The Meditation Sanctuary

Listen to these visualizations to recharge and refocus during your day!  

This Sanctuary includes guided imagery, natural environmental sound and instrumental music selections that have been tested with biofeedback and used successfully in clinical settings.  These selections have been shown to reduce stress, muscle tension, and pain while increasing focus, creativity, and inner peace.

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Five Minute  Meditation Practice

This five minute breathing technique helps you get started in a simple but effective meditation practice. Return often until you can do it on your own for five minutes.  RUNTIME 5:00 minutes.

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Mindful Breathing Technique

Bringing your attention to your breath can be very beneficial.  We generally do not notice that our experience of stress is related to how we are breathing.  The mindful breathing pattern of inhaling for five seconds and exhaling for five seconds uses the diaphragm and results in a 10 second respiration cycle or 6 breaths per minute.  This breathing pattern maximizes the release of peaceful bio-chemicals in your body, lowers adrenaline and cortisol.  Practice this five minute technique at least once per day and develop greater mindful awareness.  RUNTIME: 5 Minutes

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Ocean Refuge

Bring your stress to the ocean and walk along the shore. Release loss, regrets, and disappointments while breathing in the cool refreshing scent of the sea. Renew your spirit. RUNTIME 10:30 minutes

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Five Minute Focus
This simple practice helps you focus your breathing, reduce stress, and open you to inner peace and self acceptance.  Listen to the sensations in your body and de-stress quickly during your day. RUNTIME 5:30 minutes

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Breathing Stillness

Gentle breath training to expand the stillpoint between your breaths.  This meditation is accompanied by music and the sound of a mountain stream.  Learn to enter a peaceful space in which thoughts and sensations are suspended.  RUNTIME 8 Minutes

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Mountain Refuge

This meditation brings you to a mountain trail that meanders to the summit where you can explore and experience the peacefulness of nature.  RUNTIME 12 Minutes.

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Forest Refuge

Take a walk through a serene forest to a wooded glen with a waterfall and a pool of healing waters.  Release obstacles that prevent you from  experiencing peace.  RUNTIME 20 Minutes.

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Energy Breather

We are often fatigued by the concerns of our daily lives.  When we feel burdened by the weight of our concerns and worries we may feel sad and turn to unhealthy ways of relieving those heavy feelings.  What we really need is a moment of renewal – in which our bodyminds can set aside fear and worry while gaining access to the “river of energy” that flows within us.  Try this at least once per day if life is “getting you down..”   RUNTIME: 23:00

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The Tea Break Meditation

Take a ten minute relaxation break.  Make yourself a cup of tea, sit down and listen to this meditation as you drink your tea, mindfully. Mindfulness is the readiness and willingness to be present, right now.  How often do you drink tea or coffee while reading a newspaper or book, or even while chatting on the phone?  Our Observer Minds are lulled into complacency.  Why not devote a ten minute “Tea Break” to a mindfulness practice?    RUNTIME 10 Minutes

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Heart to Heart Synergy

This is a very powerful imagery exercise which trains you to center focused awareness in your heart.  Too often our wounded hearts beat too quickly as if to shield us from re-membered hurts that are in our past.  Our hearts are capable of generating many different rhythms and resonate quickly to a  slower, nurturing beat when imagining a loved one.  Try this for about three sessions.

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Views: 4846

Replies to This Discussion

Thank You Leila for taking the time to invite me.  Than is very kind of you  (:
What fantastic meditation resources - thank you so much for sharing here xx
Glad you're finding them helpful. :) Namaste

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to add a Quote.

"All of your problems would solve themselves, if you were regular in your Meditation"

Swami Satchidananda

Great quote, thanks. :) If you have more to share, you might want to start a new discussion thread for meditation quotes... I love quotes. Wisdom in simple bite size morsels.
love the quote

Very true indeed ! I find a few minutes of meditation every day helps to ver come any mental blockage preventing u from enjoying ur life to the fullest !



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