Overcoming The Addiction To Negativity In The Matrix (Part 1)
An addiction to negativity in the matrix overlaps the world. Everywhere, people are trapped in unconscious compulsive behaviors that render us negative.
Any emotional attachment to anything three-dimensional that manipulates us into believing that our well-being and illusory happiness depends upon the emotional gratification we receive from the illusory sensory pleasure, is the poison that keeps us from what reality ultimately is.
An array of unconscious repetitive behavioral patterns is an addiction that needs attention.
Whenever you are unconscious in this three-dimensional plane, you are negative. This means you are on input mode and being run by the mainframe.
Most of our actions, of using various forms and arrangements of letters, numbers, shapes and sounds to justify our experience here as real, are holding us in the unconscious negative state.
Through using these constructs that have brought forth everything society has been molded into, energy is being brokered from you to add to the world of matter —matter which is the product of mass hypnosis of the mostly negatively polarized humanity.
“Mind gives rise to matter”
The world is filled with constructs and hierarchies of illusory power that serves to invalidate you as an all powerful soul, armed with the five elements of creation.
Your soul is the only reality that is relevant in this three-dimensional hologram. Seeking anything else as the answer to life that is part of the illusion, does indirectly invalidate your soul.
When you hand yourself over or grasp at any form of temporary delusional ecstasy resulting from an illusory hologram, then you inadvertently place the absolute on the sideline and put the obsolete in the center, where the soul must be.
Albeit we all do this temporarily, it is these inconsistent moments that are keeping us from gaining enough power to manifest!
“Soul gives rise to manifestation”
Many of ancient spiritual texts speak of “mind, body and soul.” Nobody has ever questioned the subliminal message hidden in this statement. Look at the order of these words, first we have mind, then body in the center and soul as the last word.
This spiritual quote insinuates that the body is in the center, which is a three-dimensional holographic construct. And subliminally spells out that the mind gives rise to it.
Indeed, what most people believe to be holding the most significance on this plane, is the body. Everywhere you look, people are paying billions to look beautiful and feed this body specific fuels, like it’s some kind of a formula one car.
You should deprogram this notion and overwrite it with body, soul, mind. Now we have the absolute cosmic consciousness in the center.
The mind does not tell the body what it is because it has to pass through the soul first. The soul negates the information technology of the mind that is the same mind as the collective unconscious mind that is hardwired to receive matrix-based nonsense from the main-frame (Luciferian mindset).
The body also, together with its DNA codes that play out in a sequence in your life, loses its power when the obsolete holographic truth of it is brought into the light of the eternal, untouched and pure soul.
The body and the mind want to remain in power and, when one wants to become soul centered once again, there may be a battle.
In order to win this battle, you can use this mantra which serves to hack the mind and body in order to eliminate and uninstall thought-forms that have been energized for most of your life.
Please see this article I have recently written to use this supreme mantra that WILL change your life.
Do you have what it takes to become positive, to manifest with freedom, unhindered by the matrix that enforces limited manifestation capabilities by the implantation of foreign thoughts?
Are you brave enough to become home in an unfamiliar space that feels like nothing, but is actually everything?
If there ever was any evolution to speak of, I think this enormous change from negative to positive is the juggernaut of all and will change the face of all matter we have come to worship.
Although time is a relative illusion, I believe it has been millions of years for humankind on the receiving end of a reality beyond their control. This is all about to change, and we are going to this now.
Stopping the process that generates a reality that is originally programmed to make us negative, so that we seek positive externally, will invert our world from input to output.
This is to say your output will manifest instead of the input from the matrix. You will become the hands and the fingers of the programmer, instead of being played like a game on thePlaystation, stuck in the effective hands of the creator.
In order for you to block programmers or hackers, any portals into your domain, you need to target the last unconscious behaviors that you still take part in, which stem from repetitious behavioral patterns.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is seen today as a psychotic diagnosis where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly, or feel the need to perform certain routines repeatedly.
Many of us exhibit such behavior on a daily basis without being aware that it is actually harming our progress to attain mastery over the positive pole of the matrix.
As long as you are doing anything that inserts foreign thoughts from the mainframe into your mind, then that behavior is prolonging your addiction to the matrix and slavery on the negative/input pole.
Having an average job already places one in this apparent psychotic criterion called obsessive compulsive disorder. Almost all jobs are repetitious and, guess what, the tiniest portion of our brain which we need the least is said to hold the origin of obsessive compulsive disorder behaviors.
In order to survive, most of us have to, unfortunately, partake in behavior that originates from the primitive reptilian brain.
Ironically, it is this portion of the brain that is concerned with survival and fear, the latter being much needed in a fight or flight scenario, though humans should have overcome the fight or flight state of consciousness by now.
When we spend half of our day running on the reptilian brain at work, it is no wonder we are controlled so easily, because fear is experienced in the same area of the brain that we use to do boring repetitious tasks.
We are manipulated to use this area of our brains through school, college and work because that’s the mass control trigger, through the fear that is generated from this primitive portion of the brain.
You should remember that fear is an emotion that exists only in a mind/brain that is programmed to validate its existence through the correct conditions. Refer to your soul, nullify the mind and body. It is not it!
If you can find a non-repetitive job or, even better, not work at all, go for it with everything that you have!
The iPhone is not called the “Eye Phone” for nothing. It is the greatest weapon of the all seeing eye that uses it to spread the information hacking virus to countless millions. It is a complete virtual reality in its own right, which deepens a person’s disconnection from soul-centeredconsciousness.
Social media serves to validate everything else as a source of reality, diverting our attention into rabbit holes of manipulation and deceit through images, videos, music, other people’s realities, media, applications, games, and the list goes on and on.
People that demonize the television yet spend time on the Eye-Phone everyday compulsively and repetitively, have fallen into an ego-trap.
It is insane to see what unconscious epidemic these gadgets have caused, as millions repetitively check their messages, e-mails and chat to friends for entertainment whenever they find some “spare time.”
If you have limited available time to just be free in a chaotic working environment, like myself, it would be very wise to just disconnect from all 3D programming whenever you have the chance.
What I am saying is that you should try resting in “nothing” (no 3-dimensional thing) whenever you can, or meditate.
The source of all power is here, and it is here where the deprogramming takes place, one light-particle at a time. Put the smartphone off and try putting your mind off for a while as well.
All books and knowledge that has ever been written has come from the product of thought, that has materialized into manifestation through the conduit called humanity.
One book that has completely shaped and fashioned our reality is a little black book called the holy bible. One book can hold much power when millions plug into that world constructed with only words.
It is not just the bible that offers a world to plug into and to experience as your very own. Every book out there has the power to do it, because within books we have the currency of matter: words.
Words have the power to enter you as thought-forms when you give yourself to them and, from here, they manipulate matter in your reality.
When we read words that we believe to be true and real then we sell a part of ourselves in return for a piece of the illusory 3D pie that we are delusionally after.
We think we are doing ourselves a favor by gaining more knowledge to help us gain an advantage in life, but what we are actually doing is we are manipulating our hologram with words to adjust our reality to something that we try to pin down as the absolute in our never ending quest for the meaning to life.
What results is this form of unconscious worship of an eidolon, due to the ignorance. We fail to understand that we are the absolute, the eternal state of wisdom, wherein ignorance does not occur.
Most of the people that write books actually need the negativity of others to become successful, as all people that plug into their realities serve to energize the illusion they wish to conjure through their work. It’s all about power and worship of the eidolon that they have created.
It is time to put whatever you are reading down and never seek to validate this illusion through a product of it again. A book is like a spiderweb, though it takes longer for you to eventually get eaten.
Of all the constraints, the time is above all the predominant factor that disconnects us fromconsciousness.
How guilty are you of checking the time when you do not really need to? Or wondering what the time is? How often do you feel waves of impatience surfacing in you as you try to make a living in this matrix?
And what is impatience, really? Impatience is the belief that time is real and valuable and that it can be wasted, never to be returned as one moment in time is different to all others.
It is one thing to need the time on a busy scheduled working day, but it’s an entirely different thing to need the time just for the sake of time.
Giving time legitimacy when you do not really need it, such as when you are on holidays, is complete lunacy. This is yet another form of obsessive compulsive behavior that originates from the fear and anxiety that time, somehow steals from you and ticks away your life.
Actually, time does not exist; tomorrow will be now, yesterday was now and in one hour from now it will also be now. All we have is the present moment.
Time gives matter the allowance to manifest, for without it there would be no “slowed down vibrations/ light/ frequency” that appear as solid matter.
Time allows the speed of light to gain solidity, in other words, time is slowed down light, and we measure it to determine the illusory spaces between the manifestation of matter.
The more you validate time, the more you fall into the effects of time, which are gravity and aging. This slows you down, as matter becomes frozen and subjected to time.
Eat lots of meat and just feel how everything slows down and even the emotions manifest of a dense slow rate, such as those at the bottom of the vibratory vortex: anger, grief, sadness, etc..
It is not just meat that particularly makes a person subject to the effects of time, but food in general (though meat is the worst of all).
Food altogether is “matter” and “time.” Some foods are just slower than others. When we enter into conscious manifestation, we will not be needing food at all, as only a terminal on one end needs the other to feed from, we will be outside polarity!
The body is the vehicle that we use in 3D, and we need it as light as possible to nullify the hold of gravity and time on it, so that it does not weigh us down.
“If you do not let go of the extra weight, then you will have to wait!”
Why is it that you have no memory of your premature infant state, before you have been introduced to the matrix-constructs of this world?
Scientists will say it’s because the brain was not fully developed, but we now know that thinking is omnipresent and the collective unconscious (CU) is connected to every human on an etheric, non-physical, level. The CU is accessed through the rise of thought and information in the consciousness.
The lack of memory is because you were still unsubscribed to time in the NOW where events are not divided into timelines.
Time gives legitimacy to the existence of matter, as time is the only true unit of measure. Without time we don’t exist, as time allows our vehicles to momentarily solidify into matter.
This can be seen by simply speeding up a film. You will notice that eventually, all the images disappear, which tells us that time allows this virtual 3D reality experiment to appear “real,” when, in fact, it is not.
As a premature baby you have temporarily not existed in the Mind or Body state. You were still resting in your eternal state, which was abruptly torn away from you by your parents, and this is when your memories started occurring as you started subscribing to time and space and the laws of matter that come with it.
Invalidating time on your path to attain immortality (a.k.a. soul center) shall serve you the most, as it is the number one illusory limitation that we face here. In the matrix we live by it, but we can try as far as we can to invalidate it when it is not needed.
If you do not need it to survive, then it can only benefit you to release the illusion of its slow-motion. Release the compulsive need to know it!
The only time we ever had is now, without beginning and without ending.
See you forever!
Reacting and resisting the matrix is in your DNA, because your ancestors — unknowingly — fought the invisible system, no matter what it threw at them. The time has come to let go.
Without reaction, there is no problem. Reaction is the start of any problem. In fact, reacting is the problem, for without it there can be no chain reaction to even more problems.
It sounds so easy to just stop reacting to all the bumps and curveballs thrown at you by the matrix, isn’t it?
But even when you think about not reacting it’s already too late, as you have, in fact, already reacted. And the thought that you should not react to a matrix-created situation is evidence of the guilt resulted from already reacting.
So, it seems that the matrix is one step ahead of our vehicle’s (i.e. 3D physical body) top capabilities.
How on earth are we supposed to stop reacting to life, which is what is strengthening our resistance to what is not wanted in our lives?
Realize that reacting is part of our genetic makeup, part of the DNA that constitutes our physical sentient bodies. We are hardwired to react to the matrix, and especially to what we have been programmed to perceive as “bad.”
To test your susceptibility to reaction you may simply ask yourself if any of the occurrences in this world are bothering you.
If the answer is yes, then whatever has the power to disturb you, will never seem to disappear from your life, following you everywhere like a shadow.
You may try and find the root cause of your problem through psychological or spiritual therapy, but you will never find the answer as the answer is you — like a software encoded in your DNA.
Emotions are the main catalysts that make us react to outside stimuli, which are thrown at us by the matrix, whilst academia teaches that emotions are caused by mental perceptions and reactions to the external environment. Another lie bites the dust.
Emotions are internally coupled with the body, as they are felt. Only the body feels, and the DNA tells the body what it is, so this means that how you predominantly feel is how your family predominantly felt as far back as your family-tree goes. All baggage is carried from one generation to the next.
This body-consciousness of most of humanity gives rise to all physical diseases experienced on Earth.
Feelings/emotions of a low-vibratory rate slow the body down so much that the electromagnetics start malfunctioning, leading to insufficient power for all vital necessary functions.
In Chinese medical literature it has been documented expertly how different emotions in excess cause different bodily functions to malfunction.
This lack of power is first and foremost contributed from vaccines that alters the DNA with toxic smog, causing it to mutate and receive and transmit light-codes inadequately for optimum health.
Our bodies are targeted immensely on this plane, and besides the vaccines that people are still taking into adulthood, your genes also hold the reactionary programming of your family and ancestors.
Poor health is not just simply poor genes. Poor health is also based on the beliefs that reform our DNA in life as we go. Some of the detrimental catalysts were making mom and dad the center of your world involuntarily when you were young, allowing school to tell you what is real and what is not, what is right and what is wrong, invalidating your soul and idolizing a fake god…
In fact, every experience after the great disconnection from your united connection with everything plummets you further into never-never land.
Because of the amnesia, all these events change our DNA and then the DNA feeds our bodies with the beliefs we were programmed by. Most importantly, poor health is experienced by the subconscious belief that the body is real and subject to time, matter and space.
These are also beliefs and all beliefs shape the matrix.
Are you a body-mind-soul being, or a body-soul-mind being?
Karma is a Eastern doctrine that arose while attempting to explain why some people experience so much suffering, while others bathe in glory and pleasure.
A person that incarnates here, initially has to deal with the result of the aftermath between the matrix and the souls of all his/her ancestors.
The DNA is the first obstacle to maneuver around for success in the matrix. If your ancestors were all perfect slave/clones to the matrix, then you will most likely experience the bliss and joy of total ignorance. The monks would say you are a good man and deserve good karma…
The more your ancestors have worshiped the illusion, the greater suffering is in fact in stall for you as you come here, especially with the mission of deprogramming what your ancestors have been up to for the last few millennia.
Remember that your DNA is connected with the DNA of your family members and especially with that of your mother and father, depending on your attachment to them and your willingness to accept that beyond the physical you are not “related family members”.
The Agent Smiths affect you though those you least expect, this is why it is so important to cut ties with anyone that in not beneficial to your mission of unplugging from the matrix.
The unconscious goal of having a child in the matrix for most is to share the burden of all the negativity so that one can be sparred longer by the weight of the demanding matrix.
Many children are victims of the projections of parents’ shadow-selves… They did not ask for it, they were not bad in a previous lives, it is just how the cookie crumbles in the 3D virtual reality.
We are all but the shared negativity of our collective families.
This is until we recognize that we must forgive them, because they don’t know what they do, and then it is a natural thing to simply let go.
Like all doctrines, karma is a lie! We are all self-created, we are all bestowed with the same amount of free-will.
The deeper one falls victim to unconsciousness in the matrix, the more it takes from your five elements which is what gives you free will and manifestation capabilities.
The only one to blame for selling out to an illusion is yourself, as the more you take of it, the more you lose yourself in the fake reality and, in doing so, you step further into the dark, and deeper into suffering.
Fire, oxygen, earth, water and ether are the building blocks of the entire universe, and what constitutes your soul.
The matrix was conjured by a malevolent group wishing to control the power of our souls and manipulate them into creating a illusory world of their liking…
Your own capitulation to the Luciferian mindset is the only problem you need to deal with, as every soul will eventually have to come to terms with the impermanence of all the wealth the matrix can promise.
If karma meant suffering through detaching oneself from Luciferian egoistic constructs, ridding oneself of the entity within that survives off the seven deadly sins, then it would have been closer to the truth.
Karma can be seen also as fear induced by nonsense, creating both the cause and the effect!
These two doctrines are the same, as it is only the belief that all prior actions in an illusory time-track determine the reality one finds her/himself in presently. In other words, time-based!
In the present moment, it hangs like an overshadowing cloud over the head of the devotee prohibiting free choice to only what is seen as good or safe in the eye of the all seeing eye, that can punish you with effects hailing from your actions/causes.
The only punisher here is your fear-inducing beliefs that cause guilt — the catalyst to fear a non-existent future event waiting to settle the score with you.
It is exactly the same as the threat of hell in the bible all over again, though disguised in more terms and deeply thought out doctrines.
Whenever a notion lends relevance to the possibility of guilt and fear relating to timelines, then you must label it a lie. Cause and effect, karma, is a lie.
There can only be cause and effect if you believe in it. Fear is the major determiner of effects, hence cause and effect is disguised fear.
Cause and effect is only available for those matrix-bound.
Can you feel the vibration of the plead to let go of everything this world gives you in the form of information technology that molds and shapes the mistaken identity of the mind that is programmed to download information technology in order to create a matrix of its own unaware that it is actually running on an malevolent alien algorithm pretending to be it?
Use the mantra IT IS NOT IT! And use it consistently!
IT IS NOT IT also shifts the problems arising from the DNA that feed ancient emotions, tendencies, habits and behaviors, which lead us into repeating the past, becoming trapped in a circle of “time” that is always the same.
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