Spirituality is a process. Witchcraft is a journey, not a destination. There are many factors to consider when choosing a spiritual path. Spirituality is about devotion and practice. One cannot simply associate one’s self with a path, and call it their own. You must practice it. You must become a part of it. You must be willing and able to live that path.

The path of Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism is not about shock value. It is not about making your oppressive relatives angry, or proving yourself different in main stream society. Yes, by nature we tend to go against the grain, but not always so harshly. The path is about devotion. It is about finding a spiritual balance and focus that makes you a better person. It is about finding your place in the world that also helps make the world a better place.  

Giving advice is not easy. I struggle to find the right words and points to make. So many times I have tripped over my own feet. Often I have searched for answers, only to find that the very answers I searched for were right in front of me the whole time. I cannot be certain that the words I share here hold a candle to the path you are currently on.

I can only hope to help you along the way.

Have patience

Give yourself a break. There is a world of knowledge out there and there is only so much you can learn and practice in one day, week, month or year. Witchcraft is a path of dedication and education, you must be in it for the long haul if you are to gain the knowledge and experience you need.

Even after nearly 20 years of study and practice, I can only claim to have scratched the surface. So take a breath and take one day at a time. Take it one week at a time. Take it one month at a time. Through persistence and patience you will find what you seek.

Educate yourself

You, and you alone is responsible for your education. Read, read, and when you think you have read everything you can possibly read; and then READ MORE. Then when you are done reading, take classes, attend workshops, and so on.

As mentioned above Wicca, Witchcraft, and most forms of Paganism are intellectual paths. If you are not willing to read and educate yourself, this is not the path for you.

Start with the basics, there are many well-known authors like Scott Cunningham who wrote excellent books for beginners. BUT don’t stop there. Move on to read about complicated theories, biographies, ancient texts, philosophy, and so on. The content you read does not have to be directly related to the spiritual path you choose. Just never stop learning.

Below are several books I adore! They helped me a great deal when I was starting out and I am sure their authors’ wisdoms will help you as well. These books stand the test of time and are written by very wise people.

Have a good sense of humor

You must be able to laugh at yourself once in a while. If you are too serious you are depleting the energy Nature gives to you. Laughter and having a light heart, will get you through the toughest of times.

So when things seem extra frustrating and difficult, take a step back and find something that will give you a good laugh.

Spend time in nature

Nature is our greatest teacher.

Take frequent walks outside, go hiking, collect natural things to which you feel connected. Place them on your altar.

Honor nature every chance you get. Hug a tree. Smell the roses. Garden. Go camping… There are so many things you can do to connect with nature. Do this often and you learn what nature has to offer.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”


To become good at what you do, you must know your stuff. You can only gain knowledge through educated and repeated practice. Doing something once does not make you a master. You will need to make your spiritual practice a daily habit. Do it again and again, AND when you can – do it again and again.

Have personal conviction

Personal conviction is unwavering. When we have this we no longer need the approval or justification from others. This does not mean we “know it all”. Instead, it means we know what is right for us, intimately. This also does not mean what is right for you is right for anyone else.

When we think we know all there is to know we tend to jump down the throats of others who appear to have less knowledge. Take a step back, take a breath. There is no way we can know it all, even after years of study. Listen to others, first with a proactive and open-minded approach. Their convictions will be different than yours, and that is ok.

Keep an open mind

I know I just touched on this, but I can’t stress this point enough. There are many views, people, and ideals in Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism. Many that might challenge your beliefs – sometimes a little, and sometimes A LOT!

There is no one right road. There is no one path. Your path, although it may seem similar to someone else’s, is vastly different simply because it is your path, and your path alone. It is unfair to hold others to the same conditions, expeditions, limitation and standards you hold for yourself.

Develop a sense of compassion and empathy

To me this is an essential quality of any student, practitioner, teacher and most of all; leader. I am not suggesting you have to dance around with rainbows and bubbles spewing out of your fingertips – I am simply saying you need to have compassion for those around you. This goes back to being open-minded. Help those in need and you will find something marvelous happens in return.

Yes, there will be times that someone is absolutely wrong about something. This does not mean you need to eat them alive. Be gentle and help them understand the conflict with their ideals. Don’t expect to change their mind simply because you say so. Instead, help them understand through compassion, or keep your mouth shut and walk away.

Follow your path with dignity & respect

This can also be called professionalism. I am a huge believer in being professional. After all, there is a time and place for everything. 

This one is directly related to how you act and appear in the world. As a practitioner of Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism you are the poster child for how others view us as whole.

Showing respect should go without saying, but I find that this point must often be reminded. I know your mother or grandmother taught you basic manners, use them. It will not cost you anything and you have everything to gain from using them.  

Knowing when, where & how

Like I said: there is a time and a place for everything. It is up to you to know when, where and how.

Look at it this way, Nature is kind, she is also vicious. You must know when and where the appropriate attitude and actions apply. Be silly, be serious, be loud, be gentle, just know when, where, and how.

Need an example? Cracking an inappropriate joke or making an insulting comment during a ritual is wrong, don’t do it. If you have to question if what you want to say is appropriate for the situation, you should probably keep it to yourself.

Find a really good teacher, no find a GREAT Teacher

YES! Find someone with a good reputation in the community to help you learn. Learning on your own can only take you so far. You must at some point find a teacher who will take your practice to the next level.

There are many wise Pagans out there ready and willing to teach. Whether the teacher charges for his/her knowledge or not, find someone you trust and feel comfortable working with. Do your homework on this person, coven, or group. Interview the potential teacher(s), ask questions, and spend some time with them so you know if you make the right fit. 

Pay for your education & educational materials

There are MANY people out there who believe accepting and paying money for spiritual educational services is wrong. I am not one of these people.

In our culture the offering of money in exchange for products, knowledge and service is a direct show of respect and value, there is no denying it. It is perfectly acceptable to pay for service that benefit you. Why? Because they are benefiting YOU!

In addition, paying for services like education makes it more likely that you will show up and be present. You will be less likely to flake out on the material or presenter. When you have to pay for something you will make sure that this something is what you really want. After all you want your money’s worth.

Money is energy, energy is Magick. The exchange of money demonstrates your dedication to your education and spiritual path. This sends a direct and clear message to the universe. When we pay for service, knowledge and help we are showing the universe that we are ready for the next level of wisdom and consciousness. I will write more about this in another post.

Another point to make here is that you don’t always have to shell out cash to show the universe your dedication.  

Perhaps the teacher does not believe he/she should accept money for their services. This is when you can step in and help him/her in another way. Perhaps you can help spread the word about their blog, services, new book, etc. Maybe you can help them clean up after a workshop or seminar. Maybe you can offer a service where you are knowledgeable, like computer work or marketing help.

When money is not an acceptable form of exchange, you can find other ways to show the value you place on your education.

Refrain from Hypocrisy

Walk the talk! It’s as easy and that. When you honest and dedicated to your path this will not be hard to accomplish.

Find your balance

Balance is not something you attain once and keep forever. Balance is something you work to maintain daily, and even hourly. It is about checking in with yourself and deciding if things need adjusting. When we have too much turmoil and stress we are imbalanced. So take note of your actions, feelings, and thoughts often.

Energy follows focus, and what consumes your thoughts will consume your life. Like an arrow being pulled back on a bow string, our thoughts, emotions, and mental focus leads us to our next blessing or curse in life.

Keep your head in check. Don’t allow others to control your emotions, thoughts, or mind.

Be confident

Your energy will waver as soon as you do. Remember Magick is energy, and you are the energy in your Magick. You must know yourself and know your practice to be successful. 

Confidence comes with education, experience and practice. Some people are automatically confident. Others need a little push in the right direction. Find your confidence so you can be effective in your practice.

Care for yourself. Eat healthfully, exercise, and make time for you

Take your fingers out of your ears and listen. *chuckle*

This is another critical element for being successful and dedicated to your practice. If you do not take care of you, who will? If you are constantly taking care of everyone one else, what is going to happen to your energy over time?

I guarantee you will be depleted and you will not be effective in your workings. Then what is left? You will not be around to care for anyone, much less yourself. To perform well you need to be well. Self-care is essential to the practice of Magick. You need to eat healthfully, get enough rest, take a break now and again, and exercise daily. Alone time is critical in knowing you and replenishing your stressed out mind. Take time for you and make sure you are healthy both mentally and physically.

I know I could say so much more, but I think this is enough for now. I hope you find my words and experience helpful! 

Bright Blessings,

Leandra Witchwood


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