Ferret, Power Animal, Symbol of Keen Observation 

By Ina Woolcott 

Ferrets are members of the weasel family. Their medicine includes stealth, cunning, skillful hunters, cleverness, ingenuity, revenge, keen observation, ability to see hidden reasons behind things. 

Archaeological and historical sources suggest that ferrets have been domesticated for 2,500 years at least. Greek historical give reference to the ferret about 450 BC. Roman documents refer to the use of ferrets to hunt rabbits around the time of Christ. 

Very skillful tunnel hunters, it is believed ferrets were used by the Egyptians as well as farmers and seafarers to get rid of rodents in barns and on ships. However, the history of the ferrets domestication is speculative, without any concrete evidence, giving this small animal an illusive air. 

Ferrets are cheerful, playful animals with the inquisitiveness of the raccoon and the amiableness of a kitten. They are also opportunists, quick to take advantage and will filch anything they can drag to a safe hiding place to be used at a later time. Brainy and cunning the ferret shows us how to use our creativeness to build a safe haven for ourselves, and to stock up with things that may be needed - always be ready for any situation that may come into existence. The ferret is a good, helping ally to have around in hard time. 

With their eyes that point forward straight down their noses, ferrets are highly focused on what is in front of them. This reminds those with this power animal to stay focused on their goals. Ferrets have a fine sense of smell, and can see clearly in the dark, linking them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are kept. They have sharp intuition and their sensitivity is acute, they are able to see and know the hidden meaning behind every-thing. The ferret can help you understand your self, your life and the experiences you have far clearer. Use all of your senses equally if this is your animal guide. If underdeveloped you may have a leaning toward tunnel vision. An inflexible consciousness makes for needless concern and anxiety, therefore caution is advised. Having a light-hearted attitude and playful activities are helpful. 

When ferrets become scared or excited, their tail goes all bushy and they let out a musty scent, which assists in getting rid of some predators - however they do not feel safe until hidden deep inside their tunnel. For humans this represents the need for a secure life. If this is your power animal then you will need a special place where you can rejuvenate and also to contemplate. 

Ferrets are extremely nimble and quick, teaching us how to man-oeuvre super quick so as not be in danger. 

If this is your power animal do you need to move with more speed in some area(s) of your life? Are you wearing blinkers due to inflexible thought patterns that don’t let you see the bigger picture? Do you have a secluded, secure place for yourself? Do you get in your own way with your power of observation? 

The ferret is a powerful totem, and can aid you to uncover a hidden part of yourself, deep beneath the surface are the answers to life's mysteries. If you are finding it hard to comprehend something in your life, meditate on the ferret and listen to and follow what you are told if you so wish. 

Image result for Ferret

Image result for Ferret

Image result for Ferret

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