I am a big  horror film fan...I can watch all day long.....Ever so often ill run across a movie with a story that i just cant forget.....(the true stories).....And something just compels me to study up more about the subject...The stories that fascinate me the most are the stories  about haunted asylums  and  other ghost stories...and others  about possessions....(which I'm also very sensitive too) ....mainly because of an experience i ad one day  and  well possessions  are , they just creep the hell out of me! lol

Lasts night story was about  'The Watseka Wonder "

Watseka was a small town  in the late 1800's a few miles away from the Indiana  border

Watseka Wonder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

There was a 13 yr old girl names Lurancy Vennum ..She fell into these ,mysterious, catatonic trances which she claimed that she was able to speak to angels and the spirits of the dead. ...


Vennum  residancy

wile under these spells...she would speak in different voices and tell of places far away that she had no real knowledge about. When she woke up, she wouldn't remember anything that she said or did while she was under these spells,,,

Eventually  the word  started to spread  about  Lurancy and her trances....througout the state

and  people started to want to come visit  Lurancy...you see this was at a time   the spiritualism movement was at its  rise.......it was believed that Lurancy Vennum was manifesting mediumistic abilities during her trances. For this reason, Spiritualists from all over Illinois, and from around the country, came to Watseka to see if the stories they heard were true.....

her  parents  they wanted nothing to do wit  this and were like any other parent worried about thier daughters  health and mental state...She was taken to many  doctors..and noone can diagnose  her  with   any illnesses (physically)...But they came up with a diagnosis  of her being mentally ill...which

recommended that she be sent to the State Insane Asylum in Peoria. Heartbroken, the Vennum's felt they had no other choice and after the holiday season of 1877, they began to make arrangements to have their daughter committed. They knew there was little chance that Lurancy would ever come home again. In those days, mental hospitals were merely cages to store the insane and offered little in the way of treatment for their conditions.......

mary_roff_full.jpg (188×262):

Before they sent Lurancy  away  a  gentleman by tHe  name of  Asa  roff who also resided in  Watseka came  to visit the vennum's...

He went  on to tell them the story of his own daughter  Mary Roff...

Roff House--Watseka Wonder--Haunted House:

roff home

who had also been afflicted with the  same conditions  as  Lurancy....He pleaded with the Venumms Please do not have your  daugter committed..as  i did my Mary... He had mistakenly sent his own daughter there years before and she had died in confinement. Despite her death though, he was convinced that his daughter's spirit still existed....,.Little did he know...that it would soon become  very apparent that His own daughters  spirit  was inside  of  Lurancys  vennums  body...... and here it all began....

The Watseka Wonder America's First Documented Possession:

below you can read a special pdf of  the story


read more here  also~




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