James Widing
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Profile Information

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Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I got a welcome from estoric online.
About Myself & My Interests...
Im into quantumn mind healing and defense and have a plan to teach several techniques. one involves aligning your past, present, and future self in a prayer,
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
I have no teacher. I learned from reading and doing on my own. I have always felt that i was my own higher guide.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Too many to name. To even publish one book, is so hard and costs so much, props to anyone who does it, even if the book sucks.Michael crtion for jurassic park. The other guy who wrote star wars with george lucas and the guy who wrote the story with mars becomming green overnight i read when i was young. And the other one i read in middle school about it raining water on venus and the kids were stuck inside and wanted to go out to play.
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
Tool......And the singer.
John Willams for all the movie music
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
James Cameron for any movie he has made
Steven for any of his
oh and stan lee too for real, he found real xmen.....
Ghost Adventures because they figured out a lot of things
And the two other shows the dead files
and paranormal one with the kevin guy.
and many others whom the list goes on and
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:
Hg giger for the creepiest thing ever invented the xenomorph. I actually shared the bad dream like The lady did
Also Anything leonardo da vinici came up with inventorwise
along with Beetoven and other ones

James Widing's Blog

The Atuwaa probe device and the shining star

Posted on June 14, 2017 at 11:42am 2 Comments

Lets begin with the device everybody is trying to find. Let me describe a theory about what it is but first i must explain the lucifian expirment and its success and why it was created. First of all the shining star was the last star born in the last big bang or reality that came before lyrans. Our civilization will face certin death eventually when sol becomes a red giant star. But even if we make it. Our civilization will face it again when all the stars start to die one by one. Because...all… Continue

The disk of Phaistos

Posted on January 23, 2016 at 5:30am 0 Comments

Nobody has a clue, what the point of this bronze disk or what it was for...I had an idea. In the very center, is a coptic lotus figure.
Right next to it, eye distance apart, is the only other lotus on the disk. It prompt me to think of eyes. And then, since zeus was about observation a lot, I began looking at the disk in different forms of vision. I saw a third lotus. This disk, somehow filters through different types of people. Nobody ever looks at it exactly the same way.

I am and was Amen Samjasa, and yours is Amana Samjase.

Posted on January 23, 2016 at 5:10am 1 Comment

I was once called Amen Samjasa
You were called Amana Samjase.
Amana is your first name. Blonde UFO lady goddess.
I dont really know how or why or how this benefits me in any way. But I know it.

When you hit yo head really really hard and dont die.

Posted on December 22, 2015 at 7:32pm 1 Comment

Have any of you, like doctor emit brown and the bathroom sink, ever hit yo head so hard, a lot of not so normal things occur? an well instead of dying or a walkin, you actually, get smarter.....that may have happened to me. Hopefully...this one....doesnt scare you away....

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At 11:58am on November 17, 2022, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 3:32pm on November 17, 2021, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 7:20am on November 17, 2020, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 7:16am on November 16, 2017, SunKat said…

At 12:34pm on November 16, 2016, SunKat said…

At 7:09pm on December 24, 2015, James Widing said…
okay now its time to play clue, with some reverse reverse psychology back on you guys lol....all this is doing, is making me...non compliant...
At 7:38pm on December 21, 2015, kyst said…

Welcome to the Temple Illuminatus ! ( : Please do make your self at home and enjoy the many discussions & groups we have here ... I am sure you will find many that resonate with you .....feel free at any time to jump right in...And share your thoughts....or experiences... join a discussion or start your own..... If you have any questions we the admin team are here to help..... I look forward to future posts you share and getting to know more about you..... ( : Have a lovely eve!

Kyst (admin)

At 8:28am on December 21, 2015, James Widing said…
My High school expirence was way different then the norm. I went to school one day, and everyone was rebelling. The entire school ran accross the road and blocked traffic. The city swat team was brought in with dogs. And they pushed us back onto the campus.
I always was jealious at the kids who got to take physics. I never passed enough pre classes to qualify to take them. I ended up failing all my classes but studing electrical schematics instead, since nobody wanted to teach me what i wanted to learn, i did so on my own. I eventually passed it at an alternative online school, when i was allowed to take it anyways.
At 2:58pm on December 19, 2015, James Widing said…
Thank you. I have this to share with those who dare to read below.

The milkmaid:
I had a past life memory come up one time I will share that gets to me very deeply.
I got it while i was watching the dead files show. Everytime I saw the psychic girl's face Amy, I saw her wearing a bonet like it was the past. I never knew why but for a couple of years go by until it finally came to me when I asked why. I then saw her milking a cow in a straw filled barn, she was laughing really hard, sitting on a stool and i was standing in the doorway laughing with her. But the next part is the really sad part. Soldiers of the church burst through the door, and place a black bag over both out heads and placed on the backs of horses. Ropes tying our hands and feet. Taken to a courtyard at dawn. Tried by a council of clergy that decided to punish us for hersy and witchcraft. The church didn't want the conformed divination druid teaching women how to divne the future. So my sentence, was to watch her burn alive. And then, my punishment came. Tied to a rock by my feet and thrown into the river. Amy hates to speak of it. I only asked to know why i kept calling her milkmaid every time I watched the show. I hope I dont scare anyone away.

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Joke Corner

Posted by William J. Coblentz on May 30, 2024 at 5:57pm 9 Comments

coat of arms of McIntyre clan.

Posted by Ghillie Dhu on March 2, 2024 at 5:06am 4 Comments


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