
A Candid Conversation with Mother Earth

I was pretty sure I posted this here, but since I can't find it.. I will post it again :)  This piece was written in 2009.  I was involved in a conversation on another forum where people were debating whether or not Earth was a living conscious.  Amazingly I discovered not all New Agers believe she is conscious.  Which is strange to me, but it is what it is.  So I went into my usual forays into my mind... at that time.. I did not realize those I heard were guides, so I called them my muses of my over active imagination.  When I hear voices are just like conversations and when I heard Mother Earth she had a very musical voice.  I hope you enjoy what I have to share. :)

Since being in a discussion of whether or not Earth is a conscious entity or not it made me ponder of what earth would sound like if I could hear her. So while the debate rages on, is she something more than just a rock floating through space I decided to take a small journey into my head where all the muses play.

Now often when I decide its time to play, I usually am met with anxious faces and voices rip roaring and ready to go. The place comes alive with images of distant places or wondrous worlds but at this moment I was surrounded in complete darkness. Was no one home? Oxymoronic statement I know, it’s my head after all but it never hurts to ask.

“Anybody home?” I asked as I wander into the darkness.

“shhhh…” a response immediately sounds.

Turning I look in the direction the sound came from to see my guardian standing quietly, listening intently for something, somewhere.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Shhhh…” my guardian answered and waved to me motioning me to come near him, “Can you hear it?”

“Hear what?” I asked. Apparently I’m being a little dense as his hand covered my mouth.

“Listen,” he whispered.

I did as he asked as I listened for whatever would come but unfortunately, I’m not as astute as most of my muses. But I proceed to listen into the darkness. Suddenly my guardian takes my hand and leads me further. It was several moments as I strained to hear anything save for my own breathing and the ringing in my ears but I decided it was best at this moment to remain obedient and stay sharp for any sounds that may come my way. Then suddenly out of the darkness from a small point of light way off in the distance I finally hear something. “Is that humming?” I ask.

My guardian looks down at me and smiles as he tugged on my hand, “Let’s go.” He led me towards this glimmer of light to where the sound of humming grew louder. There I find that several other muses have already gathered, my two youngest ones who usually always played games or caused a ruckus of some sort within my mind. But there they were, leaning on a railing that manifested for them as they seemed to be listening dreamily to the heavenly hum up ahead.

Stopping hand in hand with my guardian I look to the twins, “Who is that?” I asked wondering if I could just tear their attention away from the sound for a brief moment.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” the first twin said.

“Yeah,” the second one sighed in a dreamy fashion.

“They are not helping,” I whispered to my guardian beside me. But I did have to admit the woman who was singing was rather beautiful.

Holding my hand he smiled as he moved me forward whispering into my ear, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

It was also about this exact same moment when one of the twin’s elbow slipped on the railing causing a crash and a thud as he toppled over the railing head first. All of us went to his aid. “Are you alright?” I asked as we helped him up, none of us realizing that the singing had stopped.

The twin smiled at me and nodded as he stood up and brushed off his legs only then did we realize there was no song. Each of us turned towards where the voice once came, each one straining to see if we could hear her again.

“I have been waiting for you.”

I felt the hand of my guardian tighten his grip on my hand as all four of us were surrounded by the vastness of space. Stars would zip by as clouds, gas and dust burst into a kaleidoscope of colors as time and space seemed to fold in upon itself while expanding at that exact same time. Zooming forward the universe unfolded as we hurtled towards a shining star, soon Pluto passed, then Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, then things started to slow down as Asteroids floated past then Mars drifted by till we slowed to stop as we shielded our eyes from the brightness of light that slowly revealed Earth. Spinning silently in the darkness of space, but she herself was not silent. Her atmosphere vibrated that gave off a hum with lots of clicks and beeps radiating out into space. There was at this moment absolutely no doubt who the voice belonged to as we sat down, for it seemed she had something to say.

“Mother Earth?” I asked curious to know what she would want to be known by.

“That is one of the many names I go by, but you may call me Gaia.”

The most amazing thing as the four of us sat there watching the world before us was although there was a voice that was unmistakably Earths it didn’t quite seem attached. No the world didn’t suddenly grow eyes, nose and a mouth. She didn’t appear as a woman before us, but she was energy that belonged to the planet yet very much alive. So I nodded, since I was sure my muses were not about to talk for it appeared that I was brought here for very specific reasons so I figured I better ask before this event ended. “Mother Gaia….”

“Gaia is fine child,” came her response.

“Thank you,” I replied, “So there is a small debate going on whether you are conscious or not, how would you answer such if you could get everyone to listen?”

There was a small laughter that emanated from the planet. Her body silhouetted by the ring of light surrounding her. The laughter was almost childlike in expression but aged in the timelessness of time. “I am conscious indeed! Does an ant see the mountain it is standing on?”

“Um…” That was a little unexpected but as usual one of the twin’s hands was raised so high in the air he was practically bouncing on his tush.

“Oh, oh oh, pick me, pick me!”

I smiled shaking my head as he answered.

“Probably not, for it sees the land upon which it lives and probably knows that water flows only in one direction and that rocks tumbling down go in one direction but would the ant know it lives upon the mountain? Not necessarily but it knows it lives on something.”

“But humans know we live on earth.” I proclaimed.

“Yes but do human’s really know what they live upon?” she replied back. “An ant can proclaim the land is slanted, just as humans once thought my body was flat and can believe it with all their heart.”

“Alright, point taken.” I replied back, “So if you are a living conscious…”

“I am.”

“Sorry! Didn’t quite mean it like that,” I answered feeling a little silly for doubting her when she just said she was, I press on, “What I meant is, why can’t we tell you are a conscious?”

“Most know, but not everyone believes.” She replied in a gentle tone that whispered like the wind rustling through the trees. “I could go on, but this is not the direction I want this conversation to go in. But answer the consciousness I will. My consciousness currently is out of range of a third density mind for my consciousness exists in the fifth density.”

“Density means vibrations.”


“So where are you in Dimension?”

“That will take a little more explaining. Not long ago in a time before you were born, I was very ill. You see everything that occurs upon me affects me as it affects the reality you live in now. Every action has a reaction and the actions occurring upon me caused me to grow weaker. This in turn had devastating effects as I was having difficulty maintaining my light within and as I could not maintain my life I was dangerously unable to keep a healthy orbit, I needed help and so I asked. Should I have died, then indeed I would only be a mass of rock floating in space, life no longer exists within me or upon me.”

There was a long silence after Gaia spoke, each one of us looking at each other before turning our attention back to her. Silence continued further as her words sunk in. It was here where images would flash upon my eyes as I could see Gaia ill falling to her side, a shift in the poles where devastation would be wrecked upon her body. Not only did she list to her side the wobble in her rotation became more intense as she slowly was knocked out of orbit the moon intensifying the instability, her core cooling as her atmosphere was stripped away from solar winds of space. But she had help, she asked for help and they all came.

“Now,” she finally continued as the images faded from my mind, “with each new rotation and each successful orbit I have made a decision to finally return to where I wish to be. My free will in choice is to ascend and my destination currently is the fifth density and dimension. However I have all those upon me to consider for I wish all to make the journey with me therefore I am giving all a chance to make their choice, join me or be relocated to a world that matches the density they wish to stay.”

My brow rose as she spoke these words as I wondered if her free will now was to ascend to fifth density and humans were still third if that really was giving them a choice. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense especially when she said, that those who choose not to rise will be relocated to a world that would match the choice in density they wished to stay. It seemed harsh for from what I’ve heard is that in order to leave this world, pretty much means death. So I pressed on, “How is it that you are already in fifth and humans are in third, I thought the two were not compatible in vibrations?”

“They are not,” she answered with a sense that she was smiling. “My Conscience is in fifth density, but my body vibrates in fourth density and my dimension is in third on the cusps of fourth dimension.” She paused for effect I’m sure but I’m thinking she was picking up my confusion that she explained further. “My physical body is residing in two separate areas the third dimension ready to ascend to fourth to match my vibration that is currently in fourth. The reason for this is to allow those humans who are already fourth density to feel comfortable as well as allow those in third density the opportunity to rise. This cross platform allows for growth for all, on all levels.”

“Alright, then why 2012?” I asked, “Is this a deadline?”

“It is not so much a deadline as a goal,” she expressed, “2012 was only given as a marker in time for all involved in helping me and all who live upon me the chance to take the journey with me. Mind you, the transformation out of third density and dimension could happen instantaneously if all of humankind just recognized what it is to be fourth density. When that occurs then I can lift my body to be firmly entrenched in fourth density and dimension, then it will begin again as the journey to join my body with my consciousness in the fifth density along with all of those who chose to take the journey with me.”

“What about cataclysmic events like an earthquake or a volcano erupting?” I wondered.

“Why do you have pimples that erupt?” she countered with.

I blinked several times as I looked to my muses who only smiled back at me. “Um, because?” I realized I wasn’t very good at counter answers but answered in the only logical way I could think of, “ejecting crap from your body that isn’t supposed to be there.”

“That is a very humanly way of putting it,” she answered again with that small laughter that was akin to a child but filled with wisdom of the ages. “I am like any other living body. When your stomach feels sick, doesn’t it feel like a storm that has you racing to the bathroom to release what is causing you pain? It’s a similar concept.”

My mouth gapped open as I watched the world silently turn, amazed that she could be so….

“I am a soul too, but my purpose is quite different from yours,” she reminded me.

“Gaia, I’m so appreciative of you spending time with us,” I finally answered after a moment of just smiling at her comment. It would make sense, if she has a conscience she would have a soul, but I could also sense that my time at this very moment was nearly over and I didn’t want to miss my chance to express my thanks.

“It is my pleasure as it is my pleasure to be the support to all the life upon me,” she answered softly the song returning to her voice. “Do not think I am not aware of those who fight for me and those who take from me all have to make their own choice. I hear everything, the songs, the love to anger and disregard. I want all to join me in my journey, but I know not all will choose to do so.”

I watched her as the illumination that seemed to radiate around her intensified suddenly brightly. I felt the arms of my guardian wrap around my waist as I reached out and took a hold of one of the twin’s hands. All four of us made a quick short jaunt back into the darkness of my mind to where we all sat there in thoughtful silence.

“She’s remarkable isn’t she?” on of the twins asked where his brother nodded his head in agreement.

I just remained in the embrace of my guardian for a moment longer contemplating everything that happened when I finally looked to him, “You knew this was going to happened didn’t you?”

He grinned and gave me a nudge, “Did you hate it?”

I shook my head, “No, actually I quite enjoyed it. Thank you.”

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