A Traditional witch

it is not sufficient to say you are a witch or to practice magick. You must also live as a witch.
Do not look for excuses for why you cannot follow the path.
Accept responsibility for your failures as well as your successes.
Celebrate the phase of the moon and the changing of the seasons.

Do so not because it is part of a ritual calendar, but rather because these acts keep you in tune with nature and spirit.
Honor Spirit or the Goddess, but recognize that the spirits off all entities
in the universe are equal.
All life is sacred, all acts are ritual. Your actions should reflect your own
divinity and that of all beings.
Achieving balance with the earth is essential for a magickal life.
Responsibility toward the environment and the earth’s inhabitants should be
evident in the activities of your daily life.
Do not take more from the earth than you need to live. We are mere visitors
here; the earth is eternal.
Wealth and fame are not necessary ingredients for a magickal life.
Know that the joy of life is a gift. In his bones and blood.
Power is a sacred gift and must be used wisely and with humility.
Pride in one’s power will ultimately cause failure.
Power should never be used to prove your ability or in any form of competition
with others.
Power should be used to create happiness, not sorrow.
Be certain of your intentions when performing any act of magic. Magick is neither good nor evil, positive or negative. The Intentions of the magician determine the path it will take.
Act always with honor and accept responsibility for your actions. It is honorable
to protect your loved ones, but be willing to accept the consequences of your
actions with honor as well.
Words are sacred, use them wisely.
There is honor in truth.
Your word is sacred. Others must know that they can depend on you absolutely.
Learn to forgive yourself and others.
Knowledge is the foundation of the craft.

Never believe that you know enough.
Teach those who truly wish to learn, but take care that you do not teach those
who only wish to serve themselves or harm others.
Teach the craft with pride, but not to enhance your own pride.
Recognize that even the least knowledgeable of students may offer you lessons
you need.
Live your life in a way that is above reproach to the rest of the world. In
doing so, you will bring honor to all witches
Do not be drawn into the feelings of hate and anger expressed by others.
Be able to look into a mirror and be truly unafraid.

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