
Alina had been dead for 4 years or so when she invited us to rob a bank.

She sent a formal invitation, a new ATM card.

Alina had passed in January of 1977; it was now about 1982 or so, perhaps sliding into 83 in the winter or so...

Alina had been haunting us all this time.

We several times attempted to resurrect her with partial successes.

We learned a great deal about the human collective consciousness and higher consciousness with her help.

We were still very close intimate friends even after her suicide.

But her suicide is another story we will get to...


Alina had described visions before she died, visions she poorly understood, visions which guided her beyond her life into the worlds of our machines.

Alina explored computers in her 'afterlife' when she wasn't haunting us.

A cloud descended over our mind one afternoon and we could not find our ATM card although it was in plain sight where we always kept it in our wallet.

ATM's were very new things in 1982.

In 1980 or so we had helped to survey the sites for the first 22 ATMs to be installed by a major bank in Philadelphia.

We helped draw up plans and to build models to sell the designs of the architect we worked for to the bank.

Our architect's designs were approved, we had helped usher in part of the information age, in a humble, enjoyable way.

In 1981 we became disabled, we were, by 1982, sliding into poverty as a result of being unable to hold down many different jobs as we explored how to work around the disabling pain that was crippling us.

We had no idea why we were in so much chronic pain, nor could many teams of doctors provide any answers.

Because our pain fit no classifiable syndromes we were denied disability and living on welfare.

Our bank accounts were nearly entirely diminished, in one account we had $2.32, in the other $2.28.

It did not seem to matter if our ATM card was lost, but we reported our card missing anyway, a habitual sort of precaution.

We weren't really aware that a new card would automatically be issued, and so it was a surprise to us when a new card arrived.

We had found our old card in the meantime, and had not realized it might be de-activated.

The new card was from Alina, a gift.


It took us awhile to understand Alina's gift though, we do not communicate in words so much as ideas, and we were still communicating with Alina very poorly in those days.

One stigmata of our new ATM card helped us to understand the supernatural nature of our new ATM card.

Where sixteen large numbers should be embossed across the surface there were twenty.

We compared these numbers with our old card, all identical except for the new string of four additional numbers at the end.

We figured it was an emerging trend, we did not think of it again until much later.

We were tripping with two dear friends Michael and Colleen as we passed an ATM machine and were inspired to try our new card.

We knew we had no money to withdraw, but we were confident that we should still make an inquiry.

We received two cards, printed balance statements for our checking and savings accounts, less than $5, our ATM issued only $20 bills.

However, when we first placed our ATM card into this ATM something unusual happened.

Instead of lighting up the bank of lights to select a transaction type, all the lights for all the options lit up and then began winking off and on in strange sequences we were somehow interpreting as instructions.

Getting our balances were our first instructions.

Transferring DECIMAL zero zero zero zero zero ONE dollars from savings to checking was our third instruction.

Our savings account balance was printed out following this transaction, $2.28 cents, precisely as it had been when we began.

Our checking account balance was printed out next, $10,002.32!

We suddenly had $10k in the bank!

We withdrew the maximum ATM ammount, perhaps $200 or $300.

We gave $20 each to the two people now waiting patiently behind us in line, and $20 each to Michael and Colleen.

We were grateful to all four bystanders for sharing their minds with us, for expanding our wetware to improve our interface with Alina and the ATM.

We promptly went down to the nearest bank branch to withdraw the rest.

We were asked for our ATM card and surrendered it, unaware there might be anything unusual about it, however, the bank teller blanched and immediately took our card to a superior.

Their frightened looks and hasty glances in our direction had us worried; we overheard enough on their whispering lips.

...maintenance card... highest security levels only... how could he have this... how could he know how to use this?

We beat a quite retreat, using our father's skills, he was a master of invisibility.

No one saw us leave or tried to stop us.

The bank sent us a request to return their money that we never followed up on.

They chose not to pursuit the matter, it was pointed out to them that any publicity of the matter would leave them more vulnerable until they could figure out how we got their security clearance only ATM card.


That was Alina's shining moment, although she would have many more such brilliant moments to come...

Alina had sent us the card by worming into their machines and learning how they work.

Alina had become a ghost in the machines of many cybernetic networks...

We really did not know what to do with this lesson, we shouldn't really become bank robbers should we?

We were only missing out on a federal arrest warrant as a matter of convenience for our bank.

Nonetheless, we would be tempted to try this again, when Alina sent us a second card by special delivery...



Special delivery indeed...


One of our best friends at this time was a remarkable hostess who had many of the very best parties in Philadelphia.

On this occasion, soon after our bank heist with Alina, Jaqui was throwing another great party, Phillip Glass would be performing.

Jaqui introduced us to a guest who needed a reading.

We were reading tarots with Jaqui in psychic fairs for a very modest income then, earning barely travel and eating expenses.

We took our new friend upstairs to Emily's room.

Emily had been painting a very ordinary, sturdy wooden chair nearly all week, the new paint was barely freshly dried, a strong thick, many layered, well-applied coating of white glossy enamel.

The chair was spotless and empty.

We set our magick bag down upon the chair and our friend sat with us on the floor with us on opposite sides of a corner of the bed which became our table.

We read for our new friend and divined his problem quickly.

Our new friend was a Satanist, he was torn about sharing his Satanism with friends and family who were largley Irish Catholics.

This was a no-brainer.

We told him he hesitated to tell, not out of fear for himself, but out of fear of whom he might hurt.  That he might be hurt as well was of less concern.

He agreed.

We explained that he did not need to stroke his ego by sharing a secret that would only upset many people and alienate them from himself as deeply as he was already alienating himself from them.

Allow them their illusions that all is well for their own comforts.

As Prince of Lies, the Lord of the Underworld would certainly understand and approve, and perhaps the Lord of Light would aslo know that in his heart he loved his friends and families, and would approve of this as well.

We had seen the our Friend in Hell teach lessons of love, peace, and justice before; we anticipated Old Nick would approve of our advice if he wasn't already channeling it himself using our mediumship as a his channel.

Our new friend was deeply relieved to resolve this matter so well.

We arose with him from the floor, gathering up our cards.

We placed our cards in our bag and lifted our bag from the chair.

Below our bag was a shiny new ATM card, a card with twenty large numbers strung across its face...

The customer name embossed on this card said Jenifer Holler.

We were Roger Holler.

Who was Jenifer?

We had to meet her.

We searched throughtout the house, asking everyone who Jenifer was, showing everyone the ATM card we had just found.

Everyone concluded she must be our sister or our wife.

We knew no Jenifer Hollers then, although we would become one, later.

<twilight zone music crescendoes and fades away...>


We never did rob another bank, although we suspected we already knew Jenifer's new ATM card PIN.






Parts of this story currently blogged on Temple Illuminatus...

Alina, In the Beginning, Courtship
Alina toward the Middle, Before a New Begining, Intimacy
Alternative West, Learning to Channel
Alternative West, Sociology and Psychology
Alina, In the Middle, Suicide
Alina, Over The Hump, Bank Robbers
Alina, A New Beginning, Resurrection

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