Excellent new article on Meditation and Magick in Llewellyn blogs... excerpt below is the very start of the article....


Magick 101 #4: TRUE Meditation

This post was written by Donald Michael Kraig
on August 12, 2011 | Comments (0)

[Part One of this Series: Click HERE]
[Part Two of this Series: Click HERE]
[Part Three of this Series: Click HERE]


People make a big deal over meditation. Unfortunately, there is more bad information about meditation than there is good. This is a shame, because it is a valuable and important technique for people learning magick.

A levitating gnu, deep in meditation, wrapped snuggly in a gold robe.
Both he and his computer float gracefully above the floor—only his tail lightly touches the ground.
He gently holds a recorder between his front hooves, as if he has just gotten the inspiration to play music.
There is a gleam in his eyes as he gazes ahead at his computer screen.

Debunkers, often looking at the claims that meditation can do things such as reduce stress and lower your blood pressure, note that by just relaxing with your feet up you can achieve the same things. That’s true, but meditation is far more than that.

Some debunkers, looking at dictionary definitions, say that meditation is just focusing on something in order to come up with new approaches and solutions to issues and challenges. That’s true, but meditation is far more than that.

True meditation has as its goal the ability to transcend your sense of individuality and separateness for a brief time, allowing you to experience your true higher self and unity with the universe…even unity with the Divine. Relaxation or contemplation are simply techniques on the road to that goal. But saying that either is meditation is like saying sex is nothing more than smiling at someone across the room!


Read the Rest of this 3 part article here. Thank you Llewellyn!

Views: 442

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Leila,

                Great Article


Most welcome, glad you like it, I like your Meditation 100 you've started as well, looking forward to the new ones. :) Thanks for contributing!

thank you so much for sharing, Leila !


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