Then from his throne came one of the Masters, 
taking my hand and leading me onward, 
through all the Halls of the deep hidden land. 
Led he me through the Halls of Amenti, 
showing the mysteries that are known not to man.

Through the dark passage, downward he led me, 
into the Hall where sat the dark Death. 
Vast as space lay the great Hall before me, 
walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.

Before me arose a great throne of darkness, 
veiled on it sat a figure of night. 
Darker than darkness sat the great figure, 
dark with a darkness not of the night. 
Before it then paused the Master, speaking 

The Word that brings about Life, saying; 
"Oh, master of darkness, 
guide of the way from Life unto Life, 
before thee I bring a Sun of the morning. 
Touch him not ever with the power of night. 
Call not his flame to the darkness of night.
Know him, and see him, 
one of our brothers, 
lifted from darkness into the Light. 
Release thou his flame from its bondage, 
free let it flame through the darkness of night."

Raised then the hand of the figure, 
forth came a flame that grew clear and bright. 
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness, 
unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night. 

Then grew in the great space before me, 
flame after flame, from the veil of the night. 
Uncounted millions leaped they before me, 
some flaming forth as flowers of fire. 

Others there were that shed a dim radiance, 
flowing but faintly from out of the night. 

Some there were that faded swiftly; 
others that grew from a small spark of light. 
Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness, 
yet flaming with light that could never be quenched. 
Coming and going like fireflies in springtime, 
filled they with space with Light and with Life.

Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying: 
"These are lights that are souls among men, 
growing and fading, existing forever, 
changing yet living, through death into life. 
When they have bloomed into flower, 
reached the zenith of growth in their life, 
swiftly then send I my veil of darkness, 
shrouding and changing to new forms of life.

Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing, 
expanding into yet another flame, 
lighting the darkness with yet greater power,
quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.

So grows the soul of man ever upward, 
quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night.

I, Death, come, and yet I remain not, 
for life eternal exists in the ALL"

"Now G had never loved, but she would solve all mysteries, even the mystery of Death,

and she journeyed to the nether lands.

The guardians at the portals challenged her, saying : ' Strip off thy garments, lay aside thy jewels, for nought may you bring with you into this land.'

So she laid down her garments and her jewels, and was bound as all are who enter into the realms of Death, the mighty one.

Such was her beauty that Death himself knelt at her feet, saying: ' Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee in these ways. Abide with me, but let me place my cold hand on thy heart'

And she replied, 'I love thee not. Why doest thou cause all things that I love and take delight in, to fade and die?'

'Lady' replied Death, 'tis age and fate, against which I am helpless. Age causes all things to wither,but when men die at the end of time,

I give them rest and peace and strength so that they may return. But you, you are lovely. Return not; abide with me'

But she answered; 'I love thee not'

Then said Death: 'As you receive not my hand upon your heart,you must receive Death's scourge'

'It is fate, better so,' she said, and she knelt.

Death scourged her and she cried: 'I know the pangs of Love.' And Death said, 'Blessed Be', and gave her the five-fold kiss, saying, 'Thus only may you attain to joy and knowledge'

And he taught her all the mysteries, and they loved and were one; and he taught her all the magicks. For there are three great events in the life of man ~ love, death and resurrection in the new body ~ and magic controls them all.

To fulfill love you must return again at the same time and place as the loved ones, and you must remember and love her or him again. But to be reborn you must die and be ready for a new body; to die you must be born; without love you may not be born, and this is all the magick."

~Gerald B Gardner

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