Today, guest poster Lizzie from Backyard Banshee shares with us a tarot spell for heightened intuition.

Divination and witchcraft compliment each other so dreamily. When I have used tarot cards in my spell work, I have noticed amplified energy and a boost to the outcome, so for 2022, I am using tarot cards in all my future manifestations.

Tarot has been used for so many years as a method to provide insight into the future or distant events, tarot cards tap into your subconscious, psychic abilities, and higher power.

My favorite thing about using tarot to increase your own spiritual intuition is that you can use tarot to break through your own blockages, so the tarot becomes both a magnificent divination tool and an amplifier for manifestation.

Spiritual intuition is a fantastic tool in itself because it allows you to recognize and follow your own inner wisdom, which can help lead you to success.

I’ve been working on this tarot spell with tarot cards over the past few weeks and I’m really happy with the result.

Intuition Tarot Spell

For the sake of this tarot spell, I’m going to keep it very simple. This is because I wanted to give you a tarot spell that could be done with tarot cards you may have acquired from a supermarket, thrift store, or yard sale.

However, if you are using tarot cards that are dear to your heart and full of symbolism, please do not feel like you need to leave them out because mine aren’t so elaborate! You could also draw your own version of the High Priestess and the Hanged Man for this spell specifically so that you don’t have to worry about any damage coming to your cards.

The High Priestess was chosen for this spell due to its correspondences of insight, of the divine protection and connection. I love that we can use the High Priestess to guide us with tarot spells, draw upon her intuition, and amplify tarot’s truth-finding abilities. The Hanged Man was chosen because it can represent letting go, divinatory dreams/visions, and connection to spirituality.

For this spell, we will use the following ingredients:

The High Priestess & The Hanged Man tarot cards

Purple candle (or white)

Oils for anointing; jasmine, frankincense, clove + carrier oil base of choice

Bay Leaf

Ground black pepper

Pen to write on the bay leaf

Something to light the candle with

Bowl large enough to use the candle in the center with the tarot cards at the edge in a Northern position


Step 1

Cleanse your space in your preferred method, ground yourself to start, and then center your focus ready to begin

Place the bowl in front of you, and fill the base with salt so much that the candle can stand up unaided.

Step 2

Carve with your fingers/nails the “Dagaz” and the “Kenaz” runes symbols for awakening & enlightenment. They look like a Less-Than symbol and a sideways sand-hourglass.

Anoint the candle in the blended oils, and place in the center of the salt. Sprinkle ground black pepper over the candle, and lightly over the salt too.

Step 3

Place your tarot cards in the vicinity of the candle (please practice fire safety).

Write the word “Intuition” or “Connection” or “Enlighten” on your bay leaf, whichever seems more appropriate to your path, and sit holding the bay leaf visualizing what this would look like for you.

Does it look like you intuitively picking solutions to scenarios that benefit you daily? Does it look like for you a clearer connection with your magickal practice or divination readings? Does it look like more synchronicities in your life?

Whatever you are looking for, visualize it for as long as feels comfortable for you, and light the candle.

Step 4

In the flame of the candle, light your bay leaf and let it burn in the southern position to the candle, completely 180′ from your tarot cards.
As the candle burns down and the smoke from the bay rises, the universe is exchanging this energy and transmuting it through you.

What will be left, when the candle has completely burned down, is you; a more connected, more intuitive, and divinely protected you.

Keep the cards on your sacred space or altar (or somewhere you will see them daily) until you recognize the synchronicity of your manifestation to the spell.

Use the ash-filled salt as protection for your home; place it outside your doorways to prevent negativity from stepping in.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tarot spell for intuition, as much as I loved writing this for you! If you’d like to know more about divination, you can find me on my website, where I talk about multiple methods of divination & how it can help you with your own spiritual growth.”


I’m Lizzie from Backyard Banshee, a secular witch and divination provider who enjoys big chats over tea, creating triumphs and tarot. You can find me on

Views: 106

Replies to This Discussion

WOW, this is a new way of dealing with the Tarot cards!

I read Tarot cards, but I never knew about this.

Thanks, SunKat!

Wonderful, SunKat!



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