Can we change our FUTURE just by wearing some stones or by reciting some prayers/ mantram/ runes etc?

Is it so easy to self realize?

Why do we want the easy way out?

Why change the Future?

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Can we change our future that we received because of the time of our birth?

Sorry Academic you took the discussion the other way round. It says whether by JUST using some stones, prayers or mantram can we change the future. Don't you need to change? Then why are we given the Intelligence and Freewill if only astrology or for that reason any other practice can predict a future that cannot be changed. And if the future can be changed can it be done without the very you changing that you are now.

Thanking you. With Abundance of Peace and Love.

I think the choices we make now determine our future. If I drink heavily and I stop then I am changing the future of not dying from an alcohol related disease. As in you become the chess master in life to your own chess game. But the board is gods board....ya know. The cleaning up of our karma also helps change the future mostly i think the cleaning of our karma and the choices i make now will result in a healthier happier life for myself. As in life there are unforeseen events that are beyond our control. The first thing I think of when I hear future is that all of our futures result in death.


Thank you for the great answer. We know that our astrological chart is made because of our Past Karmas. Now that determines our future if we do not want to change. The divinity has given us freewill and wisdom to be utilized. If we utilize the same and change our karma that we do in the present then it negates some of our previous karma and as such a change in the future becomes inevitable. 

One more thing "The first thing I think of when I hear future is that all of our futures result in death" is a little more than what you have said. With every change we die for a new us. Then why should the physical death bother us so much. Why not be happy with the death of the bad karma. Is that not living.

Thanking you. With Abundance of Peace and Love.

I was thinking that too how we die and are reborn a billion times upon this planet. If today I chant and it opens me up spiritually then tomorrow is changed for me. When we are opened up and live a spiritual life that is not taking the easy way out but a couragious path inward.


Beautiful response...;))

I understand that you believe that our future is already written in stone and there is illusion of freewill and becoming self aware. This means that we are only puppets or robots performing to someone's will. Do you think that the divinity has given us no choice? Is he a Hitler making us play according to his whims, giving us pains and pleasures?

Yes we have been already born and then died an eternity over but we can get over this cycle of birth and death just by becoming aware of our sleep/robotic behaviour and changing ourselves- in other words becoming Self Realized. Yes we have to worry of life if we want to stop going in circles and circles.

We need to become Enlightened- a person above this cycle of life and death.

1. it has to do with the intention behind such items, if sincere it will lead to change.

2. it is not easy in my opinion, the ego opposes this at every step, but it is much easier to listen to our intuition than our ego because it is natural

3. deep down inside i think everyone wants peace of mind, but it's opposite seems attractively because of the instant gratification of the senses.

4. The future like the past is an illusion.  The only reality of time is the present.  Changing the future could be interpreted as altering the present by changing intention.

Dear Akasha,

Our intentions are mostly misleading. Remember Hitler, Osama bin laden, Nero to name a few or for that matter all the terrorists- they all according to them have good intentions but not the right view or the right effort to match their intentions. Yes intentions bad/good will lead to change. 

We also know that it is not easy for us to match the egos but should we give in without a fight and those desires/gratifications are just the armoury of the egos to create a deep wound within us.

Regards the future being an illusion, so is everything and we can only change if we change in the present because morrow never comes.

Thanking you. With Abundance of Peace and Love.


i was replying to the initial post.  i haven't read any of the others yet, but i will

okay, now that ive read the complete post..  i can respond appropriately...

the initial post had to with the simple question of can we alter the future using beads and prayers, and i said we could based on our intention.  I didn't say whether or not this would or should lead to a positive change.  

i agree that we should not let our egos "win" in the "fight" for spiritual ascension...

and i think that your last statement is succinct and i concur 

love and light :)

Dear Akasha,

i fully understand what you meant and thanks for joining the discussion. Though we know a whole lot of things we rarely work on them. We generally take the lazy way out thinking that a mantaram/some stones/beads extra will bail us out of the predicament. We don't work on ourselves and just go about creating good images of ourselves.

This is what i am referring to.

Thanking you. 

i think we are just saying the same thing in a different way...

Hitler did change the "future" in the "past" but he did it negatively using his intention..  its completely up to us to use our free will constructively for the benefit of all  using spirit, our intuition as our guide

our astrological chart is the blueprint of our self, but it doesn't control us absolutely, just like our physical traits can only limit us to a degree and can't define us in any absolute sense


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