This is a reoccurring dream I have had since I was 14 years old... 

I live in a shack that is not a shack because it is a home. I am doing the dishes and contemplating the fact that I am aware that I am dreaming and how beautiful the knots and whorls in the wooden wall panels are. There is anticipation, expectation for the coming evening. A guest is coming for dinner. Someone who has long been familiar to me. 

-scene change- 

Everything is set just right. The table is laid out with food and drink. There are three knocks at the door and I rush over to the door and open it. It is a Hare. I smile brightly and welcome my guest into my home. 

-scene change- 

It is late now. The sky is dark outside my shack windows and the fireplace is casting its warm glow over Hare and myself. We have nearly finished our meal and are talking about nothing when there is two knocks at my door. Hare and I look at eachother and I go to answer the door. I ask who is there and after receiving an answer I open the door. A Tortoise stands there. I know them to be a weary traveler so I invite them in and offer food, rest, and warmth and so I settle them in a chair by the fire with a warm bowl of stew. 

-scene change- 

It is well past dark now and the Tortoise has fallen asleep before the fire in a blanket I had carefully lain over them. I am concerned for their wellbeing but satisfied that they are resting safely for the night away from the storm outside. Hare and I are whispering over the table so as not to wake the Tortoise. 

Suddenly there is a single knock at the door and I look at Hare in trepidation. Something doesn't feel right yet despite my hesitation I make my way over to the door and ask who is there. There is no response. With dread I open the door. It is a Scorpion. 

(Sometimes it is a Snake sometimes it is a Scorpion. The latter has been occurring more often)

The Scorpion comes in and the Tortoise wakes startled. The Scorpion attacks the Hare and the Hare screeches and dies. I feel horrified and I try to wake up but I cannot. Everything stops and all movement ceases. 

-scene change- 

The horror is gone and everyone is lined up before me. They stare and I feel suddenly creeped out. I want to wake up but I can't. The Tortoise, The Hare, The Snake/Scorpion stare at me intently for a long time before I hear a voice say. 

"Remember. It is important. Remember." 

And then a pressure starts to build as it repeats and I stare into the eyes of the people/animals before me. It feels like something is pressing in on me but not crushing me and I can't look away. It says it one last time... 

And then I wake up thoroughly freaked out at the sheer level of weirdness the dream always gives me. I have no clue what its all about but it comes up about every other year or so. 

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