King Unas, Immortal Child of Lilith
A discussion around and about
The Papyrus of Ani
Late keeper of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities
in the British Museum
The Papyrus of Ani is one of a large number of sacred texts which make up the Book of the Dead, and it is said that the origins of certain of the texts are very old indeed. As the translator and transliterator of the Book of the Dead, E.A Wallace Budge says:
“The evidence derived from the enormous mass of new material which we owe to the all-important discoveries of mastaba tombs and pyramids by M. Maspero, and to his publication of the early religious texts, proves beyond all doubt that the greater part of the texts comprised in the Book of the Dead are far older than the period of Mena (Menes), the first historical king of Egypt. Certain sections indeed appear to belong to an indefinitely remote and primeval time.”
Further to this , he states quite correctly that;
“To fix a chronological limit for the arts and civilization of Egypt is absolutely impossible.”
The establishment, controlled by patriarchal religious intrests, does not want the people to know about the actual architects and builders of the pyramids - who they really were, how they achieved such impossible feats of construction and architecture, using advanced methods and when exactly the pyramids were built by them.
It is impossible to carbon-date rock or stone – so in fact, the official view is as much a “guesstimate” as any other theory on this basis . For although the stone can’t be dated, the unbelievable Archaeo-astrological and other physical and textual evidence , supported and verified by many experts “outside of the fold”, indicates that the pyramids were aligned perfectly to not only Orion’s belt, but also, incredibly, the constellation of Cygnus – The Swan, which is the Cackler, the sacred bird of Au-Set, and one of the Ancient Egyptian creator symbols. The pyramids were perfectly aligned to these stars as they appeared over the horizon, around 12,500 years ago, and in fact even the outlying pyramidions and Mastabas are aligned with various stars in the Cygnus constellation. This cannot be a co-incidence. And it means that the great Pyramids at Giza were constructed by people who possessed advanced knowledge of the stars, beyond anything that humans were only supposed to have discovered or used well into the industrial age.
The builders also had the ability to levitate incredibly heavy stones into perfect positions, many hundreds of metres above the ground – without the advantages of heli-lifts or large lift cranes, the most powerful of which cannot manage to do what the builders did, even with the technology of today, and at a cost beyond limit.
They had the genius to cut the blocks of stone so perfectly straight that the edges fit together with space-age precision. How did they cut the stone, all the thousands of blocks, and fit them together to last over thousands of years without any mortar? How did these “primitive” valley dwellers manage to lay out the pyramids according to the formula of Pi – and sacred geometrical principles which weren’t “invented” at that time? The ancients certainly knew that the outer planets of our solar system existed, and charted their passage through the heavens long, long before these planets were “discovered” in the late 18th and early 19th century CE. (Common Era).
Although the overwhelming proofs are there for anyone to see, the facts have been twisted to keep in line with the controlling powers’ religious and philosophical views; and the true facts concealed. It seems to me that whenever the average person is exposed to undeniable, in-your-face facts which contradict their particular religion’s views on the matter, they just seem to “blank out” ; as if their waking conciousness cannot deal with the alternative which is uncomfortable as it doesn’t fit in. As those who sleep, they rest in blissful ignorance, accepting as gospel any old rubbish that the establishment teaches as historical “fact”.
Anyway, I am digressing, so back to the fascinating sacred texts of THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. In particular, The Papyrus of Ani; one of the most well-preserved of the sacred papyri that were somehow able to survive the centuries of zealous Coptic and Islamic scourging of ancient Pagan texts.
So if all available evidence leads us to consider that the texts are extremely old, and definitely pre - patriarchal, we must consider that these texts can reveal more than just a watered-down and altered mythology , edited by the male-dominated religions to suit their own at the expense of Pagan Spirituality. These texts are really ancient, and come from the depths of so-called “pre-history”.The Papyrus of Ani was compiled in around 1500BCE, although it should be taken into account that the true origins of the story of King Unas are part of an oral tradition the actual age of which , as I mentioned previously, cannot be determined.The story had been passed down from generation to generation and some of the contents of the papyrus are based on actual inscriptions on the Tomb walls of the Pyramid of Unas.
Unas was a King, and thus wed to the Goddess, as every ancient King was. Only by marrying the Goddess, could a King ascend to the throne in ancient days. This was called the Hieros Gamos, or sacred marriage. Of course, long before any male was King, the woman was Queen and Supreme Ruler, the High Priestess of the ancient Sabaean Pagan Serpent religion - just as Lilith, Queen of Sheba was in the days of Solomon, the Pagan King of the Hebrew people.
Long before any King ascended the throne, Queens held sway, and so, it is obvious that the story of Unas was altered from the feminine by the Priests of Annu, just as the essence of the ancient Egyptian myths were changed by the early Coptic Christian priests, to suit the theorems of Dualism and the concepts of hell, the devil and absolute good vs absolute evil.
The Lake of Fire, which is actually a synonym for the Cauldron of Purification, was made synonymous with the notion of an everlasting Hell-fire by the early Copts. The legends were all given a healthy twisting and given subtly new meanings which reinforce fear and fear-based theologies at the expense of the Divine Feminine.
What is interesting to students of metaphysics is the concept of the resurrection of the spiritual body and the immortality of the soul. The ancient Egyptians were unanimous in their belief in the Afterlife, and thus, a person’s entire life was dedicated to this ultimate reality.
This is essentially why the ancient Pagans did not need an evil devil, or a system of control in the form of a religious state control mechanism; we simply lived by the 42 Ideals of Maat, which is Truth, the Highest Virtue. This allowed people the freedom to worship and live their lives as they would wish them to continue in the Afterworld, in Heliopolis , or Heaven, where one will sit face to face with the Divinities and be protected, loved and guided as it is in everyday life.
Although the Great Pyramids were not used primarily to bury deceased Pharaoahs, as some would lead us to believe, the death of a King was regarded as a significant event; and mastabas , smaller pyramidions and such were built to house the Sarcophagus together with the treasures that the King was buried with. The King was typically embalmed, and many valuable items were buried with the deceased, to be available in the afterlife for his personal use. Offerings of Incense, cattle, riches beyond belief and even thousands of loaves of bread and jars of ale were given up to him by his subjects to sustain him in his journey through the underworld and successful re-birth. One tomb discovered recently even had several kilograms of Cannabis sativa buried with the deceased.
Most of the smaller pyramidions had been stripped of anything of value long before Europeans arrived on the scene – and a strange thing is that although the Great Pyramids are said to be giant tombs, there is nothing within the great Pyramid structure itself to suggest that it was ever in fact used as a tomb. No inscriptions on the walls were ever found there, which is strange because in every other funerary pyramidion or mastaba is covered with inscriptions dedicated to the Pharoah concerned. Needless to say, the internal and subterranean structures within the Pyramid of Giza resemble a giant energy-generating machine or device of unknown technology. Pyramids do after all, generate energy all on their own, by virtue of Sacred Geometrical principles.
The pyramidions built by the Egyptians were constructed much later than the Great Pyramids of Giza which may have been constructed some 75 000 years ago or even earlier on – truly of an unknown antiquity. The Pyramid of Unas was built on the plains of Sakkara, and measured around sixty-two feet in height and two hundred feet at the bases.
It had been desecrated and robbed when re-discovered by Maspero in 1881. They found a black basalt sarcophagus which had been broken open, and anything of value long gone, stolen by grave-robbers who were not yet aware of the consequences of their actions.
However, the walls within the tomb were covered in decipherable text which forms an important part of The Book Of The Dead.
King Unas ruled from 3333BCE (Before Common Era), and was served by priests of the Annu school, who primarily venerated Ra, the Sun God whom the Great Sorceress Au-Set stripped of some magickal power much earlier on in herstory, to effect the return of the vital balance between divine feminine and masculine principles and to restore order to the Universe as a result.
An inscription from the text in his pyramid reads as such :
“O God, thy Annu is Unas; O God, thy Annu is Unas. O Ra, Annu is Unas, thy Annu is Unas, O Ra.
The mother of Unas is Annu, the father of Unas is Annu; Unas himself is Annu, and was born in Annu."
Elsewhere we are told that;
“Unas cometh to the great bull which cometh forth from Annu, and that he uttereth words of magical import in Annu."
Annu was this religious school’s interpretation or visualisation of heaven, a place where the most ancient of Goddesses and Gods , the First Gods and our true Ancestors lived.
“In Annu dwelt the great and oldest company of the gods, Tmu, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys.”
Note that there are nine original Goddesses and Gods who made their appearance before any other. Nine, and multiples and divisions of nine, are the numbers of the Great Goddess.
The souls of the just and worthy devotees would live in Annu after physical death and forever be face to face with the Goddess and God.
Annu and The First Gods were very highly venerated and worshipped under the rule of the Pharaohs Pepi and Unas as they obviously were during the millennia before the later dynastic period .
One should bear in mind that all religious and spiritual texts are interpreted and re-interpreted over the passage of time. There was a gradual progression from a Goddess - centered spirituality to male-dominated forms of religion in many places around the world. The matriarchal rulers of ancient Egypt were replaced by patriarchal ones, and this was reflected in the myths where the new emphasis was on the male heroes and Gods with formerly all-powerful Goddesses and Queens being placed in less-important roles and positions of power.
Although the genders may have been reversed in many traditions, the essential message remains the same. Thus, the Supreme God , Neter, is the same as the Supreme Goddess.In the beginning was the Great Mother, the true Primordial Chaos, Nun. All things arose from the watery Nun; the Bennu Bird as well as the Great Serpent.
In other papyri, the descriptions of the new life after a death are detailed and quite explicit. Magickal weapons (the first Athames?) were buried together with the deceased, so that s/he would be able to direct potentially harmfiul energies correctly and at the right moment. Although the Serpent is sacred to the Divine, and does not represent evil but the Life Force to the ancient Egyptians ; in later times both our Serpent God, Set and the Dragon, Apep and other serpents were diabolized by the patriarchs; from around the fifth dynasty onwards.
The magickal weapons such as knives, swords and staffs, were used to control unseen forces and to direct and control the course of primal Dragon energies (the energies of Apophis are the cosmic energies of Nature, or as Feng Shui practitioners would know, the Dragon’s breath that should be worked with, rather than against) by Gods such as Set, Anubis and Maat.
In the papyrus of Nesi-Khonsu, the text contains a veritable contract between the god Amen-Ra and the princess Nesi-Khonsu.
“After the list of the names and titles of Amen-Ra with which it begins follow eleven sections wherein the god declares in legal phraseology that he hath deified the princess in Amenta and in Neter-khert; that he hath deified her soul and her body in order that neither may be
destroyed; that he hath made her divine like every god and goddess; and that he hath decreed that whatever is necessary for her in her new existence shall be done for her, even as it is done for every other god and goddess.”
As a royal Princess, Nesi-Khonsu was a direct decendant of the the Elohim, and thus was highly favoured by Amen-Ra.
The doctrine of eternal Life and Immortality was a core feature of ancient Egyptian spirituality.The renewal of Life in a new incarnation after death was the goal of the ancient Egyptians.
1. ha Unas an sem-nek as met-th sem-nek anxet
Hail Unas, not hast thou gone, behold, [as] one dead, thou hast gone [as] one living
hems her xent Ausar.
to sit upon the throne of Osiris.
2. O Ra-Tum i-nek sa-k i-nek Unas . . . . . . sa-k pu en
O Ra-Turn, cometh to thee thy son, cometh to thee Unas . . . . . thy son is this of
t'et-k en t'etta
thy body for ever.
3. Tem sa-k pu penen Ausar ta-nek set'eb-f anx-f anx-f
O Turn, thy son is this Osiris; thou hast given his sustenance and he liveth; he liveth,
anx Unas pen an mit-f an mit Unas pen
and liveth Unas this; not dieth he, not dieth Unas this.
4. hetep Unas em anx em Amenta
Setteth Unas in life in Amenta.
5. au am-nef saa en neter neb ahau pa neheh t'er-f
He hath eaten the knowledge of god every, [his] existence is for all eternity
pa t'etta em sah-f pen en merer-f ari-f mest'et'-f
and to everlasting in his sah[5] this; what he willeth he doeth, [what] he hateth
an ari-nef
not doth he do.
6. anx anx an mit-k
Live life, not shalt thou die.
A little more about the Ka of every human – the Ka is one’s Inner Genius, or Genie (known as Djinn in the Arabic view ~ Quarinah/Quarin).
Everyone possesses an inseparable Shadow, mentor, double, disposition or character from birth! And a Khabit, or physical body, of course.
The Ka joins the soul of the deceased, the Ba, in Annu. The Ba bird guides the rest of the bodies of the deceased to meet with the Goddess and God in the Afterlife, or Summerlands.
In the texts, the Ka of Unas is said to be with him in “the great dwelling”, and that Unas is “happy with his Ka”.
“In the pyramid texts the permanent dwelling place of the
ba or soul is heaven with the gods, whose life it shares:
sek Unas per em hru pen em aru maa en
Behold Unas cometh forth on day this in the form exact of
ba anxa
soul living.”
the whole man consisted of a natural body, a spiritual body, a heart, a double, a soul, a shadow, an intangible ethereal casing or spirit, a form, and a name. All these were, however, bound together inseparably, and the welfare of any single one of them concerned the welfare of all.
In the pyramid of Unas it is said,
"Ra setteth upright the ladder for Osiris, and Horus raiseth up the ladder for his father Osiris, when Osiris goeth to [find] his
soul; one standeth on the one side, and the other standeth on the other, and Unas is betwixt them.
Unas standeth up and is Horus, he sitteth down and is Set."
This passage confirms that Set and Horus were never separate gods of “good” and “evil”.. For the ancient Egyptians, Set and Horus were One God, a God with two faces, one Light and the other, Dark, representing Life and Death, Masculine and Feminine, Light and Dark. The Goddess displays these two sides, personified by Death and Love and this is reflected in humans .When Unas stands up, he is Horus ~ action and Yang ; when he sits, he is potential and Yin.
Set and Horus were figuratively split in two by the early Coptic Christians, and Set became an “evil” God, Horus becoming the “good” opposing God of the new system of dualism, whereas previously, as Set represented the Northern Kingdom, and Horus the Southern; these two Gods were always understood to be One, as unified aspects of the Divine as translated to microcosmic reality; just as the Great Goddess Au-Set and Her Dark Sister Goddess Nephthys represent Dark and Light aspects of the Goddess in feminine terms.
The traditional struggles between Oak and Holly King came from a much earlier time, and this wrestling between Set(Night/Death/Winter) and Horus(Day/Life/Summer) was misinterpreted later on and concepts of good and evil superimposed on top of the original meanings of the epic tales relating to the natural opposition between Yin and Yang Principles.
King Unas is clearly identified as being both Deities (The God) incarnate in this passage.
he becomes "God, the son of God," and all the gods of heaven become his brethren.
His bones are the gods and goddesses of heaven; his right side belongs to Horus, and his left side to Set;
the goddess Nut makes him to rise up as a god without an enemy in his name "God";
and God calls him by his name. His face is the face of Ap-uat, his eyes are the great ones among the souls of Annu, his nose is Thoth, his mouth is the great lake, his tongue belongs to the boat of right and truth, his teeth are the spirits of Annu, his chin is Khert-khent-Sekhem, his backbone is Sema, his shoulders are Set, his breast is Beba.
etc.; every one of his members is identified with a god. Moreover, his body as
a whole is identified with the God of Heaven. For example it is said concerning Unas:--
t'et-k t'et ent Unas pen af-k af en Unas pen
Thy body is the body of Unas this. Thy flesh is the flesh of Unas this.
kesu-k kesu Unas pen seb-k seb Unas pen
Thy bones are the bones of Unas this. Thy passage is the passage of Unas this.
seb Unas pen seb-k
The passage of Unas this is thy passage.
From this above, we can see that the favoured deceased actually becomes the Goddess and God in the afterlife. Every part of the body is identified with a certain Divine Name.
Further, this identification of the deceased with the God of Heaven places him in the position of supreme ruler. For example, we have the prayer that Unas
"may rule the nine gods and complete the company of the nine gods,"
The place of the deceased in heaven is by the side of God in the most holy place, and he becomes God and an angel of God; he himself is triumphant,…
He wears the apparel which they wear, the white linen and sandals; he is clothed in white, and "he goeth to the great lake in the midst of the Field of Peace whereon the great gods sit; and these great and never failing gods give unto him [to eat] of the tree of life of which they themselves do eat that he likewise may live."
The bread which he eats never decays and his beer never grows stale.
He eats of the "bread of eternity" and drinks of the "beer of everlastingness" which the gods eat and drink;[and he nourishes himself upon that bread which the Eye of Horus has shed upon the branches of the olive tree. He
suffers neither hunger nor thirst like the gods Shu and Tefnut, for he is filled with the bread of wheat of which Horus himself has eaten; and the four children of Horus, Hapi, Tuamautef, Qebhsennuf and Amset, have appeased the hunger of his belly and the thirst of his lips.
He abhors the hunger which he cannot satisfy, and he loathes the thirst which he cannot slake; but he is delivered from the power of those who would steal away his food.
He is washed clean, and his ka is washed clean, and they eat bread together for ever.
He is one of the four children of Horus who live on right and truth, and they give him his portion of the food with which they have been so abundantly supplied by the god Seb that they have never yet known what it is to hunger.
He goes round about heaven even as they do, and he partakes of their food of figs and wine.’
Those who would be hostile to the deceased become thereby foes of the god Tmu, and all injuries inflicted on him are inflicted on that god; he dwells without fear under the protection of the gods, from whose loins he has come forth.
To him "the earth is an abomination, and he will not enter into Seb; for his soul hath burst for ever the bonds of his sleep in his house which is upon earth. His calamities are brought to an end, for Unas hath been purified with the Eye of Horus; the calamities of Unas have been done away by Isis and Nephthys.
Unas is in heaven, Unas is in heaven, in the form of air, in the form of air; he perisheth not, neither doth anything which is in him perish. He is firmly stablished in heaven, and he taketh his pure seat in the bows of the bark of Ra. Those who row Ra up into the heavens row him also, and those who row Ra beneath the horizon row him also."
King Unas eats, drinks, and lives a wonderful life after death with the First Gods. However, the most intriguing passage of all, from the tomb of Unas, reads as follows:
The Doctrine of Eternal Life
Here all creation is represented as being in terror when they see the deceased king rise up as a soul in the form of a god who devours "his fathers and mothers"; he feeds upon men and also upon gods. He hunts the gods in the fields and snares them; and when they are tied up for slaughter he cuts their throats and disembowels them. He roasts and eats the best of them, but the old gods and goddesses are used for fuel.
By eating them he imbibes both their magical powers, and their khu's.
He becomes the "great Form, the form among forms, and the god of all the great gods who "exist in visible forms," and he is at the head of all the sahu, or spiritual bodies in heaven.
He carries off the hearts of the gods, and devours the wisdom of every god; therefore the duration of his life is everlasting and he lives to all eternity, for the souls of the gods and their khu's are in him.
The whole passage reads:
" The heavens drop water, the stars throb, the archers go round about, the bones of Akeru tremble, and those who are in bondage to them take to flight when they see Unas rise up as a soul, in the form of the god who liveth upon his fathers and who maketh food of his mothers.
Unas is the lord of wisdom, and his mother knoweth not his name. The gifts of Unas are in heaven, and he hath become mighty in the horizon like unto Tmu, the father that gave him birth, and after Tmu gave him birth Unas became stronger than his father.
The ka's of Unas are behind him, the sole of his foot is beneath his feet, his gods are over him, his uræi are seated upon his brow,
the serpent guides of Unas are in front of him, and the spirit of the flame looketh upon his soul.
The powers of Unas protect him; Unas is a bull in heaven, he directeth his steps where he will, he liveth upon the form which each god taketh upon himself, and be eateth the flesh of those who come to fill their bellies with the magical charms ill the Lake of Fire.
Unas is equipped with power against the shining spirits thereof, and he riseth up in the form of the mighty one, the lord of those who dwell in power.
Unas hath taken his seat with his side turned towards Seb.
Unas hath weighed his words with the hidden god who hath no name, on the day of hacking in pieces the firstborn.
Unas is the lord of offerings, the untier of the knot, and he himself maketh abundant the offerings of meat and drink.
Unas devoureth men and liveth upon the gods, he is the lord to whom
offerings are brought, and he counteth the lists thereof. He that cutteth off hairy scalps and dwelleth in the fields hath netted the gods in a snare; he that arrangeth his head hath considered them good for Unas and hath driven them unto him; and the cord-master hath bound them for slaughter.
Khonsu the slayer of [his] lords hath cut their throats and drawn out their inward parts, for it was he whom Unas sent to drive them in; and Shesem hath cut them in pieces and boiled their members in his blazing caldrons.
Unas hath eaten their magical powers, and he hath swallowed their spirits; the great ones among them serve for his meal at daybreak, the lesser serve for his meal at eventide, and the least among them serve for his meal in the night.
The old gods and the old goddesses become fuel for his furnace. The mighty ones in heaven shoot out fire under the caldrons which are heaped up with the
haunches of the firstborn; and he that maketh those who live in heaven to revolve round Unas hath shot into the cauldrons the haunches of their women; he hath gone round about the two heavens in their entirety, and he hath gone round about the two banks of the Celestial Nile.
Unas is the great Form, the Form of forms, and Unas is the chief of the gods in visible forms. Whatever he hath found upon his path he hath eaten forthwith, and the magical might of Unas is before that of all the sahu who dwell in the horizon.
Unas is the firstborn of the first born. Unas hath gone round thousands and he hath offered oblations unto hundreds; he hath manifested his might as the Great Form through Sah (Orion) [who is greater] than the gods.
Unas repeateth his rising in heaven and he is the crown of the lord of the horizon. He hath reckoned up the bandlets and the arm-rings, he hath taken possession of the hearts of the gods.
Unas hath eaten the red crown, and he hath swallowed the white crown; the
food of Unas is the inward parts, and his meat is those who live upon magical charms in their hearts.
Behold, Unas eateth of that which the red crown sendeth forth, he increaseth, and the magical charms of the gods are in his belly; that which belongeth to him is not turned back from him.
Unas hath eaten the whole of the knowledge of every god, and the period of his life is eternity, and the duration of his existence is everlastingness,
in whatsoever he wisheth to take;
whatsoever form he hateth he shall not labour in in the horizon for ever and ever and ever.
The soul of the gods is in Unas, their spirits are with Unas, and the offerings made unto him are more than those made unto the gods.
The fire of Unas is in their bones, for their soul is with Unas, and their shades are with those who belong unto them. Unas hath been with the two hidden (?) Kha (?) gods who are without power (?) . . . . . .
. .;
the seat of the heart of Unas is among those who live upon this earth for ever and ever and ever."
“The notion that, by eating the flesh, or particularly by drinking the blood, of another living being, a man absorbs his nature or life into his own, is one which appears among primitive peoples in many forms. It lies at the root of the widespread practice of drinking the fresh blood of enemies--a practice which was familiar to certain tribes of the Arabs before Muhammad, and which tradition still ascribes to the wild
race of Cahtâm-and also of the habit practised by many savage huntsmen of eating some part (e.g., the liver) of dangerous carnivora, in order that the courage of the animal may pass into them. The flesh and blood of brave men also are, among semi-savage or savage tribes, eaten and drunk to inspire courage.
But the idea of hunting, killing, roasting and eating the gods as described above is not apparently common among ancient nations; the main object of the dead king in doing this was to secure the eternal life which was the peculiar attribute of the gods.”
This is the interpretation of this passage by the author of the transliterated work.
However, we feel that one should examine the tale of the King Unas from a higher perspective , as all of the ancient legends have at least three levels of meaning; and that to take this interpretation as literally applying to human beings becoming as someone who prefers his fresh liver with a chilled glass of Chainti and Fava beans in order to try to gain everlasting life, would be very foolish indeed .(and against the law)
The Myths are symbolic tales meant for initiates into the mysteries to decipher , and are allegorical accounts of cosmic events and forces beyond the comprehension of the average person, who would naturally interpret the tales on a mundane level only , not being able to relate the allegory to Precessional frequencies or numbers; or the Nature of the Universe.
And Australian Aborigines never were cannibals, nor the Indians of Carib; these are all colonialist and imperialist lies which denigrate the memory of the Ancestors, and should be taken in the context of the times within which they were written, with all due respect to the author.
.In the pyramid of Unas it is said to the deceased,
un-k ar kes neter
Thou existest at the side of God.
In the pyramid of Teta it is said of the deceased,
ut'a-f met neter as set'em-nef metu
He weigheth words, and, behold, God hearkeneth unto the words.
God and the gods.
The passages from the pyramid of Pepi show at once the difference between neter as God, and the "gods" neteru; the other passages, which might be multiplied almost indefinitely, prove that the Being spoken of is God.
The neteru or "gods" whom Unas hunted, and snared, and killed, and roasted, and ate, are beings who could die;
to them were attributed bodies, souls, ka's, spiritual bodies, etc.
In a remarkable passage from the CLIVth Chapter of the Book of the Dead (Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Bl. 179, l. 3) the deceased king Thothmes III. prays:--
seset-kua emxet-k Tem huau ma ennu ari-k
Preserve me behind thee, O Tmu, from decay such as that which thou workest
er meter neb netert nebt er aut neb er t'etfet neb
for god every, and goddess every, for animals all, for reptiles all
sebuit-f per ba-f emxet mit-f ha-f
for each passeth away when hath gone forth his soul after his death, he perisheth
emxet sebi-f
after he hath passed away.
One Supreme Ultimate ~ One Goddess and God of many Names
“To the great and supreme power which made the earth, the heavens, the sea, the sky, men and women, animals, birds, and creeping things, all that is and all that shall be, the Egyptians gave the name neter.”
Brugsch renders it by "göttlich," "heilig," "divin," "sacré," and by three Arabic words which mean "divine," "sacred or set apart," and "holy" respectively.
Another definition of the word given by Brugsch makes it to mean "the active power which produces and creates things in regular recurrence;
which bestows new life upon them, and gives back to them their youthful vigour"
In my interpretation, Neter, is equivalent to the Tao, or Great Mother of Taoist spirituality. In my personal Tradition this is Lilith, the Great Goddess of Ten Thousand Names ~ Kali-Maa, Tiamat and Isis the Primal Mother of All.
It is clear that Ancient Pagan Egyptians possessed the same basic understanding of the Life force of the Universe as all other Ancient cultures before the introduction of patriarchal forms of religion and dualism.
“The Tao is called the Great Mother.:
Empty yet inexhaustible,
It gives birth to infinite worlds.
It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.”
~Lao Tsu
But side by side with neter, whatever it may mean, we have mentioned in texts of all ages a number of beings called neteru which Egyptologists universally translate by the word "gods." Among these must be included the great cosmic powers and the beings who, although held to be supernatural, were yet finite and mortal, and were endowed by the Egyptians with love, hatred, and passions of every sort and kind.
In order to come to a closer understanding of the Divine, the Goddesses and Gods, individual aspects, or faces of the Divine, manifest with human features to human eyes. The concept of “There is one Goddess and all other Goddesses and Gods are part of Her just as She is part of them”, is by no means a new-fangled one.
“”The Tao is like a well:
Used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
Filled with endless possibilities.
It is hidden
But always present.
I don’t know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God.”
~Lao Tsu
“With reference to the origin of the gods of the Egyptians much useful information may be derived from the pyramid texts. From them it would seem that, in the earliest times, the Egyptians had tried to think out and explain to themselves the origin of their gods and of their groupings. According to M.Maspero they reduced everything to one kind of primeval matter which they believed contained everything in embryo; this matter was water, Nu, which they deified, and everything which arose therefrom was a god.
The priests of Annu at a very early period grouped together the nine greatest gods of Egypt, forming what is called the paut neteru or "company of the gods," or as it is written in the pyramid texts, paut aat,
"the great company of gods";
The great cycle of the gods in Annu was composed of the gods Tmu, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys; …”
9 is the number of the Divine Feminine, and thus we can see the ancient roots of Goddess worship, even through the interpretations of the Priests of Annu; who preferred to honour the Divine in Masculine terms as opposed to the Feminine.
The texts were composed or rather, reinterpreted and conveyed by the Annu school, or Priesthood, some 3000 years BCE, and thus were produced during a period of transition ,under the guidance of a male priesthood, at a time when patriarchal forms of Religion were succeeding the worship of the Divine Feminine all over the ancient world. However, all the Ancient cultures venerated One Creator Goddess, Androgynous in nature, both Goddess and God.
Nowadays, to mention that one is Monotheistic, is taboo in Pagan circles, however, this is the way it always was in Pagan Spirituality. One Supreme Creatrix, also seen as the Androgynous Creator, having a multitude of recognizable aspects known as Goddesses and Gods.
The Priesthood of Annu viewed the Supreme Ultimate as follows ~ I personally substitute the male with the feminine tense for the Divine and vice versa freely ~ is it not the same? We all have personal preferences, after all. Spirit knows no gender!
“God is one and alone, and none other existeth with Him--God is the One, the One who hath made all things--God is a spirit, a hidden spirit, the spirit of spirits, the great spirit of the Egyptians, the divine spirit—
God is from the beginning, and He hath been from the beginning, He hath existed from old and was when nothing else had being. He existed when nothing else existed, and what existeth He created after He had come into being, He is the Father of beginnings--God is the eternal One, He is eternal and infinite and endureth for ever and aye--God is hidden and no man knoweth His form.
No man hath been able to seek out His likeness; He is hidden to gods and men, and He is a mystery unto His creatures.
No man knoweth how to know Him--His name remaineth hidden; His name is a mystery unto His children.
His names are innumerable, they are manifold and none knoweth their number--God is truth and He liveth by truth and He feedeth thereon. He is the king of truth, and He hath stablished the earth thereupon--God is life and through Him only man liveth. He giveth life to man, He breatheth the breath of life into his nostrils—
God is father and mother, the father of fathers, and the mother of mothers.
(The Perfect Androgyny, the Great Goddess in Her male aspect.)
He begetteth, but was never begotten; He produceth, but was never produced; He begat himself and produced himself. He createth, but was never created; He is the maker of his own form, and the fashioner of His own body--God Himself is existence,
He endureth without increase or diminution, He multiplieth Himself millions of times, and He is manifold in forms and in members--God hath made the universe, and He hath created all that therein is;
He is the Creator of what is in this world, and of what was, of what is, and of what shall be. He is the Creator of the heavens, and of the earth, and of the deep, and of the water, and of the mountains.
God hath stretched out the heavens and founded the earth-What His heart conceived straightway came to pass,
and when He hath spoken, it cometh to pass and endureth for ever--God is the father of the gods;
He fashioned men and formed the gods--God is merciful unto those who reverence Him, and He heareth him that calleth upon Him. God knoweth him that acknowledgeth Him, He rewardeth him that serveth Him,
and He protecteth him that followeth Him.”
“I, the evolver of the evolutions evolved myself,
the evolver of all evolutions, after many evolutions and developments which came forth from my mouth. No heaven existed, and no earth, and no terrestrial animals or reptiles had come into being. I formed them out of the inert mass of watery matter, I found no place whereon to stand . . . . . I was alone…”
The Legend Of RA And Isis.
A discussion
The Papyrus of Ani is one of the most profound sacred texts that I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
The Egyptian civilization drew it’s spirituality and magick – all of the traditions - from the First Gods, also known as The Ennead. All of the other ancient civilizations , including the Mayan, the Vedic, the civilization of Sumer - were founded on the knowledge ,technology and Spirituality of the Elohim. The advanced Astronomical and scientific technology that these cultures possessed, was all inherited from the advanced Wisdom of our Ancestors, the First Divinities.
The knowledge of life after death as being a certainty, liberated the Egyptians from the fear of Death as it was (and very much still is) in other cultures. If one knows without a doubt , that eternal life awaits, why then, would there be a need to fear Death? And, if one has no fear of Death, then which other fears remain over?
In fact, Death is welcomed and anticipated within ancient and contemporary Pagan spirituality. To these Pagans, a physical death marks the end of a Life Cycle, and the transitioning between this ending and new beginnings. Death is thus part of the Natural cycle of Life, and not to be “feared”.
The fear of Death leads to the fear of Life, and living. Really living, and actively creating the life we love. To live life to the fullest, we must embrace Death equally.
Death comes in many forms, at all times, and is a certainty for all living things. Everything in Nature always returns to a state of Equilibrium.
This state of suspension, of being in pure space, is pure potential, and is of The Death Goddess.
The One who was there before the beginning, the Great Goddess of Darkness and the Abyss is known by many other Names, as Goddess Lilith, Kali,Tiamat, Persephone, Ereshkigal and Ma’nat .
The Death Goddess consumes all things and recycles them again for new birth and New Life. All things return to the Dark Mother in the end.
The relationship between Goddess and God ,can be better understood by observing the cosmic synthesis between the Greater Kali, Kali-Ma and Her Male side, or other half, Maha-Kala.
"KaliKala Yantra" by Oryelle
Maha Kala is Time.
As Time is consumed by Maha-Kali, in a never-ending circle, Maha-Kali, the Dark Goddess of Death, is known as The All-Consumer. And in the mists of ages past, The Terrible Mother transforms in the space of a moment, into Lilith.
Lilith as Death Goddess, is the all-consuming Vortex of all things, which must return to their original state of Silence and Equilibrium within The Death Goddess before emerging again from the cauldron, full of the Life Force as a Phoenix, to live another phase of existence.
Out of Death, comes Life in an eternal cycle of existence. Without Death, Life would not be possible, and vice versa. This is why the Goddess has two distinct aspects to Her personality; the Terrible, All-Consuming Mother of Death, decay and destruction, and the Goddess of Love, Joy and Life.
As Above, So Below
Is the act of consuming the energies which surround us, evil? Well, it cannot be, as every living being must both consume and release energy, to survive! This is the natural order of things; that to survive, an organism must take from another source the energy needed to live.
Thus, in essence, everything is both a killer and consumer of other life-forms, or energy in whatever form it comes in, whether one wants to admit it and face up to the truth, or not. We must do what we need to , to survive.
Nature is not “evil”.
However, Nature , while beautiful beyond a heart’s capacity for love; is at the same time both seemingly cruel, destructive beyond belief, and vicious beyond compare.
Is the Lion guilty, or seen as evil, for consuming the wildlife which is the natural prey, even if the hunt involves an attack on the testicles of the Giraffe first to paralyse the animal before going for the jugular and slowly strangling it to death ? The Crocodile, for dragging a prey animal into the water, drowning it, and wrenching whole pieces from the body at the same time – “evil”? The Tiger, “wrong” for killing cattle of the human invaders of her territory?
I think that these few examples may illustrate my point; that Death is as normal for the rest of the inhabitants of the Universe as Life is, and the difference is that most people are unique in our Universe; as, of all Beings, many are afraid of accepting this reality. Almost as afraid of accepting the interconnectedness of all things!
Animals know they are going to die, and accepting this fact, they can live their lives to the fullest.
The fear of Death is the same as fearing one’s shadow, and Inner being, the Inner Wild. Fearing the inner goddess within, or in other words, trying to avoid the inescapable reality that is the real you!
This is because the fear programming that the controlling elements have saturated our consciousness with since birth has told us that Death, and the Dark Goddess of Death, are not natural, but associated with hellfire and damnation which we are supposed to end up in if we disobey “god” and embrace the Dark Mother, who is actually no devil, or fearsome figure, but appears in Truth as the beautiful, gentle and deeply understanding Crone, The Death Priestess who guides souls through the cycles of death and re-birth.
As the Death Goddess , Lilith absorbs all that inevitably is drawn to her Dark realms as a leaf is drawn into the centre of a whirlpool.
Lilith is the seen, which is not seen; and Lilith is the unseen Dark Fluid of the Universe ~ the infinite void from which everything comes and everything returns.
Embrace your Inner Goddess and live life as it is meant to be – never fear Death and end up wasting a life because of it.
We are told that we are not allowed to embrace our Inner Dark side – the Natural Higher Self within, the Inner Wild. That Darkness is evil, and that we must always do what others think is best for us.
They say that we must be willing slaves, and passively accept that anything that is not in line with what Society, or Big Brother says, is “evil” or “of the Devil”, and that we are condemned to this fictitious “hell” if and when we decide to indulge in “forbidden” knowledge – Forbidden – to whom, by whom, and for which reasons is this secret knowledge forbidden, one may ask.
What must be realized is that the original Myths are factual accounts, and not “fairytale stories”. Myths relate to Cosmic events , and relationships between Universal forces of Nature as well.
The fact that King Unas gains Eternal Life through devouring the very Life Force until he gains Immortality and can live forever alongside the Goddesses and Gods, has parallels not surprisingly, with our Dark Goddess, Lilith; The Consumer of All.
As Above, So Below.
Lilith’s Mythos has been shaped largely by Patriarchal storytellers, who feared Death instead of venerating the Goddess as had always been the case amongst the Pagan Hebrews. Therefore, they had to demonise the Goddess to justify their concept of the Divine Feminine as evil. So, in history, Lilith has become known as the Demonic Queen of Hell instead of the Dark side of the Divine Feminine.
The Truth is simply that The Death Goddess does indeed consume everything and continually gain and transform energies in order to recycle these life energies . This must be done, or there would be no new creations or Life at all, and it is the Way of things. The tale of Unas is a myth which reflects the reality of the Dark and Terrible Mother , as seen and interpreted through human eyes.
" The Tao can't be perceived;
Smaller than an electron,
It contains countless galaxies within"
~ Lao Tzu
In one of the many variants of the myths surrounding Lilith, She is a mortal who consumes the powers of the Gods and thereby gains Immortality and becomes the most powerful of the goddesses and gods, absorbing all the powers of Jahweh and his minions. Lilith gains the Ineffable Name of Power from Jahweh and nothing his Angels can do, will control Lilith thereafter.In similar tales which cannot be co-incidental, Isis gains the Power from Ra in a similar way; and let us not forget the tale of Inanna’s “theft” of the secret Formulas from Enki, or the appropriation of the Tablets of Wisdom from Enlil by Zu; the Male Principle of Anzu. These are tales of an imbalance created by male dominance; having appropriated the Great Mother’s Powers, the male Gods abuse that power and it is taken back by the Divine Feminine to restore the balance of the Universe and bring affairs back to a state of harmonic resonance and creation.
The theft/seduction/harmful aspects of the stories are akin to the “rape” of female Divinities by the male Gods and are later additions made to satisfy some patriarchal agenda.
One may have noticed that reference is made throughout of Unas devouring the Wisdom and the Knowledge that is possessed by the Goddesses and Gods to advance and become as a God himself and to live with the Gods in Annu.
He devours men and drinks of the Wisdom and knowledge of the Gods. He becomes the Form of the Universe, through which all force is contained and given substance ~ he becomes Binah to the emanations from Kether through Chokmah, Quabalistically speaking.
On the microcosmic level of existence, on the physical plane, the inner urge to eat, to consume Life and gain energy to live, is completely natural. As natural as is Death.
What most are either unaware of, or do not want to face up to , is this reality. However, if truth be known, even the most stringent and strict vegan is a plant-killer of note. Plants have feelings too and are as alive as we are. However, we must do what we have to to survive.Who can speak against the order of things?
If an organism - from a microbe to a great white shark does not eat, or consume energies, it withers and dies. There are predators, and then there is the prey - That is Nature’s way.
Energy is all around us, and our energies are as one with Nature. We can choose to harm others ~ knowing that it always returns like clockwork; or to take without harm and always give back in return.
Now, if we are all consumers and recyclers of Life energy, how do we do this in a way that doesn’t harm?
Well, the last thing we do is pretend we are Unas and set about catching people in the fields and murdering them for dinner!
Everything in the universe is full of vital energy, or Life force, or Chi if you prefer. This is the Dragon energy which flows through all things, including the atmosphere, and this can be absorbed by ourselves at will via the correct breathing and alternative techniques.
It is up to us to choose, and accept the Karma that results out of our every action, beneficial or harmful.
I don’t suppose for a second that consciously minimizing the effect we have on the planet and the environment by choosing to leave a small carbon footprint instead of a huge one, by doing all the things that can and do make a difference, is in any way “wrong” ~ while enjoying this life to it’s fullest.
Choosing vegetarian- based diets instead of consuming meat, which raises the levels of pollution and global warming; choosing to recycle paper , plastics and tins and using eco-friendly phosphate free washing powders are some of the things we can do to conserve the natural resources given to us by Goddess, make the most of these, and thrive without wasting .
One of the major differences between the Patriarchal religions and Nature Spirituality, is that in Nature, one has to take full responsibility for one’s own actions.
All the pleasures and the pains that we experience, are of our own making, to paraphrase the late Sai Baba.
In the ancient of days, there was no dogmatic religion, or fear-based religious dictates. People used to live in harmony with Nature, and high civilization was borne of the Truth of the Winged Serpent.
King Unas knew and lived by the ancient Ideals of Ma’at, which ensure that one’s heart is Light enough to tip the balance of the Scales of Justice in favour of Eternal Life, against the Feather of Goddess Ma’at.
These are Cosmic Ideals, which, if adhered to, ensure Eternal Life and Spiritual Advancement, for All, no matter which path we tread or which spiritual direction one takes. There was no formal, state organized religion in the Old Days, people venerated their own personal Deities informally. However, everyone adhered to these most ancient and primal Cosmic Ideals, which I heartily recommend to you all in the wish that more will become true Citizens of the Cosmos instead of being slaves to man-made religions and controlling interests.
)O( Blessed Be )O(
Unas, the Son ~
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