by StarStuffs

Various mollusk family members are listed here and many are not found on any other websites at this time of this publication*. All the information contained herein is written by me upon contemplating these wonderful creatures. The following is a brief overview of some mollusks and their reflective energies.

Above all learn to listen to your heart and hear your intuition in discerning your unique relationship with an animal totem. No one can give you the answers to your personal pathway and the connection to the animals that come to you. This web site encourages you to awaken your self by tapping into your own wisdom.

There are a wide variety of animal dictionaries available in bookstores, from Audubon's field guides to the mysticism/occult. Among the countless sources of information, this is to acquaint you with some of the qualities of our animal relatives.


Abalone sheds light on your strengths with a vibrant iridescence. He can teach exceptional strength and the art of adaptability to suit the moment. Surround yourself with attractive colors and decorative objects. Pay attention to diet as this affects mood. Abalone reminds you to take care of yourself as you may be prone to allergies, colds, inflammations. He will show how to balance business with rest. Pace yourself and be persistent. He teaches security, being anchored and securely attached to a thought, idea, concept or project. He aids in discerning which attachment is the most correct one for you. Pay attention to the color or colors he shows you -black, unconscious, peace -red/pink vibrancy, life force, -green, healing, heart -blue emotions, spiritual. Communication is important, either giving or receiving. Observe and listen carefully. It is a time for you gather your poise and confidence and go forward with enthusiasm.


Chiton medicine is similar to Limpets in many ways. She teaches security, being anchored and securely attached to a thought, idea, concept or project. She aids in discerning which attachment is the most correct one for you. Chiton guides you home again to a safe secure atmosphere, your own unique place of being connected and grounded. When Chiton comes to you it offers an opportunity to show graceful balance in life as well as grounding attributes to make all things possible. These small creatures are also a close cousin to the snail and have many qualities of Snail that applies; pacing oneself, persistence, perseverance, focus, determination and strength. Physical knowledge, protectiveness and visual input play a part in what Chiton teaches. What is wonderfully unique about Chiton is the exceptional skill of communication in order to get spiritual, mental, emotional nourishment. She can show that working with crystals aids in heightened psychic and physical sensory abilities and perceptions.


Clam teaches many aspects of balancing the mind, body and spirit. There are times to go within for answers, to find inner strength and resolve, to tap into deep emotions. There are times also to be more reserved, patient and tender. Clam will show when to move. Are you expressing emotions and thoughts or are you suppressing them? Do you need to dig deeper for answers? Clam can demonstrate the art of staying closed versus staying open in thoughts, emotions and perceptions. Clam shows how to use the rhythm and pulses of life and being aware of the natural cycles. Clam's lesson spans several months, so he will teach how to persevere with patience and perfect balance. In relationships or work and home, clam will help find this balance. Are you not exercising or exercising too much? Are words and actions too sharp or too soft? Do you find you are vivacious or calm? Clam will aid in finding harmony. He shows how to move toward the light and your inner truth rather than succumbing to the gravity of life. There are internal gifts and rewards with numerous future potentials in learning the balance of the vast array of feminine and masculine qualities. Clam medicine will show the dynamic balance between the internal and external worlds. There is great personal empowerment in what Clam can teach. Clam wants to know if you are ready for this? He will teach much about yourself.


Conch represents right speech and intentions to uphold truths and beliefs. This large mollusk teaches the awakening of the heart and to love along with sacred ceremonial religious practices. Its internal flame gives structure for enhancing power, authority and a special sovereignty for effective spiritual evolution. He offers opportunities for gatherings and meetings which may coincide with spiritually aiding others. Beginning something new has great potentials. Have persistence, focus, determination and strength. He teaches security, being anchored and securely attached to a thought, idea, concept or project. Are you playing your choices in an artful fashion? He will show how to play your true song and find your inner pearl. Crystal meditations with help connect with Conch medicine as its wisdom will enlighten your sacred pathway.


Cuttlefish teaches lessons of adaptability and maneuverability in situations along with the fine art of camouflage. In communication, she demonstrates seeing other viewpoints with compassion often taking on others ideas, thoughts and feelings. Polarities will teach discernment and awareness of the world around you. Communication may include light and color as well. Surround yourself with metallic colors; gold, silver, blues, greens. Is it time to fulfill or embark on writing or artistic endeavors? Cuttlefish medicine aids and balances the emotional realm along with increase perceptions including the polarization of light for sharp contrast. One of the unique key features she teaches is the power of intelligence and/or tapping into a higher intelligence. A period of education and learning is emphasized. Her internal shell, the cuttlebone, shows internal strength and nourishment as calcium is the key ingredient. How is your diet? Be confident in being yourself. Cuttlefish shows movement with grace and flare.


These small creatures are close cousins to the snail and have many qualities of Snail that applies; pacing oneself, persistence, perseverance, focus, determination and strength. Pay close attention to your feelings and inner knowings. Limpet teaches flexibility and completion of endeavors along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. Slowing down will bring balance and harmony and restore peace within. Are you or should you be more symbiotic with others? Are you eating a balanced diet? She teaches security, being anchored and securely attached to a thought, idea, concept or project. She aids in discerning which attachment is the most correct one for you. Limpet guides you home again to a safe secure atmosphere, your own unique place of being connected and grounded. When Limpet comes to you it offers an opportunity to show graceful balance in life as well as grounding attributes to make all things possible.


Mussel teaches many of the lessons of its Clam cousin; balancing thoughts, emotions and perceptions and expressions of energy. The subtle lessons that Mussel teach is one of being an individual while being in the crowd. Mussel allows personal expression of gender, ideas and emotions paired with the security of/by and with others. She aids in being true to oneself. She shows how to enact an inner transformation. She teaches how to attach oneself to strong beliefs, convictions and decisions and choices to weather the ebb and flow of the force of life. A network of family and friends is important to provide strength as mussel will demonstrate. Mussel shows how inner strength anchors to a solid foundation. Rewards are great with patience if you listen. She reminds you that you are never alone. Is it time to let go of outgrown values, ideals, beliefs and/or relationships? Mussel can teach this principle of letting go. This process can take 3-6 week before finally settling down. Mussel will help you adjust and how to flourish in the best place that suits your needs. She can help with the three stages of change; what is old and outdated, awareness and realization, and empowering the new with a solid action with confidence. Mussel helps balance the mind, body and spirit and creates a spiritual, emotional and psychological healthy base of being.


This creature teaches balance and proportionality in all things. He demonstrates blending into surroundings, with people and in situations. He is about reaching out and listening to others with compassion. Nautilus can show how to use logic and wisdom along side empathy and higher insights. He can teach pressure resistance and endurance when under pressure. Nautilus medicine helps one swim emotionally through life and provides buoyancy. His lessons develop over a span 8-12 months. It is a time to remember your innermost wisdom and guidelines. He speaks of remembering you ancient knowledge and wisdom.


Nudibranch, which is a type of Sea Slug, teaches to smoothly move in emotional waters. He shows how to move in a slow and steady pace by grounding in attitudes and principles all the while taking small steps toward the goal. Slug properties also apply: the power of letting go of harmful thoughts, ideals and emotions along with teaching navigational abilities and agility in the dark, unknown and all that is hidden with confidence. It is very sensitive to vibrations of light, dark and shadows with the ability to see with clarity along with the ability to "feel" you way in situations. Listen to intuition and senses along with your dreams for they will aid you in the direction you should be going. Is it time withdraw your feelings, sensings, psychic energies? He will show when to move and when to rest by discernment. This creature is highly adaptive by using impressive camouflage and the ability to incorporate "toxins" while ingesting knowledge and wisdom. Is it time to learn something non-traditional? Depending on the type of Sea Slug time periods span <6 weeks up to year for the symbolic cycle. How are you displaying your colors? Incorporate its colors into your wardrobe and surroundings for connective energies.


The lessons of Oyster are nearly the same as what Clam teaches. The core lesson is about balancing the numerous aspects of our lives. Finding harmony in the emotions, equalizing actions and following your inner guidance. *Please read Clam for more insight. There are subtle differences that only Oyster specialize in and can teach. Opening to beliefs, attitudes and widening perceptions may be needed. Oyster teachers the allowance of incoming information to nurture and sustain, heightens the quality of discernment along with filtering what is needed and not needed for overall health. Oyster aids in recognizing where and when to lay foundations. Are you relocating? Someone new in your life? Undertaking a new project? It is time to solidify what has begun. Beginning something new has great potentials. The highly transformative ability of Oyster will assist in the changes within a few weeks and lasting quite possibly for lifetime. Use your intuition and follow your heart for wisdom. Endeavors will be well grounded. Oyster medicine aids with growth potentials also with adaptive behaviors. Whatever shape your life is taking right now, Oyster will teach in finding the perfect balance and harmony and to lend resources for creating solidity in your life.


Scallop's lessons are nearly the same as Clam with core lessons of balancing the many aspects of our life such as finding harmony in thoughts, actions and emotions as well as finding opportunities while moving with patience. *Please read Clam for more insight. One of the subtle difference that Scallop teaches is movement by opening up; in mind, spirit and emotionally. Scallop shows the importance of how being open to what life brings and taking advantage of key opportunities. It is not a time to hide, it is a time to be visible and to use your strength, energy and determination to reach your goal. It is the perfect time to start anew with flavor and zest. The balance of opening and closing oneself in life is a valuable gift that Scallop will help you perfect. Scallop can aid in using emotions to advance and gain new understanding of circumstances and situations. Are you expressing your emotions for further development? Are you expressing too much or too little? Scallop shows how to utilize and maximize what you see in the world to its fullest potential. Be aware and listen to perceptions and intuition as Scallop propels you forward. Scallop medicine will help in balancing as you continue onward in your journey.

Sea Butterfly (Sea Angel)*

Sea Butterfly is a type of snail that teaches to swim freely in emotional waters, letting go and floating along with the currents of life. She is sometimes known as a Sea Angel. This creature teaches the art of listening to intuition that guides movement in the depths of the emotional world. Moving with grace and flexibility, she flies and floats taking in emotional and spiritual nourishment. She teach passivity but also being aggressive when needed. With or without a shell, she is nonetheless delicate and translucent. Since it is nearly colorless, she shows how to utilize transparency, discernment, seeing through the core issue. Take opportunities to be around others as they will help uplift you in knowledge and wisdom. Sea Butterfly teaches flexibility along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. She aids in transcending to higher levels especially in regards to what is hidden and anything connected to dream time. She also has grounding lower realm properties as well as ethereal ones. She can teach movement between these worlds. Time span is typically a 24 hour cycle. When Sea Butterfly comes to you it offers an opportunity to show a graceful balance in life with great potential for progression in all aspects of your life.

Sea Hare*

Sea Hare, which is a type of Sea Slug, teaches to smoothly move in emotional waters. He shows how to move in a slow and steady pace by grounding in attitudes and principles all the while taking small steps toward the goal. Slug properties also apply: the power of letting go of harmful thoughts, ideals and emotions along with teaching navigational abilities. He remains balanced and steadfast. He will teach how to follow intuition and instincts by an extremely heightened sense of "smell" so follow the faintest scent to discover the root and/or cause. Sea Hare guides movement in the emotional world. Listen to your dreams. Sea Hare uses camouflage matching the surroundings. Are you blending in? He helps discern when to use defenses when threatened. The color of Sea Hare is the color of what it eats. Pay attention to the color. Observe and incorporate its colors into your wardrobe and surroundings for connective energies. You are what you eat - are you eating a balanced diet? Communication is emphasized as Sea Hare provides a quiet confidence and strength. Your current cycle corresponds to the solar radiation of the sunspot cycle. Can you find a pattern to the past? He will help recognize and heal this part of you.


Slug teaches to smoothly move in your surroundings. He shows the art of pacing oneself and focusing on the goal along with determination, strength and persistence. He shows how to move in a slow and steady pace by grounding in attitudes and principles all the while taking small steps toward the goal. Slug teaches the power of letting go of what is not needed. Letting go of harmful thoughts, ideals and emotions, this is how to move forward! It is time to "leave it behind." He also teaches navigational abilities and agility in the dark, unknown and all that is hidden with confidence. Heightened sensitivity to vibrations, the ability to see with clarity and the tactics of reservation and withdrawal when needed. Slug will show when to move and times to rest. There is great power in this timing. Pay attention to your perceptions's and senses along with your dreams for they will aid you in the direction you should be going. Slow down and enjoy the moment.


Snail teaches to move smoothly in your surroundings. Many qualities of Slug apply (see above); pacing oneself, persistence, perseverance, focus, determination and strength. Snail shows that taking small steps is the way to reach current goals. Ease of navigation through life's obstacles, tenacity and holding power and the art of timing. Pay close attention to your feelings and inner knowings. Is it time to retreat and rest? Or is time to come out of your shell and go forth? Snail demonstrates the proper use of defense mechanisms, the power of letting go, and the ability to cushion oneself in life's circumstance especially on the home front. It may be a time to be more protective and nurturing and beautify the surroundings and home with sensory stimuli. Snail teaches flexibility and completion of endeavors along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. Slowing down will bring balance and harmony and restore peace within. When snail comes to you it offers an opportunity to show a graceful balance in life is possible.


Octopus teaches lessons of adaptability and maneuverability in situations along with using the art of camouflage. Listen to your intuition. Communication may include light and color at this time. Is it time to fulfill or embark on artistic endeavors? Time to rest or move? He helps in moving between the un/subconscious worlds. The power of intelligence and working efficiently is a key feature for Octopus. He can show the power of flexibility in working towards a goal. A time of independence, contemplation. Working behind the scenes will create a solid foundation to move forward.


Squid guides movement and productivity at night and aids in finding what is hidden. As with Octopus, the art of camouflage is important. She teaches adaptability to situations and concealment until the moment is right. Squid aids and balances the emotional realm. Communication may include light and color at this time. Is it time to fulfill or embark on artistic endeavors? She will show how to be aware with the skill of retreat. Curious and observant, Squid medicine helps in transitioning between the un/subconscious worlds leading you to explore more facets of your spiritual being.

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How interesting, all of this!


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