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Hi johnkent.  Yes, this is a real site, but it's not the official site of The Illuminati, i.e. the infamous trauma based occult bloodline and 'secret society', one of many factions that have a negative hold over planet Earth....  Just pointing that out in case there is any confusion there.... But welcome, whatever your aim is.  :3  Namaste.

Welcome? You say I am welcome? Well, are you sure there is freedom of speech on TI? - Some administrators of TI in the past were very fast on flushing, banning people over nothing. It did happened to me on many occasions here and other similar sites like this one.... I am not the only one. I dare not to speak my mind because I am afraid now that my way of writing will be deformed and manipulated, by some...I sure hope provocators, child minded people and trolls could be banished instead of people like me who wish sometimes to follow another trend and they get flushed by seniors here who has a final say on everything. so far. Will it change? Cause, if I do not go along the current trend of TI (at times), we get flushed very fast. Welcome....are you sure? I wish I could believe you. 0.o

Great work Leila. Very interesting topics.Introduce Eastern Religions discussions like-Taoism,Hinayana,etc.,in modern world

Hi Mark,

Welcome to the site.   It seems we have a few things in common.  I've sent you a friendship request, anyway.

Hello everyone. I am new here and am grateful for the kind welcome and warm place to gather. I've so enjoyed reading the posts and thoughts of everyone here. I find that the more I realize I don't know, the more I want to learn. I am quite busy with family and work and won't be able to post and read as much as I would like. However, I will pop in here and learn from all of you as much as I can.

Blessed Be!

Hello! I'm new as well. Welcome! And I agree with you, I wish to learn as much as possible.

Hello, I'm RaSoul!

I'm into Intuitive Christianity, which pretty much means we believe faith is intuition and love is the energy frequency that we are supposed to evolve into perfection. Perfect love is selfless love, and selfless love, is existing without the need of the soul. The spirit and body are then able to join and exist at a higher consciousness level. 

Spirituality is still pretty new to me, but it hit me, and I'll never turn back. Following intuition, even when it doesn't seem logical, is a bit scary, but at the same time it's fascinating. I never knew what living in the now truly meant until I made a promise to give up doubt, fear, and thoughts of tomorrow and just do. I'm always learning something new. I love it!

Well, that's me, I look forward to meeting new people and learning about their hearts. 

Hi Rasoul.  Welcome to the site.  I've never heard of intuitive Christianity before - is that a Christian movement or your own personal jnvention?  But I get what you mean about following intuition, I think that's quite hard to do and is a really big achievement in itself, never mind all the other spiritual commitments you've made.  I'm not a Christian, but I'm impressed! :) 

Hello Molly, 

Thank you for welcoming me. 

I think I've seen Intuitive Christianity somewhere before, but for the most part it's something I've come up with. It could be a new movement, but right now it's my thing. I'm just going with the flow. I don't particularly need labels or titles for my faith, I simply seek the Light; but some people need it. Christ is my foundation, and intuition is the metaphysical aspect. 

And yes it is scary sometimes, but I'm learning and growing so much that it's amazing as well.

What are you into? 


Hi Rasoul,

It sounds like you have a really clear idea of where you are and where you're going, and it makes a lot of sense. I think it's a huge deal to be able to trust your intuition.  Most of us just ignore it until life trips us up.  :)

Me, I'm just an eclectic.  A jack of all trades, master of none, I guess, but it suits me fine as I have no ambitions except to keep being what I already am, without sounding too egotistical - by this I mean in the broadest sense, allowing for growth of course!  I guess I've looked into a lot of different things over the years but never felt I could commit myself to any of them fully without feeling like a fraud. But I'm colored by the Shamanic way, Starseed'Starnations' philosophy/ET influence on our genetics and human evolution, and a lot of other things thrown in like Taoism, Hermeticism, Thelema, natural Witchcraft/Heathenism, Druidry, Sufism, Zen Buddhism, and Tantra.  Like I said, a bit of all sorts. Oh, and I love Jesus, too, and Quakerism, but I find the Holy Bible as a reference in itself a bit hard going!

Having said that I think as I've got older I'm finding the idea of settling into a particular way as a 'foundation' as you put it, more appealing, though I get a little nervous and uncomfortable around too much structure, truth be told, yet a little attracted to it at the same time when I see the potential for social cohesion, celebration and joy through it, too.  There's pluses and minuses, I guess - prison or framework, depending on how perceive it. 

I find I learn so much from the way others do things as well, and their perspectives - one of the reasons why I'm here, too. :-)

Wow! So pretty much you're just cool. I have never even heard of half of those practices. I will most definitely be spending time with Google later. Human evolution, though, i'm into that as well. Wasn't at first, but I definitely see the light now. What are your thoughts on the subject? It sounds like you're doing alright, forget social cohesion. We're meant to experience life in a specific unique way, you're nervousness may be nothing more than your spirit telling you to keep experiencing. It hasn't found its home yet. Keep doing what you're doing; it's sounds to me like you're already walking the intuition rope.   

Lol, I read through what I wrote and it does sound like I have it all together, but talking to you has made me really understand that I don't, or I'm not portraying myself in the right way. 

It's not that the bible is my foundation or reference, it was more like a sledgehammer breaking through acquired lies of my upbringing. I grew up in a Christian home and they are still very much into their faith, so I hear the closed minded perception of God all the time. When I was led to seek the truth of who we are, of course in my opinion, I had to begin at the root of my hesitation. I've always known there was a higher power, there was more to the world, but the God I was taught about seemed to hate so much. I could never get with that. I just didn't have a problem with so many things, and then you know me coming to terms with my partner preference was also a big factor in my deity escape. So I went to other religions, faiths, and spiritual practices; but they were all missing something. One day I was led to the Rudolf Steiner archives, he was an Austrian esoteric who made me see Jesus in the eyes of the Universe. Then I looked back at the bible, and I found all of these truths about what really was going on, and it was like every stone in the world just rose from my chest. I'm not hated, I'm not sinful, I'm light, and light is energy. I'm energy that is meant to rise to the frequency level of life, as Jesus did. Jesus obtained the consciousness level of perfect love, which is selfless love. How did he do this? Walking by faith or intuition; doubt, fear, and hesitation didn't live in his mind. He just did what was already written. 

Once I reached this understanding, I realized the bible held nothing more for me. It freed me, showed me that we are something more, and that Christ, who is energy, who is love, which all fits nicely into the word spirit is my attainment. This spiritual journey doesn't come with walls, you simply have to follow your gut feeling, and see what happens. Lol! Not easy for a control freak like myself. 

Now I'm learning about the energy world, how to cultivate it and raise my consciousness level. It's different, I'll say that, but intriguing. We're fascinating entities. I struggle with quieting my mind on a regular basis, but I'm slowly coming into my own. 

Hello all. I'm here, seems pagan space is a twin to this site! I like this one better so far but am generally not fond of Ning sites. lol I'm a seeker on the TWC path, formerly a Druid pather from ADF.


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