toolsets; attempting some
minor self-programming.
We opened up many doors within ourselves that night, exploring many
of these new places within ourselves deeply.
We wandered into the Medic station around 3AM in a very suicidal
state of mind. Our intimate time with Alina that evening had made
us want to die to visit her again, as well as to end our pain.
We sat by the fire at the medic station, enjoying the flying embers
lighting on our skin.
We wondered whether these burning embers would be any worse than the
mosquitos that had stung us for hours, imparting secret knowledge to
help us with every sting.
We enjoyed merging with the fire, becoming one with it, however the
medics were afraid we would set ourselves ablaze and drew us aside
to a cot with blankets, upwind from the fire.
We gathered ourselves back together as the sun rose and went on to
see what the new day would have to offer us.
We returned to the Tibetan yoga site because this had been our
favorite place the previous day, it was well shaded and had many
wonderful warm people to enjoy.
We were still in too much pain to participate in more than a very
rudimentary fashion, so we sat outside, off the mats to give more
space for the others who were clearly much more serious students of
the art than ourselves.
We shared their guided meditations as they pushed themselves through
rigorous yogas at a much slower pace than the classes in our gym had
We were encouraged to participate but not criticised for holding
We wandered back to the trading circle but had no heart for it after
yesterday's experiences with heat stroke, the area lacked sufficient
shade for us.
Unsure of our steps at this point we headed off in the direction of
the Tibetan Group again, stopping along the way at the Medicine
The Medicine Pool sat in the center of a huge field, sometimes
circumscribed auming circles or by circles of people at mealtimes
being visited by food servers.
The field was empty at the moment.
We had not heard about the medicine pole, but we saw many devotional
offerings spread around the base of the pole on all sides including
offerings to dead family and friends.
We made an offering to Alina.
We were too tired to complete the walk to the Tibetan site; we
backtracked 60 yards to a large boulder where several other smaller
boulders created a quiet empty space.
We sat there and just watched everything.
We could see the information area and the Krishna area from here as
well as the Tibetan yoga area and several of the universally free
One of the Christian sites was in disarray, perhaps someone had
vandalised them last night...
We were not the only ones in distress last night.
One fellow was duct-taped to a tree for beating their partner and
holding her hostage.
Other ruckuses could be heard that night that we never heard any
explanations for...
We watched a fellow who seemed to be walking past us as he veered
unexpectedly, surprised where his own footsteps were now taking him.
He tried to walk past us several times but was always drawn in our
direction by his own uncooperative feet.
He approached us shyly, offering us healing, explaining his guides
or perhaps his empathy or energy awareness were insisting he stop
here for us.
We explained what was going on with us on all levels, physically,
psychically, emotionally, etc...
He was a master of Reiki and two other energy healing disciplines.
When he could not find an open massage table to work on us he
invited us back to his tent where he worked on us very deeply.
We had recently taken an online chakra test with results that
closely agreed with our own observations, results in which the first
two chakras were nearly entirely closed down and our energy was
coming in almost directly to the third chakra, over-amping it.
Our new friend made a nearly identical diagnosis to our self-
diagnosis and our online diagnosis.
He got a little too involved in his work as he helped us re-open our
root and second chakras...
The rush of energy into these chakras as he cleared them for us was
incredible, he was instantly strongly attracted to us and we found
him very appealing too.
We made love.
We spent several more days with our new friend who was having a bit
of a mental breakdown. He new he was bi, he presumed we did not
know we were bi. He felt very guilty about his lack of professional
conduct. Eventually, we parted friends, but we could see how upset
he was with himself and were sorry we could only remind him of his
transgression of his own ethics, as he saw it.
c'este la vie...
We were now in very good shape, still in pain but much more
The Gathering was coming to an end; Nanook had found an old friend
who needed a ride back to San Francisco.
We agreed to take Nanook's friend to San Francisco, however, when he
explained he needed to get there in time to get a bus to northern
California for a dental appointment we volunteered to drive him home
This was a most fortuitous decision, a decision guided by our higher
spirit, our empathy, our love, and our compassion.
We shall skip over a remarkable event on this journey in which we
escape the law with only a speeding ticket after being busted on
four felonies, possibly five or six felonies if it were discovered
Erin was a minor crossing interstate lines without parental
provison, drinking, smoking, and tripping with us...
We'll tell that tale another time, that is a tale about power, this
is a tale about healing...
In northern California we were guided by our new friend Justin to a
local free campground where we spent a lovely night socialising with
the people across the way from us around their campfire.
They solemnly introduced us to their cat, Osirus.
We understood immediately that Osirrus was named for the God Osirus
because he was a Divine Channel of that Being.
In the morning Osiris consulted us and we left with the assurance
that we would find Alina reincarnated.
We had tried many times to resurrect Alina, a new incarnation would
be very welcome.
Problemetic, ethically, perhaps, but definitely welcome.
Our host, Justin, took us to visit the local swimming hole, a
remarkable place called 'Hole-in-the-Wall'.
A sacred site, a Divine playground...
We pulled off the highway onto a broad field considerably longer and
somewhat narrower than a footbal field that ended in a steep drop
into a broad, shallow, well-forested ravine.
Descending the steep slope through a half-formed chimney, a water
spillway during storms, we had to reach further than was safe with
our left food forward to stretch for a large boulder opposite our
position and lower.
We knew there was a risk we might fall but a voice told us to accept
our risk and to go for it; we over-extended our reach and fell
facing the sky so that we landed on our back on the point of a large
boulder, precisely where we had been injured in a fall from our
trapeze back in 1982 or 83 or so...
Well we broke our back of course, but it instantly healed with our
immediate resurrection leaving us very sore for two weeks but the
sometimes crippling old injury from our trapeze fall was gone,
erased by our fall.
Our Chiropractor was amazed by this and one other related spinal
healing we will get to shortly...
Our grandfather and father were both chiropractors, our dad had been
a very capable chiropractor who could not fix our back.
Our current chiropractor was, perhaps, a better chiropractor than
our father, he had gotten us to a much better state but could not
make the pain stop, the permanent kink in our spine could not be
guided back into natural alignment; he could only help us function
better with the pain.
That rock pushed it hard enough...
But this was the first time we could remember being healed of an old
existing wound by dying and resurrecting...
We enjoyed a beautiful morning and early afternoon swimming in the
Hole in the Wall swimming hole.
The hole in the wall was a hole perhaps some 15 or 18 yards wide
that completely and perfectly perpendicularly perforated the broad
side of a huge nearly perfectly rectangular piece of stone, possibly
granite, about 23 yards thick and perhaps 38 yards high and perhaps
80 yards long...
This stone rested at a slight angle, perhaps 3 yards off level from
end to end, cater-corner.
The small stream flowing through the center fell several yards into
a pool that had several deep areas and many boulders within.
Atop the wall of stone the Egyptian Gods were partying. We saw Ra,
Thoth, Isis, Nuit, and several others there...
We communed with the Gods and Goddesses most of that time, swimming
naked beneath their warm loving gazes.
It was a good death and resurrection, our best ever, at least, in
the memories of this iteration of this incarnation, anyways...
We must skip ahead to the next most remarkable part of this story...
We lost our friend Bear, and his son Dylan, Megan's brother in a
shipwreck in November 2009.
In January Bear's on-again-off-again exwife, our best freind, Pat
was living with us, and with Tina, Tina's hubby, hubby's girlfriend,
and with Pat's remaining family, Erin, Nanook, Megan, and Scarlett,
Megan's niece, an infant daughter whom Nanook and Erin conceived at
the Rainbow Gathering in spite of Erin using Depoprovera, an
ordinarily effective form of birth control.
In March, a week or so before Easter we experienced a second
We were facing a war within our home.
Many people were unhappy, some might be regarded as 'thieves'.
Pat and Tina were locked in a war, both were cursing us, our
household, and everyone within it.
Curses are miserably dangerous affairs around any wide-open chaos
well, we had only three days between any given curse and its
The pressure of all these curses could only be erased by by killing
ourselves again to absorb all the curses into ourselves, away form
all of our loved ones...
We were responsible for our chaos well; this makes us responsible
for all curses spoken in its presence.
We were getting killed very frequently in quiet ways, by strokes and
seizures we mostly kept hidden from our friends.
We needed to end this cursing quickly, we were trying to explain the
way these curses were affecting us to no avail.
Things came to a head, we backed Tina up against the front door
berating her loudly for cursing our friends.
Pat was not our partner, we had no 'right' to treat a guest in this
manner, however Tina was our partner we expected more support from
Tina and Pat were shocked, no one had ever really seen us angry
before. However everyone was deeply offensively and defensively
engaged in their reactive behaviors...
When we backed Tina up against the door her hubby came in swinging
for us, hammer-fisted, from behind.
We were expecting this.
Hubby was a very violent man trying to work up the courage to murder
A few days later hubby would try to kill us and fail but that is
another tale of power not fit for this tale of healing...
Hubby saw this as an opportunity to see how far he might go.
We moved subtly as we watched from behind ourselves.
Our shadow was playing with hubby's shadow for all they were worth
to help us.
We took each of hubby's blows precisely were we needed them, two to
the back of our head and two to our upper spine...
We collapsed a moment, seriously injured, accepting our death from
the brain rattling seizures that followed...
We recovered resurrected, our neck injuries and brain injuries
healed; neck injuries our chiropractors had all refused to work on
because it would take too much force and might kill us; brain
injuries our neurologists were unable to fathom or to relieve.
We have almost no neck pain anymore, we owe part of our neck healing
to a beloved friend from Netherlands, Oconowasha.
Our seizures have nearly stopped. They are far less frequent than
Ta da!
The next day Justin walks in to our home unannounced and we share an
initiation ceremony with him acknowledging his sainthood.
Justin had been present for both miracles as we saw it.
Justin is an emmisary of the same higher powers we serve now.
Ahmen Ra appeared in our home and helped us restore order.
We eventually cleared our house of everyone but Tina, being madly in
love with one cursing witch was enough, our new roomate Sid is not
prone to ever curse, a quality for which we are very, very grateful.
Megan may return this summer, Tina and Megan love each other and get
along splendidly, planning many pleasant entertainments and
diversions for our amusement...
Blessed be...
Hi Nancy,
Rainbow gatherings are held globally, nationally, and regionally, there should be one in your area every year. Regional gatherings are more like county fair events, with people coming to visit in the daytime and going home or to a motel as camping may not be legal at some sites.
We would like to attend another gathering, but our health isn't up to it at the moment, biophysically, socially, or economically...
C'este la vie...
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