Hello, Temple Illumination Community. This post may hit hard to some of you, as a lot has been weighing on my mind lately and I feel that there is an emerging physical threat to our peace of prosperity we should all be mindful of, if not all out defy using any means available to us. Either through magic, activism, prayers or defiance by contact.

To anyone viewing this open letter for change, if you are seeing this message...by the time you read this, something may have physically happened to me. Though I will do my best to prevent it, up to and including using a VPN for my personal safety...I cannot guarantee anything from this point onward.

I will make it a point to check in here as often as I can, because all of you are truly needed...and I hope now is the time to say so openly. The truth is, I need your help...and we cannot stand alone anymore. Until such a time as we may one day be able to, here's the situation.

I don't know if I will get banned for saying this. But due to the Economic Forum Policies, my country, Canada, just passed Bill C11 in April. It is the only bill of its kind in the west, that deliberately charges people for accessing and possessing information not verifiable by the Canadian Liberal government.

Over the past few years, I've seen a major shift develop. Making people dumber. Capitalizing on people's inability to think for themselves. Punishing people who try to enjoy helping others in a time of need. This trend, is the direct result, of World Economic Forum policies. Making it easier for trillionaire class monetary disrupters to earn a living by being professional crooks.

The dehumanizing of people, by big Pharmaceutical, military industrial complex types is on a trajectory of no return. I think we have allowed a ruling cabal to establish itself as a monopoly for far too long because we're scared that we can't rise up to make a difference and take our power back.

I want to have the conversation. What, where, and how does our power relate to our well being? Because without that firmly as a set common-goal interest across the board, I know we won't be able to get anywhere.

I have changed a lot over the past few years. I used to be an NDP (green, new democratic party) supporter. I didn't know enough about conservative policies because I spent the majority of my time caring about family, spirituality and my own little world to bother with the material policies of humanity. And I'm honestly ashamed I didn't wake up sooner to the life I could have had, if I had known then what I do now.

I have citizens regret. And the thing that bothers me most, is that I feel it's my own fault. I don't really know where I fit in...and as a person, a being with a soul who thrives on escaping to some place better than here...I can't ignore the fact that here is where 'we' all still are because the system won't solve or change its trajectory on course for mass destruction on its own without a drastic shift by its guardians, which is each and every one of us in turn.

I mean look at what has already happened in the name of false hope for short term gain at the cost of a loss in true folk for long term pain. This has been done because we were taken advantage of by asset collectors who saw us as expendable to achieve their means to an end for the beginning of their corrupt agenda.

Empowered by collective acceptance of dictated actions based on an approval of loyalty to a one party state, the matrix has never felt like home. For this reason, our special needs imprisonment has many titles, just not the ones that call it out for what it really is shaping up to become at our expense.

I think, we have to go far and beyond just being sovereign. I know we have to do more than let our hopes and dreams be spoken for by others who only know how to relate to their own. And I understand that the alienation we all feel at not being acknowledged, is why we're this close to never moving above and beyond...not just a monetary collapse, but also indeed, a spiritual recession of faith and value.

We need to do more than meditate on the path that leads us to know who we are. And one of my biggest disappointments, in this life, is not taking the matrix seriously. The more of us who escape it, means that there's less of us in it to fight off those who built it up around our detriment in the first place.

One of the most challenging paths to unity I have come across, is the one where we're left behind when we're needed to be a collective the most. Thankfully conservative movements around the world are waking up to this fact, just not all of them are having access to the world knowledge to succeed in their intentions. The longer we wait for this to occur, the more difficult it will be for us to recover from the untold and past done damage that has been raught by the silence at hand.

I feel like I can't wait any longer for policy and patience to save the day. I want to have an honest conversation with you about how we can permanently cripple the influence of the World Economic Forum. And in the process, reclaim our independence regardless of our value in matrix currency. We need to be able to share our expertise and visions for a future that we can interact with without having to fear that it can never come into being.

This is what the power of manifestation really amounts to, I feel. Not focusing on those who cut us back by their inaction. But rather, supporting anyone who enacts to our communal discourse for the benefit by, for and of the people to live within the greatest potential of human peace we will ever know.

If the Beetles song is true '...and the world will be as one...' then the spirit behind such an initiative must be taken up by those not only in the highest positions of power, but of to all citizens remaining within their own empowerment as well.

Encouraged by faith to see such a journey succeed, a global, personal endeavour of this scale requires that by its very nature, we have to build and organically grow upon a grassroots focus away from any infrastructure that causes us to be unable to accept the influence of another to replace the vision of our hard earned plethora of self desires. Because one thing we will never do, is apologize for standing up for our feelings as they belong not only within our minds and hearts, but in the memories of those who wish to intimately know us as well.

This is how respect is gained, by using hope as a medium to become responsible for turning into a feeling from an idea within a hurting society into a thriving place of wealth we can call home. Enriching a hallmark of understanding where pride makes its mark in the spirit of all who can truly feel it. Secure in the destiny we as individual people bring about by doing things which to others may seem ordinary...but to us, extra special as they make us who we are today.

We need to grow out of the mind set that it is 'us' versus 'them' because all that does, is reaffirm our anger at actions that are never given a chance to decay through the presence of our time spent away from their disastrous effects. We must set a new standard that speaks to a full term investment for humanity as a whole, to prioritize our own needs and wishes without anyone else being a catalyst to distract, devalue and deter people from achieving our dreams while we are alive on Earth. Furthermore, at the culmination of our power, lies our attention. It is the most precious gift we can ever show one another. Not only does it speak to our equality, but it also creates a pathway to support our diversity, instead of defining our indifference to the environment we manufacture around us.

We must most importantly, be able to tell the world that as a human soul, and as those who are under our tender love and care can attest to this fact. "We are not expendable under any circumstance to any being." And...that neither ourselves nor the images of those we trust to look up to shall define in strength or weakness, any moment of our lives we give away our power to by trust or influence. As these things are earned, not demanded of or commanded by any who speaks to the betterment of our needs which we alone account for in our own way.

We must take note of the fact that should any foreign oversight ever be able to effect us to such a degree, one shall never be able to override us to the point where we have to provide or accommodate an acceptable compromise of our free will. For none are available to give away apart from those collected in the name of existentially sentient action.

To this pledge, allegiance is given to every man woman and child, so we may empower the need to overcome all forms of sacrifice, betrayal and hardship by the personal experiences of collective memory and educative forethought. This is the reason why we defend our essential consciousness. Mastering the rights and liberties of freedom, choice and co-creative accreditation to who we are as an identity of unconditional and irreplaceable purpose.

We all may have our time cut short on this planet, but not by situations which are preventable through the guiding hand of communities living under the gentle embrace of soulful presence. This formal declaration marks the X on the spot in our future, where we turn away from those who would blind us with nonsense. Fuelled by satirical lies and psychologically insane ideals.

We are smarter than today's victimized cry baby generation of air headed shills and hypocritically false prophets. Count yourself among the ruling elite if you can likewise interpret the following statement as being truly accurate about yourself under any context. "IT does not matter where I come from, but where I am headed towards as I change who I am along the way to become all I set to out to be."

I feel it is my goal to attempt to uplift anyone I meet into a place where they can trust, love and learn without having to over think and endlessly call into question the real discoveries we make together along the way. Without the World Economic Forum's help, I am damn sure we would be well on our way to becoming a prosperous and enlightened global community of people passionate about each other and our over all wealth defined by livelihoods, not hooded lives.

To me, this seems like common sense. I'd love to understand your thoughts on this issue. For I believe we can make a difference as we are. I will always support the wonderful people who I have met on this network in kinder times who do not need to answer to a corrupt chain of command of any size. Together we will overcome this madness, I know it.

Now, if you will, let me pass the question off to you. Do you know someone who actively is trying to overcome the World Economic Forum with present efforts of any measurement of success in this regard? Or are you aware of anyone, including yourself, who would be willing to put their life on the line for the safety, security and welfare of humanity and stand without cowardice against these international criminals? What would make the process putting them on mass trial easier. Between all of us present in this discussion, we can plan, strategize and actually implement constructively productive change one event at a time. Are you interested in building a better world with me? I am motivated to carefully cultivate it back from those who have abused its right, my right, your right and our rights to be here.

Wishing you the very best in all that you do. With warm regards, Sirian Starlight

Views: 101

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for the post!

You're welcome. I should probably keep you updated with their agenda. This is what I'm talking about. It all looks real good on the surface, until you realize that you have no choice but to accept it or reject their way of doing things in its entirety if you wish to reclaim spiritual independence from what they would term, global expectancy.

Pisses me off too !!!


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