There are many in this day and age who believe that the lost land of Atlantis will soon be found. There are still others who believe that it is here and now on a different plane/dimension of reality. We can debate its existence but I believe it was and is a real place.  Through channeling of various varieties and modalities of knowledge/healing and wisdom Atlantis shows that it is still a place that has an effect on the world today.

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Enter the world where old memories of stones that stood on the edge of the world, where the ancient ones took dolphin and whale form, that spoke the secrets to the priestess that was the messenger. What is the purpose of remembering the time where we didnt listen to the ones who held the answers so willingly given to the ones who chose to walk as human beings. Silence falls where lessons were not learnt. A mistake was repeated in Atlantis, we chose to think that we were bigger than the ones who lived beneath the sea.

How this memory burns. Look deep and learn the lessons of old, for it is the lessons of old that will seal your future self.

Experts believe that America's west coast was once part of Atlantis. Seriously.
Thanks so much for your thoughts! BB...~M~

As a Civilization,it was not the first,for ancient Lemuria was very old already when Atlantis rose to prominence technologically.In fact when Lemuria went down in the Pacific,Atlantis used it's technological capabilities to help re-locate Lemurian's to safer ground where many of the people survived to this day.It is said that the "Nephilim" were their "God's" and the giant "Heads" on Easter Island were built to honor them.

In my opinion,Atlantis was the Mother-Civilization of our "Modern times" civilization's in ancient Mesopotamia,Egypt,Greece,Rome,and so forth.They were her "children" civilizations,her off-spring of survivors.

I will also mention that although our "accepted" written histories only go back to the flood, the "Human" has walked the Earth in different stages of development for MILLIONS of years.Where is the History of,or knowledge of that has been handed down from those years?

Could Man upon the Earth have risen to our true spiritual potential if we hadn't been side tracked by Religion all this time?, with the Truth being suppressed by the Church's so that they could rule over Man while the "Master's" were away?

I don't know ,I have included some articles so that you may decide for yourself,but I think we're all going to find out real soon anyway.

bearwalker58, Thanks do much for all of the interesting files on this subject. I have studied Churchward's work as well. I however believe that Mu and Atlantis were in fact 2 different places, while so many who investigate think it is just another mane for Atlantis. I researched Churchward's work on the book "The Lost Continent of Mu" FASCINATING!

Oh yes Maighread ,they were in 2 different places.1 was located in Pacific,and 1 located in Atlantic. Lemuria was about 250,000 yrs.old,Atlantis was about 128,000 yrs.according to Cayce with about 40,000 yrs. overlapping. And according to Col. Churchward the Lemurian people were brown and lived under ground for protection from the great beasts that still roamed their Land.Yet,there knowledge of Science was unbelievable wasn't it? It was this Civilization that I finished in,for I could find no further proof of an earlier one other than a mention in Lemurian records that speak of an even earlier time of humanity.

To even think of a Civilization being even 128,000 yrs. old is mind-boggling to say the least.We at this time can't even think past 12,000 yrs. ,never mind 250,000.

One could even just throw the information away as absurd if it wasn't for the fact that modern archeological discoveries are turning up artifacts MILLIONS of years old, things that shouldn't be but are!

And throughout all this time,the God's have come,and the God's had left ,and if the Sumerian Texts hold true,they are on their way re-establish their Supremacy over Man upon the Earth.

For they did not create the "Human",they merely sped up our evolutionary cycle by potentially 100,000's of years.

There are "fossilized" bones of  "Modern Man".

But that's another topic.

Thank you once again for your insightful input! BB...~M~

Wait!, almost done.

Now...once you've had a good read of Atlantis material,I'd like to draw your attention to a little spot in the Atlantic that as far as I'm concerned,pretty well nails the location of the sunken City civilization of Atlantis.

This location corresponds to both Plato's account(of which he had learned from his teacher,Plains to south of Great City,Mountains to north),and Edgar Cayce's predictions of Atlantis rising in the Bimini Islands area.

The latest discovery being claimed as Atlantis in Spain is incorrect I believe,but I leave that up to others to decide for themselves,I merely would like to offer up another locale as potential.

What you will see is not natural on the ocean's floor and is actually about the size of Wales.

Have a look in GoogleEarth;

Atlantis? -  31 18' 50.20" N

                 24 21' 21.96" W

                 elev.: -17904

                 Eye alt. : 205.43 mi

* also,a little S.W. of the "City",there is a huge mountain plateau,monstrous!,and it rises about 16,000 ft. from ocean floor ,large enough to hold the Temple of Zeus!,and within sight of the City, Mt. Olympus maybe?

Interesting! However I believe that the site in Spain may have been an out post of the great continent founded by explores form the west. In the writings of Churchward he theorizes that Atlantis is in the Azores. Thanks again! BB...~M~

Yes I know. :)

The Azores is just north of this location I gave.

Also,I'd like to mention that not too long ago,I came across an article by a researcher who claims that the ice shelf of the Antarctic itself hides the Continent of Atlantis from the World.That it was pushed there from Teutonic plate movements during the last polar shift. I think he was basing this on an ancient Piri Reis map and modern satellite imagery ,I'm not sure,but nonetheless,there still exists those strange markings as if it were streets of a city,right on the bottom of the ocean ,with mountains to north,plains to south,and within sight of a mountain plateau where it is said that a monstrous Temple was built to honor Zeus and served as planetary base of the God's and was called Mt. Olympus.

To me, it fits better than the Antarctic does,but who knows ,he could be right too.

Thank you so much for your input on this subject! BB...~M~


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