Dance of the midnight aura.
As darkness came creeping round
And mist shook hands in friendly meet
Round about the tree trunks wrapped
A shawl of woolly misty cold.
Trees that had distinctive shape
Dissolved into grey ghostly night
Silence that deafened the most astute ear
Small lights beagan to flit and float
Amid the trees there appeared a little boat.
Across the air it sped at speed
Fulfilling some unuttered need
Avoiding trunks old and twisted
Unseen the lights twinkled clear
In a line left the ships of the air.
They formed in circles and twirled around
Dancing wildly with out a sound
Never stopping ,never ceasing
On and on they swirled and cantered
Until the sun in eastern sky
Did the fey lights fly
Back into their little ships
Floating off in wisps of fog
Between the trees of ancient mein.

Andrew Provan Mcintyre.

Views: 172

Replies to This Discussion

you have a beautiful way with words...i like this very much : )


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