Underneath the Hedgerow: berries are plump and full, eaten by Fieldfares and Waxwings.
Old tawney owl blinks sagely nestled in ancient Elm
Underneath the hedgerow,
a fox wandered by investigating the activity taking place there.
Underneath the hedgerow,
drips fall to the ground, nourishing and revitalising the earth.
Smells of leaf and damp permeate the air.
Underneath the hedgerow;
the little creatures shelter from the deluge from above, the run off tunnel has saved the day.
Underneath the hedgerow:
Goldfinches flutter and flitter,Dunnocks nervously flick through the leaf litter.
Under the hedgerow
a blackbird sat and sheltered while a Robin fidgetied and fussed never settling jumping through the hawthorn branches.
Under the hedgerow
leaves are falling holding in moisture, hedgehogs snuffle about catching worms and grubs for dinner.
Hedgerows growing wild,hiding a little world below.
Who lives beneath the hedgerow?

Views: 395

Replies to This Discussion

What a beautiful evocation of a world unseen to most. Thanks for posting this.

Thank you for your kind comments.

an eye for the uncommon beauties.. : )

Thank you kind sir, I appreciate the encouragement.

I love it when someone writes in this style,,,, awesome ;} 

Thank you for the compliment.So happy you like the poems.


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